How do you edit your profile?


Can someone post step by step for adding an email address or a picture?

I tried the "Edit Profile" link, put in an email address in the "Public Email Address" section,  I then click the save button at the bottom of the page but changes are never saved. Same thing for adding a picture.  What is the secret to making public profile changes?

I just added (and later deleted) a public email address and also added a city, clicked save at the bottom of the page and the changes were saved.

I don't know why it would work for one of us and not another. Maybe we need a larger sample group.?

Ok, so I've had the same problem, but I figured out the glitchbug.

From what I experienced, the box that is populated with your email (the one that is not public, but for viva) automatically reverts to my zoner handle. When I repopulate it with my email it worked. It still reverts back to Trailhead each time...

Now you all can go to my profile and see my handsome photowink

My, what a handsome photo! Thanks for the explanation, Trailhead, I hope it helps C>R.

Trailhead, I see the same bug.  China>Rider is populated in the email box.  I tried putting in the email but it is still not editing my profile, I can't get a public email or picture to show  :-( 

I've asked lava to take a look at this problem.

lava is on it, and may get in touch with one of you to help him investigate.

Ok. yes

Still an issue,  I cannot change my name to be a Halloween name :-(

I cannot change ANY of my profile, not just adding a picture or a public email address.

I am to ring that silent bell forever. 

 I will bring lava's attention to this problem again. Is this on all "devices"? What browser? He always wants to know those things.

I wish this weren't still a problem.

I corresponded with Lava last time with that info...I tried from Win10, iPhone, iPad, and Ubuntu, with Safari, IE and Firefox.  Hopefully we will figure it out, I'm not the only one with the issue. 

This is one of those times when I wish I knew much more than I know. I asked him to check into it, and to look here. I'll do that again.

Have you ever been able to change anything in your profile? And China>Rider, even if it were only you with the issue, I would want it fixed.

Yes, I remember changing it last year for Halloween but I don’t think I have ever been able to on Viva.

Thank you Lava and Judit, the problem is fixed!    smiley

Good! lava to the rescue!