Tips for living with cold weather


A balmy 16 degrees here.

1. Heated mattress pad. Fckin awesome. Like an electric blanket but under you, instead. (I'm only slightly worried about getting electrocuted -- figure I would have read about it if these things were hazardous.)

2. Heated car seats. Before I got a car with built-in heated seats, I had one of those temporary ones that plugged into cigarette lighter (do kids still call it that?) --- it worked.

Does anyone ever de-ice their windshield with a spray bottle of 70% isopropyl alcohol. I keep meaning to try it.

That's funny six.   I grew up in Florida and people still sometimes ask me why I moved away from all the warm weather.

When I lived in Wyoming, I had to have an engine block heater installed in my Jeep to ensure it would turn over when it got down below zero.  You would use an extension cord to plug into an electric cord hanging out of the grill. When I would take the Jeep back to Florida to visit, most people didn't know what the cord was and seriously thought it was an electric vehicle.   

In Australia where they are having record breaking heat waves the snakes are coming in houses looking for water, and yes one python in the toilet that bit a woman

How to get a snake out of the shower

Hats, gloves. Eskimo kisses?

Stay indoors....put some jgb on...wait a few hours...if in New England...the weather will change...last week we went from -2 to 55 in less than two days....

Pretty happy to not be Chiberia at the moment.

31. Is that cold?

1. Long underwear

2. Start the car 20 minutes before you're leaving.

4winds, so glad you're not there, too. It was so cold looking in the pics I saw on Facebook.

Congratulations on the arrival of your new nephew! I'm happy for all of you.

>31. Is that cold?<


I find anything below 50°f to be uncomfortable. 

Thanks, Judit!  A mixed blessing I guess.



Live Where I Live ! In Ventura County - I Never Need To Turn On The Heat.

^not a big fan of California. I'm an east coast guy.

^ Made me laugh

-2 in ct right now, w a "feels like" temp of -17...




My frog hanging outside kitchen window says -5, not fun going to work this morning!  And windy too so windchill is like insane.