Robert Hunter's online journal


Another thread got me thinking about it ... since it's been a long time since I paid attention, let alone being riveted by every new post he had made.   It helped a lot in the years after Jerry had died, perhaps even more than the music of surviving members and others.

Here's a link to the "old journal":


I remember it well. Probably have read it 6 or 7 times.

Robert Hunters discography is way past due for a comprehensive reissue campaign and I'd like to see an assembly of his various writings, beyond song lyrics and poetry 

rh was writing short fiction about 20 years ago, and shared some stories on DNC. iirc, he did that while he was shopping around a novel he had written.

Very interesting, I'd never heard of his journal.Thanks

Thank you for posting this, I didn't know about it.

I was a regular reader in the early aughts.  There are some real gems in there. Glad it's still up.