OK, You Tube downloads.
Been messing for a couple of days on and off, and I used an "Any Video Converter" try-out program to get a few downloads, but I'm looking to make a compilation video of Russian protesters and I'm wanting to DL YT videos to my comp as MP4. So before I dive in, anyone have experience with a good and / or cheap program?
I want to DL the vids and load 'em up to produce a new video and then edit, to be shown while an original tune will be the audio. The video part is hanging me up a little at the moment.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Are you looking for a browser
Are you looking for a browser plugin to download videos, or an editor to compile them? Also, what operating system are you using, and which browser?
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Just an editor.
Just an editor.
Download to my comp. I have 3 vids now. Then I'll throw them in a Windows movie maker file and edit for loading to YT. Think I'm currently using Windows 7 Pro. And Chrome.
Will be going to 10 soon. I need to move to my newer comp eventually.
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It's been a while for me,
It's been a while for me, like 10 years at least, but as I recall, Windows Movie Maker did a pretty good job with the kind of project you're proposing, Slick. You can drag and drop individual videos fairly easily into a compilation video. What I'm not remembering is whether WMM lets you save to MP4, but if you're going to upload to YT, I believe you can upload WMV files.
Maybe I'm missing something here?
Edit: It just occurred to me that you might be talking about adding your music to the compilation. I'm not sure about that with WMM.
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Getting the YT vids to my
Getting the YT vids to my comp in MP4 stylee is my queston. I'll do the video, then add my original song.
Thanks Mike.
I think I'll put in some more time investigating what Windows can do for me now. I think the deal with Ultimate is you can only do a couple a day for trial.
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My DL just now worked fine.
My DL just now worked fine.
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It's been a while for me,
It's been a while for me, like 10 years at least, but as I recall, Windows Movie Maker did a pretty good job with the kind of project you're proposing, Slick.<<<
Yes, WMM was very user friendly, but found it's long been abandoned by Microsoft. I believe you can still download an older version somewhere out there, but I couldn't get it to install on Windows 10. Wound up using an old laptop that still had Windows 8.x installed with WMM still on it.
I'm not sure what Microsoft now pushes as a "replacement" app?
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https://www.techsmith.com/video-editor.html for PC and http://www.telestream.net/screenflow/overview.htm for Mac