Julian Assange


"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." -- George Orwell

Assange is an agent of fascist Russia.

He helped Russia elect moron fascist wannabe Donald.

Assange has been helping the boot.


My bet is that, despite Barr claiming that there are no sealed indictments, that Assange is being extradited to the US because of a ....sealed indictment.

^mainstream media + donal trump effect fucked your brain up permanently. 

Assange being extradited for helping Chelsea Manning hack defense department computers.

Sealed Indictment from March 2018.  EDVA.


always funny when the loyal moderate dems cheer the trump DOJ. 


> Assange is an agent of fascist Russia. <

Indeed he is and I assume this is all part of the cover-up. The Russians/Trump will off him before too long......

Will be charged with a rarely invoked statute outlawing excessive douchiness.

Assange did the world a great service when he exposed the Iraq war lies, no?

Was he good then, but is now just a Putin puppet, like Trump, and deserves the harshest punishment possible? I'm sure Hillary would agree!


What happened to his cat?   When Ecuador threatened to kick him out last year, one of the things they cited was how he wasn't cleaning up after the cat.

Some Americans (me included) have consistently felt that Snowden and Manning committed espionage.

Some even felt it warranted the death penalty.

But that is a good question, the 'then and now" thing.

Here's a few memories:


2010:   https://twitter.com/VicBergerIV/status/1116321772201078786



2016:  https://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/300327-trump-i-l...



2017:  https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cia-director-pompeo-calls-wikileaks...


isn't this all about sexual assault....or is that just the reasoning for arresting him for his other shit

Weird Steve loves and trusts his Government, so much so that he is in favor of capital punishment for those that expose its treachery.


^lol jesus christ man. step away from the internet. 

lassen crawled out from under his rock for this thread huh?

Sometimes karma takes the wrong bus and gets delayed, but it almost always eventually arrives at its destination.

Hahahaha... Fuck that guy right in his stupid face. Were not talking about the pentagon papers here people. This turd has always been a vainglorius, self agrandizing shit weasel. I welcome the day I can see him dragged in chains into an American court room.

No wonder Trump and the Trumpcult love the doosh.

i don't know who or what to believe anymore.

I'm a firm believer in 'the truth will conquer all'.    Even if it doesn't, it can only further understanding, justice, and knowledge... and is never a bad thing when it comes out, no matter how painful it may be to some.

But since when is truth and transparency a bad thing?  I guess if it goes against your interests or political opinions...

Same as it ever was...

Assange and Snowden are both heros IMNSHO.   They made choices and sacrifices that NOBODY on here could even imagine, in the name of free information.    They both basically gave up their lives solely in the interest of furthering knowledge... pissing off the powers-that-be and all plebes blinded by the veil of self-interest and political polarization in the process.   I love it. 

Would YOU be willing to sacrifice your life and freedom and live like Snowden, just to spread the truth and expose injustices to humanity?   I can't help but admire someone who has that driving feeling to do the right thing... and then doing it no matter how self-destructive you know it will be to your comfort and life as you know it?   Like him or not, that took balls that most of us don't have, and others have chopped off to assimilate into the system to survive.


Funny how the GRU/wikileaks never released anything from the RNC hacks.

sad day for journalism. 

Nancy, re: https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2019/04/11/world/europe/11reuters-ecuador-assange-president.html

I think the article writers are probably idiots.


UK Pledges It Won't Send Assange to Country With Death Penalty: Ecuador

By Reuters

April 11, 2019

LONDON — Britain has guaranteed to Ecuador that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will not be extradited to a country that has the death penalty, Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno said on Thursday after Assange was arrested in London.

"In line with our strong commitment to human rights and international law, I requested Great Britain to guarantee that Mr Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty," Moreno said in a video posted on Twitter.

"The British government has confirmed it in writing, in accordance with its own rules."

(Writing by William Schomberg; editing by Stephen Addison)


What Moreno said was "...guarantee that Mr Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty"

I think all that says is that the US has to agree not to seek the death penalty. 

