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mike e, some of us also still call it dope - I guess it didn't make it to your beautiful list. I kind of try not to call it dope, though I don't always care about using another word, and after that many years it's a hard habit to break.
I'll be uploading pics this week- 7 days into flower cycle at this point and the posture of the plants have changed, presumably to accommodate those nuggets. First time here- total n00b.
Indoor grow- I've been having a hard time keeping the humidity in my tent down during lights off. Is this common typically? Usually shoots to ~60% with lights off right now. I live in southern New England and the summers are pretty damn hot. I can get the tent down to 47-50% with the lights on- which I'm more comfortable with... hoping lights off doesn't become a problem. Air circulation is good... I find it helps when I crack the tent for lights off too to air it out a bit.
Any input appreciated- pics coming later. Doing fully organic. Topdressing with alf alfa meal and kelp powder... going for the living soil thing... probably going to ditch my smart pots after this grow as, from what I've been told by some folks on Grass City, these are definitely not helping the humidity battle I'm fighting right now. Overall, the 5 plants look pretty good.. my tent is 4 x 8' and I had two BestVA 3000W (615 watt pull from wall each) going. This week I realized the 5 pots all fit on one side so moved them all to one side and dropped down to one light for savings on my electric bill.
..with my central air running and this little science project, I almost fainted when opening my bill from N Grid. ...just got approved for a $4k grant from my state for solar panels since the angle of my roof and amount of sunlight qualify me... also getting $4k from federal income tax credit which winds down after next year. Just awaiting the financing to go through which shouldn't really be an issue as I do have a great credit score... just waiting to hear back... little curious if I get shut down as we're in a recession and I think money is going to be harder to be lended.
I did Scooby last year and love the strain. The plants yielded 9-11 oz each. Right now they are 6.5' high and 4' diameter, just starting to flower.
The LSD is new to me. The plants show like classic indica, short and squat. They started flowering over a week ago. I don't know what they'll ultimately yield, but they should have some monster buds. They already stink like crazy. It's can't imagine what it will be like in 6-7 weeks.
Does your tent have an exhaust fan jay? This is in addition to an oscillating circulatory fan (which is also pretty necessary.) If not, it needs one. The fan should draw room temperature air into the tent through the lower vents and exhaust at the top ducted to somewhere outside of the growing space or room. That said; put the exhaust fan on a thermostat switch with temp and humidity adjustments. If your tent is large enough and still needs more dehumidification, put a dehuey in the tent. Point the exhaust away from the plants so they don't get wind burned. I prefer a very stripped down and simplified growing space, and would defer to dehumidifying the room (I take air) personally. The real risk here especially if feeding quick uptake nitrogen sources, in not getting the humidity under control is moldy plants next..
to add to what Bss said, I keep the house at 77 and the humidity runs around 50 - 55% all summer in the heart of the midwest (86% humidity today...fn miserable outside). It would be cheaper to cool the small bedroom, but my house is under 700 sq. ft. so my electric and gas combined are around $90/mo., tents, ac and all. I have a panasonic panaflo whisper quiet "bathroom" exhaust fan at the top of a 2 x 4 tent just above the light (was my flower tent, but now used for clones and veg), stays on 24 hrs and draws air from both sides from the bottom and up and out. 3 air exchanges/min. and never had a problem with any diseases. Like Bss stated, a small dehumid for the room (instead of the tent) may be all you need and always keep the air moving. Don't get discouraged, keep trying and Good luck!!!
>> I find it helps when I crack the tent for lights off too to air it out a bit.
be careful of any room light leaking into the tent during lights off (hermies)
Outdoors here. An LSD, a Durban Poison, a Lightsaber - all about 6 feet high , with buds just starting to come on. Also a small SD - had to replace a big one that hermed.
Thank you both for the input. So I do have an exhaust fan and a dehumidifier. I'll have an opportunity to take pictures this evening.
To elaborate a bit more:
I have a 4' x 8' tent in a spare room in my basement. Outside the tent I have a 70 pint General Electric dehumidifier which certainly works well for removing moisture from the air. I have it draining into a storage bin that I empty every couple of days and it is HEAVY. The issue I see with the dehumidifier is it raises the temps in the room into the 80s so I bought a portable AC unit to cool the room as well.
In my tent, I have a 6" hyper fan and carbon filter expelling the exhaust air through ducting out of the house entirely. I currently have it on at around 50% of its max... I've read that when its very humid outside you don't want the thing turned up too high cause you'll be pulling that humid air back into the room from outside. I have 3 large "box" fans that you can pick up at any store that generate some serious air movement.. my tent came with a few extra fan straps so last night I fasted one fan and afixed it to the side of the tent and it was swirling the air from 3-4 feet off ground... this brought the RH in the tent down to 53% during lights off, which is obviously better than the 60% in my post from yesterday.. I can live with that, I think?
I drop my kid off at her grandmas tonight so will have a little photo sess.
Sweet offer, Jaz. No spot taken as I do have a fan/filter already. From what I understand, I got an industry leader too.
No, you shouldn't really need to open the tent to control temp or airflow. Yes the tent's purpose is to create a closed environment.
Another thing I'm realizing is that You may have a lot more soil than root mass and vegetable matter in there. Smaller containers, watered more frequently (people get lazy about this, but in reality you need to be in there every day anyways, so..) will do a lot of the work keeping rh under control mostly on their own in the future. This also allows more opportunities for feeding. While it's a nice thought, "Living soil" containers really don't allow for any flexibility when it comes to plant size, root mass, and individual plant demands and vigor. A common mistake newer indoor growers make is growing too small of plants, in too big of containers, in too big of a light/airspace, usually overwatered.
My advice in your situation is to set the ac unit five degrees lower than you think you should, and also let this unit do the bulk of your dehumidifying work. (Yes, air conditioners do naturally dehumidify also) Keep the door to this room closed. Keep the heater vents closed also. Cover and insulate the windows for increased effectiveness.
Are you using something other than HPS lighting? LED and LEC lights have a lower heat signature. In some cases this is good. In yours, my guess is it could be contributing. I've yet to see anything outperform a bare vertical bulb in any tent setup. You need/want a good temp and humidity swing throughout the days and nights, and choice of lighting directly effects this.
Hi Jay. Imo, no. As long as your room/ dwelling is secure and clean you're good. I've grown indoor for almost 30 yrs., everything from refrigerator boxes, plywood enclosures and finally tents; in closets, false walls and basements and not once have i had a problem with mold, aphids, mites, thrips or anything else. detrimental to the plants. The ocassional house spiders are more than welcome. Simple housekeeping goes a long way, and preventing a problem is far easier, cheaper and less emotionally investing than chasing a problem.
Overall, I don't think they look too bad.. a little lime green and some yellowing which I chaulk up to the fact I had overwatered them pretty severely and had to let them dry out fully to kill the gnat invasion. Watering with Triton's Trawl in my water- link below:
Top left? That's a hidden flower. I've sprayed for caterpillars. You can see their damage towards the top, the holes in the leaves. Maybe it's all caterpillar damage?
we don't have a lot of annoying insects here but what we sure do have is fucking moths and caterpillars!
friend gave me 2 cherry bomb was pretty much dead when he gave it to me...the other was doing ok...potted it up and something/somehow the stem got rottten/eaten through/broken? I taped it and put cinnamon on it...think its a goner...
ohter jack clone was a science project...flowering...kinda...
2 from seed, doing well for being planted 4th of july. pretty sure they are girls...
lemon jack in hoop house flowering bigly...still found a bigly fucking moth....battling light pollution.
It's August. My eye is primed for anomalies amidst the green. I can't help you with bugs or diseases though, BK. Fortunately, we don't have many of either in the high desert.
Cool little hoop house, Turtle. You weren't kidding about needing to lift that plant up.
My lesson this year: To have the biggest, strongest, and most resilient plant; one should stress, bend, top as many times as it can take, injure, and bring the plant to the verge of death without killing it. I'll show some results soon of the success I've had doing just that.
What's up Mikee! Turtle, your shit is looking great!
Barry, if your question is in reference to my post of Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 9:08 pm, then no, I'm not Troodle. But that same question was raised just last month, so I guess it's possible that I am Troodle, although I seriouslee doubt it.
..looking for advice from the experts on what to do with fan leaves trimmed from plant during flowering. It seems like a polarizing topic in itself so just looking for input from those who DO trim fan leaves during flower and how do you use them?
watch out for these guys too. Bt is okay to spray on your plants and will keep caterpillars away. I like to us powdered yucca as a wetting agent. When I say no spraying, what I am really saying is no spraying any oils or chemicals, only water solubles and generally not on mature fruit. Spraying beneficials, or ferments/teas/etc generally ok ymmv
see the brown spots on that lower bud there? Caterpillar shit. If you find these guys, most of the branch will probably need to be composted. What caterpillars don't physically destroy, they shit all over. And nobody wants to smoke any of that. Inspect vigorously and cull / prune liberally as necessary. Plants at this stage of growth need to be hand managed.
>>assuming you're trimming the leaves because they are blocking light from getting to certain buds?
Correct... and for air flow.
I'm putting them in a bag right now to dry out and figure out what to do with later. My plants are on week 3 of flower and I don't think (?) there's any THC or anything in the leaves yet..?
Thanks, Mike. My flowers are coming in pretty nice! This is very exciting for me. Your plants looks great... I topped mine similar to yours and have 16 bud sites on two of them. The others have 12-16 ish. Between my 5 plants I'm hoping to get a pound but will be happy with anything, really.
Some of the backyard girls. The one on the left is starting to bud. The one of the right is like Edgar Winter - Frankenstein. Went into early flower a few months ago, but let it ride and then it went into serious re-veg and now is starting to bud again. We will see what happens.
Growing ganja for your head is always a fun backyard garden experiment.
Flowers are coming in NICELY on my end.. I'll upload pics tomorrow. I'm growing Gorilla Glue which from what I understand can go hermie often.. gotta keep my eyes open going forward.
Can the experts chime in on their drying/curing techniques? ^___^
Flowers are coming in NICELY on my end.. I'll upload pics tomorrow. I'm growing Gorilla Glue which from what I understand can go hermie often.. gotta keep my eyes open going forward.
