Try selling it and then come back and report the real value.
Bitcoin functioned from behind the scenes for years as straight 1for1 currency for the sole purpose of hiding transactions. There is no value beyond using the currency as an exchange for goods.
I remember that shot with Mt Gox. Right around the time Silk Road went down. Obviously, the two were connected. Bitcoin has really turned into a great way for rich people and the cartel to launder and embezzle money.
My friend has made a ton of money buying and selling bit coin. He has been doing it for years and I bet he has made close to 100,000 doing it. He has a few coputers mining for them (whatever that is)
Read up on the 'crypto-currencies' a while back. From what I gathered BTC mining is not quite as rewarding as 'the old days'. The cost of electricity to run a nest of PC's offsets the gains.
However, if you are the administrator for say a School, Office, or other place with a large network, you could set all the machines to mine all night long.
That was one guy's story.
What sketches me out is the scarcity of places to cash out the Cryptos, but I probably did not do enough research.
I am a simpleton who sells Firewood. Here's your Oak, thanks for the Ca$h, now I can go buy a Pizza and bag of Dog Food.
I like Bitcoin and have since 2013 ,buying most significant dips but jumped in bigtime summer 2015- winter 2016 when it was clear which way this crypto thing was going.
Moved a bunch of the profits into Ether about 2 months back.
I like Ether even more.
Their smart contract use of this technology is being adopted by more and more big banks and corporations.
The block chain is here to stay and it's going to slowly change everything.
Pretty happy I didn't listen to the naysayers around here.
I keep some walking around/ trading money in the Coinbase account, but the bulk of it gets moved offline pretty quickly. The exchanges do get hacked from time to time.
Do you, like stocks, pay taxes on your investment based on appreciation or depreciation? I would think you are supposed to. I wonder what way you need to show said appreciation or depreciation? I don't think there is a form for that a bitcoin "bank" has to produce.
I payed capital gains in 2015 and 2016 when I first took profits, the amount of my initial buy in, but the govt doesn't as yet consider currency an "investment", so it's a bit of a grey area and the are trying to codify it better. I do know that have asked for Coinbase Records from 2013-2015 and that has caused a stir.
Btc = 2265
Eth = 170
Anyone know where I can pick up a nice monocle and top hat soon?
The recent burst is nice but seems unsustainable and is a little scary.
I'd like to see a little pullback for more buying opportunities.
My last price alert for Ether was set at $43. Won't see that again any time soon.
Oh it definitely goes down. I see those as buying opportunities, though. We seem to be in a bit of a bubble now and I don't write any checks until the cash is in USD in my account, but for the foreseeable future, some of these alt coins are a long term hold, imo.
We are just at the tip of the iceberg with blockchain applications and I see articles every day about established businesses moving towards this technology.
Coupled with the demonization of cash and "experiments" like India recently held, eliminating cash altogether, this really looks like it's only headed in one direction.
My understanding is that corporations are buying it up so they can pay off ransom ware if they get infected.
On another note I know an addiction specialist who takes bitcoin who got a lot of new patients when silk road first went down. People had lots of bitcoin and no where to spend it.
“The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. Probably at the next gas station.”
Does anyone who is speculating in this currencies have a problem with how a large percentage of use is due to purchasing large quantities of synthetic opiods from Chinese labs?
>> Does anyone who is speculating in this currencies have a problem with how a large percentage of use is due to purchasing large quantities of synthetic opiods from Chinese labs?
<<<Does anyone who is speculating in this currencies have a problem with how a large percentage of use is due to purchasing large quantities of synthetic opiods from Chinese labs
About as much problem as I have with them using USD, which is still, by and far, the preferred currency of sketch around the globe.
i have a buddy who made 40k selling bitcoins a few years ago which he used as the downpayment on a houseboat.
if he had sold those bitcoins now he would have made well over 400k
i was a part of the online drug market before sites like the silk road and bitcoin, when it was all just amorphous groups on message boards, posting their "menus" and doing business via encrypted emails and envelopes full of cash. i do not miss services like western union, mt gox or liberty reserve, holy shit
just another missed opportunity...if i had bought bitcoins when folks around me first started mentioning their increases in value, i could be a millionaire...
Jamie Dimon had some not so great things to say about bitcoin recently, but coming from the guy that practically caused the financial crisis 10 years ago, his comments seem to have had the reverse effect as intended in the crypto community.
Litecoin and Iota are two more i've added since June.
>>> the guy that practically caused the financial crisis 10 years ago
that's just silly, JP Morgan was one of the few banks that remained solid, it was marginally involved in mortgage securities. The real culprits were the unregulated lenders (unregulated thanks to Dick & Dumber) such as Countrywide, New century, Qucikloans, etc....aided and abetted by ratings agencies that rated bumdles of these shitty loans AAA.
it should also be noted that JP Morgan is quietly working on its own Blockchain project called Quorum that works on Ethereum, so Dimon's comments come off as disingenuous at the very least.
Don't forget Jr's Sec of the Treasury, Henry Paulson, it was his decision to let Lehman Brothers die, supposedly for personal reasons, that really got the crisis rolling...
As the DOJ said, these fines were for the behavior of Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual (both acquired by JP Morgan during the crisis) as well as JP Morgan.
Bear and Washington Mutual were MUCH bigger players in mortgages than was JPM/Chase.
In sum:
Was JP Morgan a bank? Yes.
Did it make shitty loans, just like any other bank? Yes.
Did JP Morgan practically cause the mortgage crisis? No.
Yeah, I was obviously using "practically" a little hyperbolically.
I surely don't believe one man or even one institution was responsible for this. He is a good personification of the overall problem for our purposes in this discussion and l was speaking broadly, given his comments.
Sorry you didn't get that, but the condescending remedial history lesson was mildly entertaining.
Maybe you are just confused like you were on election night when you were blaming VA "Bernie Bros" for the downfall of western civilization as the state was going blue.
But crypto has worked out brilliantly for me so far over the past four years.
I've worked it to outpace many of my other traditional investments over that time period.
The fact that it's house money at this point and only represents a tiny percentage of what I'm working with keeps it fun and dispassionate for me.
Just recently dipped in to the last four on the list to have a little skin in the game.
Heavy and long on BTC and ETH with LTC in third place.
Tell me about Golem, Bro.
Granted, it's not unlike the dot com era and there are thousands of these ICOs that will go bust almost immediately, but, like the dot com era, there will emerge standards going forward that are powerhouses and people that got in on those (now) standards at the end of the '90s are sitting on some nice money in many cases.
Funny that the JP Morgan Financial Crisis issue and its resultant fines should come up here. These fucking scumbags paid the fines with fake mortgages, collecting other peoples money.
It's like all they know is to Ponzi Scheme.
Special Investigation: How America’s Biggest Bank Paid Its Fine for the 2008 Mortgage Crisis—With Phony Mortgages!
After JPMorgan’s deceitful activities in the housing market helped trigger the 2008 financial crash that cost millions of Americans their jobs, homes, and life savings, punishment was in order. Among a vast array of misconduct, JPMorgan engaged in the routine use of “robo-signing,” which allowed bank employees to automatically sign hundreds, even thousands, of foreclosure documents per day without verifying their contents.
A Nation investigation can now reveal how JPMorgan met part of its $8.2 billion settlement burden: by using other people’s money
“No one in Washington seems to understand why Americans think that different rules apply to Wall Street, and why they’re so mad about that,” said former congressman Miller. “This is why.
JPMorgan’s litany of acknowledged criminal abuses over the past decade reads like a rap sheet, extending well beyond mortgage fraud to encompass practically every part of the bank’s business. But instead of holding JPMorgan’s executives responsible for what looks like a criminal racket, Obama’s Justice Department negotiated weak settlement after weak settlement. Adding insult to injury, JPMorgan then wriggled out of paying its full penalties by using other people’s money.
There is nothing proprietary about blockchain or the asymmetric cryptographic primitives that make it up. An implementation of a non-proprietary technology shouldn't have value by itself. Anyone can and will copy it as evidenced by the numerous copycat coins.
I'm not a hater. I'm not jealous. I just think the coins are a bubble.
You guys are buying these coins because you think they are undervalued, right? How do you determine their true worth? I know how to price a stock based on financial metrics and ratios, but not a currency. And surely not a currency like this.
Show me your math. What are your triggers to buy/sell? What metrics do you use to determine it's value?
Property is theft! (French: La propriété, c'est le vol!) is a slogan coined by French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in his 1840 book What is Property? Or, an Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government.
If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once. No extended argument would be required to show that the power to remove a man's mind, will, and personality, is the power of life and death, and that it makes a man a slave. It is murder. Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?
Ender, your graph is interesting because it doesnt mention the rise of Chinas interest in coins other than Bitcoin right arpund the time the graph falls off halfway through 2016. Thats right around before Ether took off, too, so the information doesnt present a complete picture.
Bitcoin is a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system called the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central repository or single administrator.
>> I sold some two weeks ago at a "real value" of $5800/ bitcoin knowing it wouldn't hold the way it was climbing.
So i asked how you guys determine the value of these cryptocurrencies and use that calculation to trigger buys/sells. This is the closest I got to an answer.
73Guy, You trade based on the second derivative of the price over time and don't care about the underlying value? What else factors in?
It's all very touchy feely for me, I admit, ender, and I don't think anyone knows the true value of these assets yet, as it is a very immature market.
If you need to know my process, I assimilate a broad range of empirical data, analyst projections and message board discussions (some of which are surprisingly robust) to get a sense of the waves and I act accordingly, but most of the time I just sit and buy the big dips and hodl because I believe in the blockchain's ability to streamline and transform and I'm betting it turns out to be big. I havent added a lot of Bitcoin in about six months, being more active with some of the smaller coins as they have enjoyed larger percentage climbs, but I do pump sone of the more predictable parabolic waves.
I work with this stuff much differently than I approach my equities and real estate where I'm extremely conservative.
I do find myself getting more conservative with my moves as the real value grows though.
>> I work with this stuff much differently than I approach my equities and real estate where I'm extremely conservative.
I've noticed a trend in people our age. They have nearly all their investments in "solid" traditional investments and a small portion in their guesses (Tesla, cyptocurrencies, tech stocks, etc). Nearly all my friends do this.
Thanks for answering my question. I was genuinely interested in the answer.
<<<I've noticed a trend in people our age. They have nearly all their investments in "solid" traditional investments and a small portion in their guesses (Tesla, cyptocurrencies, tech stocks, etc). Nearly all my friends do this.
Agreed, but I hadn't thought of it that way until you said it.
The world’s largest exchange owner reversed course today and said it plans to introduce bitcoin futures by the end of the year, only a month after dismissing such a plan
Are any of you guys interested in OMG? I bought ~140 coins for about a 900 USD this week and am gonna see how 2018 goes. Looking like it's going to explode next year with the release of Omisego later this year. They're currently $6.50 a piece and expected to go way up.
Ether and Litecoin enjoying a nice little pop after all of that money pouring into bitcoin last week.
ETH $326
LTC $65
It may be a bubble, but 100,000 Coinbase accounts were added last week alone. Coupled with the coming listing of futures and it will be a while before i get nervous.
I talked to my friend who has already bought a house with the money he has made from bitcoin thinks bitcoin has peaked for the year. He started buying when bitcoin was $35.00.
>These swings are great for leveraging more coins.
Not that I know anything about it, but my buddy that has made a ton off of Bit Coin is now doing this. The Market is open 24 hours a day and he spends all of his free time tracking
, leveraging, and selling coin. After months of not golfing with our group because of bitcoin, we finally talked (actually shamed)him into coming out this past weekend, but he blew us off cuz he was up all night tracking some big market swing.
We'll know more if bitcoin futures traded on Cboe Global Markets and CME Group attract significant institutional interest, or if the clearing house LedgerX has continued growth in trading volume. 8 If an influx of money causes price and volatility to rise, that suggests a bitcoin bubble. The price rise says that bitcoin price is determined by the ability to sell to new investors, not fundamentals. 9 The rise in volatility accompanying a price increase suggests bubble dynamics that lead to accelerating price gains followed by a crash.
If institutional money comes in without dramatic price and volatility increases, it's evidence against a bitcoin bubble. If there is scant institutional interest and bitcoin prices are stable, it's evidence of no bubble. But if bitcoin prices plunge, it suggests they were supported only by the hope of selling to greater fools.
Two implications follow for Bitcoin. The first is that Bitcoin, far from replacing existing fiat currencies, is becoming more dependent on them. Just as oil is indexed to the dollar, so too is Bitcoin. The result is to strengthen rather than to weaken the value of the dollar for the cryptocurrency world. Stated differently, the financial institutions that are likely to increase the value of Bitcoin long term are at the same time going to make Bitcoin part of, rather than an alternative to, the "banking industrial complex." The Libertarian ideals which animate many in the cryptocurrency world are thus coming to their predictable end, foundering on the rocks of global financial realities. For some, this will be disheartening. I see it as a necessary step for broader acceptance and long-term growth.
The second implication is that it is unclear, immediately, just how the futures market could boost Bitcoin prices. Rather than billions of financial dollars pouring into Bitcoin, they will now pour into futures. This money itself will not, as a result, bid up the price of Bitcoin. It is this point which has left some confused. Could there be two markets, one with Bitcoin and one with Bitcoin futures, both operating independently? If not, then why not? And most importantly, what kind of impact on price can one expect?
This is a good time to remind people to keep your coins in a hard/ offline wallet.
The exchanges have been hacked before and it will surely happen again. Now, we have come a long way from MT GOX. Coinbase is insured up to a certain amount and there is more long term accountability behind some of the bigger exchanges , but im sure there are new and insidious ways hackers are devising to separate the unwitting from their money.
I keep some walking around money on the exchanges for quick moves, but the bulk of my coins are in a hard wallet.
As someone who is relatively content with my mutual funds, I find this stuff fascinating and give kudos to you guys who play these markets.
Where I’m lost, though, is on the risk. With this high rewards, there has to be huge risk. What could make the bottom fall out? Lack of confidence in the market? With the whole futures thing, are the banks leveraging themselves? Are banks allowing individual investors to borrow against their Bitcoin portfolio?
At its root, all forms of "money" or "value" are purely psychological. We just all play the same game of "society" together because we all agree to the same common denominators
Fair enough. So it’s a really pure form of supply and demand. Limit the supply, create a buzz that goes viral, and demand increases exponentially. As that happens value increases.
What’s amazing is that the utility is still very limited. The 45 minute transaction time definitely beats standard international money transfers, and limited major retailers (mostly online) are now accepting bitcoin. If they can get the transaction time down to real-time, and brick and mortar stores start accepting it, does the value skyrocket?
And the’s still volatile. When the Chinese government advised caution in buying bitcoin, the value dropped by 29%. Granted, it came back, but are small retailers willing to risk losing that kind of operating capital? By its nature, will it always be volatile?
Pretty friggin’ cool either way. But alas, I’m not a gambler. The highest risk I take is a distribution to a high risk mutual fund.
Although I don't dabble in crypto, past currency plays by major players and how they move markets would cause me more than a little pause. With futures coming onlne and the relative anonymity of the players, who is to say that someone(s) have taken enough of a position that they can short the futures and dump enough btc into the market to cause a huge swing. Geroge Soros comes to mind. The little guys are playing with some really big boys who could care less if small investors get shafted. As a matter of fact I would not be at all surprise if some of them get off really hard by doing so.
but if you wanna play the game while you are here, this is a pretty good thread.
Good post, 6
And Tony, what you are describing is already happening. The thing is, I can read a chart too, and I've benefitted from the predictable path of volatility made by those moves along the way.
And Tony, what you are describing is already happening. The thing is, I can read a chart too, and I've benefitted from the predictable path of volatility made by those moves along the way.
You probably not the type of player that will be caught flat footed if the big boys make plays that might net them a 100 million dollar payday. You may take a haircut but I suspect you will be out before you lose any huge sums. The concern is for the people who are flooding into the market like pre-dotcom bubble who think themselves brilliant investors because of this run up. Another concern is the rumblings that China is going to outlaw crypto outright and force it's citizens with positions to devest immediately. If that happens, I'm sure other countries like North Korea would have to dump ASAP as well before their holdings were worth pennies on the dollar.
I don't see how ignoring the possibilities that some, or all, of the concerns in the landscape would be a sane investment outlook. Look at all the showing cards and then play your hand dependent on your appetite for risk.
Personally, my risk is extremely low at this point, BK.
I'm working with house money at this stage and have been involved since 2013 so BTC, for example would have to pull way back for me to be "down" even with that sum. I haven't put real money into BTC since June when it was around $2000.
My biggest concern is that I get more conservative with the accounts as they get more serious (white people problems). I don't have any of it spent or as collateral in any way so if it all evaporated tomorrow, Id be disappointed, but Id continue chopping wood and carrying water just as i do now.
Shit, if I won the lottery, I always says thats when I'd really get to work.
There’s a couple of hundred years of hard data on production and prices. There’s also some weird part of the human psyche that has evolved to love gold. There’s little risk of the bottom falling out.
Not to say that it can’t happen with bitcoin, that it becomes so embraced by the majority of the population that the bottom can’t fall out. The diamond industry showed us that we are pliable.
I had to cash in the retirement to sink into the house. It has actually turned out to be a pretty good investment and has shown more growth than the mutual funds, so I’m not complaining. It sucked at the time though.
How are those on this thread dealing with the tax reporting issues? FIFO? LILO? From what I've read, to be in compliance one has to report every transaction on has. Any buys, sells, purchases or transfers to other coins.
I have no doubt that many people did not report their transactions in the past. That is why the IRS is tightening up their enforcement multi-fold. From my readings, it seems that if you made gain in your, say, btc and decided to diversify into another coin, you would responsible for the sales tax on the original purchase, short or long term capital gains on the appreciation of the asset and sales tax on the value of the purchase of the new coin. That's a lot of things to keep track of to stay in compliance. The last thing anyone wants is tax penalties and interest on the original obligation. That can be very, very expensive.
The wealthiest people in history did things that nobody else had done before. They did not follow the safe playbook written or walked by other people. Survivorship bias is also at play. Many tried, most failed. This is a good lens through which to view risk.
>> A new decentralized application called CryptoKitties, where you can buy, sell, breed, and collect virtual cats has taken the ETH blockchain by storm. The Genesis Kitty sold for $117,00 USD and about 17 have sold for over $10,000. You can track the marketplace. The app is so popular that it has caused a significant backlog of transactions and has highlighted issues of scaling on the network.
Ethereum's market cap is 44 billion USD and it's network can't even handle the volume of virtual cats transfers.
“they purchased 100,000 bitcoins in 2013 when the digital currency's price reached a high of $1,000 in November of that year. Since then, it has surged more than 10-fold, recently trading at $11,310.”
As of today, Steam will no longer support Bitcoin as a payment method on our platform due to high fees and volatility in the value of Bitcoin.
In the past few months we've seen an increase in the volatility in the value of Bitcoin and a significant increase in the fees to process transactions on the Bitcoin network. For example, transaction fees that are charged to the customer by the Bitcoin network have skyrocketed this year, topping out at close to $20 a transaction last week (compared to roughly $0.20 when we initially enabled Bitcoin). Unfortunately, Valve has no control over the amount of the fee. These fees result in unreasonably high costs for purchasing games when paying with Bitcoin. The high transaction fees cause even greater problems when the value of Bitcoin itself drops dramatically.
I sold iota and bought ltc. They are cool but its like 20 years down the road. Im thinking about leaving all my positions except monero and buying ltc and vtc.
yeah but can i get still get some Indian pharmies and meth precursors from china?
I wish you luck and congratulate the speculators that have made some loot early in the game. I'm guessing it won't last forever for a number of reasons. State influence for one. That leaves a whole bunch of newcomers to possibly lose their shirts if things collapse. Hmmm, what does that remind me of?
Today, an anonymous donor left cryptocoins in the santa bucket all across Seoul. Very nice.
this runup looks like big institutions flooding in to prop up the market ahead of a big short to me. it may go to 20,000 before that happens, but we are due for a correction.
Of the many things I'll regret in life, not investing in apple(when I was going to be fronted the $$!!!) and not understanding bit coin before it was too late, will be towards the top of the list.
I was 1000% wrong on this one.
"Today, each bitcoin transaction requires the same amount of energy used to power nine homes in the U.S. for one day."
"The total energy use of this web of hardware is huge — an estimated 31 terawatt-hours per year. More than 150 individual countries in the world consume less energy annually"
<<<Of the many things I'll regret in life, not investing in apple(when I was going to be fronted the $$!!!) and not understanding bit coin before it was too late, will be towards the top of the list. I was 1000% wrong on this one
Fist bump to my brother Jonas.
Dont see a lot of that kind of zoning around here.
Mining is an essential but energy-intensive means of securing the bitcoin network. It is thanks to this process that millions of strangers can transact with complete trust, safe in the knowledge that the information stored on the blockchain is true. Despite this, the energy costs of bitcoin mining have come under scrutiny, prompting calls for a greener way of protecting the network. A new mining company claims to have achieved a breakthrough by devising “the world’s first waste-to-energy crypto mine”, but does this claim withstand scrutiny?
Also read: ”Ludicrous” – Analysts Debate How Much Power Is Consumed per Bitcoin Transaction
Waste Not, Want Not
Like any industrial process, bitcoin mining is energy-intensive. While most of this power is gobbled up by the ASICs that are frantically crunching numbers, some of it is expended in the form of heat. Entrepreneurs have attempted to re-use this wastage, developing miners that will also heat your home or provide hot water. Despite well-meaning attempts to recoup some of the energy lost through mining, running hundreds or thousands of overclocked GPUs still comes at an enormous expense.
Standard American Mining claims to have developed a mining solution, however, that has close to zero waste. Renewable energy is commonly used in bitcoin mining, particularly in regions such as China’s Sichuan province, where a ready supply of cheap hydro power is gleefully lapped up by mining farms. Standard American Mining has taken a different approach, constructing a mining farm on top of a waste plant.
Where There’s Muck There’s Money
The waste-to-energy plant sees car tires fed in at one end and oil, steel, and carbon synthetic gas produced as outputs. The oil and steel are sold as commodities, while the carbon and syngas are used to produce the energy that powers the mining operation. Little is known about Standard American Mining, whose website comprises a holding page. Nevertheless, CEO Anthony Pompliano claims the firm’s mining power is zero-cost “because the rest of the business is profitable without monetizing the power. Only a waste-to-energy business can pull this off”. He stated:
Cryptocurrency mining involves hardware, software, and an energy source. The hardware and software will become commoditized over time, hence why Standard American Mining is focused on creating arbitrage situations with untraditional, near-free energy sources.
How Free is Near-Free?
Pompliano’s comments may be disingenuous, as any company wishing to harness a surplus of power will still be obliged to pay for it; plant operator PRTI weren’t simply going to let this energy go to waste had Standard American Mining not stepped in. Intriguing as the waste-to-energy mine is, there are few details in terms of its outputs, both hashrate and carbon footprint. Nevertheless, the scheme does hint at a possible future for bitcoin mining: large-scale miners striking direct deals with energy suppliers to capture electricity before it’s entered the national grid.
One expert who’s been eyeing the project with interest is cryptocurrency miner and Zencash business developer Rowan Stone. He told
I think that sourcing renewable energy will be an essential part of crypto continuing to grow at its current rate. But when we talk about renewable energy, we talk about sources that cannot be depleted. That’s why the miners of tomorrow will power their mines with wind, water and solar energy – not car tyres.
Tires go in, bitcoin comes out.
The UK-based crypto miner has explored a number of renewable energy options including solar, wind, and steam, the latter using spent grain sourced from a local brewery. Each of these options was ruled out however on account of the setup costs or, in the case of steam, the CO2 emissions. Standard American Mining’s venture seems certain to fall foul of that last caveat. But the project raises hope that greener mining solutions may be on the horizon.
The amount of energy that bitcoin uses has been widely misreported, with at least one source claiming it to be significantly lower than stated. Several bitcoiners have countered claims that mining is unnecessarily wasteful by noting that the same can be said of Christmas lights, or bank offices. Bitcoin at least adds measurable value, providing verifiable truth in exchange for energy – a price worth paying for the millions who use the digital currency. “Zero-waste” or otherwise, any innovation that can make bitcoin more environmentally friendly – whilst providing a cheap and plentiful source of energy – is to be welcomed.
Do you think “zero-waste” mining is achievable? Can waste-to-energy plants transform bitcoin mining or are there other environmental concerns to factor in? Let us know in the comments section below.
I just read a comment that the system is so backed up with orders right now that the actual price of a bitcoin may have already broken 20k. Crazy stuff.
My issue is coming up with the capital to get on board. I would literally have to buy 1 coin and play that fucker like my life depended on it -- buy, sell, buy, buy, sell, buy 2nd coin etc…
look at the open orders jonas, right now, as people are filling the gap and starting to bring the dip back, 90% of those orders are for less than 0.05 btc.
buying the dip has been huge on btc.
also, as people see a dip, they start to by the altcoins and that drives the prices of those.
so with the iota microsoft news, the monero stuff, stellar lumens about to announce on the 12th, and litecoin talking about marketing and even a superbowl commercial, the btc sell off pushes the altcoin market and vice versa. so many people with so much time.
I feel like new people on Coinbase are gonna buy Eth like they're ordering wine from a fancy restaurant. "Well, I can't afford the really pricey one, but I shouldn't order the cheapest one cuz I'll look like a scrub, so I'll buy this one in the middle, lol prob cant even tell!"
Ok so here is the plan. Move to CA. Grow 10-20 elbows. Sell them elbows back east. Invest in crypto. Then I sit by the pool for ever and ever while my guaranteed millions pour in.
Is that a sound financial plan? Then I can just buy love and happiness, right?
I mean, I hear about your huge bulging "change purses" and I feel stupid, like I don't understand. Help an old guy out. I eat out of dumpsters.
Come on. The home is taking us to country buffet and then Costco. I JUST WANT SOMeONE TO TELL ME WHICH AISLE THE BITCORNS IS IN! Im retired on v.a. benefits and social security and I sure could use the money. Help and God bless.
jeebus. this stuff is too star trek for me. I asked the lady at costco and she said aisle 6. I go to aisle 6 and nothing! absolutely nothing. Now I got buckets of GG#4 and can't even trade it for applesauce at snack time.
Rats. all those years going to college for finance and alI got was this tshirt. All this time all I needed was to answer an email from Nigeria and get me a fancy change purse.
I've been enjoying the ride the last few months and it's certainly exciting making some money and feeling like you may be onto something big. I do feel a large portion of ppl investing in this stuff are so irrational and immature. Folks on reddit just acting like kids on a keyboard opening countless threads based on emotion and inexperience. I just sort of sit on the sidelines and enjoy the commentary from the folks who have a rational take- they do exist too.
Ripple up 75% today- nice. I scooped 1000 each of Cardano, Ripple and Stellar Lumens since they're so cheap (under .50). "Set it and forget it" mentality for me.. not really trading as I don't really know what's going on enough.
since nunyas want to help a guy get rich I did some research. Turns out its run by Koreans! I already gave them bastards a leg in the war, they aint getting my money!
Here is the truth. It is a very reliable source. I got it from Thom.
This nice young man on the internet told me all about it. He gave me the link above that tells me the secrets. The ten things every bitcorner should know. He used this word, "noob", what that?
lumens meanwhile in UAE meeting with banks, as well as working on cross border systems in africa, and also adapted on trial with Japan's largest shipper
I like Bitcoin and have since 2013 ,buying most significant dips but jumped in bigtime summer 2015- winter 2016 when it was clear which way this crypto thing was going.
Moved a bunch of the profits into Ether about 2 months back.
so CB gave a notice that it was going to list, and in the hours before it listed it ran up to 9500 on the backend gdax.
so they think that a single buyer with information of the Coinbase listing bought a ton in the prehours of the roll out, causing the price to rocket, and then CB listed and they sold it all at the high price, then it dropped back to 3500 and CB suspended trading. They think it is someone on the inside might have done it and have opened an investigation.