The March 2018 indictment has a maximum penalty of 5 years, so unless there are more indictments coming, no problem with the extradition, assuming that what Moreno said is the truth, not what idiot journalists said.


do yourself a favor and watch this:


Assange looks like David Letterman these days

Miraculously pass right over the stinking rotting hanging fruit that is Trump's career and push a made up story about a child trafficking ring led by Hillary and Podesta?  You really still think what wikileaks pulled was some sort of herculean effort to uncover the truth?       

Core an apple to find it's skin.....

Just for the record, it is well established that Assange does not like Hillary Clinton and did not want to see her elected. He said in 2016:   "I have had years of experience in dealing with Hillary Clinton and have read thousands of her cables. Hillary lacks judgment and will push the United States into endless, stupid wars which spread terrorism. ...  she certainly should not become president of the United States."   However, in a later interview, he said that choosing between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is "like choosing between cholera or gonorrhea . . . Personally, I would prefer neither."

Donald might just pardon Assange.

Right after he pardons Manafort. 

Cause Donald believes that Luv is real NFA. 

In 2010 Donnie called for the death penalty for Wikileaks ‘traitors’. Or ‘something like that’


then when he learned that Wikileaks were working for Russia, and had leaked DNC and Hillary emails he changed his tune and said he ‘loved Wikileaks’


and today he’s never heard of them. 



So yeah, the death penalty is likely off the table, officially. Putin may just arrange it, unofficially. 




I could see carrot-toupee possibly pardoning Assange, but likely not until the end of his term.    Too much controversy otherwise.   Unless of course there's something that investigating Assange/Wikileaks might bring out that could damage Trump's image.. then they'll do whatever they can to put the kibosh on his prosecution.   LOL

If I had to bet, Assange will see jail in this country.   But being on the list of Presidential pardons as Trump leaves office would not surprise me at all, either.

Snowden deserves a pardon immediately, no debate about it IMO.  But that's even less likely by any assessment of the situation coming from a gov't official.



There's a reason why Bernie bros and Trump supporters love Julian Assange equally

In this latest tragicomic Trumpian scandal, historical revisionism is key

Rick Wilson Florida

49 minutes ago



The squawking from Assange-backers today claiming his arrest is an affront to freedom of the press is a pure distraction. Journalists and publishers play a unique, Constitutionally-protected role in the United States, and the indictment brought against Assange has nothing to do with the content of what he published during the Chelsea Manning episode but is instead a very narrowly crafted criminal conspiracy charge.

Assange offered to hack passwords in a US Department of Defense computer system for Chelsea Manning to facilitate continued leaks of tens of thousands of highly classified military and intelligence documents concerning the early days of the Iraq War. Hacking — even by a journalist — is no more protected under the law than breaking and entering.

The Justice Department indicated that it reserves the right to bring other charges against Assange, which is likely one reason for the reek of flopsweat at the White House and among its allies today. Those additional charges could remind Americans of the close relationship between Assange’s Wikileaks and the Trump campaign, Donald Trump Jr, Roger Stone, and the president himself, whose own reliance on Wikileaks as a central pillar of his 2016 messaging should not be forgotten.

Make no mistake: Julian Assange was a willing asset of Russia in the 2016 election. He was a vital conduit in their information warfare campaign. The US intelligence community has long known this; even Trump’s current Secretary of State and former Director of Central Intelligence Mike Pompeo said as much in 2017: “It is time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is… a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia. In January of this year, our Intelligence Community determined that Russian military intelligence — the GRU — had used WikiLeaks to release data of US victims that the GRU had obtained through cyber operations against the Democratic National Committee. And the report also found that Russia’s primary propaganda outlet, RT, has actively collaborated with WikiLeaks.”

The Assange saga is also a window into the scrambled ideological politics of the United States in 2019. The most fierce defenders of Assange come from two seemingly disparate ends of the ideological spectrum.

First are the fans of Donald Trump, who understand that the leaks of Hillary Clinton’s emails were a political neutron bomb that exploded under her campaign in the closing weeks, the ultimate oppo drop.