Can the experts chime in on their drying/curing techniques? ^___^
A wetting agent or surfactant decreases the surface tension of the liquid being applied (in this case, bacillus thurgensis used in a foliar spray) which allows it to "stick" to the plants rather than just bead up and roll off. It only takes a tiny bit. Like maybe a quarter of a gram.
when applying a foliar spray, it is important to ensure 100% coverage of the plant. Stalks and undersides of leaves too. Do this right before sun up or sun down.
if you maintain houseplants, a leaf of live aloe can be de-skinned, emulsified in water, and then added to your spray mix just the same. Or powdered aloe is also available and can be used here.
A few drops of dr bronners liquid Castile soap can be used the same way and many people might already have this available in their house.
>>Growing food and weed for your friends and family is a great example of how you can participate in ongoing social and political protest right at home
Fuck yea it is!
..gonna stop by the store tonight and see if I can get some sort of wooden stakes to stick down into the pots and tie some of the branches to.. they're starting to get heavy ^__^ 24 days into flower.
Post a pic or two here, Turtle. You've got some folks here who know a thing or three. Also, the outdoor growing thread on Reddit has some good stuff too.
this has been my go to for some time, Turtle. Full sections on disease id, causes, etc. and nutrient deficiency pics, explanations, etc.
Can you put an oscillating fan on your girls? It won't drop the humidity but it will improve air flow which is critical, especially at night when temp drops and humidity spikes. Bud rot , or botrytis, s a symptom of too high of humidity allowed for too long of a period of time. From my experience, cannabis flowers can take nightly humidity as high as 90% on a regular basis as long as daytime temps drop the humidity and good overall airflow is provided both day and night. But developing flowers can't take high humidity both day andnight repeatedly, even with adequate airflow.
Lots of good online sources with pics too if you google "cannabis disease ID." I'm not sure how much you've grown before, but it's always nice to see someone trying. It almost always boils down to the basics of adequate light, moisture, food and airflow and you'll do well. Best of luck and don't get discouraged.
and my bud rot, def due to worms. we got 'em here. even with bt and a net. pernicious fuckers. they are also exposed to daily 10+ knt afternoon winds, although it's calm in the morning/late eve...i'm sure a fan wouldn't hurt...
I've been finding little green wormy things on my leaves the last couple of days, but haven't found any bud damage yet. We don't get a lot of pests up here in the hills, and I really don't want to treat the plants to deal with this, but I'll keep scanning, plucking, and squishing, and hope that gets me through.
Aroma/Flavor: This strain carries strong tropical aromas that are accented by delicious flavors of papayas, guavas, mangos and pine. Typical Effects: This strain won 2 awards during the Emerald Cup 2017. It took home 1st place for highest terpene content, with a whopping 4.8% total content! It also earned itself 2nd place for a unique terpene profile, testing with an uncommonly high amount of Ocimene. This tantalizing strain provides an uplifting and invigorating cerebral buzz. It delivers euphoric waves and stimulates creativity. <<<<
Thanks BK, but it's not perfected yet. Mainlining has been an interesting experiment and I have some ideas to get things more dialed in next year. But Jesus didn't have anything to do with it.
Jesus has everything to do with it, and you're going to hell for saying otherwise!
Can you "train" any strain to have that bud structure? My biggest Scooby Snack will yield around an lb, but the average dried bud is about a gram. It's a lot of trimming. It would be pretty cool to have it grow like yours.
Interesting, thanks! I wonder how Scooby would do. The article says, "no more popcorn buds," but that strain is marked by popcorn. The LSD, on the other hand, would be perfect for it.
It's some work early in the season with topping and training, but all told it's probably less than an hour a plant spread out over 6-8 weeks or so. I'm guessing I'll save multiples of that hour when it's time to trim her.
They say dry trim is best. Pull off fan leaves and hang stems upside down in a dark, cool, low humidity room with fans on them. When the smallest branch is dry enough to "snap," then trim.
Cut trimmed buds off the stems and put in brown paper bags. Hang back up in that room. Give them a shake every day. When they feel really dry, in about a week, start curing in jars.
Last year I had rot on one of my plants, the one with the huge buds. I wet trimmed that one, to be sure it was getting enough airflow.
I love this thread. I have to say, my own personal gold medal here goes to Mike Edwards. Damn, dude! Way to go!!! I do something similar with the LST, but I haven't achieved that beautiful effect so completely yet. Plus, my space is really small so it's not all that feasible. I find it really helps to constanly clean the bottom part of the branches, too. Plants grow popcorn nugs all over the place, but you have to pick them off to allow the plant to focus energies on the top kola. At least, in my space that works as the bottom layer gets no light anyways, so those little buds just drag the plant down.
As for drying, again, my space is particular, but this time I tried something different. I wet trimmed the buds down to their final result and then put them out on drying racks. I'd never used a drying rack before but it worked like a charm. About 48 hours on the rack and then into paper bags for two or three weeks. It's the best dry and cure job I've ever pulled off and this is a really challenging phase for me.
Anyways, my new round of girlies just germinated on Thursday. 3 gelato and 3 pineaplle express. It's an 80x80x160cm tent and last time I pulled in 270g. Gonna see if I can match or improve that this time...
And yeah, BK, I grew a few LSD-25 autos a couple rounds ago and they definitely have nice big fat kolas naturally. But again, peeling off all the bottom layers of growth is good (IMO) to get all top kolas and no popcorn. In my experience, this improves the yield, doesn't hurt it, but others may have had different experiences.
Mark and PLF, I know you guys are kidding, or I think you are at least, but I like the idea of judging grower's efforts. Maybe we could have a Zone Cannabis Cup next year?
Exactly. I was thinking it's probably too late, and folks are too busy, to set something up for this year. How would something like that work? My stuff usually isn't really what I consider cured until about Thanksgiving.
Here's a pic from Monday, I'd love to see these get another 2 weeks, but we've got rains coming in tomorrow / Friday... there's one plant (not pictured) that'll be ready to harvest, thinking we'll tarp them up tomorrow, and hope for no mold. Sunday on looks dry again (Saturday should be dry in our parts)
That looks ready if you like an energetic high! I'm growing mine at a friends, heading out tomorrow to tarp up, and i'll harvest any that look like that, save my bets against mold!
I have a Green Crack and a Grapefruit Haze that I'm going to chop with mostly cloudy and just a few ambers, but I want to let the GSC get a nice mix of cloudy and amber for more of a sit down smoke, but not full-on couchlock.
LSD, LS, and Durban Poison looking good. Waiting for sun to get a decent pic, but finalized the rain protection this morning - the plastic sheet is attached to the house, hanging there until it's time to throw it over the clothesline and secure it on the fence side.
Uh, you can't really grow outdoors in winter. The plants need the increasing light from April to June and the decreasing light from June to October to grow and flower correctly.
This Is the Time Of Year Most Are Protecting Their Crop/s Before October Harvests - I Am Fascinated By Plants The Different Strains Harvests Trimming Curing Etc. a fan since 7th grade !
Thanks, Mike. You'd almost think that I know what I'm doing!
The irony to it all is that I smoke so little these days, usually a hit or two after 9:00 pm. Off 4 plants I'll get enough to last a lifetime. I just love looking at it, playing with it, and hooking friends. I especially love giving it to people who truly need it for medical reasons.
I know a dude who was in some elite Special Forces unit, and got blown up in the Battle of Mogadishu. Between the TBI, constant pain and PTSD, he self-medicated with booze for years, until it landed him in a coma. He woke up with severe pancreatitis, on top of the other shit, and has to regularly take dilaudid for the pain. He recently found that weed can help, so that he can take less opiates.
I threw him a 1/4 of Scooby and a 1/4 of Sour Bubble. He was blown away that I gave him that much, and how well both of them worked for the pain.
In my mind, that's what it's all about. Fuck that $400 oz bullshit (or even $200), just hook people up.
Amen to that, BK. I'll probably give away a large part of what I harvest this year to friends, and I've been using it to barter the last few years too. The guy who wacks my weeds and does yard cleanup and dump runs usually charges $100, but he's real happy to get a fat half ounce for his efforts instead of cash. And like you said, working with the plant is extremely gratifying; it's like meditation in many ways.
I think 200 for an oz is fair if it's of high quality/cured right/grown in a small batch/etc. I'm learning the economics of it all now going through this for my first time.. I suspect I'll get more efficient as I progress along but my electric bill has been about $150 more a month right now growing. I've had these plants going for 4.5 months now and have spent about $800 on electricity.. I'm hoping to get a lb but I really don't know.. I'm on week 7 now of flipping to 12/12 and still waiting for the colas to fill out more.. what do you guys think? How are these looking? Should I stop giving nutrients soon?
Looking nice and frosty there, Sio. You should use the chart Noodler posted above to help you figure out when to harvest. I stop giving nutes and start flushing when I see some ambers. You should pick up a jewelers loupe to check the trichomes; you can get a decent one for $10-20 on Amazon. Or you can try taking some close-up pics with your phone; that won't magnify the trichomes as well as a loupe, and it's kind of tricky to find the minimum distance the lens can deal with and still find focus, but it should give you a pretty good idea of where your girls are at.
I had much better luck last year with Black Jack. This girl I started inside and then moved outside..and then moved inside when the ash started falling. She's been outside for a week, and bad air coming tomorrow so I can harvest or put back inside. I think I'm driving her nuts...
Looks like that's an indica dominant (according to Leafly), so it's already likely to have some sedative properties. From that pic, it looks like you might have a mix of clear and cloudy trichomes. Maybe another week?
Edit: Or two weeks if you're looking for nepenthe.
We've been in smoke for the last 2-3 weeks in SoCal and I've had no choice but to leave my girls outdoors; I just shake the branches to clear the ash. One of the things that happens with big fires is that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels go up, and green plants thrive on CO2, so there's that to consider.
>>Jay, can you take a picture with your camera and expand it as you look at it?
Ugh- hasn't been working. I bought a new Samsung Galaxy S20 a few months back which is a pretty high-end phone and unfortunately I've been very disappointed with the camera.. seems like most folks are too :(
My buddy brought over his Carson mini microscope today. That thing is sweet. We looked at the trichromes at 60x and 100x. It has a built-in LED light.