DUDE! im so glad I put most of my loot in pokecoins. Im mining them everywhere! Didnt even need you financial guru's to show me. My great grandson broke out his little blue computer while we walked around the home. It is awesome. I can afford to retire! Hope it don't dip.
i think we see this up and down for a few days, and then another run after xmas.
coinbase's options to buy and send to an email will get many more people in over the holidays.
The biggest 'innovation' out of the #Ripple team was making the supply so freaking large that unit price seems cheap even though $XRP is 2nd most expensive by market cap. Tricks all the stupid $ into buying in. Litecoin used a similar concept, but Ripple took it to the extreme.
2/ Now we see tons of altcoins/tokens following the same strategy. A few examples: IOTA, DOGE, SC, ADA, RDD, TRX, XVG, XEM, all have supply caps measured in the BILLIONS. Most of the them have had insane price increases recently as new uneducated investors enter the market.
3/ Pretty much every altcoin/token has a supply cap larger than Bitcoin's 21M for this reason. There's a couple that intentionally have a tiny supply cap, and some that use a similar size cap, but they are in the minority. The list above is some of the more extreme examples.
I think Stellar Lumens is doing a lot of work setting up their infrastructure in developing African nations.
Regarding Ripple... good stuff. I bought it at .25 and sold at 1.25. Just bought back at around 1.90 and am holding for now.
My two (hopefully) big hitters will be OMG and EOS. EOS has given me 4x back on my investment and I've done 2.5x on OMG. Future looks bright.
The reddit communities for all these currencies are an absolute joke filled with ppl talking about lambos and moonshots. Just really dumb and a reflection on how immature the market (and I guess us as a population) are.
There's a lot of dumb money that has come to this thing along with The Horde in the last 6 weeks imo.
The board discussions Ive been following have definitely been diluted in terms of quality. There is still a lot of quality info, just have to filter better now.
all the central americans running hte restaurant downstairs have been rocking TRX(Tron) since it was .02, they load their entire paychecks into crypto, it is wild to watch.
Merrill Lynch blocks bitcoin amid fear that the bubble could pop
In what may be a prudent move, Merrill Lynch has barred customers and financial advisers who make transactions for them from buying bitcoin. That’s bound to disappoint some customers: Bitcoin’s price climbed 14-fold in 2017.
Individual retail traders are flooding apps that make it easy to buy and sell things like ethereum or bitcoin. Coinbase, one of the biggest US crypto exchanges, is Apple’s No. 2 finance app, with more than 440,000 ratings. MyMerrill for iPhone comes in at No. 199, with 49 ratings.
These exciting days for cryptocurrency exchanges recall the dot-com fever, when day traders betting on tech stocks swarmed online brokerages like E*Trade—a firm that helped fuel the euphoria and was humbled by the collapse. The company’s stock price climbed to more than $550 a share before the bubble popped. Its stock trades at about $50 after climbing 40% in the last year.
Bitcoin and its cousins are an enormous opportunity for brokers and financial advisers to win over a new generation of traders and ordinary investors. More people now understand that beating the stock and bond markets is nearly impossible, so are instead sinking savings into low cost exchange-traded funds, depriving some brokers of trading commissions.
Some Merrill brokers were disheartened to miss out on the bitcoin enthusiasm, while others acknowledged it may not be worth the risks, according to the Wall Street Journal (paywall), which first reported Merrill’s decision.
Goldman Sachs is starting a trading desk for digital assets, according to Bloomberg. For Cboe Holdings and CME Group, which operate derivatives markets, bitcoin is a chance to sell new retail customers on futures, which allow investors to speculate on asset prices at a later date. Merrill Lynch, the brokerage unit of Bank of America, doesn’t allow its customers to trade bitcoin futures either.
Merrill clients who bought into the Grayscale Investment Trust bitcoin fund before the ban will be allowed to keep their positions but not in fee-based advisory accounts, citing “suitability and eligibility standards.” The trust is supposed to track the cryptoasset’s price but has at times traded at a 75% premium to bitcoin, raising questions about whether buyers are getting a fair deal on their investment.
As for E*Trade, it became something of a symbol of the dot-com euphoria, and the company has since sought to rehabilitate its image. Merrill Lynch could be trying to show that it learned from such episodes. In the meantime, you can buy bitcoin futures on E*Trade.
>> oh, 780 billion, barely on anyones radar, virtually unrecognized, no one is using it.
The Bitcoin community is reeling after several pre-paid crypto debit card providers abruptly suspended service. The companies affected include Bitwala, Cryptopay, Wirex, and TenX.
These services allow individuals to spend cryptocurrencies — predominantly Bitcoin — in traditional brick-and-mortar establishments through a debit card issued by one of the major providers, Visa and MasterCard.
Speaking to their customers on Twitter, the affected companies have said the move is the result of actions from their card issuer, who was acting on behalf of Visa Europe.
In its statement, Visa makes clear that this isn’t a crackdown on cryptocurrencies, but rather action against one company that broke its rules. We asked about the circumstances that caused Visa to take action against WaveCrest. If they elaborate further, we’ll let you know.
>> atomic swaps and lighting network are months away not years
If blockchain technology is so great, why is the solution to the high transaction costs and slow transaction times to do transactions outside of the blockchain?
Bitcoin Conference Stops Accepting Bitcoin For Tickets, Blames ‘Network Congestion’
A notice on the official website of the annual event, which will be held Jan. 18 and 19 in Miami, also cited “manual processing” of cryptocurrency payments as part of why the event’s organizers decided to accept fiat payments only for last-minute bookings. The statement from the organizers reads:
“Due to network congestion and manual processing, we have closed ticket payments using cryptocurrencies — Hopefully, next year there will be more unity in the community about scaling and global adoption becomes a reality.
We have, and always will, accept cryptocurrencies for our conferences, up to fourteen days before the event. However, due to the manual inputting of data in our ticketing platforms when paid in cryptocurrencies, we decided to shut down Bitcoin payments for last minute sales due to print deadlines.”
I feel like the majority of this thread is Ender sharing his gripes with cryptocurrencies and HeyBroChacho asking "How's my ass taste?" after every gain.
Ha Ha I remember when all the guys @ my job were enthusiastically buying Enron & Qualcomm in 1999; When we all got the Internet & Email just before Y2K, they spent all day watching it go up & getting together @ break to talk about it. Didn't hear much about it anymore by late 2000 tho lol . . .
Shitty analogy. It's slower, more expensive and more difficult to use than a credit card. A credit card also has the benefits of refunds via third party arbitration and no liability for user error.
The only time I've (and I bet you) have used cryptocurrencies as a payment is when it was all that was accepted by the vendor.
There are certainly benefits, but these aren't useful for the common case transaction of paying your bills, paying for a meal, buying gas, etc.
<<<Ha Ha I remember when all the guys @ my job were enthusiastically buying Enron & Qualcomm in 1999; When we all got the Internet & Email just before Y2K, they spent all day watching it go up & getting together @ break to talk about it. Didn't hear much about it anymore by late 2000 tho lol
Know anyone that bought Amazon or Apple or Google in 1999?
what you post doesn't mean shit, the balance sheet does and that's your own business. the people who make money have a tendency to not talk about it as much.
The people (person?) who said they took back their initial investment and were playing with gains after that seem like the cautiously smart ones. Like, this is fun and let's see what happens. I appreciate that.
"I get into enough trouble with things I think I know something about," he added. "Why in the world should I take a long or short position in something I don't know anything about."
and then theres this nugget. lol.
Buffett's comments came a day after J.P. Morgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon backpedaled his earlier criticisms of cryptocurrencies. In September, Dimon called bitcoin a fraud.
looks like it found a bottom today at least for awhile.hit close to 9000 earlier . up @ 10750 now. alot of the tokens/coins have taken a good hit lately with all the negative news.. good day to accumulate what you like for a trade imo.happy trading.
Re: Equihash. Seems sort of risky to me to create a cryptocurrency based on an 18 month old hash algorithm. I'd want to use a NIST approved hash algorithm.
I actually find it very interesting as a user and nerd, just not an investor. And it overlaps a lot of what I've worked on professionally. I just think the evaluations are completely crazy given the current use cases.
>> I just think the evaluations are completely crazy given the current use cases.
I agree. Right now it's all basically speculation. I'm really excited for June when the two projects I'm most vested in (EOS and OMG) release their blockchains.. I think those guys are really into something.
This is not a negative remark on those who are in the cyrpto market, just a warning to be meticulous with your accounting of purchases, sales and trades. I was speaking to a friend of mine last weekend who has the job of collecting unpaid taxes, penalties and interest for the IRS. The IRS has targeted crypto in a major way. Trading firms, both in and out of the US, are being pressured, much like the Swiss banks were a few years ago, to release all US citizen account information to them. If you are flagged as a crypto-trader, they are going to expect a capital gains/loss Form D to be included with your return and have the accounting ledgers to back it up. There will be a higher percentage of audits to see if self-reporting is doing it's job. If things are amiss, expect full penalties and interest to be levied. Like it was mentioned before on this board, some are skirting the law by non or under reporting. It seems that a lot of you have done well for yourself, so don't go messing it up by not staying legal. You don't want to be found to have purposely been not giving Uncle Sam it's due. That is a tiger you do not want to wake.
Things have certainly shaken out since May, Tony, but heres what i said when you mentioned this then.
73guy on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 – 10:13 am
I payed capital gains in 2015 and 2016 when I first took profits, the amount of my initial buy in, but the govt doesn't as yet consider currency an "investment", so it's a bit of a grey area and the are trying to codify it better. I do know that have asked for Coinbase Records from 2013-2015 and that has caused a stir.
regarding Taxes, if you use a tracking platform for all tour trades, they will process a gains/loss report for the year.
also, as Tony said, the IRS went after Coinbase last year and asked for the records on all accounts of US citizens with over 20k invested through them.
Lysergion, or LYS (call-sign), is a decentralized digital currency based on Bitcoin’s code. Integer amounts of Lysergion are referred to as “LYS”, and thousandths of a LYS are referred to as “ug”. Lysergion is centered around the psychedelic community, including those who share an interest in psychedelics or even a general passion for medicine, biology, psychology, and so on. Anybody with a positive intent is welcomed on our team. Lysergion aims to support scientific research on psychedelics in medical and therapeutic settings through raising awareness and understanding of such substances and their potential.
And then, the worst case scenario was confirmed by Coincheck itself told financial authorities that it had lost 500 million NEM cryptocurrency coins in today's cyberheist, which at the current exchange rate amounts to roughly $400 million, according to Nikkei.
NEM Foundation president Lon Wong also confirmed Coincheck was hacked, calling the stolen funds "the biggest theft in the history of the world", as quoted by CryptoNews. According to Wong, the hack had nothing to do with NEM and the blame lies exclusively with Coincheck:
“As far as NEM is concerned, tech is intact. We are not forking. Also, we would advise all exchanges to make use of our multi-signature smart contract which is among the best in the landscape. Coincheck didn't use them and that's why they could have been hacked. They were very relaxed with their security measures," Wong said.
"This is the biggest theft in the history of the world," he added.
The hack, at recent NEMUSD exchange rates, would make it even bigger than Mt. Gox - which lost a total of $350 million in 2 hacks, one in 2011 and 2014 - by $50 million.
I'm wonder if Coincheck is going to make their customers whole? Are they insured? If they lose a pool of assets, who they determine what customers get what? Does Japan's acceptence and regulation of cryptocurrencies help the individual investor at all?
Why do firms guarantee your funds in a brokerage account against theft and unauthorized activity, but cryptocurrency exchanges don't?
If the risk of funds being stolen is minimal, so should the insurance costs.
Vanguard's online fraud policy - "If assets are taken from your account in an unauthorized online transaction on®—and you've followed the steps described in the Your responsibilities section below—we will reimburse the assets taken from your account in the unauthorized transaction."
Charles Schwab Security Guarantee - "Schwab will cover 100% of any losses in any of your Schwab accounts due to unauthorized activity."
Fidelity Customer Protection Guarantee - "Fidelity will reimburse you for losses from unauthorized activity in covered accounts occurring through no fault of your own."
The idea of Tether was to have a stable cryptocurrency that would always be worth a fixed amount. This made perfect sense for crypto traders. They could safely exchange whichever cryptocurrency they wanted into USDT if they thought the price of all cryptos would decline. They could then buy back in using the Tether at the point they thought was the bottom of a dip.
The company claim to have over $2.2 billion in their bank accounts. This supposedly backs every Tether token 1:1, giving them a value of $1. However, critics allege that Tether, who are owned by the same interests as the crypto exchange Bitfinex, have been operating a fractional reserve system of sorts. Put simply, many believe Tether to be simply printing tokens out of thin air. A full audit of their finances would show the company as either a fraudulent operation or completely legit. It seems strange for either party to terminate the contract. Naturally, Friedman requires firms to audit in order to continue existing as a company and Tether have a growing community of doubters whose minds need putting at ease. Of course, Tether themselves may have cancelled the agreement to buy them a bit more time before their entire house of cards comes tumbling down.
Some within the cryptocurrency community were savvy enough to spot that Friedman had removed all mention of Tether and Bitfinex from the list of firms they were responsible for auditing off their website last week. Precise details of why the relationship has ended are still unknown and it is unclear which party terminated the agreement.
Doubts withing the community have been growing after being spearheaded by an anonymous blogger called Bitfinex’d. With the supply of Tether suddenly increasing by 50-100 million at a time, it’s hardly surprising that their criticism is being taken seriously. Then there’s the fact that the company’s own literature used to state:
“There is no contractual right or legal claim against us [Tether] to redeem or exchange your Tethers for money. We do not guarantee any right of redemption or exchange of Tethers by us for money.”
This has since been updated in response to the various critics of the currency and company. However, without a full audit of all the accounts, it remains very difficult to trust that the company genuinely does have a dollar banked for every USDT in existence. This weekend’s news of Friedman’s departure from the position of auditors only serves to exacerbate this issue.
"Tether printing moves the market appreciably. 48.8 per cent of bitcoin's price rise in the period studied occurred in the two-hour periods following the arrival of 91 different tether grants to the Bitfinex wallet."
heading back down. maybe its gonna test 9000 level soon. seems most coins are following the leader. noticed that NEO and ETH are doing pretty well. bucking the trend
U.S. regulators are scrutinizing one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges as questions mount over a digital token linked to its backers.
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission sent subpoenas last week to virtual-currency venue Bitfinex and Tether, a company that issues a widely traded coin and claims it’s pegged to the dollar, according to a person familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified discussing private information. The firms share the same chief executive officer.
Tether’s coins have become a popular substitute for dollars on cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide, with about $2.3 billion of the tokens outstanding as of Tuesday. While Tether has said all of its coins are backed by U.S. dollars held in reserve, the company has yet to provide conclusive evidence of its holdings to the public or have its accounts audited. Skeptics have questioned whether the money is really there.
I'm afraid the money-for-nothin' party is soon to be over. All this fake wealth is eventually going to vaporize. Maybe not today, but the clock is ticking.
I honestly and wholeheartedly predict an eventual complete decimation of all existing coins. Eventually, assimilation by corporations lead by fatcat useless banker/wall st robber baron fucks. Not sure when... but def for sure. I literally think of half a dozen new possible legal angles they could use to do it every day...
There will be no $100K crypto. If there ever is, it will be going to same place all the peon wealth goes now.
At this point if BTC goes above 20K again, that just represents a fail of the banks and their salaried schemers. But they'll get it eventually... THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. And they do it well. You really can't win. These people have 2.5 hours a day of sitting on the train staring at their neighbors contemplating ways to assist their bosses raping us for their own pennies on the dollar salary from large evil corporations. Every cent above a 14-15K recovery represents money left on the table and another missed opportunity by big business. This is not going to last much longer now...
Honestly, who do we think is going to win this money collecting shellgame eventually? Methinks all those people in that club George Carlin mentioned that "me and you ain't in it!"
Citicoin, anyone? They may even be nice enough to let you buy into their blockchain with existing cryptos and some sort of tax amnesty... It'd be a surefire way to get a majority of the cash out and nuke the existing markets into oblivion at the same time. I'd say I should be working for a bank, but I'm sure there are wiser and more powerful folks already working on it.
Smiley... I agree. And it even goes against the ethos that blockchain was developed under... that's the rub.
The HODL people and the true believers will say the entrance of big business and gov't legitimizes the tech... but it also brings us closer to just another manipulable and owned system like we have now. It's a catch-22. If I was a bitcoin dev or even a true believer I would NOT want any official recognition or big deals with investor money and big biz. They're just going to ruin it eventually... after their entry 'legitimizes' it.
For a while now, and especially these prices, are majorly propped up by normal folk who know nothing of the technology and don't really understand or believe in it beyond a means to make money. Those people would likely flee to a more 'trustworthy' and more stable officially-backed coin in an instant.
>>You are talking about the fractional reserve banking system, right?
EXACTLY. The same fake fiat system that blockchain was supposed to displace/defeat and help equalize the playing field. With one that's inherently worth NOTHING and way more volatile and risky that solely depends on being convertible to the fake fiat Fed$ money. The whole damn thing cracks me up. Kudos to those who have profited though... but make sure you save some for the IRS, because they're coming too.
Rouge currencies will not be tolerated. It's crazy to think they will. Wait till ISIS gets caught with some crypto holdings or someone gets caught donating to PLO with it. That will help things along... If I had to guess they already are and our people are aware of it. Just another conceivable ace in the hole to crush the shit overnight. It's fun to watch, though.
<<<a while now, and especially these prices, are majorly propped up by normal folk who know nothing of the technology and don't really understand or believe in it beyond a means to make money. Those people would likely flee to a more 'trustworthy' and more stable officially-backed coin in an instant
I agree with a lot of what you say regarding the inevitable trajectory of this stuff. bitcoin is surely destined to be reserve currency for banks and for big transfers between large institutuons.
i disagree with the statement i quoted though....unless you are talking about from November 2017 forward. i think a lot of the early entrants are true believers who understand enough to get behind a transformative, disruptive tech.
<<<Wait till ISIS gets caught with some crypto holdings or someone gets caught donating to PLO with it.
would that be any different than isis caught with usd or donating to the plo with usd? no one gets pissed at the dollar when it gets used for sketchiness.
It won't be bitcoin though. The TECHNOLOGY will go forward... under new management, of course.
Nobody hates the dollar (I wish they did :x ) but they sure do control where you can send and receive it and how it's transferred in large amounts real well. They can use regulations and money laundering laws to squish anything they want under that guise. Just like they did to online gambling... you can do it but cashing out large is the issue. So it's effectively worthless.
They may not be able to shut it down, but it's REAL easy to make it hella hard for Americans to cash out. Look at online gambling.
I think we mostly agree.. I just say it in a different and slightly more extreme way. ;)
I'm not down with the Ponzi - Be it gov't backed or mysterious Chinamen. As tempting as it's been all along, I have zero actual stake in this game. So we may differ there. Cheers.
I think around November would be a fair delineation - maybe summer '17. But the people who entered early and truly believe in the disruptive tech had probably nothing to do with the price above 10-12K$. They are not causing the bubble.... they are just riding it and living the dream temporarily. Without uninformed normies and big biz getting in the mix, the hype would have likely peaked no higher than 8-10K$. And it would not be nearly as meteoric. This is Ponzi stuff now at this level. No way around any logical person coming to that conclusion, IMNSHO.
It sure would help if said disruptive tech could stand on it's own without most people only being interested in eventually converting it to existing fiat, though. That's what ruins it and any deep belief in the system doing what it was intended/envisioned for falls apart there. :/
At this level of money and trading, it just another disaster in the making. The same people who ruined the Fed and banks and stocks are now HIGHLY interested in crypto and moving into that space... How does anyone REALLY think this is going to eventually end each time? TBH, I cannot wrap my head around how any hard-core crypto-believer would even want them anywhere near it. But trading!!!! (rollseyes)
TBH, China's gov't sanctioned blockchain is the most interesting thing going on right now in the space... and they're likely going to beat the pants off us on the tech front... they already got us beat the finance/credit front.
And given the chance, most of America is going to be HAPPY to donate some of their computing power to a Chinese blockchain for the chance at a few bucks in their pockets.
What could go wrong?
The long game is just NOT looking too promising to me from any logically analytical vantage point.
We are essentially telling the same story lol. I'm not trying to be right in my predictions - In fact I wish I was wrong. The timing of it and dollar values pegged means naught to me. If I'm reading you right, you even agree with my ultimate endgame that everything we currently know will be extinguished. <?> Either way I really don't see many any new crypto millionaires until the changeover happens. If it's about the fun of predictions: I'm staking it all on never seeing another rally like that and no new crypto millionaires until maybe after the changeover to 'legit backed'. The 2017 rally WAS the peak for commoners getting rich... now here comes the bleeding and bloodletting. IMF all over again!
Crypto/blockchain isn't going to subvert the financial establishment... it's going to be assimilated by it. It's going to BECOME it. But won't be under any named coin we know right now. Unless China has named their coin yet? Then maybe. :x
By extinguished I mean all the coins and blockchains we have and know currently trading will be gone or relatively worthless in comparison. I suppose one or two could remain...
I dunno I could be wrong, maybe Bitcoin won't be damned for its utter lack of scalability and ability to adapt, and maybe future BTCfed and BTCciti forks will perform favorably in 2021. LOL
But it will only be in name and concept compared to the landscape today.
India will move to stamp out use of cryptocurrencies, which it considers illegal, country's Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on Thursday, launching a no-holds-barred attack on virtual currencies such as Bitcoin. From a report:Governments around the world are grappling with how to regulate cryptocurrency trading, and policymakers are expected to discuss the matter at a G20 summit in Argentina in March. "The government does not consider cryptocurrencies legal tender or coin and will take all measures to eliminate use of these cryptoassets in financing illegitimate activities or as part of the payment system," Jaitley told parliament in his annual budget speech. However, the minister said, the government would explore use of block chain technology proactively to speed the move toward a digital economy. Jaitley's announcement could trigger "panic selling" in cryptocurrencies in India, said Amit Maheshwari, partner at tax consultants Ashok Maheshwary & Associates LLP.
not sure this rally off of 8400 will hold.hit 9200+ earlier but faded quick. last time the rally of the 9000 bottom was solid and hit 13000 or close to it. we will know soon.
That and it inherently depends on the same fiat and manipulation that the early adopters and staunchest believers think it will help us get away from and defeat. Does not compute.
Not currency. An investment. And a shady one at that.
What's the withdrawal limit at? Last I checked the best was 16K$ per week max. And how many days are transactions taking this week to verify? Right now must be nuts.
I cannot imagine how anyone with a position above $20K can even look away from the screen, much less sleep at night. If you're holding $100K at the moment when the final tumble starts or the hammer falls, you are S.O.L. You could be looking at the floor days ahead of your transactions even making it through the que.
Again, kudos to anyone who already made bank and actually made it home from the casino with it already. But ya'll are crazy! I just couldn't do it and remain sane, so you're a better man than I. Just watching this ride as a casual observer has me fraught with fear of the potential losses we're talking about here. If it was actually my money I'd be insane about it!
I think the market is going through a major transformation with BTC's dominance eroding. I'm sitting on my EOS and OMG stacks... those are two projects that I see having real world value and not merely driven by speculation. Just my .02.
Each morning, at the market’s open, Seth M. Golden, a former logistics manager at a Target store, fires up the computer in his home office in northern Florida and does what he has done for years: Put on bets that Wall Street’s index of volatility, the VIX, will keep falling.[…]
“There has been a lot of white noise,” said Mr. Golden last Tuesday on a day that the VIX plummeted more than 10 percent, allowing him to lock in profits from short trades. “You had North Korea, Afghanistan, Trump people resigning. But I was never nervous — so today I just sat back, ate some popcorn and cashed in my profits.”
The Golden Method has had results. In five years, per NYT, Golden has grown his personal riches from around $500,000 to $12 million, mostly by habitually shorting volatility. Now, that track record has helped Golden drum up some $100 million in investments from people who are presumably to busy to buy XIV themselves and would like to pay someone to do it for them via a hedge fund.
^^^^ shorting VIX ~ = ~ selling options (negative vega); ==> "Option sellers eat like birds and poop like elephants" - N. N. Taleb (Fooled by Randomness)
I duuno ender, I haven't bought any Berkshire in years. I don't mind being overweight Berkshire because I read the 10-Ks.
Yes, it is a list of very boring stocks, I only own individual stocks if I think they have steady cash flows and pay dividends (with the exception of Berkshire). I keep lusting after Church and Dwight but it always seems too expensive.
If you own the S&P you own PM. I have no problem selling Chinese folks Marlboros.
How do you feel about drug companies that push opioids?
The one my wife would be pissed about is Monsanto.
Bitcoin ATMs charge an average transaction fee of 8.93 percent, Coin ATM Radar said. Coinsource charges about 8 percent. Cryptocurrency ATMs typically charge a percentage rather than a flat fee, like bank ATMs.
In Las Vegas would be great. I'm sure people want to bring cash, but not have to carry it to travel.
It seems to be that I would have to bet on:
1) Continuing adaptation of the tech while
2) Transaction fees simultaneously stay low
3) And a user base that is ignorant about exchanges or is knowingly willing to pay a premium
If the average transaction amounts are small enough and they fees are high enough, you can lose money on every transaction without even paying for servicing and leasing space. And they only average 2-3 transactions/day in high volume locations, so there isn't huge upside.
The operators of those things are earning the 8% - it's riskier than I thought.
"Even with LN, Bitcoin still cannot service every person in the world. I think the calculation was that at 1MB blocks, LN and SegWit on Bitcoin can service 500M users."
What are your thoughts on this project? Iryo is planning to use the EOS block chain to improve patient care and information exchange across healthcare organizations. The goal is to fully decentralize patient medical records and provide an incentive-based system where patients can choose to anonymously share their medical records for Artificial Intelligence research.
I may be a little biased as a) I hold EOS tokens and b) work in the healthcare IT industry. Interoperability and data storage are two huge topics right now in the EHR industry. This sounds really cool and am interested in what you think.
What are your thoughts on this project? Iryo is planning to use the EOS block chain to improve patient care and information exchange across healthcare organizations. The goal is to fully decentralize patient medical records and provide an incentive-based system where patients can choose to anonymously share their medical records for Artificial Intelligence research.
I may be a little biased as a) I hold EOS tokens and b) work in the healthcare IT industry. Interoperability and data storage are two huge topics right now in the EHR industry. This sounds really cool and am interested in what you think.
Jay, that is an excellent potential use of the technology. When I heard Kodak was dabbling in Blockchain tech, the first thing that came to mind was a distributed medical imaging platform.
Peter Thiel is known for extending an idea to its logical extremes and then inverting it. The habit has served him well as one of tech's most contrarian and successful investors.
Talking about two of the technologies that Silicon Valley is most excited about right now -- cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence -- the controversial billionaire and PayPal cofounder used this technique on Wednesday night.
"Crypto is libertarian, AI is communist," Thiel declared, during a public debate with LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman at Stanford University's Hoover Institute.
I spent 30 minutes reading this last night. I'm pretty sure I understand less than half of the technical details in that amount of time. I'll try again later.
i'm not sure what brought up this M thing, but going back real quick to the "original comment" ender posted, i'm pretty damn sure that means 500 million users.
thats pretty standard layperson nomenclature, especially for a self authored piece on Medium.
i didnt read the whole thing, just went straight to the nut.
President Donald Trump banned U.S. purchases of a cryptocurrency the Venezuelan government is rolling out, as part of a campaign to pressure the government of President Nicolas Maduro.
