Party in China


From Post on Reddit:

Hey guys, it’s happening again. Last night my friends went out to a club and the cops showed up, barricaded the club, separated everyone by gender and piss tested them. People who tested positive on the piss test got hair strand drug tested as well. I would stay away from clubs for a while if you are using / have used recently even if it wasn’t in China, you can still get deported if u test positive regardless of where you did the drugs. Stay safe yall !

Reminder: when they last performed these urine tests many who tested positive got taken to the station and offered deals if they gave up their dealers (usually lower fine, shorter detention, still often no visa renewal or deportation). this subreddit was full with comments from folks who had gone through that.

cops also went through their phones and would visit the ten or so most recent contacts. there were a lot of people sleeping on couches of friends for a while, afraid to be home when the cops would come knocking with a test.

You don't have to be in one of these clubs to get invited to a urine test.