Jay, Amazon has them for like $13. If you order today you'll have it in a few days. I don't really need one because I only do one crop a year, but it's a worthwhile investment if you do multiple cycles.
For under $25 they have microscopes that connect to your phone, so you can show us all pics at 100x magnification.
No trays. They just sit on the ground. I'm in the high desert/mountains, and it's really dry here, so in July and August, they get 2 gallons a day, but only a gallon a day before and after that. I started pHing my water this year, which is kind of a hassle, but pH Down is fairly cheap, and it made a big difference.
For some reason I use 15 gallon soft pots. I sink them about 1/3 of the way into the ground to keep them stable. It definitely doesn't keep the size down. My tallest Scooby is about 9'. I live in a residential area on the front of my house, and we abut a big cornfield on the back. Luckily I'm able to keep them somewhat hidden.
Today my neighbor said to me, "My wife and I lay in bed with the smell of your weed wafting through the window, and we don't want to get out of bed. It smells so good. We both wish we could get that in an air-freshener so it smells like that all year." As the crow flies, they're only 30-40' from their bedroom window.
LS, DP, LSD. Will prob. start harvesting the LSD tis afternoon - it's the most ripe and rain is forecast for tomorrow. The plants have rain protection, but better get 'em while it's dry out.
A couple of the girls under the EZ-up to keep them out of the rain. The rest of this week is going to be really wet, but they aren't ready for harvest quite yet. Will have to give them a few more weeks. Going back east in mid-October and want to have them hanging up to dry by then and I can trim when I get back.
What's this craziness about keeping the girls out of the rain? Mine just survived 3 frosts and a hard freeze, and I sprayed them down just to be sure they'd survive.
I chopped my Grapefruit Haze on Sunday, will probably do my Girl Scout Cookies this weekend, and then my Green Crack and the stragglers/runts the weekend after that. My house smells like weed. I'm not complaining.
Made the call to harvest just before Thursdays storms... glad we did, as my neighbors plants had mold by Saturday...
So far all testing has been pleasantly rewarding, and all trichomes were milk colored before the pull (was going to leave the girl scout cookies, they just didn't have the resin flow yet).
Hey Surf, how does your LSD look compared to mine? It's always interesting to see how the same strain looks when grown from different stock, grown in different media, and in this case, grown 3,000 miles apart.
>>That sounds so much cooler than a jewelers loupe. Can't wait to see what you scope, Sio.
I'm excited too! I'm not sure how great my camera will pick them up though... going forward I would like to pick up what BK was mentioning... a microscope/app sort of thing. Money is tight AF right now- weathering the times pretty well but I am certainly up against it financially in my own way.
We already cut down the best LSD buds, but I don't think they were as photogenic as yours - we had to deal with hundred degree temps. wildfire smoke, and humidity in the single digits. Also don't have a good close-up camera thing happening. I'll try to get a pic when they;re trimmed but not yet taken apart.
Hard to capture but this is one cola of Hulk Juice(bruce banner x crown sg1). Needs about 2 weeks but unfortunately with the moisture in the air it probably won't last that long.
Got my Grapefruit Haze in jars today. I'm guessing that once it's cured and finish-trimmed, it'll yield about 12 ounces, which is about twice as much as I've gotten from 7 gallon pots before. Mainlining is definitely the way to go. I'll probably chop my Girl Scout Cookies tomorrow or Monday, and then my Green Crack and a couple of runts/stragglers next weekend.
LOL to the slovenly look, ha ha ha... (my place is beyond trashed, but harvest forced some cleaning, so that's good)
I definitely enjoyed this years finger and scissor hash, really kicked some brain cells around!
Looks like the sugar leaf clippings and much of the "B" bud will end up as butter for cookies... my friends (in their 70's) who helped out this year just can't handle the smoke like they use to (we've all got COPD now), so looking forward to some serious melting couch cookie time! (most of the girl scout cookies will end up as old timer cookies, LOL).
Sure am. Pulled a full ounce of bubble hash out of 4 oz of last year's sugar leaves and popcorn buds. I know that most people keep the hash from the different screens separate, but I lumped it all together. I gave most of it away.
We considered getting a rosin press, but the bubble hash is yummy.
Nugbuckets mentions that some strains are better suited for mainlining, and I've found that to be true. My Grapefruit Haze and Green Crack main colas stacked up really well, with some lower branching, but my Girl Scout Cookies tops are only about half the size of her bigger sisters'; they're still 6-8 inch main colas, but a lot of her energy went into her lower branches.
The standard model for mainlining seems to be for 16 main stems, and I'm kind of conflicted about this. The pots I grow in are only 7 gallon, which is somewhat on the small side because I need to control the height of my plants. What I found though is that managing 16 main stems once you're in full veg gets pretty complicated. So, I think I might just do eight mains next year, but like I said, I'm conflicted about this and will be pondering what to do over the winter. Also, only doing eight main stems means that only three toppings are needed, which means less stress on the plant and more time for the plant to develop, since toppings typically require about a week or so to bounce back from.
One of the nice things about mainlining is that most of the work is done fairly early in the season, when things typically aren't too busy in the garden. I'm guessing I spent less than 30 minutes a plant doing the toppings and trainings; it was probably more like 10-15 minutes per plant spread out over the course of several weeks.
One thing I noticed this season is that my main stems weren't nearly as uniform as I thought they might be, and I'm guessing this is because I topped things sooner rather than later. I think next year I need to let things develop a bit more before I do my toppings.
My main takeaway from this season is that mainlining is an excellent way to grow weed outdoors. It's looking like I will double my yield from last year with only one other significant change in my method: pHing my water. I used the same commercial soil and organic nutes, and the weather was pretty much the same as it was last year--very hot and all kinds of sunny--and the ratio of usable bud to larf is pretty much ridiculous this year; there is no larf to speak of, which means much less time trimming.
I'm really looking forward to round two of my mainlining experiment next year.
Hey mike, could you please start a thread about Mainlining in the Cannabis Folder with your last post, pics, whatever. It'll be easy to find for reference for other folks next year.
We may move this whole thread over there when it seems like the time. There is so much good information in it, as well as great photos. Putting it in the Cannabis folder will be good for ease in finding it.
Beautiful stuff everyone. Loving everything! I'm coming in hot with some sweet pics and news. I spotted my first amber trichs today on 3/5 of the plants and am in the flushing stage now... I'm harvesting 1 week from today! Pics below- I'm super pumped at this point!
Anyone wanna guess on final weight here, dried? I started the project hoping for a pound but am thinking 14-16 oz at this point. Overall, I think this is working out very well for a first attempt. 5 plants Gorilla Glue.
Not really. My estimates of my own stuff are usually too high or too low depending on what kind of mood I'm in. But based on 5 plants and what I see in the pics, I'd say your estimate is reasonable, Sio.
judit, I read your post and would be happy to start a mainlining thread in the Cannabis folder in the next day or so.
So work has been busy and the days shorter and haven't seen my plants in the daylight for many days. This evening, found that the buds and leaves on some of the lower branches are turning brown and mushy. Doh! There are colas and other buds that appear unaffected. Grown a bunch, but never had to deal with mold. Could it be the mold? If so, is there hope if I immediately harvest the unaffected parts?
Sounds like bud rot, Ken. I don't have first-hand experience with it, so all I can say is google it and get busy. My understanding is that it can spread fast.
Trimmed the LSD last night and today, took about 15 labor hours to do two plants. After a week of drying the 2 plants come in at a measly 13.5 oz. Although the buds looked huge, they were a conglomeration of small, often whispy buds. A lot of it was untrimmable. I have what seems to be an equal amount of popcorn and trim as I do bud, so it should be a big hash year. The nugs are small, but they are super pungent, sticky, and purple/red.
I'm half done harvesting the Scooby Snacks, which look awesome. The buds are way fatter and frosty than they were last year.
Have to inspect daily. Rot that large didn't happen in one day.
Live by this code if you 'work' outside. It's a part time job and more importantly something is better than nothing. Divide what you think you'll have by 4.
The strains that circulate have been grow in ideal conditions w/a maxed out feedchart. Outdoors, freeballing it for days isn't going to cut it. Find an 'acclimated' strain if you can't spend the time with it -- or a franken autoflower.
Brian - you weighing trim with bud? Nothing is untrimmable. You might end up with half of what you thought you had but leaving that leaf is just going to end up with hotter burning shitty tasting. Id rather have kick ass trim -- processed into bubble, crumble/shatter and butter - then shit bud.
That's a big part of the beauty of my little weedpatch. Whenever I step out my side door for a smoke, I spend time looking over the plants.
I got buds off of branches and into jars yesterday. I still have to finish trim, but it's looking like my yield on 3.5 plants (3 + 1 stunted runt; my fifth foxtailed like crazy and I'll be giving her to a friend to make edibles and lotion) will be about 2 pounds of finished bud when it's all said and done. That's about 10 ounces per plant, which is almost twice as much as I'd managed before, and much more than I ever imagined I'd get out of 7 gallon pots. I'm very pleased with how this season went, to say the least, and I'm looking forward to next year.
jonas is right, there is no substitute for thoroughly checking the plants every day. my issue was the tops of the kolas were 10' high, so hard to get a good look at them. Will be giving the platform and screen more thought next season,
initially thought my biggest plant was all trash but think i was able to salvage a bit.
Should have taken more / better pics, but ended up with 20 oz of A quality bud from 8 plants, clones, planted outdoors in June, Harvested mid Sept... with lots of ash on them. 3 plants never had their resin flow (girl scout cookies, with one being stunted), so most of the weight was from 2 Purple Diesel, 2 Blue Magoo, and a Black Dog clone. Shit's really stony, so happy about that, but cured a little too quickly in the paper sacks, so didn't achieve the smell I was hoping for (a little leafy smelling)
Too early to give reviews, PLF. My LSD just started curing, and it smells fantastic. Most buds are small, but it's pretty crystally. I ended up with just over 13 oz for 2 plants. I'll try it out next weekend.
Scooby Snacks has been drying for a week, and I'm maybe 2/3 through trimming. The buds are bigger and frostier than last year, and that was a killer crop. I should end up with 24-26 oz off 2 plants. It has a few more weeks before tasting.
Same here. I won't sample my buds until they've had at least a month in the jar. I will say though that I stoned as fuck from smoking some kif I collected from my trim tray earlier.