Trump issued an order on Monday prohibiting U.S. citizens from engaging in transactions using the oil-backed currency, called the Petro. He authorized Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to issue any necessary regulations to enforce his order.
Twitter announced Monday it would ban advertising for cryptocurrencies, following similar bans by Google and Facebook to crack down on fraud in initial coin offerings.
March 26, 2018 -- ADVFN Crypto NewsWire -- A new mining malware, dubbed ‘GhostMiner’ by its discoverer Minerva Labs (, is the first crypto-jacking infection to ensure maximum profit by killing off its rivals. GhostMiner is also the first ‘fileless’ mining malware, running code directly from memory without leaving files on disk.
If another crypto-jacking malware is already in the system, GhostMiner will remove it so that it alone can mine Monero cryptocurrency coins. GhostMiner first searches for and kills all miners on its blacklist using the Windows End Process force command, and then removes any remaining miners by going through a list of ports associated with miners and stopping any miners it finds.
Cryptocurrency mining has become as lucrative for cybercriminals as ransomware. But, as far as we know, GhostMiner has so far earned only around 1.5 Monero worth $300; small change compared with the Jenkins miner that made $3 million in Monero earlier this year. But GhostMiner’s author may be hiding additional funds elsewhere according to Minerva Labs, “It is highly plausible that there are other addresses used in this campaign, undetectable due to Monero's anonymity features.”
GhostMiner’s author put in a lot of hours assembling its aggressive code. A fully deployed GhostMiner payload is currently undetectable by all brand name antivirus engines. It spreads by randomly probing IP addresses until it finds a target, and then gains a foothold in the new victim’s system by burying itself inside of two nested evasion scripts, then running the scripts to launch into its fileless operational mode, from which it downloads its coinmining component.
The efforts of GhostMiner's author will not go to waste. Minerva Labs is using GhostMiner’s code against it and other mining malware with a script extracted from GhostMiner that they call MinerKiller. Minerva Labs said, “It implements all the aforementioned tactics – removing known processes, tasks, and services by name and unfamiliar ones by arguments or TCP connections typical to miners.” Incident response teams can write their own scripts for removing malicious miners by downloading MinerKiller from GitHub.
Seems like a majority of the coins/tokens are going to be banned from trading in the US because they are going to be classified as securities and aren't legally registered. Bitcoin seems to pass the test though.
"These currencies are not going away an they will proliferate to every economy and every part of the planet. Virtual currencies could transform the economic and social landscape."
"Almost all of the new customers on Coinbase and Square would be in the red if they bought cryptocurrencies at almost any point over the last nine months..."
“I guess I thought we were ‘sticking it to the man’ when I got on board,” Mr. Herman said. “But I think ‘the man’ had already caught on, and had an exit strategy.”
yes, Bitcoin has been kicking ass, but it's also an insanely speculative market. Not much in the way of fundamentals to justify it's value.
Precious metals have had a good run lately, as central bank buying have been at levels not seen since '08. Might be worth stacking a few silver coins..
Yep. Good place to start and a relatively user friendly intermediary, but dont forget, they arent really your coins unless you move them to your own electronic wallet. I keep a trading amount there to work these waves, but move the bulk of my coins to cold storage.
it's easy to invest. just open an account and link a bank account to transfer funds and you're off to the races. Coinbase charges a fee per transaction, i think it's 1.5%
Notwithstanding my nominal investments in Bitcoin, i'm still very very skeptical about cryptocurrencies as a liberation technology to be used an an alternative to the central banking mafias that control our planet. Sadly, the cryptos were probably invented with intelligence agencies and central bankers as the next system to steer people into when fiat currencies come crashing down.
Cashless banking and social credit scoring systems (like what is being developed in China) are something freedom loving people need to be very concerned about.
Been hodling all this time and adding during the big drops.
Grabbed a good chunk of BTC in March when it shit the bed, going down to $3500 because everyone wanted to be liquid. I should have grabbed more Link then too.
ETH and LTC are moving too lately.
XLM up 50 % in one month. That was a no brainer at $.06.
And the Fed is just printing money, hand over fist.
We printed more money in June than in the first two centuries of existence. Unreal.
I like the quiet before the kids get up, plan my day, stretch, excercise (usually wushu > qigong, sometimes a long walk > meditate) see the sun rise and get ready to get at it before it gets too hot here.
By 4:51, I'm the porch drinking coffee and checking the infos.
Early bird takes the profits.
I think I've posted twice now about this subject in the last 8 months and it happened to cross my mind that this thing is firmly entrenched and maturing and has been a significant financial vehicle for many despite the constant naysayers.
For anyone watching this space, I suggest you take a look at Chainlink (Link). I've been on it for a little over a year, grabbing sub $2 here and there and grabbed a buttload on New Years Day at $1.79. It's approaching $10 today and seems like a very useful project with tons of potential and is the first mover in its particular DeFi area.
Here's a little teaser thread about it, pretty pie in the sky, admittedly, but even if it lives up to a fraction of the noise around it, seems like a good move. As always, do your own due diligence and don't spend more than you are willing to lose.
Heres a more realistic, less hipstery breakdown of Chainlink that describes its role in the DeFi industry and gives a range of price expectations given different conditions.
“We find the global acceptance, brand recognition, ecosystem vitality, network dominance, architectural resilience, technical utility, and community ethos of Bitcoin to be persuasive evidence of its superiority as an asset class for those seeking a long-term store of value. Bitcoin is digital gold – harder, stronger, faster, and smarter than any money that has preceded it.”
It's an investment in a new way for financial systems to operate more efficiently and democratically, functioning as both currency and a system of payments.....between individuals, institutions, systems and machines. Like any emerging sector, it has its flaws and bumps in the road, but I think the history of this thread shows that its moving toward an inevitable place at the table and I bet on that outcome quite a while ago. The Internet has decentralized various sectors of many different services. It seems to follow that financial services and money will also be decentralized, too.
You only "want it" in the sense that you want currency or a stable place to park money and potentially grow. The stability isn't baked into the cake just yet, but as you can see in my 8.11.20 5:44pm article linked, that perception is solidifying as large financial institutions are parking huge sums of money in these coins (often Bitcoin) as a hedge against inflation and possible devaluing of the dollar because of the massive amount of money we've been printing out of thin air lately. Most of these coins have a finite supply and as they get popular for the role they play, the value should go up. Now, not every one of these will fulfill their promise, so it's definitely a gamble, which gets to Turtle's question about picking "flavor" or specific coins. I do a lot of reading about this stuff, I guess, and use discussion boards and industry articles to spark interest then I look hard at what niche the specific project fills and how solid the company is.
It's an immature sector and its certainly volatile, but thats a feature to me right now. A lot of the stuff I get into with an extremely long view so the volatility doesn't bother me. I'm not a day trader type and don't do advanced technical analysis on the charts, but I can read a graph and when something grows parabolically, I'll often pull some money out and wait for the inevitable pull back because I've learned that lines that go straight up aren't sustainable. Then I can buy more than I had initially or move the cash to something else if my timeline isn't as far out on that coin.
One interesting more advanced aspect of these markets if you are active trading and working the volatility is that a lot of the buying and selling is done by bots programmed to trade at various Fibonacci levels which is why so many charts have similar structures. If you learn those, you can somewhat accurately predict where prices will fall back to or rise to according to those marks and whether they stick to those levels or blow through them to the next one (up or down).
I don't do a lot of that and have only begun to watch stuff (without placing money down) according to that rubric, but some people swear by it. If you know the formula of the manipulation, you can play in those waters.
I try to keep it simple and keep my tax obligations down, though, and mostly go with stuff I plan to hold long term, but the temptation is there when you can watch prices behave according to an expected pattern.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share the information and organizing your thoughts to present them to me in ways I can actually understand. I can't see myself wading (or jumping) in, but I can follow along a little better. Thanks again.
So, Link dumped today a few hours ago to $14 and change and has bounced back up to $17+ currently, but it gives credence to those Fibonacci levels I just mentioned in the post above.
Feeling alright about grabbing some profits on Saturday now.
About time to grab that LINK back at less than half the price I sold it for mid August. It hit one of the lower fibonacci levels today. It could still go one notch lower but I'd hate to miss this deal and wont feel bad if I dont grab it at the bottom of this cycle.
I bought some seeds last month with Bitcoin. What a joke. In the 30 seconds it took between purchasing the Bitcoin and transferring it to the vendor it had dropped by about 8%, and I had to buy more. I guess it could have gone the other way and would have paid less, but that's not how I want to make purchases. It's kind of like day trading.
"A team of analysts at J.P. Morgan’s Global Markets Strategy group are touting Bitcoin’s emergence as an alternative to gold among millennials, suggesting a “doubling or tripling” in the price of the cryptocurrency if current trends continue.
The prediction, which came in a research note published on Friday, is remarkable given the bank’s onetime skepticism toward Bitcoin, which included CEO Jamie Dimon calling it a “fraud” in 2017 and saying he would fire anyone trading it for being “stupid.”
I said he wrong in this thread when Dimon called it a fraud.
Now institutional investors are lining up to park their money in it as a store of value....looking for a good entry point.
It was always gonna go this way.
I'd bet even Mannfred is exposed in some way to BTC at this point.
It's like a pyramid scheme. It's to the benefit of those with a lot investested, at a low price, to get the word out and create a run. It'll go up to $21k, a very few will make a mint, and the bulk of investors will say, "seeing as I can't do shit with it, I'll sell and make a couple of hundred bucks." Demand will go down, prices will drop, the Bitcoin millionaires will buy big and low, and in 6 months they will create another run. You still won't be able to buy a hell of a lot with it.
Lol, I honestly didnt know people were still trying to get the pyramid scheme thing to stick. That was understandable when people were ignorant at the beginning of this thread, but frankly, quite baffling rught now.
As shown in the articles Ive linked recently, more and more large financial institutions see it as a place to park huge sums of money as a hedge against inflation.....precisely because it is becoming more stable. A form of digital gold. As Ive said from the beginning here this is only going one way long term.
I have no interest in "getting the word out and creating a run" since I have no interest in selling anytime soon. As you can see from the history of this thread, I've been holding through the entire rollercoaster minus a few parabolic moves because I believe in its future.
I honestly dont even undertand the investor in your example, either. Why would someone buy something they "couldnt do shit with" or didnt believe in its long term utility unless they were just speculative day traders with weak hands? They deserve whatever comes their way.
Anyone trying to time any market is gonna get burned eventually, but if you'd bought even 2 months ago, you'd be up 60% now.
Its been a while since we heard from Mannfred as noted earlier.
I bet thats because even he has some exposure to it at this point.
I know plenty of folks looking at their bond portfolios like a red headed stepchild these days, favoring rebalancing toward crypto...usually BTC.
I'm guessing he's more of a GBTC guy in a Roth IRA or 401k situation for tax reasons. Greyscale is a more traditional route to enter this investment and has outperformed BTC pretty regularly, even with fees and premiums factored in.
Its been largely retail consumers buying BTC until this year, but it looks like Institutional demand is pent up as every pullback in the last two months has been bought and supported, pushing the price higher.
I have a long horizon on this stuff Judit and believe it'll be 10x higher in 10ish years, so I continue to hold. In retrospect, it would have been good to sell a little when you asked, but trying to time this stuff will get you wrecked (rekt) as often as it will pay off. I was more cavalier earlier on when I was hungry to accumulate and traded (not often) more frequently when the graph would go straight up, knowing that just isn't sustainable, then I'd buy more when it fell, increasing my position with the difference.
Pretty big pullback last week to $30,000 from a high of $41,000.
It was propped up pretty quickly by big institutional purchasers looking for a lower entry point and is back at $37,000.
also went in on some Etherium and Doge too while they were down
I have been messing with Doge a bit buying and selling over and over again. It seems to fluctuate pretty consistently so I have been guessing right when to buy and sell but only making a little at a time, but it's all positive flows
I used this dip as an entry to Greyscale and bought some GBTC since premiums are at near all time lows and at these levels, it will almost certainly outperform the actual coins.
.....Provided Tether shenanigans don't blow everything up. That's one of the only real threats to the ecosytem on my radar right now outside Quantum computing, which I believe protocols can be adjusted for as that advances.
Tehran went dark last week, a video showing industrial computers whirring away at a massive Chinese cryptocurrency farm spread online like wildfire, prompting outrage about Bitcoin’s outsized thirst for electricity. Within days, the government closed that plant despite its authorization to operate
My friend has a computer shop and has been in the Bitcoin since it was around $40.00 he did the mining at his shop in the old days and took a lot of power. He asked me about a month ago if I wounded a device that plugs into my router and will mine about $20.00 of bit coin a month and the cost to run it is equivalent to running a light bulb. He has not brought it over yet. He is one of the firm believers it will hit $250,000
<<<<<"smiley73guy on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 – 04:46 pm
I like Bitcoin and have since 2013 ,buying most significant dips but jumped in bigtime summer 2015- winter 2016 when it was clear which way this crypto thing was going.
Moved a bunch of the profits into Ether about 2 months back.
I like Ether even more"
<<<<<<"smiley73guy on Friday, May 5, 2017 – 07:40 am
.....And another jump from Ether yesterday, which is hovering around $100 now"
Ethereum just hit an all time high of $1500 today.
"In this article, I take a deep dive into Chainlink and blockchain protocols, and explain why I think Chainlink is the greatest asymmetric risk/reward investment of our lifetime"
<<<Smiley, what is your opinion on MARA?
I honestly dont know anything about MARA, Skyjunk. Maybe that needs to change though? Sorry. I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the new coins.
can we borrow a few bucks? tacky-ass braggart. you are sooo buffet, a genius, in touch!. please be sure to pay it forward to the folks that get left holding the bag. But good for you mate.
Feel free to buzz off, fly.
My obnoxiousness here, as I told Knotseu a while ago, isn't for you.
It's aimed at a narrow slice of naysayers that took aim early on.
I'm well aware of what I'm doing and hope some have improved their lot along the way.
20-25% correction across the board last two days with a big drop last night.
Probably not a bad time to add a little, even though I have a feeling we could still pull back to sub 40k in the short term. Prob trade sideways in the 50k meighborhood before then though.
I'd suggest anyone looking for a cheap altcoin to take a look at Matic (polygon). Its an ethereum token that uses scaling to make ETH transactions cheaper, which, if you know about moving around on the ETH network, gas prices can really f with you.
Matic was at $.30 last week when I grabbed some and its at .$77 currently (it hit $.90 briefly today), but I think it still has a lot of room to run and I will be adding in the short term. It blew through the $.65 resistance recently and the next level is around $1.30.
Former NYSE president says he's all in on crypto and its one of the best things to happen to financial markets maybe in the history of the world.
"The crypto space is amazing--it's the best kept the secret in the world, and maybe the history of the financial markets," says @ThomasFarley on $COIN #bitcoin. "I think it's here to stay and we are past the point of no return."
"The list price for “Gift” is 309 Ethereum cryptocurrency, which is equivalent to a little more than $1 million.
The artwork features a psychedelic figure with a mohawk and rat tail, wearing quasi-religious garments and holding a cane. The auction caption describes him as “a smiling forward-thinking interstellar being” who plays a musical staff: “We experience his colorful epiphany of giving and receiving in a range of rainbow hues — purples, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, and blues. We experience ‘Gift’ as a realization of gratitude, an uplifting vision perceived through tangible abstractions.”
I bought 205 shares of Matic at $0.77, based on Guy's rec. It's fun to watch it go up.
If people are like me and don't really understand Bitcoin, Matic will make your head spin. It's kind of hilarious.
Polygon (MATIC) is an Ethereum token that powers the Polygon Network, a scaling solution for Ethereum. Polygon aims to provide faster and cheaper transactions on Ethereum using Layer 2 sidechains, which are blockchains that run alongside the Ethereum main chain. Users can deposit Ethereum tokens to a Polygon smart contract, interact with them within Polygon, and then later withdraw them back to the Ethereum main chain. The MATIC token is used to pay transaction fees and participate in proof-of-stake consensus.
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Never understood investing in
Never understood investing in currency. It's a step down from commodities and I wouldn't want to invest in them either.
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Glad I got mine when it was
Glad I got mine when it was $200!
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Try selling it and then come
Try selling it and then come back and report the real value.
Bitcoin functioned from behind the scenes for years as straight 1for1 currency for the sole purpose of hiding transactions. There is no value beyond using the currency as an exchange for goods.
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I use it for certain torrent
I use it for certain torrent sites as it is their preferred way to donate
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>> Bitcoin functioned from
>> Bitcoin functioned from behind the scenes for years as straight 1for1 currency for the sole purpose of hiding transactions.
This makes no sense. Bitcoin transactions are public. All transactions are published in a blockchain.
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So which one was it that
So which one was it that vanished or collapsed with gazillions of Bitcoin ?? Something like MT.Gox.
Whatever happened with that, or was it just gov. front , beyond legal ramifications ??
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I remember that shot with Mt
I remember that shot with Mt Gox. Right around the time Silk Road went down. Obviously, the two were connected. Bitcoin has really turned into a great way for rich people and the cartel to launder and embezzle money.
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>>Try selling it and then
>>Try selling it and then come back and report the real value.
What the fuck are you talking about? lol
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My friend has made a ton of
My friend has made a ton of money buying and selling bit coin. He has been doing it for years and I bet he has made close to 100,000 doing it. He has a few coputers mining for them (whatever that is)
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Read up on the 'crypto
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Read up on the 'crypto
Read up on the 'crypto-currencies' a while back. From what I gathered BTC mining is not quite as rewarding as 'the old days'. The cost of electricity to run a nest of PC's offsets the gains.
However, if you are the administrator for say a School, Office, or other place with a large network, you could set all the machines to mine all night long.
That was one guy's story.
What sketches me out is the scarcity of places to cash out the Cryptos, but I probably did not do enough research.
I am a simpleton who sells Firewood. Here's your Oak, thanks for the Ca$h, now I can go buy a Pizza and bag of Dog Food.
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Seadog is a simple goat
Seadog is a simple goat herder so I guess you win.
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I like Bitcoin and have since
I like Bitcoin and have since 2013 ,buying most significant dips but jumped in bigtime summer 2015- winter 2016 when it was clear which way this crypto thing was going.
Moved a bunch of the profits into Ether about 2 months back.
I like Ether even more.
Their smart contract use of this technology is being adopted by more and more big banks and corporations.
The block chain is here to stay and it's going to slowly change everything.
Pretty happy I didn't listen to the naysayers around here.
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and I can't stress this
and I can't stress this enough......
Keep your coins in a hard wallet.
I keep some walking around/ trading money in the Coinbase account, but the bulk of it gets moved offline pretty quickly. The exchanges do get hacked from time to time.
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Another nice little pop for
Another nice little pop for Ether last night.
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.....And another nice little
.....And another jump from Ether yesterday, which is hovering around $100 now.
Bitcoin at $1600 currently.
Tokens as an asset class have surpassed $30 billion now.
It's projected to be around $300 billion in four years.
The blockchain is the future, kids.
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Bitcoin and Ether both jumped
Bitcoin and Ether both jumped a good little bit last night again.
Bitcoin = $1950
Ether = $ 112
Loving the Cryptos right now.
I see they added LTC to Coinbase.
There are boards where the demographics skew younger and the bitcoin discussions are much more robust.
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amazing it's at 2000$, wow.
amazing it's at 2000$, wow.
i remember purchasing btc at like, $60/coin.
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if 1 coin is worth 2k, how do
if 1 coin is worth 2k, how do i fucking get change brah?
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Btc $2040 Eth $128
Btc $2040
Eth $128
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Odd question, but here goes...
Do you, like stocks, pay taxes on your investment based on appreciation or depreciation? I would think you are supposed to. I wonder what way you need to show said appreciation or depreciation? I don't think there is a form for that a bitcoin "bank" has to produce.
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I payed capital gains in 2015
I payed capital gains in 2015 and 2016 when I first took profits, the amount of my initial buy in, but the govt doesn't as yet consider currency an "investment", so it's a bit of a grey area and the are trying to codify it better. I do know that have asked for Coinbase Records from 2013-2015 and that has caused a stir.
Btc = 2265
Eth = 170
Anyone know where I can pick up a nice monocle and top hat soon?
The recent burst is nice but seems unsustainable and is a little scary.
I'd like to see a little pullback for more buying opportunities.
My last price alert for Ether was set at $43. Won't see that again any time soon.
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Btc $2380
Btc $2380
Eth $197
Lotta action in one month.
I hope this thread has spurred a few to get some skin the game.
The blockchain really is the future.
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This is interesting, I don't
This is interesting, I don't know much about it due to being an old person, or something.
So does it go up & down a lot, or does it generally go up all the time? (which is what it seems from what I have seen in this thread so far)
Because that would be a pretty good deal if so.
Is there a catch?
Maybe we don't know what the catch is yet?
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oh, it definitely goes down.
oh, it definitely goes down. this 2000 plus has never been seen before in the btc world.
something will give and it'll drop.....or maybe it won't, and 2000 is the new bottom.
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Oh it definitely goes down.
Oh it definitely goes down. I see those as buying opportunities, though. We seem to be in a bit of a bubble now and I don't write any checks until the cash is in USD in my account, but for the foreseeable future, some of these alt coins are a long term hold, imo.
We are just at the tip of the iceberg with blockchain applications and I see articles every day about established businesses moving towards this technology.
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The Financial Tech Revolution Will Be Tokenized"
Coupled with the demonization of cash and "experiments" like India recently held, eliminating cash altogether, this really looks like it's only headed in one direction.
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The Chinese banks are
The Chinese banks are imploding and lots of people looking to preserve their assets.
Fidelity has also been mining bitcoin.
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My understanding is that
My understanding is that corporations are buying it up so they can pay off ransom ware if they get infected.
On another note I know an addiction specialist who takes bitcoin who got a lot of new patients when silk road first went down. People had lots of bitcoin and no where to spend it.
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>> 2000 plus has never been
>> 2000 plus has never been seen before in the btc world.
>> 2000 is the new bottom.
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^ caps...
^ caps...
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Btc $2760
Btc $2760
Eth $212
This is getting ridiculous.
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If this keeps up, the
If this keeps up, the Winklevoss Twins will be our new overlords by 2020.
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wow. 3000 this week?
wow. 3000 this week?
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The brief plunge Fri> Sat was
The brief plunge Fri> Sat was a great buying opportunity.
Picked up a few more Ether at $137 knowing China was opening a huge exchange that incentivized it over BTC on Wednesday.
Right now.....
Btc $2222
Eth $ 230
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“The only thing that really
“The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. Probably at the next gas station.”
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Do you have any interest in
Do you have any interest in alternate currencies?
Not a bit.
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More room for me to dance!
More room for me to dance!
Thanks for the no- interest bump, Surf.
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It was actually supposed to
It was actually supposed to be a joke bump.
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Ha. Ill admit, that went
Ha. Ill admit, that went right over my thick head, Surf.
:: fist bump ::
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(No subject)
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looks to be hovering around
looks to be hovering around 2200-2300.
i definitely made a nice little bump:)
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Btc $2854 Eth $260
Btc $2854
Eth $260
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fun times.
fun times.
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Btc $2871 Eth $294
Btc $2871
Eth $294
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how/where do you "buy" them?
how/where do you "buy" them?
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Damn rising & rising? yea how
Damn rising & rising still. How you do get in?
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how does one convert a
how does one convert a bitcoin to cash when needed? Do you need to find a buyer at that price?
Top of Page Bottom of Page Permalink is one is one place for secure, quick and easy access.
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the blockchain......not just
the blockchain......not just for the dark web any more.
Turtle and Catch, there are exchanges such as Coinbase, Poloniex or Gemini where you can register for an account, fund it and begin trading.
Little dip this past week. Things pulled back a bit after going parabolic the last six weeks. It's a good thing.
Btc $2570
Eth $360
Ether was sub $300 for a bit on Thurs.
I'll probably kick myself for not picking up a little at that time.
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Does anyone who is
Does anyone who is speculating in this currencies have a problem with how a large percentage of use is due to purchasing large quantities of synthetic opiods from Chinese labs?
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>> Does anyone who is
>> Does anyone who is speculating in this currencies have a problem with how a large percentage of use is due to purchasing large quantities of synthetic opiods from Chinese labs?
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Someone should google that
Someone should google that
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<<<Does anyone who is
<<<Does anyone who is speculating in this currencies have a problem with how a large percentage of use is due to purchasing large quantities of synthetic opiods from Chinese labs
About as much problem as I have with them using USD, which is still, by and far, the preferred currency of sketch around the globe.
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^haha. indeed.
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Maybe this will interest
Maybe this will interest people here a little more than the rest of this thread.
"Using Blockchain Tech to Keep Concert Ticket Prices Honest"
So many blockchain applications.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
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i have a buddy who made 40k
i have a buddy who made 40k selling bitcoins a few years ago which he used as the downpayment on a houseboat.
if he had sold those bitcoins now he would have made well over 400k
i was a part of the online drug market before sites like the silk road and bitcoin, when it was all just amorphous groups on message boards, posting their "menus" and doing business via encrypted emails and envelopes full of cash. i do not miss services like western union, mt gox or liberty reserve, holy shit
just another missed opportunity...if i had bought bitcoins when folks around me first started mentioning their increases in value, i could be a millionaire...
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^have you heard of the
^have you heard of the majestic garden?
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Wild ride lately.
Wild ride lately.
some great buying opportunities last week.
right now....
btc $3885
eth $284
ltc $52
Iot $0.56
Jamie Dimon had some not so great things to say about bitcoin recently, but coming from the guy that practically caused the financial crisis 10 years ago, his comments seem to have had the reverse effect as intended in the crypto community.
Litecoin and Iota are two more i've added since June.
Buy the dip.
Sell a little when it goes parabolic.
rinse/ repeat.
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and a Forbes staff writer has
and a Forbes staff writer has a great response to Dimon's negativity last week.
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XRP in still water.
XRP in still water.
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>>> the guy that
>>> the guy that practically caused the financial crisis 10 years ago
that's just silly, JP Morgan was one of the few banks that remained solid, it was marginally involved in mortgage securities. The real culprits were the unregulated lenders (unregulated thanks to Dick & Dumber) such as Countrywide, New century, Qucikloans, etc....aided and abetted by ratings agencies that rated bumdles of these shitty loans AAA.
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JP Morgan had to negotiate a $13 billion deal with the government over their shady mortgage bonds sold to investors because they were innocent.
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it should also be noted that
it should also be noted that JP Morgan is quietly working on its own Blockchain project called Quorum that works on Ethereum, so Dimon's comments come off as disingenuous at the very least.
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Don't forget Jr's Sec of the Treasury, Henry Paulson, it was his decision to let Lehman Brothers die, supposedly for personal reasons, that really got the crisis rolling...
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I did not say JP Morgan was innocent, I said the idea that they "practically caused the financial crisis" was silly, as it is.
The whole industry was involved, and as I said, the worst players were the non-bank lenders, which all collapsed.
The next worst were the Ratings agencies (S&P & Moodys' primarily)
Then come the banks that failed:
Bear Stearns
Merril Lynch
Lehman Brothers
Washington Mutual
Many other banks settled, including:
BankAmerica: $16 billion
Citibank: $7 billion:
Goldman: $5 billion
Wells Fargo: $1.2 Billion
All told, the banks paid at least $110 billion (One Hundred Ten) in mortgage settlements:
So JP Morgan had about 12% of the big bank fines. ($13 billion out of $110 billion)
Now, about that $13 billion:
As the DOJ said, these fines were for the behavior of Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual (both acquired by JP Morgan during the crisis) as well as JP Morgan.
Bear and Washington Mutual were MUCH bigger players in mortgages than was JPM/Chase.
In sum:
Was JP Morgan a bank? Yes.
Did it make shitty loans, just like any other bank? Yes.
Did JP Morgan practically cause the mortgage crisis? No.
