Billy in Philly


Saturday, November 12th

Set 1:

Taking Water >
Ice Bridges
In the Morning Light
Must Be Seven >
Pyramid Country >
Ole Slew-Foot
Nothing's Working
Cold on the Shoulder
Slow Train
A Face in the Crowd
Highway Hypnosis
Open Up Them Pearly Gates
Oh, the Wind and Rain
Sally Goodin

As G.Dad would say, places people.As G dad would say, places people.

I know this is free, but nugs is really fucking up tonight. Flow-killing lags during Highway Hypnosis and Psycho > Hide and Seek.

Set 2:

Everything's the Same
Doin' Things Right >
Southern Flavor >
Dealing Despair
Leaders >
All Fall Down
Running the Route
Rank Stranger
Psycho >
Hide and Seek


Hold the Woodpile Down

Awesome venue, great sound, sweet crowd and fantastic music and light show. Wish I could stay for tonight's show but headed on a slow train to the Newark airport soon..



 and I like the poster a lot but was late getting to the merch table, oh well. 




Smoking show in person, 7>Pyramid>Slewfoot!!, the Shoulder and All Fall down covers were just almost perfect.

A lot of love in that room, much warmer environs than last year at the FillmorePhilly

Short 1hr 2nd set, Bill finished by 11:15 last night...JRAD went to 12:20 Friday at the MetPhilly, so I doubt a curfew.


Great show!  They got deep into some jams where I had to stop and consciously remember what band this was.  It was the first time I've seen him in person since he toured with Don Julin 2015?.

Good stuff!  I thought adding the violin really brought depth and breadth to the sound.

Glad to see you made it Nancy!  I would have loved to run into you.   Cheers!

Sunday, November 13th

Set 1:

Fire On My Tongue >
Black Clouds
Way Downtown
End of the Rainbow
While I’m Waiting Here
Shenandoah Valley Breakdown
Heartbeat of America
Fiddling Around
Dust in a Baggie
Freight Train Boogie

Set 2:

On The Line
Ernest T Grass
How Mountain Girls Can Love
Fire Line
Thirst Mutilator >
Hollow Heart
Make Me Down a Pallet on Your Floor
The Stream Lined Cannonball
Love and Regret
I’ll Remember You Love In My Prayers
Look Up, Look Down That Lonesome Road
Turmoil and Tinfoil
I’m Gone, Long Gone

>Glad to see you made it Nancy!  I would have loved to run into you.   Cheers!

thanks and likewise. I was on the floor about 10 'rows' back center hanging with my nephew and some sweet people we met there. Tracy, Jim etc. Super considerate and kind crowd. No drunks in our vicinity, just happy people chugging cans of clean cool water. No loud talkers either. Just a great vibe. Philly was nice!



Enjoy the small venues.   Arena tour coming next spring..   :/

Let's hope Billy resists playing the huge arenas/stadiums and just hunkers down for a few days in each City on tour



3500 in Philly was perfect