Joining them are the American Bernie Bros and the Glenn Greenwald demographic of America-can-do-no-good types who look at anything that weakens US influence in the world as a net positive. American political ideology is no longer a line, but a horseshoe, with the extremes looping toward one another in an asymptotic curve of edge-case crazy.




Of course, no current American scandal cycle is complete without a risible level of historical revisionism on the part of Trump and his supporters. In a White House press availability today, the President of Lies said, “It's not my thing. I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I've been seeing what's happened with Assange… I know nothing really about him. It's not my deal in life."




History, the internet, and video evidence tell another tale. According to NBC News, Trump praised Wikileaks 145 times in the last month of the 2016 campaign. He tweeted about it repeatedly, making his closing argument against Hillary Clinton with the fruits of a very poisoned tree. Trump’s son Don Jr conducted ongoing messaging with Assange even after his father was elected president.

Trump’s loudest media cheerleaders — Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart, and others — treated WikiLeaks and Assange as the heroes of the play in 2016. They didn’t care about the Russian provenance of the leaks, only that those leaks were an expedient weapon in their hands.  A cursory Google search would have turned up US intelligence and law enforcement community concerns that WikiLeaks was an asset of the Russian intelligence services; it’s not that the Trump team and his supporters didn’t know. They didn’t care.


Pretty funny that so may folks are defending a guy who pretty obviously was working to help Putin.

Chomsky: Arrest of Assange Is “Scandalous” and Highlights Shocking Extraterritorial Reach of U.S


Tulsi Gabbard Calls Assange’s Arrest A Blow To Transparency And Free Press | Hardball | MSNBC


>>>>Pretty funny that so may folks are defending a guy who pretty obviously was working to help Putin.


I count 3 in this thread.  Is that what you consider “so many people”?

>>>  What happened to his cat?   When Ecuador threatened to kick him out last year, one of the things they cited was how he wasn't cleaning up after the cat.


Tulsi Gabbard




bernie "bros" > dnc apologists

bernie is a sell out and major pussy

^lol. imagine bernie debating your boy trump on national tv. 

itd be embarrassing. let’s hope we all get to witness the smack-down. 

Trump ain't my boy. Just because i don't believe the Russian conspiracy theory, doesn't mean i support Trump.


And do you believe the indictments and guilty pleas of Trump’s associates?

or, like a good Trump supporter do you believe the crimes committed by Flynn, Manafort, Rick Gates, Roger Stone and  George Papadopoulos are not related to Trump.


right, so you do not not support him and just repost his talking points. Witch hunt!!! Lol



if the Mueller report exonerated your boy Trump he’d want Barr to release it to Congress instead of hiding it. same goes for your blu’s taxes. 






^ your boy. Typo, but you know...



But Bernie!!! But Hillary!!! But Obama!!!


and now the Trump supporters want to go after Mueller and the FBI for daring to investigate their boy. 

^ you love Hillary, so that shows what the fuck you know, lol

Ron Paul on point, once again.

US Henchmen Violently Arrest Assange! Show Trial To Follow.


Yes, I would take Hillary over Trump as POTUS any day! Only a fool would  still be clinging to the idea that Hillary would be worse for America, Civil rights, the Courts, the UN and the World than Trump. 








Ron Paul is a fool. On point, lol. More tinfoil hat!!!





nice nice that Bryen has a comrade here though. 





So predictable that  when confronted with facts, Lassen goes right back to ‘but Hillary’ to defend his boy. 











>Ron Paul is a fool. On point, lol. More tinfoil hat!!!>

Coming from the woman who loves AOC!  okay..


What does Julian Assange have to do with AOC? And why don’t you like her?

Must be you’re  just threatened by intelligent strong women, as are all of Trump’s boys, including Assange. 

As enlightening it is to speak with you Nancy, it's homemade pizza day at Casa de Lassen, and my 14 month old wants his dadda to play with him, so i have to run.

Enjoy your day everyone!

>>>>>>what does Julian Assange have to do with AOC?