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Yeah, I was obviously using
Yeah, I was obviously using "practically" a little hyperbolically.
I surely don't believe one man or even one institution was responsible for this. He is a good personification of the overall problem for our purposes in this discussion and l was speaking broadly, given his comments.
Sorry you didn't get that, but the condescending remedial history lesson was mildly entertaining.
Do you not do different colors any more?
I liked those!
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Bought some golem today
Bought some golem today
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Smells like the dot com era
Smells like the dot com era revisited.
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Smells like a money making
Smells like a money making video game
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how'd gold work out for ya,
how'd gold work out for ya, Guy?
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Never bought it, CrazySteve.
Never bought it, CrazySteve.
Don't own an ounce. You seem to be projecting.
Maybe you are just confused like you were on election night when you were blaming VA "Bernie Bros" for the downfall of western civilization as the state was going blue.
But crypto has worked out brilliantly for me so far over the past four years.
I've worked it to outpace many of my other traditional investments over that time period.
The fact that it's house money at this point and only represents a tiny percentage of what I'm working with keeps it fun and dispassionate for me.
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People love to see others
People love to see others fail.
Sweet life.
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What are your favorite alt
What are your favorite alt coins guy?
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Just recently dipped in to the last four on the list to have a little skin in the game.
Heavy and long on BTC and ETH with LTC in third place.
Tell me about Golem, Bro.
Granted, it's not unlike the dot com era and there are thousands of these ICOs that will go bust almost immediately, but, like the dot com era, there will emerge standards going forward that are powerhouses and people that got in on those (now) standards at the end of the '90s are sitting on some nice money in many cases.
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I've been buying eth over the
I've been buying eth over the last year a little every week
wish I was more active earlier lol
found out about bitcoin in 2012 when I made a 100$ donation to a private torrent site.
golem is a concept but it's very exciting to me
and I'm also playing with house money so it's fun
also like mtl, factoid and Komodo
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Funny that the JP Morgan
Funny that the JP Morgan Financial Crisis issue and its resultant fines should come up here. These fucking scumbags paid the fines with fake mortgages, collecting other peoples money.
It's like all they know is to Ponzi Scheme.
Special Investigation: How America’s Biggest Bank Paid Its Fine for the 2008 Mortgage Crisis—With Phony Mortgages!
After JPMorgan’s deceitful activities in the housing market helped trigger the 2008 financial crash that cost millions of Americans their jobs, homes, and life savings, punishment was in order. Among a vast array of misconduct, JPMorgan engaged in the routine use of “robo-signing,” which allowed bank employees to automatically sign hundreds, even thousands, of foreclosure documents per day without verifying their contents.
A Nation investigation can now reveal how JPMorgan met part of its $8.2 billion settlement burden: by using other people’s money
“No one in Washington seems to understand why Americans think that different rules apply to Wall Street, and why they’re so mad about that,” said former congressman Miller. “This is why.
JPMorgan’s litany of acknowledged criminal abuses over the past decade reads like a rap sheet, extending well beyond mortgage fraud to encompass practically every part of the bank’s business. But instead of holding JPMorgan’s executives responsible for what looks like a criminal racket, Obama’s Justice Department negotiated weak settlement after weak settlement. Adding insult to injury, JPMorgan then wriggled out of paying its full penalties by using other people’s money.
And Dimon wonders why we like crypto?
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BTC= 4786.01
BTC= 4786.01
(it was around $1800 when Tim started this thread)
Where'd mannfred go?
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BTC $5626
BTC= $5626
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im new to the game.
im new to the game.
i find it more fun than anything.
you grabbing NEO, guy?
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NEO is just popping up on my radar, uhollis.
Your mention is making me do a double take and look a little harder at it.
BTC $5750
ETH $ 342
LTC $ 63.80
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There is nothing proprietary about blockchain or the asymmetric cryptographic primitives that make it up. An implementation of a non-proprietary technology shouldn't have value by itself. Anyone can and will copy it as evidenced by the numerous copycat coins.
I'm not a hater. I'm not jealous. I just think the coins are a bubble.
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spare some change?
spare some change?
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You guys are buying these
You guys are buying these coins because you think they are undervalued, right? How do you determine their true worth? I know how to price a stock based on financial metrics and ratios, but not a currency. And surely not a currency like this.
Show me your math. What are your triggers to buy/sell? What metrics do you use to determine it's value?
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La propriété, c'est le vol!
La propriété, c'est le vol!
Property is theft! (French: La propriété, c'est le vol!) is a slogan coined by French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in his 1840 book What is Property? Or, an Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government.
If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once. No extended argument would be required to show that the power to remove a man's mind, will, and personality, is the power of life and death, and that it makes a man a slave. It is murder. Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?
— Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?[I]
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having fun, "guy"?
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Bitcoin is a bubble?
Bitcoin is a bubble?
hope you live long enough to see that
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<<<having fun, "guy"?
<<<having fun, "guy"?
BTC just passed $6000.
Really glad I didn't listen to you in 2013.
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Ender, your graph is
Ender, your graph is interesting because it doesnt mention the rise of Chinas interest in coins other than Bitcoin right arpund the time the graph falls off halfway through 2016. Thats right around before Ether took off, too, so the information doesnt present a complete picture.
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> I just think the coins are
> I just think the coins are a bubble.
When are you shorting ?
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<<<<Try selling it and then
<<<<Try selling it and then come back and report the real value
ok, Jonas.
I sold some two weeks ago at a "real value" of $5800/ bitcoin knowing it wouldn't hold the way it was climbing.
I then used that cash to buy more back than I sold when when it was around $5300 last week.
Now it's around $6000.
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<<<Try selling it and then
<<<Try selling it and then come back and report the real value
lol u should lose all credibility if you ever had any lol
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>> When are you shorting ?
>> When are you shorting ?
I'm not a currency trader. I would never make a bet with potential unlimited losses. And I'm not nearly confident enough to gamble on it either way.
I invest in equities, I don't gamble on the flucuations of currencies.
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Bitcoin is a currency?
Bitcoin is a currency?
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>> Bitcoin is a currency?
>> Bitcoin is a currency?
Bitcoin is a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system called the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central repository or single administrator.
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Can u pay taxes with it?
Can u pay taxes with it?
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>> I sold some two weeks ago
>> I sold some two weeks ago at a "real value" of $5800/ bitcoin knowing it wouldn't hold the way it was climbing.
So i asked how you guys determine the value of these cryptocurrencies and use that calculation to trigger buys/sells. This is the closest I got to an answer.
73Guy, You trade based on the second derivative of the price over time and don't care about the underlying value? What else factors in?
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It's all very touchy feely
It's all very touchy feely for me, I admit, ender, and I don't think anyone knows the true value of these assets yet, as it is a very immature market.
If you need to know my process, I assimilate a broad range of empirical data, analyst projections and message board discussions (some of which are surprisingly robust) to get a sense of the waves and I act accordingly, but most of the time I just sit and buy the big dips and hodl because I believe in the blockchain's ability to streamline and transform and I'm betting it turns out to be big. I havent added a lot of Bitcoin in about six months, being more active with some of the smaller coins as they have enjoyed larger percentage climbs, but I do pump sone of the more predictable parabolic waves.
I work with this stuff much differently than I approach my equities and real estate where I'm extremely conservative.
I do find myself getting more conservative with my moves as the real value grows though.
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>> I work with this stuff
>> I work with this stuff much differently than I approach my equities and real estate where I'm extremely conservative.
I've noticed a trend in people our age. They have nearly all their investments in "solid" traditional investments and a small portion in their guesses (Tesla, cyptocurrencies, tech stocks, etc). Nearly all my friends do this.
Thanks for answering my question. I was genuinely interested in the answer.
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Google crickets
Google crickets
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<<<I've noticed a trend in
<<<I've noticed a trend in people our age. They have nearly all their investments in "solid" traditional investments and a small portion in their guesses (Tesla, cyptocurrencies, tech stocks, etc). Nearly all my friends do this.
Agreed, but I hadn't thought of it that way until you said it.
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Bought some MTL today
Bought some MTL today
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and more to Lol at Jamie
and more to Lol at Jamie Dimon....
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Jamie Dimon is betting big on the technology behind 'fraud' bitcoin
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Bitcoin equals market cap of
Bitcoin exceeds market cap of Goldman Sachs
5 years Apple
BTC 50,000
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It’s hard admitting when you
It’s hard admitting that you are wrong
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We will look back at this
We will look back at this stuff as the beginning stages of Adoption.
Bitcoin’s Present Bubble Might Actually be the Beginning of Mainstream Adoption
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Buy now or miss out
Buy now or miss out
biggest investment opportunity maybe ever
not just btc but the top 10 cryptos
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10 years from now when there
5 -10 years from now when there are 240 million people trying to get their hands on 21 million bitcoin
it will be HUGE
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BTC just a little bit off all
BTC just a little bit off all time high of $6250 right now.
I got into some VTC last week at $3.20.
pretty happy with it so far.
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What happens when amazon
What happens when amazon accepts it
what happens when an Etf is approved
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this is really only going in
this is really only going in one direction.
from the last article Brochacho linked.....
The world’s largest exchange owner reversed course today and said it plans to introduce bitcoin futures by the end of the year, only a month after dismissing such a plan
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Another article on Bitcoin
another article on Bitcoin futures
Bitcoin surges to record above $6,400 after CME announces launch of futures for digital currency
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>> What happens when amazon
>> What happens when amazon accepts it
>> what happens when an Etf is approved
What happens when Nakamoto dumps his 5% share of all bitcoins?
What happens if another block 74638 type bug manifests itself?
What happens when quantum computers become a reality?
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I buy more
I buy more
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CME bitcoin futures news on
CME bitcoin futures news on the front page of today's WSJ, reading the article now.
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my coworker built a robot.
my coworker built a robot.
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Lol at the naysayers
Lol at the naysayers
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When I buy into an investment
When I buy into an investment I never what it to go up. I love when it tanks.
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BTC $7200
BTC $7200
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I bought some OMG and feel
I bought some OMG and feel pretty good about it.
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grabbed some more VTC
grabbed some more VTC yesterday.
to the moon.
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7200. incredible.
7200. incredible.
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why did vtc lose 40% of its
why did vtc lose 40% of its value since monday??
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VTC $3.21 > $4.23 in the last
VTC $3.21 > $4.23 in the last 24 hrs.
Its been a volatile week for that one.
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I am waiting for the sure to
I am waiting for the sure to surface eventually, Zonerrand. One of us has to do an initial offering.
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A pump and dump if ever there
A pump and dump if ever there was one, Tony.
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Maybe so but if it is backed
Maybe so but if it is backed by internet trolling futures, it might be a safe bet to go long.
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That will always be a safe
Lol. That will always be a safe bet.
The problem is diminishing volume.
No where for the smart money to park.
.net is a shitcoin.
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Are you any of you guys
Are any of you guys interested in OMG? I bought ~140 coins for about a 900 USD this week and am gonna see how 2018 goes. Looking like it's going to explode next year with the release of Omisego later this year. They're currently $6.50 a piece and expected to go way up.
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My strategy is to buy a
My strategy is to buy a little of the top 4 coins a week.
working pretty nice so far, but I did get in 2 years ago. OMG had a nice bounce earlier this year.
MTL is a decent coin.
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A friend of mine takes a
A friend of mine takes a different approach. He buys and then sells on a bounce. He never holds anything for very long
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Monero and IOTA
Monero and IOTA
monero totally untraceable currency
and IOTA the internet of things.
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Yes. Got into those two a few
Yes. Got into those two a few weeks back when you mentioned Golem, Brochacho.
BTC $7450 now.
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Broke 75
Broke 75
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you guys rich yet?
you guys rich yet?
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How to lose $63 million at
How to lose $63 million at the command line:;all
His wallet:
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>you guys rich yet?
>you guys rich yet?
Jah lambo
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Regulating pot with the
Regulating pot with the blockchain?
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I sold all my bitcoin and
I sold all my bitcoin and turned it into OMG, REP and ETH.
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Ether enjoying a nice little
Ether and Litecoin enjoying a nice little pop after all of that money pouring into bitcoin last week.
ETH $326
LTC $65
It may be a bubble, but 100,000 Coinbase accounts were added last week alone. Coupled with the coming listing of futures and it will be a while before i get nervous.
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When the correction happens
When the correction happens and it will
buy more
are my favorites for 2018
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I'm putting my coins in the
I'm putting my coins in the change jar. It adds up.
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Yesterday morning I was going
Yesterday morning I was going to buy some OMG at 6.5
Forgot to and by 2pm it was 8.5
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^ haha. Yep.
^ haha. Yep.
>> I'm putting my coins in the change jar. It adds up.
Right on. I've been doing that as well. Have 500 bucks since January!
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BCH at 900 up from 350
BTC 6660 down 1000
BCH at 900 up from 350
OMG 6.8
it fun to watch the follow the leader mentality of crypto
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I talked to my friend who has
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Everyone is in on Bitcoin
Everyone is in on Bitcoin Cash right?
these coins will make you cray
i love it
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Every year someone thinks
Every year someone thinks bitcoin has peaked
no one has any idea
if these say otherwise they are full of shit
i don’t care if they bought it in 2009
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down 1800+ from high on wednesday
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up $ 5,284 since last November
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both true
both true
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6574 nice rally overnight
nice rally overnight
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Rode this wave again.
Rode this wave again.
Sold off some btc at $7380 last week.
Bought more back with that $ on Sunday at $5750.
Not the extreme high or the low, but its a good enough difference to add some Satoshis to the pile for next to nothing.
$6750 currently.
LTC and ETH have been hanging tough during this last bout of volatility.
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I’m saving cash just Incase
I’m saving cash just Incase it goes to 500$ and everyone thinks it’s over
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>> I’m saving cash just
>> I’m saving cash just Incase it goes to 500$ and everyone thinks it’s over
Saving cash is a great idea for bitcoin investors.
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No cash is no bueno.
No cash is no bueno.
any other words of advice for the speculators?
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Btc from 5500 7200 in 48 hrs
Btc from 5500 7200 in 48 hrs
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These swings are great for
These swings are great for leveraging more coins.
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I know. I’ve just been buying
Yep. Love gdax
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>These swings are great for
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>Not that I know anything
>Not that I know anything about it,
ender and manfred know a lot about it
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Amex joins ripple. But don’t
Amex joins ripple. But don’t invest in crypto because it’s a bubble
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Next step is a trading bot
Next step is a trading bot
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>> Next step is a trading bot
>> Next step is a trading bot
What's the buy/sell triggers?
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Looking into a gunbot with a
Looking into a gunbot with a bollinguer bands strategy
Not quite sure about pulling the trigger
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Wow, those gunbot licenses
Wow, those gunbot licenses are expensive. Interesting.
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first atomic swap between BTC
first atomic swap between BTC and LTC yesterday.
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BTC $8174
BTC $8174
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time for me to take a
time for me to take a breather
We'll know more if bitcoin futures traded on Cboe Global Markets and CME Group attract significant institutional interest, or if the clearing house LedgerX has continued growth in trading volume. 8 If an influx of money causes price and volatility to rise, that suggests a bitcoin bubble. The price rise says that bitcoin price is determined by the ability to sell to new investors, not fundamentals. 9 The rise in volatility accompanying a price increase suggests bubble dynamics that lead to accelerating price gains followed by a crash.
If institutional money comes in without dramatic price and volatility increases, it's evidence against a bitcoin bubble. If there is scant institutional interest and bitcoin prices are stable, it's evidence of no bubble. But if bitcoin prices plunge, it suggests they were supported only by the hope of selling to greater fools.
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have the custies ruined it
have the custies ruined it yet?
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BTC $8200 ETH $422 LTC $ 77
BTC $8200
ETH $422
LTC $ 77
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BTC $8700 ETH $473 LTC $ 86
BTC $8700
ETH $473
LTC $ 86
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nice run in the last 15 hrs
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>Glad I got mine when it was
>Glad I got mine when it was $200!
and someone will say "glad i got mine at 10,000" when's it 100,000
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This is close to when I sell
This is close to when I sell a little and wait for it to pull back.
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BTC $9700
BTC $9700
ETH $ 485
LTC $ 91
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glad i loaded up on ltc eth
glad i loaded up on ltc eth vtc and eos
killing it
think futures start dec 15
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right now anyone that knows
right now anyone that knows how to use a computer can make money with this
looking forward to the weirdness at 10000
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i thought dec 11 pending
i thought dec 11 pending regulatory review
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no they made official
no they made official announcement over weekend
one of those dates
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>>>>right now anyone that
>>>>right now anyone that knows how to use a computer can make money with this
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definitely will see some
definitely will see some limit up and limit down days
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Could there be two markets,
Could there be two markets, one with Bitcoin and one with Bitcoin futures, both operating independently?
does not make sense
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bitcoin futures contracts
bitcoin futures contracts will be cash settled
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no other way. cant be settled in bitcoin . hopefully membership prices will go up. sure could use a boost
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a platform of trust
a platform of trust
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This is a good time to remind
This is a good time to remind people to keep your coins in a hard/ offline wallet.
The exchanges have been hacked before and it will surely happen again. Now, we have come a long way from MT GOX. Coinbase is insured up to a certain amount and there is more long term accountability behind some of the bigger exchanges , but im sure there are new and insidious ways hackers are devising to separate the unwitting from their money.
I keep some walking around money on the exchanges for quick moves, but the bulk of my coins are in a hard wallet.
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Question for those who are
Question for those who are investing: what are your short, medium and long-term worries about the crypto cash markets?
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I get that, but what about
I get that, but what about the market itself?
Are the other crypto currencies capped, like Bitcoin?
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most are some have low rates
most are some have low rates of inflation like 1%
95% are shit
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Many to most, but not all are
Many to most, but not all are capped, BK.
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As someone who is relatively
As someone who is relatively content with my mutual funds, I find this stuff fascinating and give kudos to you guys who play these markets.
Where I’m lost, though, is on the risk. With this high rewards, there has to be huge risk. What could make the bottom fall out? Lack of confidence in the market? With the whole futures thing, are the banks leveraging themselves? Are banks allowing individual investors to borrow against their Bitcoin portfolio?
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no one should invest anything
no one should invest anything in any market that they cant afford to lose
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Fair enough. So it’s a really
Fair enough. So it’s a really pure form of supply and demand. Limit the supply, create a buzz that goes viral, and demand increases exponentially. As that happens value increases.
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you need utility with that
you need utility with that buzz.
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9945 470 eth 92.65 ltc
approaching 5 figures
470 eth
92.65 ltc
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What’s amazing is that the
What’s amazing is that the utility is still very limited. The 45 minute transaction time definitely beats standard international money transfers, and limited major retailers (mostly online) are now accepting bitcoin. If they can get the transaction time down to real-time, and brick and mortar stores start accepting it, does the value skyrocket?
And the’s still volatile. When the Chinese government advised caution in buying bitcoin, the value dropped by 29%. Granted, it came back, but are small retailers willing to risk losing that kind of operating capital? By its nature, will it always be volatile?
Pretty friggin’ cool either way. But alas, I’m not a gambler. The highest risk I take is a distribution to a high risk mutual fund.
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21000 million btc 4 million
21000 million btc 4 million lost forever so only 17000 million btc
soon 240 million people will either want some or not
a lot of people are not looking at btc as a currency but more as a store of value
i dont move any btc around
if i want to trade coins i buy eth or ltc then move it to an exchange for a very small fee and it takes about 30 seconds
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dust in the wind
dust in the wind
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go play in the sand old man
go play in the sand old man
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Yes. Being able to retire at
Yes. Being able to retire on a beach is part of the plan, son
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Although I don't dabble in
Although I don't dabble in crypto, past currency plays by major players and how they move markets would cause me more than a little pause. With futures coming onlne and the relative anonymity of the players, who is to say that someone(s) have taken enough of a position that they can short the futures and dump enough btc into the market to cause a huge swing. Geroge Soros comes to mind. The little guys are playing with some really big boys who could care less if small investors get shafted. As a matter of fact I would not be at all surprise if some of them get off really hard by doing so.
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btc has dropped 30% 6 times
btc has dropped 30% 6 times this year
i think it has droped 80% a few times
no one cares
a few weak hands leave
if anything futures will make btc more stable imo
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<<<dust in the wind
<<<dust in the wind
yes, its all meaningless in the end,
but if you wanna play the game while you are here, this is a pretty good thread.
Good post, 6
And Tony, what you are describing is already happening. The thing is, I can read a chart too, and I've benefitted from the predictable path of volatility made by those moves along the way.
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Congrats to anyone that
Congrats to anyone that bought IOTA @.35
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And Tony, what you are
You probably not the type of player that will be caught flat footed if the big boys make plays that might net them a 100 million dollar payday. You may take a haircut but I suspect you will be out before you lose any huge sums. The concern is for the people who are flooding into the market like pre-dotcom bubble who think themselves brilliant investors because of this run up. Another concern is the rumblings that China is going to outlaw crypto outright and force it's citizens with positions to devest immediately. If that happens, I'm sure other countries like North Korea would have to dump ASAP as well before their holdings were worth pennies on the dollar.
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i noticed that some of these
i noticed that some of these coins/tokens are not this significant or not? ripple and iota for example.
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every year they write the
every year they write the obituary for btc and now crypto
if this happens if that happens blah blah blah
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I don't see how ignoring the
I don't see how ignoring the possibilities that some, or all, of the concerns in the landscape would be a sane investment outlook. Look at all the showing cards and then play your hand dependent on your appetite for risk.
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>>if this happens if that
>>if this happens if that happens blah blah blah
Ramones song lyrics?
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XMR doubled since in
XMR doubled since i mentioned it here
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<<<XMR doubled since i
<<<XMR doubled since i mentioned it here
yeah, about the same since my mention in the beginning of oct.
BTC $ 10032
ETH $ 471
LTC $ 97
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I have to go back to my
I have to go back to my original question: what are the risks that you guys see?
With any investing it’s risk/reward. Right now there’s a ton of reward, and that’s all that’s being talked about here.
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risk is i lose it all
risk is i lose it all
but i dont care
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i hodl
i hodl
but im not stupid i sell a little here and there
house money is the best money
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I guess that’s about as basic
I guess that’s about as basic as it gets.
Do you see crypto as a high risk investment?
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but it has done more than any market in history
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Personally, my risk is
Personally, my risk is extremely low at this point, BK.
I'm working with house money at this stage and have been involved since 2013 so BTC, for example would have to pull way back for me to be "down" even with that sum. I haven't put real money into BTC since June when it was around $2000.
My biggest concern is that I get more conservative with the accounts as they get more serious (white people problems). I don't have any of it spent or as collateral in any way so if it all evaporated tomorrow, Id be disappointed, but Id continue chopping wood and carrying water just as i do now.
Shit, if I won the lottery, I always says thats when I'd really get to work.
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<<<Do you see crypto as a
<<<Do you see crypto as a high risk investment
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<<<i hodl this.
<<<i hodl
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meanwhile while everyone was
meanwhile while everyone was like what if this what if that
1000 usd a year ago would be 10000 now
get some balls
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I know that some detractors
I know that some detractors have called it a pyramid scheme. Would you agree in any way?
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I have no balls. I won’t even
I have no balls. I won’t even drive with a BAL over 0.00, and for fun I try to drive exactly 25 in a 25 MPH zone.
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pyramid schemes dont have a
pyramid schemes dont have a limited supply
again 16 million btc exist right now
if 240 million people want some what do you think will happen
we are seeing just the beginning of this now
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>>Try selling it and then
>>Try selling it and then come back and report the real value.
u just have to laugh at this type of stupid
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It’s not really a limited
It’s not really a limited supply. If you can break a bitcoin into hundredth of a millionth units, there’s an awful lot to play with.
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>It’s not really a limited
>It’s not really a limited supply
and you call me stupid lol
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there will only be 21 million
there will only be 21 million coins 4 million are lost
that leaves 17 million you can divided into as many parts as you want
its still 17 million lol
holy fuck bro
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Okay, there’s a limited
Okay, there’s a limited supply, but with virtually unlimited splits. That’s what makes it so high reward.
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true btc "split" into btrash
true btc "split" into btrash and gold
but the og remains the same
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thanks slack
thanks slack
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I don’t know, maybe I’m
I don’t know, maybe I’m comparing them too much to stocks, which they clearly aren’t.
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in reality its better than
in reality its better than gold
gold does not have a limited supply
more gold is mined every year
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Nowhere near as safe as gold,
Nowhere near as safe as gold, though.
The total gold mined in all of human history would fill up about 3.5 Olympic sized pools.
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>Nowhere near as safe as gold
>Nowhere near as safe as gold, though.
how do you know that?
nothing is certain
isnt that what we are talking about?
all forms of value are just human constructs
who is to say that gold is not valued in the future just like many think btc won't be
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come on slack i know you know
come on slack i know that you know that i know that you know
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>>how do you know that?
>>how do you know that?
There’s a couple of hundred years of hard data on production and prices. There’s also some weird part of the human psyche that has evolved to love gold. There’s little risk of the bottom falling out.
Not to say that it can’t happen with bitcoin, that it becomes so embraced by the majority of the population that the bottom can’t fall out. The diamond industry showed us that we are pliable.
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gold is a finite element
gold is a finite element found in nature.
a bitcoin is made by a donkey kong mchine.
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gold is finite ? lol
gold is finite in nature?
on earth maybe
put the pipe down and get a science lesson
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speculation lol
speculation lol
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bk hates to be wrong
bk hates to be wrong
its ok bro
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Dude, I’m not trying to be
Dude, I’m not trying to be right or wrong, nor do I want to get personal. I do see gold as being relatively low risk. If you disagree, why?
You’ve stated that bitcoin is high risk. Do you see gold as being as high risk?
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im just busting you man
im just busting you man
like i said before i just see all forms of value as human constructs
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whats safer?
whats safer?
thats your call
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once we start mining
once we start mining asteroids and mars, then we will all have gold toilets?
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I totally agree that it’s all
I totally agree that it’s all constructs. Our entire monetary system is kind of built on faith, isn’t it?
That’s where gold comes in. When people lose faith in that greenback, there’s always that pretty jewelry to grasp on to.
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gold is just a construct too
gold is just a construct too
thats the point
computer bits or some shiny metal makes no difference
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see animals get along fine
see animals get along fine without "money" thread lol
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If I had balls I’d pay the
If I had balls I’d pay the penalty, cash in my retirement and sink it into crypto for 6 months.
Like I said, I have no balls.
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i hear you
i hear you
some guys put their whole house on ltc at 45 now its 100
there is still time
take 1 percent of your investment money and give it a go
ltc is my pick
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I had to cash in the
I had to cash in the retirement to sink into the house. It has actually turned out to be a pretty good investment and has shown more growth than the mutual funds, so I’m not complaining. It sucked at the time though.
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im glad it worked out for you
im glad it worked out for you Brian
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they don't let you have tiny
they don't let you have tiny homes here.
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dude, who stole my bitcoin?
dude, who stole my bitcoin?
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on another note bitcoin and
on another note bitcoin mining is very environmentally unfriendly
but who cares right
its a blast
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mining is unsustainable.
mining is unsustainable.
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>> and has shown more growth
>> and has shown more growth than the mutual funds.
until you actually sell it for a specific price - isn’t growth undetermined?
you know the price you could sell your MF shares for today - but selling a house is different
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Point taken, but I choose to
Point taken, but I choose to live in my bubble of confidence. It gives me hope.
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Can you post a pic of you
Can you post a pic of you 'making it rain'?
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wtf are you blabbing about
wtf are you blabbing about
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wakes up
wakes up
checks MyEtherWallet
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BTC $ 11000
BTC $ 11000
ETH $ 504
LTC $102
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crazy man
crazy man
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it goes up forever?
it goes up forever?
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>it goes up forever?