Not a great year here in the NW. The triple digit temps, the single digit humidity, and the SMOKE and ASH in the air forced the bud development to come to a dead stop .Got about a half pound each from an LSD. a Light Saber, and a Durban Poison.
I made a bunch of ice hash yesterday. My only tip is to give it the me to settle. I got a bit excited on the first batch and forgot that step. Second batch was the same quantity of the exact same popcorn and trimmings, and I got 3X as much. The difference was that I let it settle for 15 minutes.
Brian it's Ancient OG. Numbers on this garden? 400 gallons, 12 foot posts, 6-10 turkey bags, one chest freezer, ~1LB live rosin, multiplied by four plants. One drying room @60/60, staggered harvest.
You wanna grow any more weed than that down here and you either gotta cut in the reveneur man, grow bigger balls, or get a spot that's not as visible from the road.
best year for cultivation since I've lived in Oregon.
Well, it's a little gambling, a little dancing, a little art, and a lot of lessons through the years. But no bottled inputs.
I firmly believe cannabis is a human right and it is my purpose to cultivate and share it until I am no longer physically able to move upon this earth. I have seen it save lives in a multitude of ways, including my own. And this has little to do with money, really. Sure everything costs. But good, clean, potent medicine grown with intent is simply worth more than money.
California actually has a much longer season, I know several cultivators that grow plants twice this size. Legit 20 pounders. I don't have the right aspect or duration on this land to do that, but if anybody else in southern Oregon is still growing ten, twelve pounders or bigger I'd like to connect.
still killin it I see PH.. good work as always sir. love GMO. I think we were speaking about it about a year or so ago.. I had The Village version and was blown away too
hitting a face off OG x animal mints cross from seed junky grown by Fig Farms. also have there Sunrise which is a sherb x purple fig cross that is super fire too
If there was a strain that put a region on the map, it might well have been the Mazari might argue that in the absence of the Mazari strain the cannabis scene would be slightly askew, in the same way that without the Kingston Trio the Grateful Dead would be a bit different.
If there was a house band for the revolution of consciousness, a clarion call to arms across the front lines of the war to get the herb to the people, it was Rod & the I-Deals...or so I've been told.
Nice pics everyone. Sorry I dropped off the thread for a bit. I only got about a QP from my harvest- it came out pretty good.. a little darker than I was expecting based on the nugs appearance on the plant while growing. Pic below.
Currently have 7 going now. 3 OG Bubble Gum. 2 Trainwreck. 2 Critical
Exactly what I told you to expect. Im guessing you pulled 3 with scrap. Your plants are underfed. You under watered in your last venture and are over watering in your current venture.
If you want to go 'live resin' you need to deep freeze. Expect less product w more potency. Once it is deeply frozen crack the nugs -- you need as much surface area as you can get to extract the THC.
I'm no pro but when someone tells me that they get a 30% return on whatever extraction they're doing I know that there's plenty of garbage in their final product. Stick to trying for 10% -- if im throwing in a qp of nug im looking for 12 grams of killer. In other words you can't extract anymore THC than whats contained in your base material.
I just ran a 1/2 lb plant for live resin -- all nugs (not my test but a strain that comes in at 20-22%thc) -- and the return was 27g of clear as glass shatter. Ill make another run and probaly pull out 6-10 grams more.
I'll run bubble bags this weekend --- 3lb of popcorn and solid trim --- and ill probably get 9-10oz. Knowing that my purity will be 60ish%. Start w a frozen trim/nug and add lots and lots of ice. After your initial spin let it sit for 45min to an hour before you start pulling the bags. Once you scrape out the first run stack the bags, stir and let sit for another hour and pull again. Depending on the source material pull 2 or 3 times. The first bag pull just set aside... Combine the other 2-3 bag pulls but don't press(water will stick and cause mold), lay out on cardboard until dry. Once its dry I put into wax paper, cover with a towel, and press with a heated iron.
Jonas- do you have a recommended feeding schedule? I'm going for a recycled "living soil" approach.. trying to stay organic.
Regarding over watering, I'm giving 1 gallon of water per pot once every 4 days. That seems like too much? I am getting 15-20% run off in the tray which I thought was what one should strive for? I haven't had gnat issues so far so thought I was doing OK with over watering.
to make sure the end product is as clean as possible. same concept as washing vegetables before consuming. the nugs are sticky and grab even more dust, ash from widlfire smoke and other nasty shit from all the cars that drive by. i was amazed that after the wash the 5 gallon bucket was clouded with dirt and had a brown tint to it. was also amazed that there was no damage to the trichromes or to the buds. end product is way smoother to smoke then the batch I didn't wash.
i was able to pull 9 grams of light blond hash from 60 grams of trim and an oz of bud, which isn't a bad ratio.
<<i prolly need to make hash with my beater material.
i use a kayaking oar for the 1st run and then a drill with a long paddle like extension to beat the shit out of the ice/water/buds.
Jay - Organic is a great way. In door with soil and organic nutes work great in a clean room. Sometimes the combo attracts bugs -- get some predatory insects if needed.
Most new strains require full throttle nutes. It used to be - especially in doors - to go 1/4 to half strength - and work from there. It seems now that if you dont go full strength(after a few nodes have grown on the plant) you'll see yellowing(not sickly looking - a yellow fade from nitrogen deficiency) and eventually small flowers. Indoors if I didn't have tables set up i'd run DWC buckets - change water every week or so -- get a truncheon meter to test the mix. Some plants wont work well past 800ppm others want double that. Maybe start with feeding every 3 or 4 days lightly and see how they react. If you see results but still a little yellowing kick it up a notch.
I should have worded the watering a different way. Get rid of any run off as the roots need some breathing room and don't need to sit in cold water. If its leaching that much id turn it down a bit. Get a cheap moisture meter from home depot -- right now the garden center is trying to get rid of any and all garden merch. Its usually a combo ph/moisture meter. I don't think ph is an issue, but just watch as sometimes actively composting materials get a little on the hot side. It's great practice to run the same strain(s) a few times before mixing it up.
I have many years but I'm still a rookie. Plenty of other people on this board might contradict or add much more than I can offer.
Thanks for all the info. What do you mean by full throttle nutes?
To provide a little more info, I have worm castings with mulch layer of sweet peet on top and alf alfa meal and kelp meal top dressed. For last run, that was it for my feeding during veg.
By full throttle I mean full strength on the bottle's feed chart. Get yourself some Earthjuice veg, bloom, and catalyst. Castings provide some great support to the plants -- as do all compost teas or soil mixes -- most of the time there is not enough juice to make a nice dense flower. I can only speak for myself, and the formula might have changed, but I would only use sweet peet outside. I knew the original guys very well and had lots of free product -- used outdoor only for certain veggies.
Hey B! Rutz. Yeah a new strain that packs a punch. Should be colorful & tasty buds.
<<<>>>to make sure the end product is as clean as possible. same concept as washing vegetables before consuming. the nugs are sticky and grab even more dust, ash from widlfire smoke and other nasty shit from all the cars that drive by. i was amazed that after the wash the 5 gallon bucket was clouded with dirt and had a brown tint to it. was also amazed that there was no damage to the trichromes or to the buds. end product is way smoother to smoke then the batch I didn't wash.
What better place than the Weed thread to share news of a (socially distant, covid-aware) zoner meetup for a little sesh on a beautiful fall afternoon in the great outdoors? I had the pleasure of meeting Strawbud today up at Fort Tejon State Park at the top of the Grapevine. Gifts were shared, doobs were smoked (but not passed), and stories told, and my life on the black screen got a little bit richer today.
"It’s just who I am,’’ he said. “It has no effect on me from a negative standpoint. It’s just what I do and how I am and how I’m going to die. There’s no explanation. There’s no beginning, there’s no end."
For sure and the pleasure was all mine, Mike! It was great meeting you and sharing some good stories, laughs, and really positive vibes. That State Park is a nice little gem too with extremely easy I-5 access as well.
Keep On Keepin' On, Zoner Community! Enjoy the Holiday Season and stay safe/be well.
House Passes Landmark Bill Decriminalizing Marijuana
WASHINGTON — The House on Friday passed sweeping legislation that would decriminalize marijuana and expunge nonviolent marijuana-related convictions, as Democrats sought to roll back and compensate for decades of drug policies that have disproportionately affected low-income communities of color.
The 228-164 vote to approve the measure was bipartisan, and it was the first time either a chamber of Congress had ever endorsed the legalization of cannabis. The bill would remove the drug from the Controlled Substances Act and authorize a 5 percent tax on marijuana that would fund community and small business grant programs to help those most impacted by the criminalization of marijuana.
Hope to pass my test soon so I can partake. Tested positive, lol, on the past two and haven't smoked since 11/10! Nice to take a break but it helps with stomach issues.
Harvested a new batch 4 days ago now- 6 small plants hanging upside down right now. I did 2 month veg/2 month flower. If anyone has an organic feeding schedule I'd appreciate it. I have 4 seeds left of either Bubblegum OG or Critical.. I forget which they are.
Anyone have a recommendation for keeping bud fresh in the jar? I harvested about 8 weeks ago now and the bud in my jars is too dry to smoke now; going to make into butter.
cure your weed right and eliminate boveda from your vocabulary.
admittedly living in a high desert environment certainly does present its own set of challenges, and in general just requires more juggling and babysitting to get it right.
but really those little chemical laden packages are just imitating what plant material already does for us perfectly. a small piece of lettuce if you must.
I've read a few posts on other sites that made the same claim, but that hasn't been my experience. I've found that the flavors and aromas hold up well, and they do a great job of managing moisture levels. They add some where it's needed, or take it away where it's not.
If i told you I've (first hand) actually observed the paper changing color and delaminating as it sublimated the volatile terpene solvents across months of time, would you believe me?
At that point, I decided it was probably just redundant to send the actual soaked paper sample to the lab...
So no, I don't actually have proof. But rock on. YMMV. Certainly everybody gets down a little different.
lol. I wouldn't doubt you, Bss, but again, that's not been my experience. I have stuff that's been in jars for five months since last season's harvest, and the herb smells great and the Bovedas aren't breaking down or getting discolored. But as you said, YMMV, and it often does.