Maybe because the right wing media is absolutely obsessed with her and can't stop talking about her?  For a freshman representative, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez sure gets a lot of attention, being mentioned 3,181 times in six weeks by Fox News or its sister Fox Business: 


When are the Trumps going to be charged with crimes? They're criminals. 

They're criminals.

I believe they are criminals.

I don't believe anyone is going to stop them if they aren't ever charged with a crime. 

yeah, I get that right wingnuts are obsessed with AOC, and Lassen can’t even say why he doesn’t like her. I’ll go with Misogyny for $200. And it is a refreshing change from them being hysterical about HILLARY!! 


Bryen would have just posted a music link instead of responding to the question, Lassen pulled the more common ‘exit stage right’ excuse. 

Good to see Nancy one again spanking that ass. 

Home made pizza day. Gotta run.



" Henchmen Violently Arrest Assange!"

Those guys who removed him from the embassy were definitely violent henchmen.

Khashoggi, an actual journalist, was forcibly removed from the Saudi embassy - in pieces. 


Assange is no journalist, wanted for hacking government computers, sharing sensitive and classified intel endangering operatives in the field,  and rape charges  - and he  was treated with kid gloves. 


Rand Paul is an idiot and a huge pussy who got his ass kicked by a guy named Rene.

assange is a journalist. you are wrong. 

here are some facts, believe them if you wish: 


I agree with Nancyinthe sky.

I agree with Hoover.

Assange is a scum bag who worked for the Russians to help Trump get elected. 

<Assange is a scum bag who worked for the Russians to help Trump get elected.>

ummm, no

Screen Shot 2019-04-15 at 9.26.54 AM_0.png

Please give me a factual rebuttal asserting my statement is wrong. **Right wing nut job conspiracy news sites don't count. 

You made the claim guy, i think the onus is on you to prove it..

Thanks for the heavy lifting, weird Steve. You've been dismissed Lassen.  Back to your troll cave. 

Former NSA experts say it wasn’t a hack at all, but a leak—an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system.



Russia Indictment 2.0: What to Make of Mueller’s Hacking Indictment


The indictment alleges a detailed and wide-ranging conspiracy to hack into the computers of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and others and to reveal information in order to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The special counsel charges 12 officials of the Russian military intelligence agency (“GRU”) with targeting more than 300 individuals affiliated with the Democratic Party or the campaign and leaking tens of thousands of stolen documents.

Starting in March 2016, the indictment alleges, a unit of Russia’s GRU military intelligence organization began sending emails to dozens of employees and volunteers in the Clinton campaign. The conspirators engaged in “spearphishing,” or sending fraudulent emails with embedded links to GRU-created websites disguised to look like trusted entities, such as Google security notifications, ostensibly asking recipients to change their password but, in reality, tricking the targeted users into revealing their login credentials.

Using these stolen credentials, the hackers logged into the targeted users’ personal and campaign email accounts. Later that month, the hackers began researching the computer networks of the DCCC and DNC to identify technical vulnerabilities and connected devices. In April 2016, the conspirators hacked into the DCCC computer network and installed malware to spy on users and steal information.

According to the indictment, the Russians designed their hacking operation to use an overseas computer to relay communications from their malware via a GRU-leased server in Arizona. By June of 2016, the hackers monitored DCCC employees’ computer activity—logging keystrokes and taking screenshots—on at least 10 different computers and transmitted this information to the Arizona server. The conspirators used their access to the DCCC network to hack into Democratic National Committee in mid-April 2016. Overall, the hackers accessed about 33 DNC computers by the end of June using stolen credentials. As they had with the DCCC, they used malware to explore the DNC network and steal documents, the indictment claims. As they explored the networks and removed data, the indictment alleges, the Russians deleted computer logs and files to obscure evidence of their activities.






The actual indictment is in the article 

^my post and Steve's post are not the work of journalists,  the are the work of the special prosecutor.

It is Mueller's team who alleges that Wikileaks worked with Russian intelligence. 

It is Mueller's team who alleges that Russian intelligence officials hacked the DNC

^ i get that, thanks. My post was a general post in a thread about the arrest of Assange.

Lock Rachel Maddow up!