>it goes up forever?
fuck if i know
just in the last 24 hrs it's up 10 percent
ed frog is killing it
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fuck this. i am going to kill
fuck this. i am going to kill it.
if i try, and buy some. it WILL immediately plunge.
i want a 25% kick back. you sell right before i fuck the market up.
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How are those on this thread
How are those on this thread dealing with the tax reporting issues? FIFO? LILO? From what I've read, to be in compliance one has to report every transaction on has. Any buys, sells, purchases or transfers to other coins.
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i keep telling myself not to
i keep telling myself not to sell but this is getting out of hand
this is what i would use for taxes
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also i read somewhere that
also i read somewhere that like 900 people reported last year lol
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I have no doubt that many
I have no doubt that many people did not report their transactions in the past. That is why the IRS is tightening up their enforcement multi-fold. From my readings, it seems that if you made gain in your, say, btc and decided to diversify into another coin, you would responsible for the sales tax on the original purchase, short or long term capital gains on the appreciation of the asset and sales tax on the value of the purchase of the new coin. That's a lot of things to keep track of to stay in compliance. The last thing anyone wants is tax penalties and interest on the original obligation. That can be very, very expensive.
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<<<<ed frog is killing it
<<<<ed frog is killing it
The .net shoutout that slacker linked is a dubious distinction.
more than happy to aid my fellow man.
Not so happy to know it will be spent on ticket bots and six packs for his crazy polish neighbor.
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turtle, did you just buy
turtle, did you just buy
that was fun while it lasted
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someone just made a fuckload
someone just made a fuckload of money.
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Id imagine at this point, we
Id imagine at this point, we hover around the $10'000 mark, give or take 10%, for the next month until a Jan selloff.
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Nasdaq offering futures 2018
Nasdaq offering futures 2018
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>turtle, did you just buy <
>turtle, did you just buy <
no. all i have to do is think about it.
i'll settle for 15%.
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this dude isn't into it
this dude isn't into it
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Is he a banker
Is he a banker
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sell your mom's ass to buy
sell your mom's ass to buy vertcoin
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Get it together, man, it’s a
Get it together, man, it’s a bunch of hippies around here. They’ll sell their moms for the reefers and acids, but not for money.
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smiley 73guy on Monday,
<<<sell your mom's ass to buy vertcoin
smiley 73guy on Monday, October 30, 2017 – 11:12 am
I got into some VTC last week at $3.20.
pretty happy with it so far.
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great coin
great coin
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70% in a month I should
70% in a month is nothing to scoff at.
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you dont need lot of cheddar to get some skin in the game.
btc isnt the only operator here.
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> They’ll sell their moms for
> They’ll sell their moms for the reefers and acids, but not for money.
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Looking at the 30 day chart,
Looking at the 30 day chart, what caused that big decline at the end of October, then the rapid bounce back around thanksgiving?
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probably news of some sort
tech details you would need to research
bk wants to get his feet wet
go for it man
do your research
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I find it fascinating, but I
I find it fascinating, but I have no nads.
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and then...
and then...
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I don't understand it;
I don't understand it; therefore, it must be bad.
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The wealthiest people in history did things that nobody else had done before. They did not follow the safe playbook written or walked by other people. Survivorship bias is also at play. Many tried, most failed. This is a good lens through which to view risk.
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Rudimentary interpretation is
Rudimentary interpretation is not patented
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saw that a few days ago.
good luck "outlawing" a distributed ledger system.
the toothpaste is out of that tube.
file under similar comments from Jamie Dimon.
nice little surge yesterday after the recent pullback.
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BTC $11,765
BTC $ 11,765
ETH $ 481
LTC $ 104
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bitcoin all over the map. the market is very thin and prone to big swings. maybe the futures mkt will tighten it up.
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Ill take big swings over the
Ill take big swings over the .5 percent the bank offers
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>> A new decentralized
>> A new decentralized application called CryptoKitties, where you can buy, sell, breed, and collect virtual cats has taken the ETH blockchain by storm. The Genesis Kitty sold for $117,00 USD and about 17 have sold for over $10,000. You can track the marketplace. The app is so popular that it has caused a significant backlog of transactions and has highlighted issues of scaling on the network.
Ethereum's market cap is 44 billion USD and it's network can't even handle the volume of virtual cats transfers.
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>> CryptoKitties has grown to
CryptoKitties has grown to make up 20 percent of all ethereum computations, a number that seems to still be growing.
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>> CryptoKitties has grown to
CryptoKitties has grown to make up 20 percent of all ethereum computations, a number that seems to still be growing.
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Back over 11,000 today. Sell
Back over 11,000 today. Sell sure seems right. No one ever went broke taking a profit.
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IOTA 2.60
IOTA 2.60
anyone buy when i mentioned it at .50
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yeah, not too bad since I
yeah, not too bad since I mentioned it in September and again in october.
good stuff.
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what will happen when trump
what will happen when trump launches the scud missiles at N Korea
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GRS was another big winner
GRS was another big winner for me
i love LTC VTC DCR and GRS
btc too of course
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>>If this keeps up, the
>>If this keeps up, the Winklevoss Twins will be our new overlords by 2020.
They have become among the first bitcoin billionaires.
“they purchased 100,000 bitcoins in 2013 when the digital currency's price reached a high of $1,000 in November of that year. Since then, it has surged more than 10-fold, recently trading at $11,310.”
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they also own one of the
they also own one of the bigger exchanges.
they are making money coming and going.
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and holy shit, Vertcoin.
and holy shit, Vertcoin.
up to $9.60 now.
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could have bought vtc for .10
could have bought vtc for .10 from july 2014 to april 2017
thats insane
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so much opportunity.
so much opportunity.
BTC isnt the only game in town.
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i think vtc will hit 40 in a
i think vtc will hit 40 in a few months
because it is so similar to ltc and when it starts up on some new exchanges
also believe ltc will be 200+ next year
i do like tokens but all that just goes back into the coins for me ltc vtc btc
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also vtc has it halving next
also vtc has it halving next week
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frog boy needs some advice on
frog boy needs some advice on crypto
send me 100 ltc frog boy and ill help
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the kitties are clogging the
the kitties are clogging the blockchain.
ive had ether hung up in transaction since midnight last night.
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that sucks
that sucks
i was just going to trade some for vtc
let us know when it goes thru
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it just went through, but
it just went through, but another one is still hung up(a transfer)
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lol. is eddie sending smoke
lol. is eddie sending smoke signals across platforms again?
i don't think he understands how this works.
and asking me a question followed by an insult isn't the winning formula.
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and from what i just read,
and from what i just read, andseemingly confirmed on binance, ETH withdrawals are suspended currently
abd bittrex waller offline for maintenance
thanks kittyfever
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yeah i think he needs help
yeah i think he needs help buying an ico scam
heres another one i like got some at .15 SUB
might me a ten bagger but who knows PAY is interesting too
check them out let me know what you guys think
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both PAY and SUb are very
both PAY and SUb are very interesting companies.
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hey frog here's a good
hey frog here's a good strategy
listen up because im only going to say this once
buy one millionth of the total supply of the top 15 coins/tokens by market cap as quickly as possible
if one or more of those positions leave the top 15 then sell that position and buy what replaces it
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pssst. 1 for 5, 3 for 10,
pssst. 1 for 5, 3 for 10, who needs em
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Iota just passed Ripple for
Iota just passed Ripple for 4th place in market cap.
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^ glad i have my millionth
^ glad i have my millionth
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>> ^ glad i have my millionth
>> ^ glad i have my millionth
So market cap of top 15 cryptocurrencies is around 325 billion USD.
You have a millionth of that, so you've got $325,000 in cryptocurrency. NICE!
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not quite there yet
not quite there yet
i traded a lot of eth and btc
made some mistakes with small cap shit coins
my list so far
eth btc ada xmr iota etc neo and eos
also i really started buying weekly last dec
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things where much cheaper a
things were much cheaper a year ago lol
hodling is an art form
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Check this text out
Check this text out
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Your name is James and you've
Your name is James and you've been single for the past 6 1/2 years?
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i wish i was james
i wish i was james
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how much do you think this
how much do you think this kid is worth
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Fucking love this thread
Fucking love this thread
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enough to buy friends like
enough to buy friends like you
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$1200 move since 6pm last night
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So James had the same phone
So James had the same phone for 6.5 years?
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lol. good call ender.
lol. good call ender.
bitcoin millionaire stays pat with the trusty iphone 4s?
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who didn't know that was fake
who didn't know that was fake?
still funny
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>enough to buy friends like
>enough to buy friends like you
if i was 6 I would be very offended by this
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loved it brochacho.
loved it brochacho.
along the lines of the market: hold my beer link. ha.
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As of today, Steam will no
As of today, Steam will no longer support Bitcoin as a payment method on our platform due to high fees and volatility in the value of Bitcoin.
In the past few months we've seen an increase in the volatility in the value of Bitcoin and a significant increase in the fees to process transactions on the Bitcoin network. For example, transaction fees that are charged to the customer by the Bitcoin network have skyrocketed this year, topping out at close to $20 a transaction last week (compared to roughly $0.20 when we initially enabled Bitcoin). Unfortunately, Valve has no control over the amount of the fee. These fees result in unreasonably high costs for purchasing games when paying with Bitcoin. The high transaction fees cause even greater problems when the value of Bitcoin itself drops dramatically.
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how many times did btc die
how many times did btc die this year
its like a rain dance
if you dance long enough eventually it will rain
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Nice demo of possible things to come in the future. But IRL this doesn't actually exist outside of a preliminary specification.
And in my experience, big players accept new payment systems at a glacial pace (unless someone else is accepting the liability).
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token of companies i like and
token of companies i like and think may solve some real world problems down the road
Zcoin, Lumens, OMG, IOTA, Monero
bitcoin currently trading at 16k in Korea
20k by new year possibly.
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I sold iota and bought ltc.
I sold iota and bought ltc. They are cool but its like 20 years down the road. Im thinking about leaving all my positions except monero and buying ltc and vtc.
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ltc is about to go on a huge
ltc is about to go on a huge marketing offensive.
is anyone in the space going to do a super bowl commercial?
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yeah but can i get still get
yeah but can i get still get some Indian pharmies and meth precursors from china?
I wish you luck and congratulate the speculators that have made some loot early in the game. I'm guessing it won't last forever for a number of reasons. State influence for one. That leaves a whole bunch of newcomers to possibly lose their shirts if things collapse. Hmmm, what does that remind me of?
Today, an anonymous donor left cryptocoins in the santa bucket all across Seoul. Very nice.
Of course i don't understand how things operate.
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selling off a portion of
selling off a portion of bitcoin this morning.
this runup looks like big institutions flooding in to prop up the market ahead of a big short to me. it may go to 20,000 before that happens, but we are due for a correction.
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we are all going to die
we are all going to die
run run
nothing lasts forever
sell sell
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>>>this runup looks like big
>>>this runup looks like big institutions flooding in to prop up the market ahead of a big short to me.
looking at the buy orders, they are relatively small, considering what big institutions can do.
i think a ton of this come from Korea premiums and all the buying happening there and a few other places
17+ out of Korea right now
18+ out of indonesia
20+ in Ukraine this morning with majority buy orders below half a BTC
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Is it possible to dark pool
Is it possible to dark pool trades in crypto?
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from what a gather, yes,
from what a gather, yes, large investors
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nicehash hacked for 65
nicehash hacked for 65 millions in btc yesterday
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Everyone needs to ask for a
Everyone needs to ask for a hard wallet for Christmas.
BTC $16,700.
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Of the many things I'll
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korea trading 10% of current
korea - 10% of current trades at 19300
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Environmental aspects.
Environmental aspects.
"Today, each bitcoin transaction requires the same amount of energy used to power nine homes in the U.S. for one day."
"The total energy use of this web of hardware is huge — an estimated 31 terawatt-hours per year. More than 150 individual countries in the world consume less energy annually"
There will be blood!
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>bit coin before it was too
>bit coin before it was too late,
it's too late?
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<<<Of the many things I'll
<<<Of the many things I'll regret in life, not investing in apple(when I was going to be fronted the $$!!!) and not understanding bit coin before it was too late, will be towards the top of the list. I was 1000% wrong on this one
Fist bump to my brother Jonas.
Dont see a lot of that kind of zoning around here.
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when 30% of m1 and m2 are in
when 30% of m1 and m2 are in crypto then it will be too late
also you will probably be able to grab btc for 8500 soon if you're quick enough
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>Everyone needs to ask for a
>Everyone needs to ask for a hard wallet for Christmas.
love my nano s
a friend is planning on giving ltc paper wallets for Christmas
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The prices are all over the
The prices are all over the place. I hope people are making a killing with arbitrage.
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i just had $18,464 on
i just had $18,464 on coinbase just a bit ago.
down to $16, 600 now.
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>I hope people are making a
>I hope people are making a killing with arbitrage.
oh they definitely are
i did that with bitcoin gold it was 300 on one exchange and 500 on another
making money just pushing buttons all night
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19700-15100 range in one hour
19700-15100 range in one hour bracket
thats not a market folks.
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gdax has service outage now
gdax has service outage now
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per usual
per usual
coinbase is going public in feb i think
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Bitcoin boom may be a disaster for the environment
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humans are a disaster for the
humans are a disaster for the environment
Mining is an essential but energy-intensive means of securing the bitcoin network. It is thanks to this process that millions of strangers can transact with complete trust, safe in the knowledge that the information stored on the blockchain is true. Despite this, the energy costs of bitcoin mining have come under scrutiny, prompting calls for a greener way of protecting the network. A new mining company claims to have achieved a breakthrough by devising “the world’s first waste-to-energy crypto mine”, but does this claim withstand scrutiny?
Also read: ”Ludicrous” – Analysts Debate How Much Power Is Consumed per Bitcoin Transaction
Waste Not, Want Not
Like any industrial process, bitcoin mining is energy-intensive. While most of this power is gobbled up by the ASICs that are frantically crunching numbers, some of it is expended in the form of heat. Entrepreneurs have attempted to re-use this wastage, developing miners that will also heat your home or provide hot water. Despite well-meaning attempts to recoup some of the energy lost through mining, running hundreds or thousands of overclocked GPUs still comes at an enormous expense.
Standard American Mining claims to have developed a mining solution, however, that has close to zero waste. Renewable energy is commonly used in bitcoin mining, particularly in regions such as China’s Sichuan province, where a ready supply of cheap hydro power is gleefully lapped up by mining farms. Standard American Mining has taken a different approach, constructing a mining farm on top of a waste plant.
Where There’s Muck There’s Money
The waste-to-energy plant sees car tires fed in at one end and oil, steel, and carbon synthetic gas produced as outputs. The oil and steel are sold as commodities, while the carbon and syngas are used to produce the energy that powers the mining operation. Little is known about Standard American Mining, whose website comprises a holding page. Nevertheless, CEO Anthony Pompliano claims the firm’s mining power is zero-cost “because the rest of the business is profitable without monetizing the power. Only a waste-to-energy business can pull this off”. He stated:
Cryptocurrency mining involves hardware, software, and an energy source. The hardware and software will become commoditized over time, hence why Standard American Mining is focused on creating arbitrage situations with untraditional, near-free energy sources.
How Free is Near-Free?
Pompliano’s comments may be disingenuous, as any company wishing to harness a surplus of power will still be obliged to pay for it; plant operator PRTI weren’t simply going to let this energy go to waste had Standard American Mining not stepped in. Intriguing as the waste-to-energy mine is, there are few details in terms of its outputs, both hashrate and carbon footprint. Nevertheless, the scheme does hint at a possible future for bitcoin mining: large-scale miners striking direct deals with energy suppliers to capture electricity before it’s entered the national grid.
One expert who’s been eyeing the project with interest is cryptocurrency miner and Zencash business developer Rowan Stone. He told
I think that sourcing renewable energy will be an essential part of crypto continuing to grow at its current rate. But when we talk about renewable energy, we talk about sources that cannot be depleted. That’s why the miners of tomorrow will power their mines with wind, water and solar energy – not car tyres.
Tires go in, bitcoin comes out.
The UK-based crypto miner has explored a number of renewable energy options including solar, wind, and steam, the latter using spent grain sourced from a local brewery. Each of these options was ruled out however on account of the setup costs or, in the case of steam, the CO2 emissions. Standard American Mining’s venture seems certain to fall foul of that last caveat. But the project raises hope that greener mining solutions may be on the horizon.
The amount of energy that bitcoin uses has been widely misreported, with at least one source claiming it to be significantly lower than stated. Several bitcoiners have countered claims that mining is unnecessarily wasteful by noting that the same can be said of Christmas lights, or bank offices. Bitcoin at least adds measurable value, providing verifiable truth in exchange for energy – a price worth paying for the millions who use the digital currency. “Zero-waste” or otherwise, any innovation that can make bitcoin more environmentally friendly – whilst providing a cheap and plentiful source of energy – is to be welcomed.
Do you think “zero-waste” mining is achievable? Can waste-to-energy plants transform bitcoin mining or are there other environmental concerns to factor in? Let us know in the comments section below.
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I just read a comment that
I just read a comment that the system is so backed up with orders right now that the actual price of a bitcoin may have already broken 20k. Crazy stuff.
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Every time I see the word
Every time I see the word "Bitcoin" I think of Underdog.
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Selling a little yesterday
Selling a little yesterday wasn't a bad call.
caught it at 17,300.
not the extreme high, but not too bad.
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Smart move.
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its going to 50,000 jonas
its going to 50,000 jonas
jump on board
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My issue is coming up with
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you can buy 5 dollars worth
you can buy 5 dollars worth
its not like a stock
buy whatever you are willing to lose every week
personally i like ltc better
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I'm still learning…
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The Bitcoin thread just broke
The Bitcoin thread just broke 400 for the first time. Record gains.
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go ltc
go ltc
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my boy LTC!
my boy LTC!
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Why has bitcoin’s price gone
Why has bitcoin’s price gone up so fast?
By NATHANIEL POPPER New York Times News Service,
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look at the open orders jonas
look at the open orders jonas, right now, as people are filling the gap and starting to bring the dip back, 90% of those orders are for less than 0.05 btc.
buying the dip has been huge on btc.
also, as people see a dip, they start to by the altcoins and that drives the prices of those.
so with the iota microsoft news, the monero stuff, stellar lumens about to announce on the 12th, and litecoin talking about marketing and even a superbowl commercial, the btc sell off pushes the altcoin market and vice versa. so many people with so much time.
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I've got a lot of work to do
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I feel like new people on Coinbase are gonna buy Eth like they're ordering wine from a fancy restaurant. "Well, I can't afford the really pricey one, but I shouldn't order the cheapest one cuz I'll look like a scrub, so I'll buy this one in the middle, lol prob cant even tell!"
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another big dip?
another big dip?
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>another big dip? huge
>another big dip?
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good brain here
good brain here
good you tube videos
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ltc - Charlie lee on glen
ltc - Charlie lee on glen beck
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I've been lurking on this
I've been lurking on this thread for a while now.
Great thread and I need to take a punt and dip my toe in the water .The digital wallet is kind of confusing to me I will do my diligence .
I appreciate all the info the experienced traders are sharing in this thread.
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always appreciate whatever
always appreciate whatever Uhollis brings to the table here.
thanks for those links.
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Fly is kind of like the guy
Fly is kind of like the guy who didn't do any of the group work and is googling everything the day of his presentation, huh?
Sit down, fella. You're getting a big fat goose egg on this one.
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Coinbase is the #1 app in the
Coinbase is the #1 app in the App Store.
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LTC moon
LTC moon
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You can track bitcoin's price
You can track bitcoin's price just by how high this thread is on the Other Stuff's page.
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>Never understood investing
>Never understood investing in currency. It's a step down from commodities and I wouldn't want to invest in them either.
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Yeah, I haven't owed any
Yeah, I haven't owed any bitcoin in at least 5 years. Like you, I used it to buy things. I never considered it an investment. Still don't.
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its an interesting experiment
its an interesting experiment
at this point whatever happens happens
good luck everyone
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LTC 179 probably hit 200
LTC 179 probably hit 200 today
VTC 9.3
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both sides of the order book
both sides of the order book are insane for LTC right now
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LTC will flip bitcoin cash
LTC will flip bitcoin cash next year
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Loving the LTC.
Loving the LTC.
I grabbed a mess of that stuff in June at $28-30.
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ive been buying it all year
ive been buying it all year
just bought more yesterday
vtc is going to be huge in 2018 70-100 is not impossible
loading up
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yeah, ive been adding vtc
yeah, ive been adding vtc slowly for about two months now.
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yeah, ive been adding vtc
yeah, ive been adding vtc slowly for about two months now.
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Ok so here is the plan. Move
Ok so here is the plan. Move to CA. Grow 10-20 elbows. Sell them elbows back east. Invest in crypto. Then I sit by the pool for ever and ever while my guaranteed millions pour in.
Is that a sound financial plan? Then I can just buy love and happiness, right?
I mean, I hear about your huge bulging "change purses" and I feel stupid, like I don't understand.
Help an old guy out. I eat out of dumpsters.
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Just because you feel stupid
Just because you feel stupid doesn't mean you are stupid, Fly. Dont forget that.
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Come on. The home is taking
Come on. The home is taking us to country buffet and then Costco. I JUST WANT SOMeONE TO TELL ME WHICH AISLE THE BITCORNS IS IN! Im retired on v.a. benefits and social security and I sure could use the money. Help and God bless.
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ltc up 100% since sunday
ltc up 100% since sunday afternoon
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ltc on point
ltc on point.
i still predict a super bowl commercial from ltc this year.
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what are everyone fav cold or
what are everyone fav cold or offline wallets for btc and ltc
the 15 min candles are insane on ltc right now
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feels good man
feels good man
maybe a flash of the icon
but i hope you are right
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i like nano s
i like nano s
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the only coins that matter
the only coins that matter
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weirdly enough i got rid of
weirdly enough i got rid of my monero a month ago
but will probably get back in with the music/monero thing happening.
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nano s will support monero
nano s will support monero soon
it has a lot of coin support
thing is you need to uninstall some apps because it only holds 5
but your coins will still be there
some guys have more than one even though it's not necessary
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I naming my next child
I naming my next child Litecoin.
$377. Sweet Baby Jesus.
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I naming my next child
edit. double p.
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jeebus. this stuff is too
jeebus. this stuff is too star trek for me. I asked the lady at costco and she said aisle 6. I go to aisle 6 and nothing! absolutely nothing. Now I got buckets of GG#4 and can't even trade it for applesauce at snack time.
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Rats. all those years going
Rats. all those years going to college for finance and alI got was this tshirt. All this time all I needed was to answer an email from Nigeria and get me a fancy change purse.
edit: uh oh, i said college
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no, you just needed to listen
no, you just needed to listen to Clif High's podcasts in 2010
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great arbitrage opportunity
great arbitrage opportunity with ltc on bittrex and coinbase
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Chocolate Gelt
Chocolate Gelt
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I've been enjoying the ride
I've been enjoying the ride the last few months and it's certainly exciting making some money and feeling like you may be onto something big. I do feel a large portion of ppl investing in this stuff are so irrational and immature. Folks on reddit just acting like kids on a keyboard opening countless threads based on emotion and inexperience. I just sort of sit on the sidelines and enjoy the commentary from the folks who have a rational take- they do exist too.
Currently holding:
- Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin (!), EOS, Omisego, Ripple, Cardano, Stellar Lumens and MonaCoin
Ripple up 75% today- nice. I scooped 1000 each of Cardano, Ripple and Stellar Lumens since they're so cheap (under .50). "Set it and forget it" mentality for me.. not really trading as I don't really know what's going on enough.
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Has anyone bought any houses
Has anyone bought any houses yet?
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whew, since nunya want to
since nunyas want to help a guy get rich I did some research. Turns out its run by Koreans! I already gave them bastards a leg in the war, they aint getting my money!
Here is the truth. It is a very reliable source. I got it from Thom.
This nice young man on the internet told me all about it. He gave me the link above that tells me the secrets. The ten things every bitcorner should know. He used this word, "noob", what that?
Thanks and God Bless the USA
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all crypto is now worth 500
all crypto is now worth 500 billion usd
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all crypto is now worth 500
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u miss duke fly? lol
u miss duke fly? lol
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wow. ETH $750.
ETH $750.
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5 trillion total market cap
5 trillion total market cap end of 2018
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ripple running up on crazy
ripple running up on crazy rumors
lumens meanwhile in UAE meeting with banks, as well as working on cross border systems in africa, and also adapted on trial with Japan's largest shipper
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wheres the best place to buy
wheres the best place to buy ripple and stellar lumens ?
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wait, how many fucking
wait, how many fucking variations of this are there!?
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of what t
of what t
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there are thousands of coins
there are thousands of coins out there Turts.
most will go ass up just like the dot com boom, but those who bought apple and amazon and the like back then are probably doing alright.
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and those who bought etoys,
and those who bought etoys, and lycos didnt do so well
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bittrex is shutdown
bittrex is shutdown temporarily for new users. prob overwhelmed. any other credible exchanges to purchase ripple and lumens?
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But u do know that on these exchanges US customers need to trade eth or btc and can not use USDs for buys
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yes and thank you
yes and thank you
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You're welcome
You're welcome
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i'm going to make my own
i'm going to make my own called brocoin
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Cool. Use the waves platform.
Cool. Use the waves platform.
Waves is up 400 percent too
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>> i'm going to make my own
>> i'm going to make my own called brocoin;all
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what will happen first?
what will happen first?
1 trillion dollar crypto market cap
1 trillion dollar deficit
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Goddammit ender.
Goddammit ender.
Someone always takes my ideas...
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Holy shit, ETH $815.
Holy shit, ETH $815.
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how are y'all doing?
how are y'all doing?
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better than yesterday
better than yesterday
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<<<<how are y'all doing
<<<<how are y'all doing
smiley 73guy on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 – 04:46 pm
I like Bitcoin and have since 2013 ,buying most significant dips but jumped in bigtime summer 2015- winter 2016 when it was clear which way this crypto thing was going.
Moved a bunch of the profits into Ether about 2 months back.
I like Ether even more
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and a whole bunch of btc cash
and a whole bunch of btc cash just showed up in my Coinbase wallet!
they just started support for it.
I had written that stuff off as worthless.
apparently not.
its at $3700 ish.
if you were a holder of BTC Aug 1st at the hard fork, you get as much btc cash as you had in btc at the time.
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and some shady ass shit went
and some shady ass shit went down right before it listed on CB.
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ive been out of it a little,
ive been out of it a little, Hollis.
what went down?
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ive been out of it a little,
ive been out of it a little, Hollis.
what went down?
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so CB gave a notice that it
so CB gave a notice that it was going to list, and in the hours before it listed it ran up to 9500 on the backend gdax.
so they think that a single buyer with information of the Coinbase listing bought a ton in the prehours of the roll out, causing the price to rocket, and then CB listed and they sold it all at the high price, then it dropped back to 3500 and CB suspended trading. They think it is someone on the inside might have done it and have opened an investigation.
I imagine the SEC will follow.
And Charlie Lee sold 95% of his LTC.
Which is smart move on his part.
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wow. Shady AF.
wow. Shady AF.
i kind of screwed myself in BTC cash keeping most of my bTC in my hard wallet during the fork.
live and learn.
edit....maybe screwed isnt the right term, but I left a lot on the table apparently.
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BTC breaking through a
BTC breaking through a support line with some serious volume
y'all have orders set up?
i was planning to wait until after XMAS
fun to watch
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DUDE! im so glad I put most
DUDE! im so glad I put most of my loot in pokecoins. Im mining them everywhere! Didnt even need you financial guru's to show me. My great grandson broke out his little blue computer while we walked around the home. It is awesome. I can afford to retire! Hope it don't dip.
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that dip made more in one hr
that dip made more in one hr than a retirement fund makes in one year
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which one?
which one?