I was guessing your stuff is from seed, ogkb. Plants from seed always seem to have a more vigorous look to them. No LEDs though? Your electric bill must be outrageous running 2 x 600W, not to mention managing the heat they produce.
I have used, generally like, and had no adverse issues with Bovid packs. I forget the different humidity targets they offer but the ones around 60%-ish seem best. Yes, I like that that they are designed to keep a fairly even RH in the jar but a well and carefully planned and executed harvest/dry/cure should mostly take care of things and I only use them in the smaller stash jars that are at room temp and ready for action.
On the other hand, I longer term store packed vacuum sealed jars in the freezer that keep weed very "fresh".
This is the end of my last harvest from Jan 2018 and it looks, smells, tastes, and kicks like new!
Old fucks like Mike and I grew up on 'mersh and Mexi brick weed that was sprayed with all sorts of illegal pesticides and would turn your lips numb. In relative terms, a little Boveda is like a walk in the Garden of Eden!
Growing up back east, I remember Columbian brick weed and some Jamaican occasionally, but not much, if any, Mexican smoke. But still, we're talking seeds and stems schwag until the first sinsemilla started showing up in the early 80s, so the provenance of the bud is pretty much a distinction without a difference.
And Turtle, my harvest season situation is pretty much the same here with the Devil winds blowing and single digit humidity, and I don't really have the room for a humidity controlled drying space. I only need to hang my stuff for about 4-5 days before the branches are snapping and it's time to go into jars.
You guys in the more arid spots might consider a grow tent for drying. You can hang a solid pound in a 4x4 tent, and really just need a circulatory fan clipped to one of the poles and one of those little "as seen on tv" Arctic-air (humidifier) conditioners in there. 3x3 is even better as it's less airspace to have to manipulate. Digital thermometer/rh and you're up and running. Keep it in the coolest room of the house.
might have to rearrange the furniture in there a little for a few weeks at a time, but these things go up and down easily enough, and a lot of you dope smokers probably have one or two growing tents around already. A basic but purposeful little setup like this can really go a long way towards a more desirable curing environment and a more thorough, long term stable cure. You really want to aim to keep your weed hanging 2+ weeks without it crunching out before it goes into paper bags.
I use a 4x4 tent and can easily hang 6lbs in it by making walls of weed with hanging the plastic trellis vertically and hanging the bud on it.
My last indoor run of london poundcake 75
I popped 31 different strains which was around 300 seeds. About half were feminized and the other half regulars. If I find some good males I'll save for making my own hybrids.
>>>>> I harvested about 8 weeks ago now and the bud in my jars is too dry to smoke now;
Mine stay pretty fresh for months in the jar.
Are you using well-sealed canning jars?
I use a half-gallon jar for long term storage, and transfer some once a week to a small jar for use. That way the big jar doesn't have to get opened so often.
It's great easy to grow produces really good and gets lots of color with a gassy citrus smell. I got this from clone for Z$8/clone. Most clones I get cost me 7-8 and rarely 9-10. It came from Berner's mom so I know its solid.
It's great easy to grow produces really good and gets lots of color with a gassy citrus smell. I got this from clone for Z$8/clone. Most clones I get cost me 7-8 and rarely 9-10. It came from Berner's mom so I know its solid.
A new thread wouldn't be so bad, especially if this one is archived. Time for the Spring WEED edition of '21, seeds sprouting, clones rooting, birds singing...
speaking of archiving, please archive all political threads to the politics folder now that the election is over....including the fake one.
Other Stuff should be for topics such as recipes, music recs, pics, dangerous home hobbies, funky art and queries such as, how does glue work?, etc., etc.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Sunday, July 26, 2020 – 06:57 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Sunday, July 26, 2020 – 07:40 pm
alternative garden update
alternative garden update
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: good at drinking water infinite ignorance
on Sunday, July 26, 2020 – 07:54 pm
(No subject)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Sunday, July 26, 2020 – 09:04 pm
I____________LOVE__The Grateful___Dead

Spot ON infinite
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Sunday, July 26, 2020 – 09:36 pm
Hey Rob, this would be a good
Hey Rob, this would be a good place for this thread.
Been there yet?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Sunday, July 26, 2020 – 11:21 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Strangha Slickrock
on Monday, July 27, 2020 – 12:02 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Philzone Refugee Herbal Dave
on Monday, July 27, 2020 – 01:04 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Monday, July 27, 2020 – 08:00 pm
Right ON Mark D sometimes i
Right ON Mark D sometimes i get so stoned i forget about the Cannabis Folder ..
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 – 02:05 am
Chickens and ganja:
Chickens and ganja:
The chickens don't mess with the plants at this stage, but they will eat young saplings and immature plants.
Had a place in Missoula years ago and the chickens destroyed the herb garden before it had a chance to take off.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Andean Flight Javs Corner
on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 – 01:20 pm
aw yeah...80cm x 80cm x 160cm
aw yeah...80cm x 80cm x 160cm. Not too shabby....
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 – 01:59 pm
Growing weed for the first
Growing weed for the first time here- indoors.
Trimmed the lower branches off last week and the plants still seem shocked. Hoping they bounce back. Pictures coming later.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 – 09:08 pm
marijuana cannabis boo bhang
marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage
cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana
boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis
bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo
ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang
maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja
tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane
grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea
pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass
smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot
muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke
charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles
reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas
smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer
w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d w e e d
smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer
reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas
charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles
muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke
smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot
pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass
grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea
tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane
maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja
ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo bhang
bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis boo
boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana cannabis
cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage marijuana
marijuana cannabis boo bhang ganja maryjane tea grass pot smoke muggles charas reefer smoke gage
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: surjade Treeflo
on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 – 02:07 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 – 02:20 am
mike e, some of us also still
mike e, some of us also still call it dope - I guess it didn't make it to your beautiful list. I kind of try not to call it dope, though I don't always care about using another word, and after that many years it's a hard habit to break.
This may help:
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Friday, July 31, 2020 – 07:13 pm
Super bake again
Super bake again
distributr ~ dub breath
flow kana ~~ Tahoe OG
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Monday, August 10, 2020 – 05:31 pm
New strain i got Yesterday
New strain i got Yesterday
27.01 %
Amazing flavor NUGS
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Monday, August 10, 2020 – 05:49 pm
I'll be uploading pics this
I'll be uploading pics this week- 7 days into flower cycle at this point and the posture of the plants have changed, presumably to accommodate those nuggets. First time here- total n00b.
Indoor grow- I've been having a hard time keeping the humidity in my tent down during lights off. Is this common typically? Usually shoots to ~60% with lights off right now. I live in southern New England and the summers are pretty damn hot. I can get the tent down to 47-50% with the lights on- which I'm more comfortable with... hoping lights off doesn't become a problem. Air circulation is good... I find it helps when I crack the tent for lights off too to air it out a bit.
Any input appreciated- pics coming later. Doing fully organic. Topdressing with alf alfa meal and kelp powder... going for the living soil thing... probably going to ditch my smart pots after this grow as, from what I've been told by some folks on Grass City, these are definitely not helping the humidity battle I'm fighting right now. Overall, the 5 plants look pretty good.. my tent is 4 x 8' and I had two BestVA 3000W (615 watt pull from wall each) going. This week I realized the 5 pots all fit on one side so moved them all to one side and dropped down to one light for savings on my electric bill.
..with my central air running and this little science project, I almost fainted when opening my bill from N Grid. ...just got approved for a $4k grant from my state for solar panels since the angle of my roof and amount of sunlight qualify me... also getting $4k from federal income tax credit which winds down after next year. Just awaiting the financing to go through which shouldn't really be an issue as I do have a great credit score... just waiting to hear back... little curious if I get shut down as we're in a recession and I think money is going to be harder to be lended.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, August 10, 2020 – 06:02 pm
My 4 outdoor plants this year
My 4 outdoor plants this year:
2 x Scooby Snacks
2 x LSD
I did Scooby last year and love the strain. The plants yielded 9-11 oz each. Right now they are 6.5' high and 4' diameter, just starting to flower.
The LSD is new to me. The plants show like classic indica, short and squat. They started flowering over a week ago. I don't know what they'll ultimately yield, but they should have some monster buds. They already stink like crazy. It's can't imagine what it will be like in 6-7 weeks.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Monday, August 10, 2020 – 07:25 pm
Wow 1995 parvati valley
Wow 1995 parvati valley mountains
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Monday, August 10, 2020 – 07:34 pm
Does your tent have an
Does your tent have an exhaust fan jay? This is in addition to an oscillating circulatory fan (which is also pretty necessary.) If not, it needs one. The fan should draw room temperature air into the tent through the lower vents and exhaust at the top ducted to somewhere outside of the growing space or room. That said; put the exhaust fan on a thermostat switch with temp and humidity adjustments. If your tent is large enough and still needs more dehumidification, put a dehuey in the tent. Point the exhaust away from the plants so they don't get wind burned. I prefer a very stripped down and simplified growing space, and would defer to dehumidifying the room (I take air) personally. The real risk here especially if feeding quick uptake nitrogen sources, in not getting the humidity under control is moldy plants next..
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Monday, August 10, 2020 – 07:41 pm
I have an exhaust fan and
I have an exhaust fan and carbon filter freebie if anyone wants it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Monday, August 10, 2020 – 09:43 pm
to add to what Bss said, I
to add to what Bss said, I keep the house at 77 and the humidity runs around 50 - 55% all summer in the heart of the midwest (86% humidity today...fn miserable outside). It would be cheaper to cool the small bedroom, but my house is under 700 sq. ft. so my electric and gas combined are around $90/mo., tents, ac and all. I have a panasonic panaflo whisper quiet "bathroom" exhaust fan at the top of a 2 x 4 tent just above the light (was my flower tent, but now used for clones and veg), stays on 24 hrs and draws air from both sides from the bottom and up and out. 3 air exchanges/min. and never had a problem with any diseases. Like Bss stated, a small dehumid for the room (instead of the tent) may be all you need and always keep the air moving. Don't get discouraged, keep trying and Good luck!!!
