25 years ago today/Fuck You Helicopters


Well, it really wasn't the helicopter's fault, but such a senseless waste of life needs to have a culprit.

25 years ago today Bill Graham, along with his long-time friend & personal pilot Steve "Killer" Kahn and his close friend Melissa Gold died in that damned helicopter crash.

That tragic event affected many people that knew those folks well. Personally I didn't know any of them well at all, but that event changed the entire course of my life. Looking back, positively or negatively changed is something I have often contemplated over these years. Most likely some of each, and I'm certainly not complaining about how things turned out for me, but one way or another my life would have been dramatically different if Bill had listened to all advice and not gotten into that helicopter on such a stormy night.

One of the things that Bill Graham preached to his staff constantly over the years was that in all situations, and especially if you're not sure how to proceed, always use common sense to dictate a decision. How ironic that he didn't follow his own mantra and allowed ego & expediency to dictate his actions that night, and he paid the ultimate price for that mistake.

So because of that one decision by someone who barely knew my name, instead of being a BGP management lifer I ultimately became a full-time teacher.

Ah, the strange vicissitudes of life.

And on it goes.

He was far from perfect, but he was larger than life. The most dynamic individual I've ever been around, he had a great business mind who believed that quality was always the key (rare for most business minds), he was a great manager & leader and he was a far more thoughtful, generous & kind person than he ever wanted people to know.

We still miss ya' Bill.





bills show.jpg

I'm reading Bill Graham presents paper back edition. What an interesting life he lived. What a character, highly recommend it.

The book is old, but my first time reading it.

Well yeah, after I thought about it for a moment, the crash was 29 years ago, not 25.

That's what I get for reacting to a facebook post from another BGP staffer without noticing the "Four Years Ago" bit on the post.

I too am far from perfect.

Still, everything else is accurate, and I'm always happy to remember the man.




>>>>Bill Graham presents

Good book with tons of stories and interviews.  One of the best rock n roll biographies out there.   He lived a full life for sure and died for the rock.

Larger than life


far from perfect 

but gave us a lot.  Lucky to be in that time and place.   Did we mention he adored the dead?

Larger than life

Worth repeating 

far from perfect 

but gave us a lot.  Lucky to be in that time and place.  
Did we mention he super duper adored the dead?

He got the GD to Egypt!