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every single one
every single one
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free wheelin money machine
free wheelin money machine
thin market $20-60 spreads
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i dont think we are even
i dont think we are even seeing capitulation volume yet
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maybe now
maybe now
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like a knife thru butter
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another support line around
another support line around 9400 hundred.
tons of volume on these sell orders. tons!
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200-300 spread now
200-300 spread now
lotta weak hands gone
nice bounce
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i manged to get some more ltc
i manged to get some more ltc at 150
made over 30% in 5 mins
stock market lol
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i think we see this up and
i think we see this up and down for a few days, and then another run after xmas.
coinbase's options to buy and send to an email will get many more people in over the holidays.
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trading like a fast market in
trading like a fast market in futures this morning
nice buy on ltc. 144 was the bottom i think?
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13110 btc 235 ltc
13110 btc
235 ltc
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<<<every single one
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<<<every single one
<<<every single one
welcome to crypto, kids.
May you live in exciting times.
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It's cheaper to fedex private
It's cheaper to fedex private keys than to use the network for a BTC transaction. Gross.
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Universal acceptance of
Universal acceptance of crypto will happen as soon as someone starts mining baconcoin.
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>> Universal acceptance of
>> Universal acceptance of crypto will happen as soon as someone starts mining baconcoin.;all
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Bitcoin is the Petroleum of
Bitcoin is the Petroleum of Our Time
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price back to where it was
price back to where it was early morning
enjoy the ride
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Looks like yesterday was
Looks like yesterday was quite the!!!
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How my ripple and Lumens crew
How my ripple and Lumens crew doing?
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ripple rockin @ 2.79
ripple rockin @ 2.79
maybe stellar lumens next
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but when do u sell Scott
but when do u sell Scott
im happy i got in at .2
up 30,000 percent in one year
what could go wrong
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its worth more than GM
its worth more than GM
don't get me wrong im happy
but WTF
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if ripple hits 6.5 it will be
if ripple hits 6.5 it will be worth more than bitcoin
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it’s gonna happen
it’s gonna happen
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Can somone kick a brother
Can someone kick a brother down some ripples?
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The biggest 'innovation' out of the #Ripple team was making the supply so freaking large that unit price seems cheap even though $XRP is 2nd most expensive by market cap. Tricks all the stupid $ into buying in. Litecoin used a similar concept, but Ripple took it to the extreme.
2/ Now we see tons of altcoins/tokens following the same strategy. A few examples: IOTA, DOGE, SC, ADA, RDD, TRX, XVG, XEM, all have supply caps measured in the BILLIONS. Most of the them have had insane price increases recently as new uneducated investors enter the market.
3/ Pretty much every altcoin/token has a supply cap larger than Bitcoin's 21M for this reason. There's a couple that intentionally have a tiny supply cap, and some that use a similar size cap, but they are in the minority. The list above is some of the more extreme examples.
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let's do this 2018
let's do this 2018
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>> im happy i got in at .2
>> im happy i got in at .2
Huh? On Dec 12 you said bitcoin, litecoin, monero were the only coins that matter.
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my boy ether!
my boy ethereum!
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and heres where i got in
and heres where i got in Ripple.
smiley73guy on Thursday, October 5, 2017 – 01:10 am
XRP in still water
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i sold all my ripple at .26
i sold all my ripple at .26
sold a stake of LTc when it was high and bought tons of Lumens at .16. i love the tech, the comp and the people.
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lumens finally startin to
lumens finally startin to move in the last week . think i saw .59 over the weekend @ some point. back @ .49 now. good to see
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nice work, hollis.
nice work, hollis.
you seem to be catching on quickly!
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from my reads, lumens is a
from my reads, lumens is a good long game.
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dont know much about Lumens,
dont know much about Lumens, but as always, a hollis mention has me do at least a double take.
Happy new year crypto bros.
to the moon in 2018!
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I think Stellar Lumens is
I think Stellar Lumens is doing a lot of work setting up their infrastructure in developing African nations.
Regarding Ripple... good stuff. I bought it at .25 and sold at 1.25. Just bought back at around 1.90 and am holding for now.
My two (hopefully) big hitters will be OMG and EOS. EOS has given me 4x back on my investment and I've done 2.5x on OMG. Future looks bright.
The reddit communities for all these currencies are an absolute joke filled with ppl talking about lambos and moonshots. Just really dumb and a reflection on how immature the market (and I guess us as a population) are.
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Theres a lot of dumb money
There's a lot of dumb money that has come to this thing along with The Horde in the last 6 weeks imo.
The board discussions Ive been following have definitely been diluted in terms of quality. There is still a lot of quality info, just have to filter better now.
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>Huh? On Dec 12 you said
>Huh? On Dec 12 you said bitcoin, litecoin, monero were the only coins that matter.
that's right
i sell all my altls for btc, ltc and xmr
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i bought xrb
i bought xrb @ 10
to increase my ltc btc holdings
go xrb
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my one year predictions
my one year predictions
btc 40,000
ltc 1500
xrp 4
iota 20
ada 3
xmr 1500
bch 10,000
eth 4000
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Ender is very concerned about
Ender is very concerned about my crypto holdings
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all the central americans
all the central americans running hte restaurant downstairs have been rocking TRX(Tron) since it was .02, they load their entire paychecks into crypto, it is wild to watch.
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i took a chance with XBR
i took a chance with XRB
already tripled my ETH
should i sell?
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sell your initial investment
sell your initial investment back out of it, and keep seeing what happens. if you got in way early, below 20cents, then you are stoked.
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Lol i wish
Lol i wish
Got in at 9.50
I thought about tron when it first came out.
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1000 in tron when it first
1000 in tron when it first came out would be 80000 now
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these guys here are freaking
these guys here are freaking on their Tron success, they were telling me to buy at .02 and i wasnt able to.
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I knew that selling
I knew that selling cryptocurrencies was a taxable event, I didn't realize spending them was. Weird.
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crypto is taxed like crazy
crypto is taxed like crazy
you go from a 30 buy in eth
trade it after it appreciates to 300 for tron at .02 sell tron at .15
taxed out the ass
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Merrill Lynch blocks bitcoin
Merrill Lynch blocks bitcoin amid fear that the bubble could pop
In what may be a prudent move, Merrill Lynch has barred customers and financial advisers who make transactions for them from buying bitcoin. That’s bound to disappoint some customers: Bitcoin’s price climbed 14-fold in 2017.
Individual retail traders are flooding apps that make it easy to buy and sell things like ethereum or bitcoin. Coinbase, one of the biggest US crypto exchanges, is Apple’s No. 2 finance app, with more than 440,000 ratings. MyMerrill for iPhone comes in at No. 199, with 49 ratings.
These exciting days for cryptocurrency exchanges recall the dot-com fever, when day traders betting on tech stocks swarmed online brokerages like E*Trade—a firm that helped fuel the euphoria and was humbled by the collapse. The company’s stock price climbed to more than $550 a share before the bubble popped. Its stock trades at about $50 after climbing 40% in the last year.
Bitcoin and its cousins are an enormous opportunity for brokers and financial advisers to win over a new generation of traders and ordinary investors. More people now understand that beating the stock and bond markets is nearly impossible, so are instead sinking savings into low cost exchange-traded funds, depriving some brokers of trading commissions.
Some Merrill brokers were disheartened to miss out on the bitcoin enthusiasm, while others acknowledged it may not be worth the risks, according to the Wall Street Journal (paywall), which first reported Merrill’s decision.
Goldman Sachs is starting a trading desk for digital assets, according to Bloomberg. For Cboe Holdings and CME Group, which operate derivatives markets, bitcoin is a chance to sell new retail customers on futures, which allow investors to speculate on asset prices at a later date. Merrill Lynch, the brokerage unit of Bank of America, doesn’t allow its customers to trade bitcoin futures either.
Merrill clients who bought into the Grayscale Investment Trust bitcoin fund before the ban will be allowed to keep their positions but not in fee-based advisory accounts, citing “suitability and eligibility standards.” The trust is supposed to track the cryptoasset’s price but has at times traded at a 75% premium to bitcoin, raising questions about whether buyers are getting a fair deal on their investment.
As for E*Trade, it became something of a symbol of the dot-com euphoria, and the company has since sought to rehabilitate its image. Merrill Lynch could be trying to show that it learned from such episodes. In the meantime, you can buy bitcoin futures on E*Trade.
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BTC has been in a bubble
BTC has been in a bubble since 100
lol suckers
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>>> I didn't realize spending
>>> I didn't realize spending them was. Weird.
that is holding back adoption by many in retail space, because each spending of a coin triggers a tax event.
yes, it is a blanket rule because the irs says crypto isnt a recognized currency and doesn't have any backing in the eyes of the govt.
how much is there in market cap this morning? oh, 780 billion, barely on anyones radar, virtually unrecognized, no one is using it.
porn, gambling, and identity.
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isn't there a proposal for
isn't there a proposal for tax exemption under 600 or something
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i like civic ador icon
i like civic ador icon stratis komodo sub and 0x
0x will be huge
again i use these mostly to increase btc ltc xmr
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>> oh, 780 billion, barely on
>> oh, 780 billion, barely on anyones radar, virtually unrecognized, no one is using it.
The Bitcoin community is reeling after several pre-paid crypto debit card providers abruptly suspended service. The companies affected include Bitwala, Cryptopay, Wirex, and TenX.
These services allow individuals to spend cryptocurrencies — predominantly Bitcoin — in traditional brick-and-mortar establishments through a debit card issued by one of the major providers, Visa and MasterCard.
Speaking to their customers on Twitter, the affected companies have said the move is the result of actions from their card issuer, who was acting on behalf of Visa Europe.
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just saw a tweet that atomic
just saw a tweet that atomic swaps and lighting network are months away not years
It’ll never work. The fees are too high.
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i dont know if that bill
i dont know if that bill passed bro.
it was introduced by two senators to yes, make anything less 600 non taxable.
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>> just saw a tweet that
>> just saw a tweet that atomic swaps and lighting network are months away not years
I saw a tweet about chemtrails this morning.
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from that article ender....
from that article ender....
In its statement, Visa makes clear that this isn’t a crackdown on cryptocurrencies, but rather action against one company that broke its rules. We asked about the circumstances that caused Visa to take action against WaveCrest. If they elaborate further, we’ll let you know.
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I'm confused. Why did they
I'm confused. Why did they shut down multiple companies' cryptocurrency-backed debit cards if only one company broke the rules?
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>> atomic swaps and lighting
>> atomic swaps and lighting network are months away not years
If blockchain technology is so great, why is the solution to the high transaction costs and slow transaction times to do transactions outside of the blockchain?
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>I saw a tweet about
>I saw a tweet about chemtrails this morning.
good 4 you motherfucker
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this stuff is too addicting
this stuff is so addicting
look at this token
should i pick up 1000 ?
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i get financial advice from a
i get financial advice from a dude named brochacho.
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>>>this stuff is so addicting
>>>this stuff is so addicting
Mana and decentraland energize the fuck out of me for some reason.
pepecash is doing huge amounts of transactions for pepe digital assets? huh?
there is so much in this world.
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It's the lure of easy money
It's the lure of easy money
It's got a very strong appeal
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For me, Turtle, it's the
For me, Turtle, it's the belief in a disruptive technology and the creation of an alternate money system free of centralized control.
I will continue to support promising efforts on those fronts whenever possible.
The easy money is a nice cherry on top though.
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ethereum at $1000.
ethereum at $1000.
remember this?....
smiley 73guy on Friday, May 5, 2017 – 07:40 am
.....And another jump from Ether yesterday, which is hovering around $100 now
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Up up
Up up
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Down then back up
Down then back up
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The greatest thing about
The greatest thing about bitcoin is that the pool boys got in before the Rockefellers.
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ripple tron lol
ripple tron
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chance eth classic going to
chance eth classic going to explode, tons of accumulation around it in the last week or so, and the futures markets have products pegged to it.
i know some guys who killed it on the tron and ripple train. happy i passed.
just gonna hodl my positions on my few and try to expand my btc exposure some.
as always, its fun.
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I have big hopes for EOS this
I have big hopes for EOS this year. Really excited.
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Hopped on the Etc train. We
Hopped on the Etc train. We’ll see how it goes. Bitcoin cash seems like a good investment.
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>Hopped on the Etc train
>Hopped on the Etc train
is that a thing?
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morning crypto news
morning crypto news
binance opened its doors again, and 240k accounts hit in the first hour.
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Bitcoin Conference Stops
Bitcoin Conference Stops Accepting Bitcoin For Tickets, Blames ‘Network Congestion’
A notice on the official website of the annual event, which will be held Jan. 18 and 19 in Miami, also cited “manual processing” of cryptocurrency payments as part of why the event’s organizers decided to accept fiat payments only for last-minute bookings. The statement from the organizers reads:
“Due to network congestion and manual processing, we have closed ticket payments using cryptocurrencies — Hopefully, next year there will be more unity in the community about scaling and global adoption becomes a reality.
We have, and always will, accept cryptocurrencies for our conferences, up to fourteen days before the event. However, due to the manual inputting of data in our ticketing platforms when paid in cryptocurrencies, we decided to shut down Bitcoin payments for last minute sales due to print deadlines.”
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how many times did bitcoin
how many times did bitcoin die
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The other Gunner knew bitcoin like the back of his hand too.
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I feel like the majority of
I feel like the majority of this thread is Ender sharing his gripes with cryptocurrencies and HeyBroChacho asking "How's my ass taste?" after every gain.
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>The other Gunner lol
>The other Gunner
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Wat is your favorite baseball
Wat is your favorite baseball team Heybrochaco?
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start a new thread
start a new thread
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You were a nicer person under
You were a nicer person under your original handle.
Now that you feel that you have some type of anonymity here (lol), you can act like a mean and nasty person. Please stop.
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>You were a nicer person
>You were a nicer person under your original handle.
what are you talking about you weirdo
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You would have had the nerve
You would have had the nerve to call me a weirdo under your other handle.
What is your favorite baseball team, buds & restaurants?
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Ha Ha I remember when all the
Ha Ha I remember when all the guys @ my job were enthusiastically buying Enron & Qualcomm in 1999; When we all got the Internet & Email just before Y2K, they spent all day watching it go up & getting together @ break to talk about it. Didn't hear much about it anymore by late 2000 tho lol . . .
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blockchains are defintely having a hard time handling the growth.
and that scaling is a huge thing.
there are a few products out there trying to fix this.
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The automobile will never
The automobile will never replace the horse.
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>> The automobile will never
>> The automobile will never replace the horse.
Shitty analogy. It's slower, more expensive and more difficult to use than a credit card. A credit card also has the benefits of refunds via third party arbitration and no liability for user error.
The only time I've (and I bet you) have used cryptocurrencies as a payment is when it was all that was accepted by the vendor.
There are certainly benefits, but these aren't useful for the common case transaction of paying your bills, paying for a meal, buying gas, etc.
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How about the telephone
How about the telephone analogy?
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The etc train>>>>
The etc train>>>>
Yup, real thing.
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Either way its all good to me
Either way its all good to me.
Im cool with being wrong.
Im up
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Have you ever bought concert
Have you ever bought concert tickets with crypto?
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There is an ico that does
There is an ico that does just that
Called blocktics
I think
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How about airfare, hotels and
How about airfare, hotels and nice restaurants?
We're saving up for another week long trip to Disneyland.
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What’s an ico
What’s an ico
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What’s an ico
What’s an ico
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initial coin offering
initial coin offering
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<<<Ha Ha I remember when all
<<<Ha Ha I remember when all the guys @ my job were enthusiastically buying Enron & Qualcomm in 1999; When we all got the Internet & Email just before Y2K, they spent all day watching it go up & getting together @ break to talk about it. Didn't hear much about it anymore by late 2000 tho lol
Know anyone that bought Amazon or Apple or Google in 1999?
I personally bought real estate in '99.
Some of it is even paid off now.
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“Those who own the country
“Those who own the country ought to govern it.” John Jay
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>Know anyone that bought
>Know anyone that bought Google in 1999?
do you
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People need to forget this
People need to forget this Brochacho as Gunner / Gunner as Brochacho nonsense.
There are many reasons they aren't the same. It's plain as day we aren't dealing with Gunner the 2nd here.
Lets let Brochacho stand on his own two feet. He's a great zoner in his own right and, honestly, Gunner was a one liner.
More effective with a zinger or shock post, but no where near the depth. I hear some of you snicker with that comment, but
its the truth.
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thanks guy you get it
thanks guy
you get it
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<<do you
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<<do you
<<do you
lol. well...of course not. they didnt go public in until 2003 or 4.
It was an example to counter bob's cherry picking of "failures" of the .com craze.
I was illustrating that there were gold standards also established in the same era.
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new fork btcp
new btc hard fork btcp
got on the zcl train
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bcd - 22$
bcd - 250$
deposits are not open now for kucion
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smiley73guy on Wednesday,
smiley73guy on Wednesday, November 29, 2017 – 03:17 pm
Id imagine at this point, we hover around the $10'000 mark, give or take 10%, for the next month until a Jan selloff.
was low on btc price, but here's that predicable jan selloff now.
lunar new year always takes a lot of money out of the market.
dont worry it comes back in february. stock up on your favorites now!
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firecrackers cost a lot.
firecrackers cost a lot.
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binance coin and kucoin
binance coin and kucoin shares brahs
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>>>dont worry it comes back
>>>dont worry it comes back in february.
dont wall Street bonus checks hit this week?
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i have a bunch of bcd at 20
i have a bunch of bcd at 20 usd if kucoin would just open deposits
maybe it will open on btttrex at 500
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slow melt in the dead of
slow melt in the dead of winter
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Finally convinced my family
Finally convinced my family to put all of our savings in bitcoin yesterday!!! Pretty much all due to this thread.
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It's impressive how you guys
>> dont worry it comes back in february.
It's impressive how you guys take losses. Down 40% from the peak, 20% today and you just shake it off.
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i bought most a lot of this
i bought most a lot of this stuff a year ago ender.
it could pull back a whole lot more before i start sweating.
besides, i took my own advice and made plans for the jan pull back.
also buying a lil here and there again.
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that's right, ender
that's right, ender
remember, everyone is a winner on the internet!
what you post doesn't mean shit, the balance sheet does and that's your own business. the people who make money have a tendency to not talk about it as much.
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>>>just shake it off.
>>>just shake it off.
good day not to look.
i dont have a lot into the game, and we are nowhere near pull back to what i have into it.
all fun for me.
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protocol tokens for the long
protocol tokens for the long game
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not pointing fingers
no finger-pointing
being around markets for a long time it's impossible to not notice certain reactions and behaivors.
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no one talks about their
no one talks about their retirement fund
if they even have one
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The people (person?) who said
The people (person?) who said they took back their initial investment and were playing with gains after that seem like the cautiously smart ones. Like, this is fun and let's see what happens. I appreciate that.
My change jar keeps getting fuller.
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>The people (person?) who
>The people (person?) who said they took back their initial investment and were playing with gains after that seem like the cautiously smart ones.
the people that take their initial "investment" out don't get crypto
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I certainly don't get it.
I certainly don't get it. Maybe that's why I see it that way.
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I'm 100% with Buffet:
I'm 100% with Buffett:
1) this is stupid;
2) it will end badly;
3) I would never dream of shorting it, meaning idiocy is infinite;
4) I'd be mightlily interested in buying 5-year put options with a strike price of $100.
5) LOTS of 5 year put options with a strike price of $100.
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blah blah
blah blah
how many times will btc die
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> I'd be mightlily interested
> I'd be mightlily interested in buying 5-year put options with a strike price of $100.
you are full of shit
you have no balls and you know it
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spot the ponzi
spot the ponzi
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lol at weird steves article..
lol at weird steves article.....
"I get into enough trouble with things I think I know something about," he added. "Why in the world should I take a long or short position in something I don't know anything about."
and then theres this nugget. lol.
Buffett's comments came a day after J.P. Morgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon backpedaled his earlier criticisms of cryptocurrencies. In September, Dimon called bitcoin a fraud.
Dimon is such a clown.
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Remember when folks were
Remember when folks were predicting that Wall Street was going to tame Bitcoin's volatility with their futures markets?
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Do you want a pat on the back
Do you want a pat on the back?
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looks like it found a bottom
looks like it found a bottom today at least for awhile.hit close to 9000 earlier . up @ 10750 now. alot of the tokens/coins have taken a good hit lately with all the negative news.. good day to accumulate what you like for a trade imo.happy trading.
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>Do you want a pat on the
>Do you want a pat on the back?
when i successfully arbitrage bcd for 5 times profit then yes
if you want
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8000 btc is 200 day moving
>looks like it found a bottom today at least for awhile.hit close to 9000 earlier
8000 btc is 200 day moving average
look for 8300 or 8500 next
could be wrong
we'll see
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whats up with smartcash? any1
whats up with smartcash? any1 know anything about them?
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25% bounce from the bottom
25% bounce from the bottom today
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buy zclassic get the new
buy zclassic get the new bitcoin privacy coin
for free
every zclassic (market price 140) will get you a free btcp coin
btc holders (market price 11,700) also get the free coin
privacy coins are hot right now add bitcoin name to it and will probably be a top ten coin
also these bitcoin diamonds are selling for 17 on one exchange and 80 on another lol
it's too easy
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TY for info
prices sure firmed up fr late this afternoon:)
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you just need to have
you just need to have zclassic on their official wallet
if you are interested
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Re: Equihash. Seems sort of
Re: Equihash. Seems sort of risky to me to create a cryptocurrency based on an 18 month old hash algorithm. I'd want to use a NIST approved hash algorithm.
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We get it, Ender. This stuff
We get it, Ender. This stuff is not for you. Points all taken.
>>buy zclassic get the new bitcoin privacy coin
Right on. I grabbed a handful of them a few weeks back. Should be cool.
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>> We get it, Ender. This
>> We get it, Ender. This stuff is not for you.
I actually find it very interesting as a user and nerd, just not an investor. And it overlaps a lot of what I've worked on professionally. I just think the evaluations are completely crazy given the current use cases.
If you only want to read hype, go to reddit.
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>>>>If you only want to read
>>>>If you only want to read hype, go to reddit.
no thank you
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ender is a good guy
ender is a good guy
he just loves being right and so far it hasn't happened
i don't think anyone here is mortgaging their home for btc
it's just plain fun
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>> I just think the
>> I just think the evaluations are completely crazy given the current use cases.
I agree. Right now it's all basically speculation. I'm really excited for June when the two projects I'm most vested in (EOS and OMG) release their blockchains.. I think those guys are really into something.
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>I agree
>I agree
me too
eos should be .50 and OMG 1.0
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This is not a negative remark
This is not a negative remark on those who are in the cyrpto market, just a warning to be meticulous with your accounting of purchases, sales and trades. I was speaking to a friend of mine last weekend who has the job of collecting unpaid taxes, penalties and interest for the IRS. The IRS has targeted crypto in a major way. Trading firms, both in and out of the US, are being pressured, much like the Swiss banks were a few years ago, to release all US citizen account information to them. If you are flagged as a crypto-trader, they are going to expect a capital gains/loss Form D to be included with your return and have the accounting ledgers to back it up. There will be a higher percentage of audits to see if self-reporting is doing it's job. If things are amiss, expect full penalties and interest to be levied. Like it was mentioned before on this board, some are skirting the law by non or under reporting. It seems that a lot of you have done well for yourself, so don't go messing it up by not staying legal. You don't want to be found to have purposely been not giving Uncle Sam it's due. That is a tiger you do not want to wake.
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Things have certainly shaken
Things have certainly shaken out since May, Tony, but heres what i said when you mentioned this then.
73guy on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 – 10:13 am
I payed capital gains in 2015 and 2016 when I first took profits, the amount of my initial buy in, but the govt doesn't as yet consider currency an "investment", so it's a bit of a grey area and the are trying to codify it better. I do know that have asked for Coinbase Records from 2013-2015 and that has caused a stir.
Btc = 2265
Eth = 170
Certainly a good reminder, Tony.
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short term realized gains are
short term realized gains are a bitch
especially when you don't cash out to fiat
this new tall bill does clarify that coin to coin trades are not like kind
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regarding Taxes, if you use a
regarding Taxes, if you use a tracking platform for all tour trades, they will process a gains/loss report for the year.
also, as Tony said, the IRS went after Coinbase last year and asked for the records on all accounts of US citizens with over 20k invested through them.
other news. :)
"We look at ethereum like AOL or Myspace."
Stripe ends Bitcoin support but says it may add Stellar Lumens.
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it's my mad money
it's my mad money
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Have any of y'all heard about
Have any of y'all heard about Lysergion?
Lysergion, or LYS (call-sign), is a decentralized digital currency based on Bitcoin’s code. Integer amounts of Lysergion are referred to as “LYS”, and thousandths of a LYS are referred to as “ug”. Lysergion is centered around the psychedelic community, including those who share an interest in psychedelics or even a general passion for medicine, biology, psychology, and so on. Anybody with a positive intent is welcomed on our team. Lysergion aims to support scientific research on psychedelics in medical and therapeutic settings through raising awareness and understanding of such substances and their potential.
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how in the world are the lys
how in the world are the lys units not called doses?
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i have 100 for lys lol
i have 100 for lys lol
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hows ge doing
hows ge doing
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file under sour grapes threads.
besides its a just a dumb Dunning Kruger reference.
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Looks like 50 Cent's money
Looks like 50 Cent's money problems just got a bit easier due to bitcoin.
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man child is part of the
man child is part of the establishment
he plays a good game here but in the end he's just a wall st shill
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>Finally convinced my family
>Finally convinced my family to put all of our savings in bitcoin yesterday!!! Pretty much all due to this thread<<
which one?
when will it distill down to 1?
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>>>how in the world are the
>>>how in the world are the lys units not called doses?
looks like some kid off a 94 lot made the website
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And then, the worst case
And then, the worst case scenario was confirmed by Coincheck itself told financial authorities that it had lost 500 million NEM cryptocurrency coins in today's cyberheist, which at the current exchange rate amounts to roughly $400 million, according to Nikkei.
NEM Foundation president Lon Wong also confirmed Coincheck was hacked, calling the stolen funds "the biggest theft in the history of the world", as quoted by CryptoNews. According to Wong, the hack had nothing to do with NEM and the blame lies exclusively with Coincheck:
“As far as NEM is concerned, tech is intact. We are not forking. Also, we would advise all exchanges to make use of our multi-signature smart contract which is among the best in the landscape. Coincheck didn't use them and that's why they could have been hacked. They were very relaxed with their security measures," Wong said.
"This is the biggest theft in the history of the world," he added.
The hack, at recent NEMUSD exchange rates, would make it even bigger than Mt. Gox - which lost a total of $350 million in 2 hacks, one in 2011 and 2014 - by $50 million.
I'm wonder if Coincheck is going to make their customers whole? Are they insured? If they lose a pool of assets, who they determine what customers get what? Does Japan's acceptence and regulation of cryptocurrencies help the individual investor at all?
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Why do firms guarantee your
Why do firms guarantee your funds in a brokerage account against theft and unauthorized activity, but cryptocurrency exchanges don't?
If the risk of funds being stolen is minimal, so should the insurance costs.
Vanguard's online fraud policy - "If assets are taken from your account in an unauthorized online transaction on®—and you've followed the steps described in the Your responsibilities section below—we will reimburse the assets taken from your account in the unauthorized transaction."
Charles Schwab Security Guarantee - "Schwab will cover 100% of any losses in any of your Schwab accounts due to unauthorized activity."
Fidelity Customer Protection Guarantee - "Fidelity will reimburse you for losses from unauthorized activity in covered accounts occurring through no fault of your own."
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a very good question ender.
a very good question ender.
Here comes Sammy. He will regulate. best of luck.
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is the end goal of blockchain
is the end goal of blockchain technology to be 'investing' in these tech companies via exchanges?