>> I find it helps when I crack the tent for lights off too to air it out a bit.
be careful of any room light leaking into the tent during lights off (hermies)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 – 08:41 am
Outdoors here. An LSD, a
Outdoors here. An LSD, a Durban Poison, a Lightsaber - all about 6 feet high , with buds just starting to come on. Also a small SD - had to replace a big one that hermed.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 – 08:46 am
Thank you both for the input.
Thank you both for the input. So I do have an exhaust fan and a dehumidifier. I'll have an opportunity to take pictures this evening.
To elaborate a bit more:
I have a 4' x 8' tent in a spare room in my basement. Outside the tent I have a 70 pint General Electric dehumidifier which certainly works well for removing moisture from the air. I have it draining into a storage bin that I empty every couple of days and it is HEAVY. The issue I see with the dehumidifier is it raises the temps in the room into the 80s so I bought a portable AC unit to cool the room as well.
In my tent, I have a 6" hyper fan and carbon filter expelling the exhaust air through ducting out of the house entirely. I currently have it on at around 50% of its max... I've read that when its very humid outside you don't want the thing turned up too high cause you'll be pulling that humid air back into the room from outside. I have 3 large "box" fans that you can pick up at any store that generate some serious air movement.. my tent came with a few extra fan straps so last night I fasted one fan and afixed it to the side of the tent and it was swirling the air from 3-4 feet off ground... this brought the RH in the tent down to 53% during lights off, which is obviously better than the 60% in my post from yesterday.. I can live with that, I think?
I drop my kid off at her grandmas tonight so will have a little photo sess.
Sweet offer, Jaz. No spot taken as I do have a fan/filter already. From what I understand, I got an industry leader too.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 – 09:48 am
^ Last note is my tent is in
^ Last note is my tent is in a pitch dark room so cracking the tent during lights off doesn't introduce any light leakage.
Bad idea/good idea? I know a benefit to using a tent is to have a secure environment for the plants... does this undermine that?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 – 12:07 pm
No, you shouldn't really need
No, you shouldn't really need to open the tent to control temp or airflow. Yes the tent's purpose is to create a closed environment.
Another thing I'm realizing is that You may have a lot more soil than root mass and vegetable matter in there. Smaller containers, watered more frequently (people get lazy about this, but in reality you need to be in there every day anyways, so..) will do a lot of the work keeping rh under control mostly on their own in the future. This also allows more opportunities for feeding. While it's a nice thought, "Living soil" containers really don't allow for any flexibility when it comes to plant size, root mass, and individual plant demands and vigor. A common mistake newer indoor growers make is growing too small of plants, in too big of containers, in too big of a light/airspace, usually overwatered.
My advice in your situation is to set the ac unit five degrees lower than you think you should, and also let this unit do the bulk of your dehumidifying work. (Yes, air conditioners do naturally dehumidify also) Keep the door to this room closed. Keep the heater vents closed also. Cover and insulate the windows for increased effectiveness.
Are you using something other than HPS lighting? LED and LEC lights have a lower heat signature. In some cases this is good. In yours, my guess is it could be contributing. I've yet to see anything outperform a bare vertical bulb in any tent setup. You need/want a good temp and humidity swing throughout the days and nights, and choice of lighting directly effects this.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 – 12:13 pm
Imo, no. As long as your room
Hi Jay. Imo, no. As long as your room/ dwelling is secure and clean you're good. I've grown indoor for almost 30 yrs., everything from refrigerator boxes, plywood enclosures and finally tents; in closets, false walls and basements and not once have i had a problem with mold, aphids, mites, thrips or anything else. detrimental to the plants. The ocassional house spiders are more than welcome. Simple housekeeping goes a long way, and preventing a problem is far easier, cheaper and less emotionally investing than chasing a problem.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 – 02:02 pm
and VPD for my homies.
and VPD for my homies.
This was a while ago, but Bss is the only one here I've read who has mentioned this. The grower's gold standard. His advice is excellent!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Racketinmyhead Racketinmyhead
on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 – 08:16 pm
Kamala was against
Kamala was against legalization as recently as 2017!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 – 09:36 pm
Uploading pics..
Uploading pics..
Overall, I don't think they look too bad.. a little lime green and some yellowing which I chaulk up to the fact I had overwatered them pretty severely and had to let them dry out fully to kill the gnat invasion. Watering with Triton's Trawl in my water- link below:
top dressing with alf alfa meal and kelp powder. Sweet Peat mulch layer on top. 2 " of worm castings under the mulch layer.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 – 09:37 pm
The white on the soil is
The white on the soil is diatomaceous earth.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, August 14, 2020 – 11:06 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: bweir I like cheese jklowan
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 01:20 pm
Looking good Jay
Looking good Jay
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 02:08 pm
I started a thread in the
I started a thread in the Cannabis folder, but it'll probably get more play here:
Whats the disease here, and what's the cure?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 02:54 pm
I'll let the experts chime in
I'll let the experts chime in on diseases, but I have to ask: Is that a little caterpillar on the leaf up near the top?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 03:06 pm
Top left? That's. Hidden
Top left? That's a hidden flower. I've sprayed for caterpillars. You can see their damage towards the top, the holes in the leaves. Maybe it's all caterpillar damage?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 03:11 pm
I'd hate to have to dump the
I'd hate to have to dump the plants, because they are flowering beautifully.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 03:18 pm
I circled it in red.
I circled it in red.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 03:25 pm
Good catch! That little
Good catch! That little bugger shouldn't be alive for much longer. They just got a dose of caterpillar killer yesterday.
Could all that be caterpillar damage? It's so strange that the Scooby is a untouched.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 03:44 pm
we don't have a lot of
we don't have a lot of annoying insects here but what we sure do have is fucking moths and caterpillars!
friend gave me 2 cherry bomb was pretty much dead when he gave it to me...the other was doing ok...potted it up and something/somehow the stem got rottten/eaten through/broken? I taped it and put cinnamon on it...think its a goner...
ohter jack clone was a science project...flowering...kinda...
2 from seed, doing well for being planted 4th of july. pretty sure they are girls...
lemon jack in hoop house flowering bigly...still found a bigly fucking moth....battling light pollution.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 03:46 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 04:04 pm
Thanks To all Chiming In !
Thanks To all Chiming In !

Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 04:44 pm
Cherry Kush is Great ! Coming
Cherry Kush is Great ! Coming in at 27.7 thc and Amazing cherry flavor.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 05:10 pm
> Good catch!
> Good catch!
It's August. My eye is primed for anomalies amidst the green. I can't help you with bugs or diseases though, BK. Fortunately, we don't have many of either in the high desert.
Cool little hoop house, Turtle. You weren't kidding about needing to lift that plant up.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 05:58 pm
My lesson this year: To have
My lesson this year: To have the biggest, strongest, and most resilient plant; one should stress, bend, top as many times as it can take, injure, and bring the plant to the verge of death without killing it. I'll show some results soon of the success I've had doing just that.
What's up Mikee! Turtle, your shit is looking great!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Barry bigoff
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 07:18 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, August 17, 2020 – 08:16 pm
Barry, if your question is in
Barry, if your question is in reference to my post of Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 9:08 pm, then no, I'm not Troodle. But that same question was raised just last month, so I guess it's possible that I am Troodle, although I seriouslee doubt it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 04:54 pm
..looking for advice from the
..looking for advice from the experts on what to do with fan leaves trimmed from plant during flowering. It seems like a polarizing topic in itself so just looking for input from those who DO trim fan leaves during flower and how do you use them?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 05:01 pm
assuming you're trimming the
assuming you're trimming the leaves because they are blocking light from getting to certain buds?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 05:06 pm
Feed them to your chickens or
Feed them to your chickens or worm farm
this is part of why no spraying
its usually a polarizing topic amongst people who are used to going to war against their plants.
personally not a big fan of composting indoors (top dressing with plant scraps)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 05:16 pm
Here's a few giants
Here's a few giants
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 05:20 pm
Bss! Looking good!
Bss! Looking good!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 05:37 pm
So far so good in our little
So far so good in our little part of the world, things appear to be 2 weeks behind schedule, but doing great otherwise!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 06:39 pm
Thanks Judit
watch out for these guys too. Bt is okay to spray on your plants and will keep caterpillars away. I like to us powdered yucca as a wetting agent. When I say no spraying, what I am really saying is no spraying any oils or chemicals, only water solubles and generally not on mature fruit. Spraying beneficials, or ferments/teas/etc generally ok ymmv
see the brown spots on that lower bud there? Caterpillar shit. If you find these guys, most of the branch will probably need to be composted. What caterpillars don't physically destroy, they shit all over. And nobody wants to smoke any of that. Inspect vigorously and cull / prune liberally as necessary. Plants at this stage of growth need to be hand managed.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 07:16 pm
>>assuming you're trimming
>>assuming you're trimming the leaves because they are blocking light from getting to certain buds?
Correct... and for air flow.
I'm putting them in a bag right now to dry out and figure out what to do with later. My plants are on week 3 of flower and I don't think (?) there's any THC or anything in the leaves yet..?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 08:44 pm
Sio, there's a small amount
Sio, there's a small amount of THC in the fans, but I just mulch mine. One of my girls is also three weeks into flower and I defoliated her today.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 09:21 pm
Thanks, Mike. My flowers are
Thanks, Mike. My flowers are coming in pretty nice! This is very exciting for me. Your plants looks great... I topped mine similar to yours and have 16 bud sites on two of them. The others have 12-16 ish. Between my 5 plants I'm hoping to get a pound but will be happy with anything, really.
Holee shit. Those plants are insane.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 – 12:53 am
Some of the backyard girls.
Some of the backyard girls. The one on the left is starting to bud. The one of the right is like Edgar Winter - Frankenstein. Went into early flower a few months ago, but let it ride and then it went into serious re-veg and now is starting to bud again. We will see what happens.
Growing ganja for your head is always a fun backyard garden experiment.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Sunday, August 23, 2020 – 10:18 pm
Flowers are coming in NICELY
Flowers are coming in NICELY on my end.. I'll upload pics tomorrow. I'm growing Gorilla Glue which from what I understand can go hermie often.. gotta keep my eyes open going forward.
Can the experts chime in on their drying/curing techniques? ^___^
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Sunday, August 23, 2020 – 10:18 pm
Flowers are coming in NICELY
Flowers are coming in NICELY on my end.. I'll upload pics tomorrow. I'm growing Gorilla Glue which from what I understand can go hermie often.. gotta keep my eyes open going forward.