>My post was a general post in a thread about the arrest of Assange<


Ok, got it. Just to be clear, facts posted by Steve and myself refute your defense of Assange and Wikileaks. 


Why is it so hard for right wingers to just come up with simple facts? None of them ever refute with reputable evidence. It's always opinion, psuedo science or libel.

Holding a ladder for a burglar is not the same as protecting a source.

moderates love the trump DOJ and cheer to remove press freedoms. crazy times. 

Are you familiar with the  Valerie Plame affair? What Wikileaks and Assange did was also illegal,  irresponsible and politically motivated and connected  hit jobs.


And yes, I understand why actual journalists are concerned about the government coming for them, after all Trump has labeled them the ‘enemy of the people’  and if Assange is prosecuted you can bet Trump will go after journalists who have been critical of his regime

Freedoms come with responsibility - what Assange did was akin to yelling  fire in a Russian  theater

“The world is not sliding, but galloping into a new transnational dystopia. This development has not been properly recognized outside of national security circles. It has been hidden by secrecy, complexity and scale. The internet, our greatest tool of emancipation, has been transformed into the most dangerous facilitator of totalitarianism we have ever seen. The internet is a threat to human civilization.

These transformations have come about silently, because those who know what is going on work in the global surveillance industry and have no incentives to speak out. Left to its own trajectory, within a few years, global civilization will be a postmodern surveillance dystopia, from which escape for all but the most skilled individuals will be impossible. In fact, we may already be there.

While many writers have considered what the internet means for global civilization, they are wrong. They are wrong because they do not have the sense of perspective that direct experience brings. They are wrong because they have never met the enemy.”

Julian Assange

You know Alexa is listening in - and people continue to use the devices...consumers don’t care.

I think a lot of people forget while Julian Assange helped shed some light upon things that others did not wish to have light shed upon, he is first and foremost a hacker. He isn't the first, and certainly not the last, criminal that has used the idea of a noble cause to deflect the focus off the unsavory things that they are involved in. While we know the name of Assange, the vast majority of Wikileaks personel are anonymous and criminally breaking into all sorts of places for financial gain. While brilliant, Assange has the well deserved reputation as possible the most megalomaniacal person who has ever walked the earth. In his mind, he is not only smarter than everyone else, his behavior is above reproach and anyone who disagrees does so because they aren't brilliant enough to realize they are wrong. Laws do not pertain to him because he shouldn't be constrained by his inferiors, which is everybody besides him. Brilliant megalomaniacs often have the cult of personality surround them and those followers tend to elevate those of that kind to godlike status. A couple things resonate to those followers on some level and as time goes on they start to believe only the best of things and discount the negatives as persecutions of their leaders despite evidence to the contrary. Such is the way of cult members.

Has Julian Assange done some good? People can debate that until the end of time. Has Julian Assange and the organization he is the face off commited multiple crimes that have enriched them all? That is not open to debate. They have and they have taken money out of each and every one of our pockets, have put others in grave danger and laughed about it to themselves because we aren't as smart as they are, therefore we deserve it.        


     The truth will soon be revealed, I would caution anyone reading these threads not to take at face value any information from the characters that promoted the Russia scam for the last two years, it would be more useful to figure out the exact opposite of their spoon-fed narrative.  

^how about your boy the peace president vetoing the yemen war powers resolutions ? 

trump=more drone strikes in 2+ years than obama in 8...

you support a white nationalist and a war-hawk president — no amount of youtube links will change that fact. 


     If you think we'd be less engaged militarily under a Hillary Clinton presidency you have truly lost your mind.

your response makes zero sense and has nothing to do w/ the facts i stated. you’re trash. 

Glad you agree.  A methed up war hawk spoiled man baby is far worse than a female 'war hawk'(it's already been stated that she would have just continued Obama's policies).  

But yeah...horrible candidate. 


Bryen is clearly a russian troll

Empires Meticulously Hide Behind Lies -- Assange Courageously Revealed The Truth Anyway


Free at last.

Is pyramidheat still making pizza?

I hope so.