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The idea of Tether was to
The idea of Tether was to have a stable cryptocurrency that would always be worth a fixed amount. This made perfect sense for crypto traders. They could safely exchange whichever cryptocurrency they wanted into USDT if they thought the price of all cryptos would decline. They could then buy back in using the Tether at the point they thought was the bottom of a dip.
The company claim to have over $2.2 billion in their bank accounts. This supposedly backs every Tether token 1:1, giving them a value of $1. However, critics allege that Tether, who are owned by the same interests as the crypto exchange Bitfinex, have been operating a fractional reserve system of sorts. Put simply, many believe Tether to be simply printing tokens out of thin air. A full audit of their finances would show the company as either a fraudulent operation or completely legit. It seems strange for either party to terminate the contract. Naturally, Friedman requires firms to audit in order to continue existing as a company and Tether have a growing community of doubters whose minds need putting at ease. Of course, Tether themselves may have cancelled the agreement to buy them a bit more time before their entire house of cards comes tumbling down.
Some within the cryptocurrency community were savvy enough to spot that Friedman had removed all mention of Tether and Bitfinex from the list of firms they were responsible for auditing off their website last week. Precise details of why the relationship has ended are still unknown and it is unclear which party terminated the agreement.
Doubts withing the community have been growing after being spearheaded by an anonymous blogger called Bitfinex’d. With the supply of Tether suddenly increasing by 50-100 million at a time, it’s hardly surprising that their criticism is being taken seriously. Then there’s the fact that the company’s own literature used to state:
“There is no contractual right or legal claim against us [Tether] to redeem or exchange your Tethers for money. We do not guarantee any right of redemption or exchange of Tethers by us for money.”
This has since been updated in response to the various critics of the currency and company. However, without a full audit of all the accounts, it remains very difficult to trust that the company genuinely does have a dollar banked for every USDT in existence. This weekend’s news of Friedman’s departure from the position of auditors only serves to exacerbate this issue.
"Tether printing moves the market appreciably. 48.8 per cent of bitcoin's price rise in the period studied occurred in the two-hour periods following the arrival of 91 different tether grants to the Bitfinex wallet."
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have the feds, bankers and
have the feds, bankers and custies come yet?
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Did u buy any yet?
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no, i'm hacking zoner's pc's
no, i'm hacking zoner's pc's via meltdown exploit to turn their machines into coin miners for me.
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So bitfinex went from
So bitfinex went from managing 15 million to 2.3 billion in less than a year? That almost unbelievable.
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heading back down. maybe its
heading back down. maybe its gonna test 9000 level soon. seems most coins are following the leader. noticed that NEO and ETH are doing pretty well. bucking the trend
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U.S. regulators are
U.S. regulators are scrutinizing one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges as questions mount over a digital token linked to its backers.
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission sent subpoenas last week to virtual-currency venue Bitfinex and Tether, a company that issues a widely traded coin and claims it’s pegged to the dollar, according to a person familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified discussing private information. The firms share the same chief executive officer.
Tether’s coins have become a popular substitute for dollars on cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide, with about $2.3 billion of the tokens outstanding as of Tuesday. While Tether has said all of its coins are backed by U.S. dollars held in reserve, the company has yet to provide conclusive evidence of its holdings to the public or have its accounts audited. Skeptics have questioned whether the money is really there.
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is it dead yet?
is it dead yet?
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almost time to buy!
almost time to buy!
hoping my limit order at $8500 gets hit today.
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ethereum holding its own,
ethereum holding its own, most probably due to all the ICO's on it.
guy, i think the better number 'might' be 7500(previous resistance) and also there was some resistance at 4700 or so.
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too early to buy again for a
too early to buy again for a trade imo. went thru 9000 area too easily
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eth is poised pretty well in
eth is poised pretty well in the aftermath of the Tether USDT shitshow.
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I'm afraid th money-for
I'm afraid the money-for-nothin' party is soon to be over. All this fake wealth is eventually going to vaporize. Maybe not today, but the clock is ticking.
I honestly and wholeheartedly predict an eventual complete decimation of all existing coins. Eventually, assimilation by corporations lead by fatcat useless banker/wall st robber baron fucks. Not sure when... but def for sure. I literally think of half a dozen new possible legal angles they could use to do it every day...
There will be no $100K crypto. If there ever is, it will be going to same place all the peon wealth goes now.
At this point if BTC goes above 20K again, that just represents a fail of the banks and their salaried schemers. But they'll get it eventually... THAT'S WHAT THEY DO. And they do it well. You really can't win. These people have 2.5 hours a day of sitting on the train staring at their neighbors contemplating ways to assist their bosses raping us for their own pennies on the dollar salary from large evil corporations. Every cent above a 14-15K recovery represents money left on the table and another missed opportunity by big business. This is not going to last much longer now...
Honestly, who do we think is going to win this money collecting shellgame eventually? Methinks all those people in that club George Carlin mentioned that "me and you ain't in it!"
Citicoin, anyone? They may even be nice enough to let you buy into their blockchain with existing cryptos and some sort of tax amnesty... It'd be a surefire way to get a majority of the cash out and nuke the existing markets into oblivion at the same time. I'd say I should be working for a bank, but I'm sure there are wiser and more powerful folks already working on it.
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<<Citicoin, anyone? They
<<Citicoin, anyone? They may even be nice enough to let you buy into their blockchain with existing cryptos and some sort of tax amnesty.
Lol. a "blockchain" based coin with none of the advantages of a public blockchain?
Most who have been in this space for more than a minute will see it for what it is and pass too.
Traders are nervous.
Investors aren't.
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<<< All this fake wealth is
<<< All this fake wealth is eventually going to vaporize.
You are talking about the fractional reserve banking system, right?
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Smiley... I agree. And it
Smiley... I agree. And it even goes against the ethos that blockchain was developed under... that's the rub.
The HODL people and the true believers will say the entrance of big business and gov't legitimizes the tech... but it also brings us closer to just another manipulable and owned system like we have now. It's a catch-22. If I was a bitcoin dev or even a true believer I would NOT want any official recognition or big deals with investor money and big biz. They're just going to ruin it eventually... after their entry 'legitimizes' it.
For a while now, and especially these prices, are majorly propped up by normal folk who know nothing of the technology and don't really understand or believe in it beyond a means to make money. Those people would likely flee to a more 'trustworthy' and more stable officially-backed coin in an instant.
>>You are talking about the fractional reserve banking system, right?
EXACTLY. The same fake fiat system that blockchain was supposed to displace/defeat and help equalize the playing field. With one that's inherently worth NOTHING and way more volatile and risky that solely depends on being convertible to the fake fiat Fed$ money. The whole damn thing cracks me up. Kudos to those who have profited though... but make sure you save some for the IRS, because they're coming too.
Rouge currencies will not be tolerated. It's crazy to think they will. Wait till ISIS gets caught with some crypto holdings or someone gets caught donating to PLO with it. That will help things along... If I had to guess they already are and our people are aware of it. Just another conceivable ace in the hole to crush the shit overnight. It's fun to watch, though.
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<<<a while now, and
<<<a while now, and especially these prices, are majorly propped up by normal folk who know nothing of the technology and don't really understand or believe in it beyond a means to make money. Those people would likely flee to a more 'trustworthy' and more stable officially-backed coin in an instant
I agree with a lot of what you say regarding the inevitable trajectory of this stuff. bitcoin is surely destined to be reserve currency for banks and for big transfers between large institutuons.
i disagree with the statement i quoted though....unless you are talking about from November 2017 forward. i think a lot of the early entrants are true believers who understand enough to get behind a transformative, disruptive tech.
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<<<Wait till ISIS gets caught
<<<Wait till ISIS gets caught with some crypto holdings or someone gets caught donating to PLO with it.
would that be any different than isis caught with usd or donating to the plo with usd? no one gets pissed at the dollar when it gets used for sketchiness.
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It won't be bitcoin though.
It won't be bitcoin though. The TECHNOLOGY will go forward... under new management, of course.
Nobody hates the dollar (I wish they did :x ) but they sure do control where you can send and receive it and how it's transferred in large amounts real well. They can use regulations and money laundering laws to squish anything they want under that guise. Just like they did to online gambling... you can do it but cashing out large is the issue. So it's effectively worthless.
They may not be able to shut it down, but it's REAL easy to make it hella hard for Americans to cash out. Look at online gambling.
I think we mostly agree.. I just say it in a different and slightly more extreme way. ;)
I'm not down with the Ponzi - Be it gov't backed or mysterious Chinamen. As tempting as it's been all along, I have zero actual stake in this game. So we may differ there. Cheers.
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lets talk again in april.
lets talk again in april.
we will see.
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<<<hoping my limit order at
<<<hoping my limit order at $8500 gets hit today
filled and turned around almost to the minute.
$9000 now.
wouldnt be surprised to see $7700 in the next few days though.
will probably pick up some more then.
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nice buy. bounced off of 8400
nice buy. bounced off of 8400 hard.see 9127 now.congrats
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I think around November would
I think around November would be a fair delineation - maybe summer '17. But the people who entered early and truly believe in the disruptive tech had probably nothing to do with the price above 10-12K$. They are not causing the bubble.... they are just riding it and living the dream temporarily. Without uninformed normies and big biz getting in the mix, the hype would have likely peaked no higher than 8-10K$. And it would not be nearly as meteoric. This is Ponzi stuff now at this level. No way around any logical person coming to that conclusion, IMNSHO.
It sure would help if said disruptive tech could stand on it's own without most people only being interested in eventually converting it to existing fiat, though. That's what ruins it and any deep belief in the system doing what it was intended/envisioned for falls apart there. :/
At this level of money and trading, it just another disaster in the making. The same people who ruined the Fed and banks and stocks are now HIGHLY interested in crypto and moving into that space... How does anyone REALLY think this is going to eventually end each time?
TBH, I cannot wrap my head around how any hard-core crypto-believer would even want them anywhere near it. But trading!!!! (rollseyes)
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<<<had probably nothing to do
<<<had probably nothing to do with the price above 10-12K
agreed. which is why i said November '17.
also why i said this in November....
smiley73guy on Wednesday, November 29, 2017 – 03:17 pm
Id imagine at this point, we hover around the $10'000 mark, give or take 10%, for the next month until a Jan selloff.
So it went a lot higher than I expected, but we are exactly where I predicted we'd be 2 months ago.
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China's gov't sanctioned
TBH, China's gov't sanctioned blockchain is the most interesting thing going on right now in the space... and they're likely going to beat the pants off us on the tech front... they already got us beat the finance/credit front.
And given the chance, most of America is going to be HAPPY to donate some of their computing power to a Chinese blockchain for the chance at a few bucks in their pockets.
What could go wrong?
The long game is just NOT looking too promising to me from any logically analytical vantage point.
We are essentially telling the same story lol. I'm not trying to be right in my predictions - In fact I wish I was wrong. The timing of it and dollar values pegged means naught to me. If I'm reading you right, you even agree with my ultimate endgame that everything we currently know will be extinguished. <?> Either way I really don't see many any new crypto millionaires until the changeover happens. If it's about the fun of predictions: I'm staking it all on never seeing another rally like that and no new crypto millionaires until maybe after the changeover to 'legit backed'. The 2017 rally WAS the peak for commoners getting rich... now here comes the bleeding and bloodletting. IMF all over again!
Crypto/blockchain isn't going to subvert the financial establishment... it's going to be assimilated by it. It's going to BECOME it. But won't be under any named coin we know right now. Unless China has named their coin yet? Then maybe. :x
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<<<If I'm reading you right,
<<<If I'm reading you right, you even agree with my ultimate endgame that everything we currently know will be extinguished
nah, it wont be extinguished, but it will surely look different than it does now.
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By extinguished I mean all
By extinguished I mean all the coins and blockchains we have and know currently trading will be gone or relatively worthless in comparison. I suppose one or two could remain...
I dunno I could be wrong, maybe Bitcoin won't be damned for its utter lack of scalability and ability to adapt, and maybe future BTCfed and BTCciti forks will perform favorably in 2021. LOL
But it will only be in name and concept compared to the landscape today.
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is it dead yet
is it dead yet
the new btc is btc
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>I dunno I could be wrong,
>I dunno I could be wrong,
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>> duh >> lol
>> duh
>> lol
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India will move to stamp out
India will move to stamp out use of cryptocurrencies, which it considers illegal, country's Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on Thursday, launching a no-holds-barred attack on virtual currencies such as Bitcoin. From a report:Governments around the world are grappling with how to regulate cryptocurrency trading, and policymakers are expected to discuss the matter at a G20 summit in Argentina in March. "The government does not consider cryptocurrencies legal tender or coin and will take all measures to eliminate use of these cryptoassets in financing illegitimate activities or as part of the payment system," Jaitley told parliament in his annual budget speech. However, the minister said, the government would explore use of block chain technology proactively to speed the move toward a digital economy. Jaitley's announcement could trigger "panic selling" in cryptocurrencies in India, said Amit Maheshwari, partner at tax consultants Ashok Maheshwary & Associates LLP.
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cubicle guy googles what
cubicle guy googles what
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lol. the indian minister said
lol. the indian minister said they will crack down on illicit use of crypto and everyone freaks out?
lotta weak hands in the game lately.
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not sure this rally off of
not sure this rally off of 8400 will hold.hit 9200+ earlier but faded quick. last time the rally of the 9000 bottom was solid and hit 13000 or close to it. we will know soon.
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BTC is going to .30
BTC is going to .30
because no one wants it
it's very overvalued
very slow
high fees
can not scale
trust me
it's doomed
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Tether registration down???
Tether registration down??? Hmmm...
See here:!/signup
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i think this tether thing is
i think this tether thing is good
who didn't see this coming?
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Matt Khoury @MEKhoko
FollowingFollowing @MEKhoko
Things you'll never hear:
"I made a fortune investing based on recommendations written by journalists in major publications"
"I just took the trades on CNBC and am now a millionaire"
"My millions are thanks to that always-bearish macro guy on the internet"
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>> i think this tether thing
>> i think this tether thing is good
The 4th largest exchange manipulating the market is good? Good for who?
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they are manipulating shit
they are manipulating shit
tether will be gone
end of story
your dream of the collapse of crypto is not nigh
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>BTC is going to .30
>BTC is going to .30
>because no one wants it
>it's very overvalued
>very slow
>high fees
>can not scale
>trust me
>it's doomed
That and it inherently depends on the same fiat and manipulation that the early adopters and staunchest believers think it will help us get away from and defeat. Does not compute.
Not currency. An investment. And a shady one at that.
What's the withdrawal limit at? Last I checked the best was 16K$ per week max. And how many days are transactions taking this week to verify? Right now must be nuts.
I cannot imagine how anyone with a position above $20K can even look away from the screen, much less sleep at night. If you're holding $100K at the moment when the final tumble starts or the hammer falls, you are S.O.L. You could be looking at the floor days ahead of your transactions even making it through the que.
Again, kudos to anyone who already made bank and actually made it home from the casino with it already. But ya'll are crazy! I just couldn't do it and remain sane, so you're a better man than I. Just watching this ride as a casual observer has me fraught with fear of the potential losses we're talking about here. If it was actually my money I'd be insane about it!
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buy stocks
buy stocks
silver will break out soon
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craps? blackjack?
craps? blackjack?
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I think the market is going
I think the market is going through a major transformation with BTC's dominance eroding. I'm sitting on my EOS and OMG stacks... those are two projects that I see having real world value and not merely driven by speculation. Just my .02.
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Is anyone invested in POS??
Is anyone invested in POS??
I heard it's the shit!
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imagine with they would have invited a few different witnesses, say Charlie Lee, Rob Viglione, or Andreas Antonopoulus
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>> I think the market is
>> I think the market is going through a major transformation with BTC's dominance eroding.
The world is not anymore the way it used to be. Mmmmm NO NO NO
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ender the 4chan lurker?
ender the 4chan lurker?
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Don't know anything about
Don't know anything about 4chan. Is that where the good info is?
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not so sure about price
not so sure about price target....but this guy has been scary accurate.
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One word Navida
One word Navida
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One word Navida
One word Navida
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>I think the market is going
>I think the market is going through a major transformation with BTC's dominance eroding.
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is btc dead yet?
is btc dead yet?
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i think the jamband scene is
i think the jamband scene is going through a major transformation with the Grateful Dead's dominance eroding
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get out your debit card
get out your debit card
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sand in your change purse bro
sand in your change purse bro? kinda itchy? 1 for 5, 3 for 10! Check yer Ph Bra
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IMO, people are loco if they
IMO, people are loco if they used credit to buy into this market place.
play with house money.
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scared money dont make money
scared money dont make money, right.
hold on is right, 107 months of bull DJones. 4 rates hikes coming this year alone.
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Could be worse, you could be
Could be worse, you could be this guy:
Each morning, at the market’s open, Seth M. Golden, a former logistics manager at a Target store, fires up the computer in his home office in northern Florida and does what he has done for years: Put on bets that Wall Street’s index of volatility, the VIX, will keep falling.[…]
“There has been a lot of white noise,” said Mr. Golden last Tuesday on a day that the VIX plummeted more than 10 percent, allowing him to lock in profits from short trades. “You had North Korea, Afghanistan, Trump people resigning. But I was never nervous — so today I just sat back, ate some popcorn and cashed in my profits.”
The Golden Method has had results. In five years, per NYT, Golden has grown his personal riches from around $500,000 to $12 million, mostly by habitually shorting volatility. Now, that track record has helped Golden drum up some $100 million in investments from people who are presumably to busy to buy XIV themselves and would like to pay someone to do it for them via a hedge fund.
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^^^^ shorting VIX ~ = ~ selling options (negative vega); ==> "Option sellers eat like birds and poop like elephants" - N. N. Taleb (Fooled by Randomness)
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stock markets look like they
Nice catch, ender:
ps, dow futures down 500 overnight, tomorrow could be interesting.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
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pivx market cap 5645 feb 14
pivx market cap 5645 feb 14 2016
pivx market cap 229,500,000 feb 5 2018
got any stock pics lol
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sure, but these are long-term
sure, but these are long-term holds:
11.2%Berkshire;6.4%Intel;5.7%Johnson & Johnson;5.6%Clorox;5.1%Altria;4.9%DowDupont;3.5%Exxon;3.4%Phillips 66;3.2%Chevron;3.1%Kimberly Clark;2.6%AT&T;2.6%GE;2.6%Colgate;2.4%Unilever;2.4%Proctor & Gamble;2.3%Pfizer;2.2%IBM;2.2%Vodafone;2.0%RPM;1.9%HollyFrontier;1.8%Phillip Morris Intl;1.7%Monsanto;1.7%Cisco;1.6%Andeavor (Tesoro);1.6%Southern Co;1.5%Schlumberger;1.5%Abbott Labs;1.4%Merck;1.4%UBS;1.3%Glaxo Smithkline;1.1%BP;1.1%Verizon;1.0%Target;1.0%Coca-Cola;0.9%General Motors;0.8%Visa;0.8%CVS;0.8%HP, Inc. (HPQ);0.8%Weyerhauser;0.8%Anheuser-Busch;.01%Halyard Health. added to PM & PG today.
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i sold all my stock fri
i sold all my stocks fri
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Up 400% from the start of this thread in May!
and lol steve.
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>>>N. N. Taleb
>>>N. N. Taleb
love that man
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wall st getting crushed
wall st getting crushed
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feb 6 2017 - 1027
feb 6 2017 - 1027
feb 6 2018 - 7160
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I enjoyed reading Steve's
I enjoyed reading Steve's list of boring stocks.
I'm pretty sure you owned a lot less BRK last time you posted it. Conglomerate or not it would make me queasy to own that much of any one stock.
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>>make me queasy
>>make me queasy
i tend to agree
fun list. boring, but depending on when u got it, like day when my grandfather bought p&G, well....
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<<<<enjoyed reading Steve's
<<<<enjoyed reading Steve's list of boring stocks
dick measuring.
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>>>>dick measuring.
>>>>dick measuring.
mannfred has a nice house with a nice yard and pool
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<<<added to PM & PG today.
<<<added to PM & PG today.
I waited and added more pg today.
Would def not feel good owning PM.
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I duuno ender, I haven't
I duuno ender, I haven't bought any Berkshire in years. I don't mind being overweight Berkshire because I read the 10-Ks.
Yes, it is a list of very boring stocks, I only own individual stocks if I think they have steady cash flows and pay dividends (with the exception of Berkshire). I keep lusting after Church and Dwight but it always seems too expensive.
If you own the S&P you own PM. I have no problem selling Chinese folks Marlboros.
How do you feel about drug companies that push opioids?
The one my wife would be pissed about is Monsanto.
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>>>>How do you feel about
>>>>How do you feel about drug companies that push opioids? The one my wife would be pissed about is Monsanto.
i def dont hold anything i dont agree with, just cant handle it mentally, no matter what it does for me in the long term.
i'm cool with cigs though, always been pro tobacco farmer . WHAT?!
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the initial hearing is live
the initial hearing is live BTW
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number one search term
number one search term through library computers in the US is bitcoin.
SEC working with librarian to educate them and help users find the most pertenant material
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Mr Warner on the Committee
Mr Warner on the Committee talking common sense.
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lol bucky, only if you are
lol bucky, only if you are measuring since November.
Where were we last year at this time and where are we now again?
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The few actual use cases
Bitcoin ATMs charge an average transaction fee of 8.93 percent, Coin ATM Radar said. Coinsource charges about 8 percent. Cryptocurrency ATMs typically charge a percentage rather than a flat fee, like bank ATMs.
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such a weird obsession from
such a weird obsession from the haters
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I was thinking about buying an ATM! There aren't any locally so I would "own" the area. Going to read about regulations tonight.
(Sort of shocked the manufacturer charges a fee of 1% of gross to license the software.)
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2000$ rally in 16 hrs today
2000$ rally in 16 hrs today
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are you looking at GB's?
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I was. But the expected
I was. But the expected volume of transactions they get don't seem to support it as a viable business (where I live).
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>>>(where I live).
>>>(where I live).
thats the kicker. in certain markets i can see it working out.
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>> in certain markets i can
>> in certain markets i can see it working out.
In Las Vegas would be great. I'm sure people want to bring cash, but not have to carry it to travel.
It seems to be that I would have to bet on:
1) Continuing adaptation of the tech while
2) Transaction fees simultaneously stay low
3) And a user base that is ignorant about exchanges or is knowingly willing to pay a premium
If the average transaction amounts are small enough and they fees are high enough, you can lose money on every transaction without even paying for servicing and leasing space. And they only average 2-3 transactions/day in high volume locations, so there isn't huge upside.
The operators of those things are earning the 8% - it's riskier than I thought.
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"Even with LN, Bitcoin still
"Even with LN, Bitcoin still cannot service every person in the world. I think the calculation was that at 1MB blocks, LN and SegWit on Bitcoin can service 500M users."
- Charlie Lee
Jesus, even lighting network isn't scalable???
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Yo Ender,
Yo Ender,
What are your thoughts on this project? Iryo is planning to use the EOS block chain to improve patient care and information exchange across healthcare organizations. The goal is to fully decentralize patient medical records and provide an incentive-based system where patients can choose to anonymously share their medical records for Artificial Intelligence research.
I may be a little biased as a) I hold EOS tokens and b) work in the healthcare IT industry. Interoperability and data storage are two huge topics right now in the EHR industry. This sounds really cool and am interested in what you think.
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Yo Ender,
Yo Ender,
What are your thoughts on this project? Iryo is planning to use the EOS block chain to improve patient care and information exchange across healthcare organizations. The goal is to fully decentralize patient medical records and provide an incentive-based system where patients can choose to anonymously share their medical records for Artificial Intelligence research.
I may be a little biased as a) I hold EOS tokens and b) work in the healthcare IT industry. Interoperability and data storage are two huge topics right now in the EHR industry. This sounds really cool and am interested in what you think.
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I'll try to look at that white paper tonight.
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Jay, that is an excellent
Jay, that is an excellent potential use of the technology. When I heard Kodak was dabbling in Blockchain tech, the first thing that came to mind was a distributed medical imaging platform.
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Peter Thiel is known for extending an idea to its logical extremes and then inverting it. The habit has served him well as one of tech's most contrarian and successful investors.
Talking about two of the technologies that Silicon Valley is most excited about right now -- cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence -- the controversial billionaire and PayPal cofounder used this technique on Wednesday night.
"Crypto is libertarian, AI is communist," Thiel declared, during a public debate with LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman at Stanford University's Hoover Institute.
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I spent 30 minutes reading this last night. I'm pretty sure I understand less than half of the technical details in that amount of time. I'll try again later.
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>>> 500M users."
>>> 500M users."
M means 1000. Did the journalist not understand roman numerals...?
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>> M means 1000. Did the
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>> M means 1000. Did the
>> M means 1000. Did the journalist not understand roman numerals...?
He's no journalist, he's a computer scientist. Scientists use metric/SI units and notation.
In metric, m means 10^-3 and M means 10^6.
Original comment was from here.
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i'm not sure what brought up
i'm not sure what brought up this M thing, but going back real quick to the "original comment" ender posted, i'm pretty damn sure that means 500 million users.
thats pretty standard layperson nomenclature, especially for a self authored piece on Medium.
i didnt read the whole thing, just went straight to the nut.
whats the stink?
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Feds charge 24-year-old
Feds charge 24-year-old Chicago trader in first crypto-fraud case
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did you buy the dip?
did you buy the dip?
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Seems more like a sustained
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Seems more like a sustained
Seems more like a sustained bear market, supported with tons of volume, than a dip.
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btc 90,000 2020
btc 90,000 2020
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<<<Seems more like a
<<<Seems more like a sustained bear market
That all depends on your timeframe, my friend.
But yes, current conditions fit the technical definition of your sttement.
Exciting times.
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President Donald Trump banned
President Donald Trump banned U.S. purchases of a cryptocurrency the Venezuelan government is rolling out, as part of a campaign to pressure the government of President Nicolas Maduro.
Trump issued an order on Monday prohibiting U.S. citizens from engaging in transactions using the oil-backed currency, called the Petro. He authorized Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to issue any necessary regulations to enforce his order.
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yes, ender, I saw that too.
yes, ender, I saw that too.
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ender lol
ender lol
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Child porn in the blockchain!
Child porn URLs in the blockchain! News at 11.
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thank you uncle Google
thank you uncle Google
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A self-described "Crypto
A self-described "Crypto capitalist hell-bent on tokenizing the world" couldn't get a bank wire to go through and you aren't skeptical?
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Twitter announced Monday it
Twitter announced Monday it would ban advertising for cryptocurrencies, following similar bans by Google and Facebook to crack down on fraud in initial coin offerings.
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This is scary...
This could be scary...
Bitcoin Global News (BGN)
March 26, 2018 -- ADVFN Crypto NewsWire -- A new mining malware, dubbed ‘GhostMiner’ by its discoverer Minerva Labs (, is the first crypto-jacking infection to ensure maximum profit by killing off its rivals. GhostMiner is also the first ‘fileless’ mining malware, running code directly from memory without leaving files on disk.
If another crypto-jacking malware is already in the system, GhostMiner will remove it so that it alone can mine Monero cryptocurrency coins. GhostMiner first searches for and kills all miners on its blacklist using the Windows End Process force command, and then removes any remaining miners by going through a list of ports associated with miners and stopping any miners it finds.
Cryptocurrency mining has become as lucrative for cybercriminals as ransomware. But, as far as we know, GhostMiner has so far earned only around 1.5 Monero worth $300; small change compared with the Jenkins miner that made $3 million in Monero earlier this year. But GhostMiner’s author may be hiding additional funds elsewhere according to Minerva Labs, “It is highly plausible that there are other addresses used in this campaign, undetectable due to Monero's anonymity features.”