Can the experts chime in on their drying/curing techniques? ^___^
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Sunday, August 23, 2020 – 11:38 pm
Well f*** me running if this
Well f*** me running if this is not one thread full of finesse.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Sunday, August 23, 2020 – 11:56 pm
> Well f*** me running if
> Well f*** me running if this is not one thread full of
finesseLOVE.Fixed that for you.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Monday, August 24, 2020 – 11:10 am
def don't wet trim.
def don't wet trim.
dry @ 60/60 -- watch the rh and don't go above 60.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Monday, August 24, 2020 – 11:47 am
>I like to us powdered yucca
>I like to us powdered yucca as a wetting agent. <
do you mix it into the soil?
can you discuss this topic more bss? as a novice not too familiar. someone said sm90, which isn't made anymore and wtf even is it?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Monday, August 24, 2020 – 12:04 pm
A wetting agent or surfactant
A wetting agent or surfactant decreases the surface tension of the liquid being applied (in this case, bacillus thurgensis used in a foliar spray) which allows it to "stick" to the plants rather than just bead up and roll off. It only takes a tiny bit. Like maybe a quarter of a gram.
when applying a foliar spray, it is important to ensure 100% coverage of the plant. Stalks and undersides of leaves too. Do this right before sun up or sun down.
if you maintain houseplants, a leaf of live aloe can be de-skinned, emulsified in water, and then added to your spray mix just the same. Or powdered aloe is also available and can be used here.
A few drops of dr bronners liquid Castile soap can be used the same way and many people might already have this available in their house.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Monday, August 24, 2020 – 12:15 pm
the good news is it looks like my 4th of july seeds that came up are girls!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Monday, August 24, 2020 – 12:24 pm
You're welcome and great news!
and nice work everybody here
Growing food and weed for your friends and family is a great example of how you can participate in ongoing social and political protest right at home
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Monday, August 24, 2020 – 02:55 pm
>>Growing food and weed for
>>Growing food and weed for your friends and family is a great example of how you can participate in ongoing social and political protest right at home
Fuck yea it is!
..gonna stop by the store tonight and see if I can get some sort of wooden stakes to stick down into the pots and tie some of the branches to.. they're starting to get heavy ^__^ 24 days into flower.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Monday, August 24, 2020 – 11:00 pm
Day 24 of flower
Day 24 of flower
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 – 09:01 am
No new pix, but ours are just
No new pix, but ours are just starting to bud out. Amazing what switching to bloom fert can do.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 – 02:07 pm
Looking good, Sio. What
Looking good, Sio. What strain is that?
My Grapefruit Haze is about a month into flower and starting to get frosty.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 – 02:32 pm
>>Looking good, Sio. What
>>Looking good, Sio. What strain is that?
Thanks. Gorilla Glue.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 – 06:51 pm
Some Of My Friends herbs Pics
Some Of My Friends herbs Pics Today in talent oregon outdoor
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, August 28, 2020 – 07:17 pm
Girl Scout Cookies in the foreground, Grapefruit Haze in the middle, and Green Crack in the back.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Hitchhiker awaiting "true call" Knotesau
on Friday, August 28, 2020 – 07:33 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Friday, August 28, 2020 – 07:36 pm
^ nice
^ nice
Flower power starting to switch gears!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Saturday, August 29, 2020 – 11:50 pm
Mohave OG..... ( is the
Mohave OG.....
( is the mark of good stash when you forget to water your stash?)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Sunday, August 30, 2020 – 12:56 pm
...and Joe for the win!!
...and Joe for the win!!
Only Users Lose "Drugs"?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Sunday, August 30, 2020 – 11:30 pm
lol^ fortunately, for my
lol^ you win some, you lose some. fortunately, for my dumbass, i'm always cloning...
pineapple express, space cake, right ...these will be moms and won't see a flower room until Nov.-Dec.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Monday, August 31, 2020 – 04:52 pm
animal cookies
animal cookies
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Monday, August 31, 2020 – 05:01 pm
You guys are having all the
You guys are having all the fun! And we get to watch.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, August 31, 2020 – 06:04 pm
A little LSD, frolicking in
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, August 31, 2020 – 06:06 pm
A little LSD, frolicking in
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, August 31, 2020 – 10:51 pm
(No subject)
Grapefruit Haze. Maybe about 3 weeks to harvest.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 – 07:47 pm
(No subject)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 – 08:55 pm
^An oldie but a goodie
^An oldie but a goodie
looking good mike!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 – 08:59 pm
Girl Scout Cookies about two
Girl Scout Cookies about two weeks into flowering.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 – 09:17 pm
Grapefruit Haze
Grapefruit Haze
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 – 10:12 pm
NIce pics everyone. Getting
NIce pics everyone. Getting very excited over here with my first grow. Gorilla Glue #4
5th week of flowering
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 – 01:21 am
^^^all very nice pics and
^^^all very nice pics and work! Happy harvests to one an all....greenhouse green on a bright sunny day
2 weeks from chop
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 – 05:22 pm
Awesome All ! here is a
Awesome All ! here is a Random Video ( not mine )
i swear to God if you have Pain - Ganja IS Great
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 – 05:29 pm
anyone rec. a plant book
anyone rec. a plant book regarding signs:
leaf spots, curl, color, and general symptoms related to cannabis?
just cut a couple bud-rotted fuckers outta there. have to look at them daily.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 – 09:26 pm
Post a pic or two here,
Post a pic or two here, Turtle. You've got some folks here who know a thing or three. Also, the outdoor growing thread on Reddit has some good stuff too.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 – 09:56 pm
this has been my go to for
this has been my go to for some time, Turtle. Full sections on disease id, causes, etc. and nutrient deficiency pics, explanations, etc.
Can you put an oscillating fan on
your girls? It won't drop the humidity but it will improve air flow which is critical, especially at night when temp drops and humidity spikes. Bud rot , or botrytis, s a symptom of too high of humidity allowed for too long of a period of time. From my experience, cannabis flowers can take nightly humidity as high as 90% on a regular basis as long as daytime temps drop the humidity and good overall airflow is provided both day and night. But developing flowers can't take high humidity both day and night repeatedly, even with adequate airflow.
Lots of good online sources with pics too if you google "cannabis disease ID." I'm not sure how much you've grown before, but it's always nice to see someone trying. It almost always boils down to the basics of adequate light, moisture, food and airflow and you'll do well. Best of luck and don't get discouraged.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 – 10:27 pm
thanks joe!
thanks joe!
and my bud rot, def due to worms. we got 'em here. even with bt and a net. pernicious fuckers. they are also exposed to daily 10+ knt afternoon winds, although it's calm in the morning/late eve...i'm sure a fan wouldn't hurt...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 – 11:13 pm
I've been finding little
I've been finding little green wormy things on my leaves the last couple of days, but haven't found any bud damage yet. We don't get a lot of pests up here in the hills, and I really don't want to treat the plants to deal with this, but I'll keep scanning, plucking, and squishing, and hope that gets me through.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Thursday, September 3, 2020 – 05:43 pm
WoW wow WoW ! got an Awesome
WoW wow WoW ! got an Awesome strain from green shock farms ~ Long Valley Sleigh Ride incredible flavor plus everything. A+++++
reminds me of kauai electric and blue conley days then.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Thursday, September 3, 2020 – 05:49 pm
Aroma/Flavor: This strain
Aroma/Flavor: This strain carries strong tropical aromas that are accented by delicious flavors of papayas, guavas, mangos and pine. Typical Effects: This strain won 2 awards during the Emerald Cup 2017. It took home 1st place for highest terpene content, with a whopping 4.8% total content! It also earned itself 2nd place for a unique terpene profile, testing with an uncommonly high amount of Ocimene. This tantalizing strain provides an uplifting and invigorating cerebral buzz. It delivers euphoric waves and stimulates creativity. <<<<
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sound and Vision 4winds
on Thursday, September 3, 2020 – 06:04 pm
Gorilla’d Cheese
Gorilla’d Cheese
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 06:20 pm
Plant updates anyone ? tis
Plant updates anyone ? tis the season October is coming

Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 07:18 pm
My Grapefruit Haze has about
My Grapefruit Haze has about two weeks to go.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 07:54 pm
Jesus, you have perfected the
Jesus, you have perfected the donkey-dick kolas. That's pretty impressive.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 08:26 pm
Thanks BK, but it's not
Thanks BK, but it's not perfected yet. Mainlining has been an interesting experiment and I have some ideas to get things more dialed in next year. But Jesus didn't have anything to do with it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 08:34 pm
Jesus has everything to do
Jesus has everything to do with it, and you're going to hell for saying otherwise!
Can you "train" any strain to have that bud structure? My biggest Scooby Snack will yield around an lb, but the average dried bud is about a gram. It's a lot of trimming. It would be pretty cool to have it grow like yours.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 08:42 pm
Some strains do seem to do
Some strains do seem to do better with it. Here's where I learned how to do it:
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 08:47 pm
Interesting, thanks! I wonder
Interesting, thanks! I wonder how Scooby would do. The article says, "no more popcorn buds," but that strain is marked by popcorn. The LSD, on the other hand, would be perfect for it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 08:53 pm
It's some work early in the
It's some work early in the season with topping and training, but all told it's probably less than an hour a plant spread out over 6-8 weeks or so. I'm guessing I'll save multiples of that hour when it's time to trim her.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 09:11 pm
Fuck, last year 3 Scoobies
Fuck, last year 3 Scoobies took over 16 hours to trim. It was kind of overwhelming, in an "upside problem" sort of way.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 09:15 pm
Brian, we call that a "fake
Brian, we call that a "fake complaint". Like losing weight but now your pants don't fit.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 09:22 pm
Yep, fake complaint or upside
Yep, fake complaint or upside problem. If those are the biggest complaints and problems we have, it's a good life.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, September 8, 2020 – 11:21 pm
I topped this plant in the
I topped these plants in the same manner- diggin' it:
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 – 12:12 am
The girls are starting to
The girls are starting to beef up a bit
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Thursday, September 10, 2020 – 08:57 am
A little LSD on a Thursday
A little LSD on a Thursday morning...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Friday, September 11, 2020 – 02:16 pm
nice all!
nice all!
i just cut my big girl this morning.
there's bud rot...more than i thought. someone suggested freezing those buds to use for hash or something...
gonna finish de-leafing and hanging into small sections.
tell me again re: wet trim or at what time you really start to trim up?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Friday, September 11, 2020 – 02:41 pm
They say dry trim is best.