GhostMiner’s author put in a lot of hours assembling its aggressive code. A fully deployed GhostMiner payload is currently undetectable by all brand name antivirus engines. It spreads by randomly probing IP addresses until it finds a target, and then gains a foothold in the new victim’s system by burying itself inside of two nested evasion scripts, then running the scripts to launch into its fileless operational mode, from which it downloads its coinmining component.
The efforts of GhostMiner's author will not go to waste. Minerva Labs is using GhostMiner’s code against it and other mining malware with a script extracted from GhostMiner that they call MinerKiller. Minerva Labs said, “It implements all the aforementioned tactics – removing known processes, tasks, and services by name and unfamiliar ones by arguments or TCP connections typical to miners.” Incident response teams can write their own scripts for removing malicious miners by downloading MinerKiller from GitHub.
By: BGN Editorial Staff
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who knew you could buy
who knew you could buy bullion with BTC on Ampex? hmmmm
>>>couldn't get a bank wire to go through
our clients have 'problems' with their wires all the time.
meanwhile Ive never had a Lumens transaction take more than 20 seconds.
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Early Bitcoin adopter Reddit
Early Bitcoin adopter Reddit stopped accepting payments with the largest digital currency.
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3d printing is 30+ year old
3d printing is 30+ year old technology. People started using it because the patent expired and it became affordable.
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missing the point ender
point missed
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He called 3d printing new
He called 3d printing new tech - it's not. I'm sure you know that given your field.
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point def missed.
point def missed.
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ender likes to know and learn
so much wasted energy for something you don't believe in
many lols your way
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It's only wasted time if I'm
It's only wasted time if I'm not enjoying it.
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check back in ten years when
check back in ten years when btc is 100,000
i'll enjoy that
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100k is cool with me. We both
100k is cool with me. We both still get to see McAfee his own dick. Win-win
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Bitcoin climbs to six-week high as market sentiment improves
smiley 73guy on Thursday, February 1, 2018 – 04:09 pm
lets talk again in april.
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about 20 dollars. Apr. 19th
about 20 dollars. Apr. 19th. Unless you don't trust professors from the London School of Economics.
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Bless your heart, fly.
Bless your heart, fly.
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Seems like a majority of the
Seems like a majority of the coins/tokens are going to be banned from trading in the US because they are going to be classified as securities and aren't legally registered. Bitcoin seems to pass the test though.
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Bitcoin/bitcoin cash/eretheum
Bitcoin/bitcoin cash/eretheum will be good.
next time bitcoin Thor’s below 7k better stock up. Missed out his time even though I saw it coming. Won’t be fooled again.
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This is really only going one
This is really only going one direction.
Goldman Sachs to Open a Bitcoin Trading Operation
What do you want to to be fraud and scams go up on huge orders of magnitude now?
Just a hunch.
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Image at the IMF right now.
Image from current IMF website.
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A year ago BTC was at $2800
A year ago BTC was at $2800 and the WSJ claimed it was dying and crashing.
$7600 currently.
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Volume of confirmed
Moving average of confirmed transactions are near 2 year lows. Doesn't seem to be any hint of mass adaptation.
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I'm just pumped for the EOS
I'm just pumped for the EOS launch which is currently underway. Dan Larimer's track record is impressive (Bitshares and Steemit).
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Statement from CFTC official.
Statement from CFTC official.....
"These currencies are not going away an they will proliferate to every economy and every part of the planet. Virtual currencies could transform the economic and social landscape."
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In the future, everyone will
In the future, everyone will worship a different money God than they do today.
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Tokenize the Gods!
Tokenize the gods!
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Uh oh
Uh oh
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Sounds like the beginning of
Sounds like the beginning of Chuck Palahniuk's "Guts".
Spoiler didnt end well.
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>> Moving average of
>> Moving average of confirmed transactions are near 2 year lows. Doesn't seem to be any hint of mass adoption.
Top of Page Bottom of Page Permalink Manipulation? NOOOOOO.
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a little history for those
a little history for those that want to read it:
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That was a great heads up
That was a great heads up three weeks ago, Steve, thanks!
Bought some more right around $6000.
Hadn't been paying much attention in a while but your schadenfreude post helped me turn a nice little profit in three weeks.
My new rule is, when Manfred highlights a low price because he thinks it's a bunch.
And conversely, when Turtle is thinking about buying some, sell. :-)
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"Almost all of the new customers on Coinbase and Square would be in the red if they bought cryptocurrencies at almost any point over the last nine months..."
“I guess I thought we were ‘sticking it to the man’ when I got on board,” Mr. Herman said. “But I think ‘the man’ had already caught on, and had an exit strategy.”
Ponzi says what?
"singing I got mine and you got yours"
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Bitcoin BLOODBATH!!!
Bitcoin BLOODBATH!!!
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Is it dead yet? lol.
Is it dead yet?
Any day now, I'm sure.
No way this works out, right?
I'm stupid and have been buying the last theee months.
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Do you play golf?
Do you play golf?
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I've played a few rounds and
I've played a few rounds and enjoyed hitting a bucket of balls now and again, but it's not my crowd.
More of a dirtbag boulderer/ mountain biker really.
"Doing the bull dance, feeling the flow" all the same. ;-)
Alot of exciting stuff going on in this space now.
Much more bullish now than I was two years ago.
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You're more douche about your
You're more douche about your earnings too.
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Good talk.
Thanks for noticing, but you're not the target of my obnoxiousness here.
Sorry for your butthurt.
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I really hope I'm not the
I really hope I'm not the only one enjoying this recent run around here.
Get off zero folks.
This stuff isn't going away.
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I got in around 6.... this
I got in around 6.... this is fun
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money for nothin... for now
money for nothin... for now....
harder they fall?
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Best performing asset of 2019
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Best performing asset of 2019
Best performing asset of 2019.
The six month chart is a thing of beauty.
But please tell me how wrong I am again.
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yes, Bitcoin has been kicking
yes, Bitcoin has been kicking ass, but it's also an insanely speculative market. Not much in the way of fundamentals to justify it's value.
Precious metals have had a good run lately, as central bank buying have been at levels not seen since '08. Might be worth stacking a few silver coins..
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Looks like another runup
Looks like another runup ahead.
Hope you've been stacking Sats.
Sell a little when it goes parabolic. Buy on the pullback.
Rinse and repeat.
Who doesn't love a little volatility?
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what tool do you use to
what tool do you use to purchase and sell it?
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interesting, thanks
interesting, thanks
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Yep. Good place to start and
Yep. Good place to start and a relatively user friendly intermediary, but dont forget, they arent really your coins unless you move them to your own electronic wallet. I keep a trading amount there to work these waves, but move the bulk of my coins to cold storage.
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it's easy to invest. just
it's easy to invest. just open an account and link a bank account to transfer funds and you're off to the races. Coinbase charges a fee per transaction, i think it's 1.5%
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Notwithstanding my nominal
Notwithstanding my nominal investments in Bitcoin, i'm still very very skeptical about cryptocurrencies as a liberation technology to be used an an alternative to the central banking mafias that control our planet. Sadly, the cryptos were probably invented with intelligence agencies and central bankers as the next system to steer people into when fiat currencies come crashing down.
Cashless banking and social credit scoring systems (like what is being developed in China) are something freedom loving people need to be very concerned about.
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Surely it's almost dead by
Surely it's almost dead by now, right!?
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This asset has been
This asset has been performing well lately
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Yeah, that tends to happen
Yeah, that tends to happen when we are on the edge of financial crisis.
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I'm out of Bitcoin, sold it
I'm out of Bitcoin, sold it around 11,500.
Looking to get back in when i think it's reached a support level. Don't think it'll go much lower than 9,000, but what do i know.
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Can you get toilet paper with
Can you get toilet paper with Bitcoins?
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BTC $11, 666.66
Toilet paper?
I have a bidet.
BTC $11, 666.66
And Chainlink (Link) is up 250% ytd.
Grabbed a bunch of that New Years day at $1.79.
Been hodling all this time and adding during the big drops.
Grabbed a good chunk of BTC in March when it shit the bed, going down to $3500 because everyone wanted to be liquid. I should have grabbed more Link then too.
ETH and LTC are moving too lately.
XLM up 50 % in one month. That was a no brainer at $.06.
And the Fed is just printing money, hand over fist.
We printed more money in June than in the first two centuries of existence. Unreal.
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4:51 AM ?
4:51 AM ?
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Lol. OMG!!!
Lol. OMG!!!
I get up at 4:30 most days.
I like the quiet before the kids get up, plan my day, stretch, excercise (usually wushu > qigong, sometimes a long walk > meditate) see the sun rise and get ready to get at it before it gets too hot here.
By 4:51, I'm the porch drinking coffee and checking the infos.
Early bird takes the profits.
I think I've posted twice now about this subject in the last 8 months and it happened to cross my mind that this thing is firmly entrenched and maturing and has been a significant financial vehicle for many despite the constant naysayers.
Carry on, hope you are thriving, Six.
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I bought into Bitcoin two
I bought into Bitcoin two years ago.
I get up early too - but I try not to go online first thing. Too much bad news as of late and i do like a peaceful morning.
Hope you are well too.
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For anyone watching this
For anyone watching this space, I suggest you take a look at Chainlink (Link). I've been on it for a little over a year, grabbing sub $2 here and there and grabbed a buttload on New Years Day at $1.79. It's approaching $10 today and seems like a very useful project with tons of potential and is the first mover in its particular DeFi area.
Here's a little teaser thread about it, pretty pie in the sky, admittedly, but even if it lives up to a fraction of the noise around it, seems like a good move. As always, do your own due diligence and don't spend more than you are willing to lose.
A lot of hype, yes, but 350+% return in 8 months so far is nothing to sneeze at and I believe it has more to go.
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Heres a more realistic, less hipstery breakdown of Chainlink that describes its role in the DeFi industry and gives a range of price expectations given different conditions.
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>>For anyone watching this
>>For anyone watching this space
This space is getting "hot".
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Chanlink at $11.65 currently
Chanlink at $11.65 currently
Thats 550% since Jan 1st.
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Chainlink $14.72 currently.
Chainlink $14.72 currently.
Thats up 730% on the year and
100% since I first mentioned it here two weeks ago.
Another ATH today?
Everything else pulled back a little but Link keeps on chugging along.
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Anyone else care to comment?
Anyone else care to comment?
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I hope you grabbed some Link,
I hope you grabbed some Link, 6.
$15.65 currently.
It warms heart that you're in the game now.
Now we just need Mannfred to see the light. ;-)
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I'm not in big, but I guess
I'm not in big, but I guess that's relative. At my age - I have to be careful with the gambling money.
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i don't understand how you
i don't understand how you choose a flavor
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Community ethos
Community ethos
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I am still unable to
I am still unable to understand why I want this. I can't touch or hold it, what can I do with it?
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Here's a good primer on what
Here's a good primer on what this stuff is, why its important and why it's likely the inevitable next step, Judit.
It's an investment in a new way for financial systems to operate more efficiently and democratically, functioning as both currency and a system of payments.....between individuals, institutions, systems and machines. Like any emerging sector, it has its flaws and bumps in the road, but I think the history of this thread shows that its moving toward an inevitable place at the table and I bet on that outcome quite a while ago. The Internet has decentralized various sectors of many different services. It seems to follow that financial services and money will also be decentralized, too.
You only "want it" in the sense that you want currency or a stable place to park money and potentially grow. The stability isn't baked into the cake just yet, but as you can see in my 8.11.20 5:44pm article linked, that perception is solidifying as large financial institutions are parking huge sums of money in these coins (often Bitcoin) as a hedge against inflation and possible devaluing of the dollar because of the massive amount of money we've been printing out of thin air lately. Most of these coins have a finite supply and as they get popular for the role they play, the value should go up. Now, not every one of these will fulfill their promise, so it's definitely a gamble, which gets to Turtle's question about picking "flavor" or specific coins. I do a lot of reading about this stuff, I guess, and use discussion boards and industry articles to spark interest then I look hard at what niche the specific project fills and how solid the company is.
It's an immature sector and its certainly volatile, but thats a feature to me right now. A lot of the stuff I get into with an extremely long view so the volatility doesn't bother me. I'm not a day trader type and don't do advanced technical analysis on the charts, but I can read a graph and when something grows parabolically, I'll often pull some money out and wait for the inevitable pull back because I've learned that lines that go straight up aren't sustainable. Then I can buy more than I had initially or move the cash to something else if my timeline isn't as far out on that coin.
Chainlink hovering just over $18.00 today
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One interesting more advanced
One interesting more advanced aspect of these markets if you are active trading and working the volatility is that a lot of the buying and selling is done by bots programmed to trade at various Fibonacci levels which is why so many charts have similar structures. If you learn those, you can somewhat accurately predict where prices will fall back to or rise to according to those marks and whether they stick to those levels or blow through them to the next one (up or down).
I don't do a lot of that and have only begun to watch stuff (without placing money down) according to that rubric, but some people swear by it. If you know the formula of the manipulation, you can play in those waters.
I try to keep it simple and keep my tax obligations down, though, and mostly go with stuff I plan to hold long term, but the temptation is there when you can watch prices behave according to an expected pattern.
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Thank you so much for taking
Thank you so much for taking the time to share the information and organizing your thoughts to present them to me in ways I can actually understand. I can't see myself wading (or jumping) in, but I can follow along a little better. Thanks again.
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Chainlink went over $19 this
Chainlink went over $19 this morning.
Thats up about 1000% since Jan 1 and even since the mid march pull back.
$19 is one of those Fibonacci levels that indicate a temporary ceiling it could bounce down from.
Pulled out my inital investment amount this morning and letting the rest ride, but we will see.
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So, Link dumped today a few
So, Link dumped today a few hours ago to $14 and change and has bounced back up to $17+ currently, but it gives credence to those Fibonacci levels I just mentioned in the post above.
Feeling alright about grabbing some profits on Saturday now.
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About time to grab that LINK
About time to grab that LINK back at less than half the price I sold it for mid August. It hit one of the lower fibonacci levels today. It could still go one notch lower but I'd hate to miss this deal and wont feel bad if I dont grab it at the bottom of this cycle.
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I bought some seeds last
I bought some seeds last month with Bitcoin. What a joke. In the 30 seconds it took between purchasing the Bitcoin and transferring it to the vendor it had dropped by about 8%, and I had to buy more. I guess it could have gone the other way and would have paid less, but that's not how I want to make purchases. It's kind of like day trading.
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Yes, its an immature volatile
Yes, its an immature volatile market, as I've noted.
8% in 30 seconds is just plain bad luck....and it happened to be the top of the market about a month ago.
As you can see, that's when I was selling.
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This thread is too damn long.
This thread is just so damn long
It's almost like a blockchain
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Lol. Welcome to the party,
Lol. Welcome to the party, bitches.
"A team of analysts at J.P. Morgan’s Global Markets Strategy group are touting Bitcoin’s emergence as an alternative to gold among millennials, suggesting a “doubling or tripling” in the price of the cryptocurrency if current trends continue.
The prediction, which came in a research note published on Friday, is remarkable given the bank’s onetime skepticism toward Bitcoin, which included CEO Jamie Dimon calling it a “fraud” in 2017 and saying he would fire anyone trading it for being “stupid.”
I said he wrong in this thread when Dimon called it a fraud.
Now institutional investors are lining up to park their money in it as a store of value....looking for a good entry point.
It was always gonna go this way.
I'd bet even Mannfred is exposed in some way to BTC at this point.
BTC is currently at $13,600
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BTC hovering around $15,000
BTC hovering around $15,000 currently.
Up almost 40% in the last month.
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BTC $16000
BTC $16000
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It's like a pyramid scheme.
It's like a pyramid scheme. It's to the benefit of those with a lot investested, at a low price, to get the word out and create a run. It'll go up to $21k, a very few will make a mint, and the bulk of investors will say, "seeing as I can't do shit with it, I'll sell and make a couple of hundred bucks." Demand will go down, prices will drop, the Bitcoin millionaires will buy big and low, and in 6 months they will create another run. You still won't be able to buy a hell of a lot with it.
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Lol, I honestly didnt know
Lol, I honestly didnt know people were still trying to get the pyramid scheme thing to stick. That was understandable when people were ignorant at the beginning of this thread, but frankly, quite baffling rught now.
As shown in the articles Ive linked recently, more and more large financial institutions see it as a place to park huge sums of money as a hedge against inflation.....precisely because it is becoming more stable. A form of digital gold. As Ive said from the beginning here this is only going one way long term.
I have no interest in "getting the word out and creating a run" since I have no interest in selling anytime soon. As you can see from the history of this thread, I've been holding through the entire rollercoaster minus a few parabolic moves because I believe in its future.
I honestly dont even undertand the investor in your example, either. Why would someone buy something they "couldnt do shit with" or didnt believe in its long term utility unless they were just speculative day traders with weak hands? They deserve whatever comes their way.
Anyone trying to time any market is gonna get burned eventually, but if you'd bought even 2 months ago, you'd be up 60% now.
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Its been a while since we
Its been a while since we heard from Mannfred as noted earlier.
I bet thats because even he has some exposure to it at this point.
I know plenty of folks looking at their bond portfolios like a red headed stepchild these days, favoring rebalancing toward crypto...usually BTC.
I'm guessing he's more of a GBTC guy in a Roth IRA or 401k situation for tax reasons. Greyscale is a more traditional route to enter this investment and has outperformed BTC pretty regularly, even with fees and premiums factored in.
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<<<Tokens as an asset class
<<<Tokens as an asset class have surpassed $30 billion now.
It's projected to be around $300 billion in four years
^That was posted in May of 2017 in this thread.
3 and a half years later BTC alone is $300 billion and ranked 20th most valuable asset by market cap.....higher than Verizon, Paypal and Citigroup.
BTC currently at $16,500 ish.
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Speaking of Greyscale....
Speaking of Greyscale....
Its been largely retail consumers buying BTC until this year, but it looks like Institutional demand is pent up as every pullback in the last two months has been bought and supported, pushing the price higher.
BTC $17,000 today.
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Damn, my $9.18 balance, on
Damn, my $9.18 balance, on September 20, is now worth $16.11.
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Nice, BK. What color Lambo
Nice, BK. What color Lambo are you liking?
From August.....
<<<<XLM up 50 % in one month. That was a no brainer at $.06.
XLM $.20 today.
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Always yellow in the Lambo.
Always yellow in the Lambo.
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BTC $20,420 a new All Time
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BTC $21,800
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You're doing well, 73.
You're doing well, 73.
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BTC $25,300
BTC $25,300
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For one little bit?
For one little bit?
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BTC $28,000
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Totally nuts! At this rate my
Totally nuts! At this rate my $8.73 will be worth $25 within the day!
If someone purchased $10,000 worth of BTC in mid 2017, it would now be worth $100k.
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It truly is nuts. Even a 30%
It truly is nuts. Even a 30% correction at this point only takes us back to the low 20k range.
Institutional FOMO is here.
BTC $34,200 this morning.
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BTC $37,000 right now.
BTC $37,000 right now.
You could almost have doubled your money even if you bought at the previous all time high a few weeks ago.
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So what are you going to do,
So what are you going to do, 73? Is this a time you sell? How do you know if it's going to drop from this amazing high?
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I have a long horizon on this
I have a long horizon on this stuff Judit and believe it'll be 10x higher in 10ish years, so I continue to hold. In retrospect, it would have been good to sell a little when you asked, but trying to time this stuff will get you wrecked (rekt) as often as it will pay off. I was more cavalier earlier on when I was hungry to accumulate and traded (not often) more frequently when the graph would go straight up, knowing that just isn't sustainable, then I'd buy more when it fell, increasing my position with the difference.
Pretty big pullback last week to $30,000 from a high of $41,000.
It was propped up pretty quickly by big institutional purchasers looking for a lower entry point and is back at $37,000.
Chainlink hit an ATH of $21.40 this morning.
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I grabbed a grands worth on
I grabbed a grands worth on this dip to $31,000
also went in on some Etherium and Doge too while they were down
I have been messing with Doge a bit buying and selling over and over again. It seems to fluctuate pretty consistently so I have been guessing right when to buy and sell but only making a little at a time, but it's all positive flows
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Two article I was just sent
Two article I was just sent
Bitcoin to 500,000
Ether to 10,000
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I used this dip as an entry
I used this dip as an entry to Greyscale and bought some GBTC since premiums are at near all time lows and at these levels, it will almost certainly outperform the actual coins.
.....Provided Tether shenanigans don't blow everything up. That's one of the only real threats to the ecosytem on my radar right now outside Quantum computing, which I believe protocols can be adjusted for as that advances.
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I read that Bitcoin drops 20%
I read that Bitcoin drops 20% once a year since it started, today looked like that drop
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Oh, it can go further down.
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Chainlink new ATH $25.23 this
Chainlink new ATH $25.23 this morning.
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Great thread on GBTC
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Tehran went dark last week, a
Tehran went dark last week, a video showing industrial computers whirring away at a massive Chinese cryptocurrency farm spread online like wildfire, prompting outrage about Bitcoin’s outsized thirst for electricity. Within days, the government closed that plant despite its authorization to operate
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My friend has a computer shop
My friend has a computer shop and has been in the Bitcoin since it was around $40.00 he did the mining at his shop in the old days and took a lot of power. He asked me about a month ago if I wounded a device that plugs into my router and will mine about $20.00 of bit coin a month and the cost to run it is equivalent to running a light bulb. He has not brought it over yet. He is one of the firm believers it will hit $250,000
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Smiley, what is your opinion
Smiley, what is your opinion on MARA?
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<<<<<"smiley73guy on
<<<<<"smiley73guy on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 – 04:46 pm
I like Bitcoin and have since 2013 ,buying most significant dips but jumped in bigtime summer 2015- winter 2016 when it was clear which way this crypto thing was going.
Moved a bunch of the profits into Ether about 2 months back.
I like Ether even more"
<<<<<<"smiley73guy on Friday, May 5, 2017 – 07:40 am
.....And another jump from Ether yesterday, which is hovering around $100 now"
Ethereum just hit an all time high of $1500 today.
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"In this article, I take a deep dive into Chainlink and blockchain protocols, and explain why I think Chainlink is the greatest asymmetric risk/reward investment of our lifetime"
<<<Smiley, what is your opinion on MARA?
I honestly dont know anything about MARA, Skyjunk. Maybe that needs to change though? Sorry. I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the new coins.
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MARA is a crypto mining
MARA is a crypto mining company
was at 17.00 a share when I posted above now is around $23 a share. I have seen projection of $64.00
I have only started messing with the crypto. Buying dips and taking little gains and then repeating.
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if you'd put the first
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Tesla TSLA just bought $1.5
Tesla TSLA just bought $1.5 billion in BTC and the price immediately destroyed its previous all time high.
Currently at $43,700.
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can we borrow a few bucks?
can we borrow a few bucks? tacky-ass braggart. you are sooo buffet, a genius, in touch!. please be sure to pay it forward to the folks that get left holding the bag. But good for you mate.
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Feel free to buzz off, fly.
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I missed the BTC wagon but I
I missed the BTC wagon but I bought ETH at $350 and Chainlink at $9 so I am definitely happy w those .
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BTC $48,000ish this morning.
BTC $48,000 ish this morning.
LINK $28
ETH $1800
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Bitcoin consumes 'more electricity than Argentina'
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Now do how much the legacy
Now do how much the legacy banking system consumes running ATMs, armored trucks, brick and mortar buildings, terawatts of servers and security......
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BTC $53,000
BTC $53,000
ETH $1900
LiNK $34
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20-25% correction across the
20-25% correction across the board last two days with a big drop last night.
Probably not a bad time to add a little, even though I have a feeling we could still pull back to sub 40k in the short term. Prob trade sideways in the 50k meighborhood before then though.
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BTC $60,000 this morning.
BTC $60,000 this morning.
There were some good buying opportunities in the last 3 weeks, but it did, in fact hover on either side of 50k for a large portion of that time.
This is great.
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BTC at an all time high of
BTC at an all time high of $63,000 this morning.
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Finally, someone has written
Finally, someone has written about the secret to bitcoin riches.
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Wondering about income taxes.
Wondering about income taxes. When I did mine this year, my tax lady asked if I had any bitcoin investments.
How does that tracking work? Do they issue end-of-year statements or anything? How traceable is it? Or is the gov'mt dependent on self-reporting?
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I'd suggest anyone looking
I'd suggest anyone looking for a cheap altcoin to take a look at Matic (polygon). Its an ethereum token that uses scaling to make ETH transactions cheaper, which, if you know about moving around on the ETH network, gas prices can really f with you.
Matic was at $.30 last week when I grabbed some and its at .$77 currently (it hit $.90 briefly today), but I think it still has a lot of room to run and I will be adding in the short term. It blew through the $.65 resistance recently and the next level is around $1.30.
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Former NYSE president says he
Former NYSE president says he's all in on crypto and its one of the best things to happen to financial markets maybe in the history of the world.
"The crypto space is amazing--it's the best kept the secret in the world, and maybe the history of the financial markets," says @ThomasFarley on $COIN #bitcoin. "I think it's here to stay and we are past the point of no return."
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A bit of Maher . . .
A bit of Maher . . .
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Lol. Maher somehow crammed
Maher somehow crammed every bad take on crypto into that one segment.
He should have just stopped here....
“I’ve read articles about cryptocurrency, I’ve had it explained to me, and I still don’t get it,”
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I was just going to add the
I was just going to add the Maher
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Thanks for the bump.
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"Rare piece of art by
"Rare piece of art by Grateful Dead’s Jerry Garcia to be sold as NFT for more than $1 million"
"The list price for “Gift” is 309 Ethereum cryptocurrency, which is equivalent to a little more than $1 million.
The artwork features a psychedelic figure with a mohawk and rat tail, wearing quasi-religious garments and holding a cane. The auction caption describes him as “a smiling forward-thinking interstellar being” who plays a musical staff: “We experience his colorful epiphany of giving and receiving in a range of rainbow hues — purples, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, and blues. We experience ‘Gift’ as a realization of gratitude, an uplifting vision perceived through tangible abstractions.”
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<<<I'd suggest anyone looking
<<<I'd suggest anyone looking for a cheap altcoin to take a look at Matic (polygon)
<<<its at .$77 currently
Matic at $1.20 today just 2 weeks later.
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I bought 205 shares of Matic
I bought 205 shares of Matic at $0.77, based on Guy's rec. It's fun to watch it go up.
If people are like me and don't really understand Bitcoin, Matic will make your head spin. It's kind of hilarious.
Polygon (MATIC) is an Ethereum token that powers the Polygon Network, a scaling solution for Ethereum. Polygon aims to provide faster and cheaper transactions on Ethereum using Layer 2 sidechains, which are blockchains that run alongside the Ethereum main chain. Users can deposit Ethereum tokens to a Polygon smart contract, interact with them within Polygon, and then later withdraw them back to the Ethereum main chain. The MATIC token is used to pay transaction fees and participate in proof-of-stake consensus.
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Right on BK more than doubled
Right on BK .....more than doubled your buy in in three weeks.
$1.67 tonight.
Hold that stuff it'll be $6.00 before you know it.
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I love your post, BK, it
I love your post, BK, it makes absolutely no sense to me, but it's kind of fun.
Have a good time, gents.
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Matic trending on Twitter
Matic trending on Twitter today.
It briefly hit $2.83 earlier.
Currently $2.60 while everything else has shit the bed the last few days.
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Blood in the streets today.
Blood in the streets today. Ooof.
Anyone buying today will no doubt be happy they did 6 months down the road though.
Never sell on fear. Be brave when others are fearful.
It's not a bad entry point on BTC right now.
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crypto meltdown?
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Everybody here okay?
Everybody here okay?
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Who made money and who's
Who made money and who's underwater? A buddy of mine got out at the right time and made a ton.
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:-) Howdy, folks.
Howdy, folks.
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Howdy. How're you doing?
Howdy. How're you doing?