They say dry trim is best. Pull off fan leaves and hang stems upside down in a dark, cool, low humidity room with fans on them. When the smallest branch is dry enough to "snap," then trim.
Cut trimmed buds off the stems and put in brown paper bags. Hang back up in that room. Give them a shake every day. When they feel really dry, in about a week, start curing in jars.
Last year I had rot on one of my plants, the one with the huge buds. I wet trimmed that one, to be sure it was getting enough airflow.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: B.A. Fishtown Boy
on Saturday, September 12, 2020 – 08:35 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Andean Flight Javs Corner
on Saturday, September 12, 2020 – 08:48 am
I love this thread. I have to
I love this thread. I have to say, my own personal gold medal here goes to Mike Edwards. Damn, dude! Way to go!!! I do something similar with the LST, but I haven't achieved that beautiful effect so completely yet. Plus, my space is really small so it's not all that feasible. I find it really helps to constanly clean the bottom part of the branches, too. Plants grow popcorn nugs all over the place, but you have to pick them off to allow the plant to focus energies on the top kola. At least, in my space that works as the bottom layer gets no light anyways, so those little buds just drag the plant down.
As for drying, again, my space is particular, but this time I tried something different. I wet trimmed the buds down to their final result and then put them out on drying racks. I'd never used a drying rack before but it worked like a charm. About 48 hours on the rack and then into paper bags for two or three weeks. It's the best dry and cure job I've ever pulled off and this is a really challenging phase for me.
Anyways, my new round of girlies just germinated on Thursday. 3 gelato and 3 pineaplle express. It's an 80x80x160cm tent and last time I pulled in 270g. Gonna see if I can match or improve that this time...
And yeah, BK, I grew a few LSD-25 autos a couple rounds ago and they definitely have nice big fat kolas naturally. But again, peeling off all the bottom layers of growth is good (IMO) to get all top kolas and no popcorn. In my experience, this improves the yield, doesn't hurt it, but others may have had different experiences.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Saturday, September 12, 2020 – 07:49 pm
Thanks, Javs. I'm starting to
Thanks, Javs. I'm starting to see a few amber trichomes on my Grapefruit Haze today, so I'm thinking I'll start flushing her this week.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Saturday, September 12, 2020 – 09:04 pm
OK. Great pics. After
OK. Great pics. After harvest, Everyone send me a 1/4 ounce and I will be the official judge.
Can't wait.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 06:27 pm
Update ~ show us your plants
Update ~ show us your plants
i'll take samples too ( addy your way )
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 06:40 pm
98% fucked.
98% fucked.
i see worms in my dreams.
pretty sure satan was a worm not a snake....
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 06:47 pm
Mark and PLF, I know you guys
Mark and PLF, I know you guys are kidding, or I think you are at least, but I like the idea of judging grower's efforts. Maybe we could have a Zone Cannabis Cup next year?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Nachobud Whatcha Smokin
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 06:55 pm
Why wait, harvest is apon us!
Why wait, harvest is apon us!
Markd, with social distancing we could all "taste" at the ole barn, site of many 'Judging', and go from there.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 07:00 pm
by the way....we sure the
by the way....we sure the roots aren't good for something ?? i mean, they got to...almost every medicinal plant has a use of it's roots....
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 07:03 pm
> Why wait, harvest is apon
> Why wait, harvest is apon us!
Exactly. I was thinking it's probably too late, and folks are too busy, to set something up for this year. How would something like that work? My stuff usually isn't really what I consider cured until about Thanksgiving.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 07:04 pm
Here ya go, Turtle. I've
Here ya go, Turtle. I've never tried this; I just googled it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 07:23 pm
thanks. i mean...they have to
thanks. i mean...they have to have some properties
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 07:36 pm
Here's a pic from Monday, I'd
Here's a pic from Monday, I'd love to see these get another 2 weeks, but we've got rains coming in tomorrow / Friday... there's one plant (not pictured) that'll be ready to harvest, thinking we'll tarp them up tomorrow, and hope for no mold. Sunday on looks dry again (Saturday should be dry in our parts)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 08:09 pm
Things are winding down here
Things are winding down here too. I'd say too bad about the rain, Noodler, but with the fires raging, that doesn't seem right.
I'll probably be chopping one this weekend, or thereabouts, and the other ones in a couple of weeks.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 08:41 pm
I'm still getting the hang of
I'm still getting the hang of my new scope. It's tough focusing the thing with one hand while my other hand holds my phone and clicks the shutter.
This is my Girl Scout Cookies. Another week or two, I'm thinking.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 09:33 pm
That looks ready if you like
That looks ready if you like an energetic high! I'm growing mine at a friends, heading out tomorrow to tarp up, and i'll harvest any that look like that, save my bets against mold!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 09:41 pm
I have a Green Crack and a
I have a Green Crack and a Grapefruit Haze that I'm going to chop with mostly cloudy and just a few ambers, but I want to let the GSC get a nice mix of cloudy and amber for more of a sit down smoke, but not full-on couchlock.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 09:48 pm
LSD, LS, and Durban Poison
LSD, LS, and Durban Poison looking good. Waiting for sun to get a decent pic, but finalized the rain protection this morning - the plastic sheet is attached to the house, hanging there until it's time to throw it over the clothesline and secure it on the fence side.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 09:56 pm
What's the LS?
What's the LS?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mr. Sunshine State Earl
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 10:03 pm
I've never grown, but I
I've never grown, but I thought it was a weed? You guys are killin' me with those amazing pic's and info.
Might try this winter, for fun, but "they say" it's too hot here for mmj. growth in summer. Where can I get seeds?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 10:20 pm
Busting out the Ez-Up
Busting out the Ez-Up tomorrow before the rain hits.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 10:27 pm
Earl, there's a seed thread
Earl, there's a seed thread sprouted in the cannabis folder. There's a ton of places to buy seeds on the net, but finding a good one can be tricky.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mr. Sunshine State Earl
on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 – 10:46 pm
Thanks, Mike. I'll get some
Thanks, Mike. I'll get some and throw 'em in dirt.
Tons of sun here in Winter.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 08:58 am
LS is Light Saber.
LS is Light Saber.
Uh, you can't really grow outdoors in winter. The plants need the increasing light from April to June and the decreasing light from June to October to grow and flower correctly.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 09:14 am
Unless you have a tropical
Unless you have a tropical strain that doesn't use light period to tell it what to do.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 10:59 am
Surfdead makes a good point.
Surfdead makes a good point. You're probably going to want to look at autoflowers, Earl.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 03:33 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 03:35 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 03:52 pm
That LSD is gorgeous, BK, and
That LSD is gorgeous, BK, and Scooby's damn sexy too.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 04:03 pm
This Is the Time Of Year Most
This Is the Time Of Year Most Are Protecting Their Crop/s Before October Harvests - I Am Fascinated By Plants The Different Strains Harvests Trimming Curing Etc. a fan since 7th grade !
Great Thread thanks one and ALL.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 05:20 pm
I love this thread because it
I love this thread because it's like a sanctuary from all of the extraneous bs of the world.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 06:26 pm
Thanks, Mike. You'd almost
Thanks, Mike. You'd almost think that I know what I'm doing!
The irony to it all is that I smoke so little these days, usually a hit or two after 9:00 pm. Off 4 plants I'll get enough to last a lifetime. I just love looking at it, playing with it, and hooking friends. I especially love giving it to people who truly need it for medical reasons.
I know a dude who was in some elite Special Forces unit, and got blown up in the Battle of Mogadishu. Between the TBI, constant pain and PTSD, he self-medicated with booze for years, until it landed him in a coma. He woke up with severe pancreatitis, on top of the other shit, and has to regularly take dilaudid for the pain. He recently found that weed can help, so that he can take less opiates.
I threw him a 1/4 of Scooby and a 1/4 of Sour Bubble. He was blown away that I gave him that much, and how well both of them worked for the pain.
In my mind, that's what it's all about. Fuck that $400 oz bullshit (or even $200), just hook people up.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 06:37 pm
Amen to that, BK. I'll
Amen to that, BK. I'll probably give away a large part of what I harvest this year to friends, and I've been using it to barter the last few years too. The guy who wacks my weeds and does yard cleanup and dump runs usually charges $100, but he's real happy to get a fat half ounce for his efforts instead of cash. And like you said, working with the plant is extremely gratifying; it's like meditation in many ways.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Thursday, September 17, 2020 – 06:44 pm
And the smell. Right now,
And the smell. Right now, when the wind is just right, you can smell it half way down my street. It makes me laugh.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 06:37 pm
>>or even $200
>>or even $200
I think 200 for an oz is fair if it's of high quality/cured right/grown in a small batch/etc. I'm learning the economics of it all now going through this for my first time.. I suspect I'll get more efficient as I progress along but my electric bill has been about $150 more a month right now growing. I've had these plants going for 4.5 months now and have spent about $800 on electricity.. I'm hoping to get a lb but I really don't know.. I'm on week 7 now of flipping to 12/12 and still waiting for the colas to fill out more.. what do you guys think? How are these looking? Should I stop giving nutrients soon?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 06:51 pm
Looking nice and frosty there
Looking nice and frosty there, Sio. You should use the chart Noodler posted above to help you figure out when to harvest. I stop giving nutes and start flushing when I see some ambers. You should pick up a jewelers loupe to check the trichomes; you can get a decent one for $10-20 on Amazon. Or you can try taking some close-up pics with your phone; that won't magnify the trichomes as well as a loupe, and it's kind of tricky to find the minimum distance the lens can deal with and still find focus, but it should give you a pretty good idea of where your girls are at.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: That’s Nancy with the laughin’ face Nancyinthesky
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 07:40 pm
Great tip on the camera
is she ready?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 07:43 pm
Depends on how you like your
Depends on how you like your stone, Nanc. Light and lively, heavy and couchlocked, or somewhere in between? What strain are we looking at there?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: That’s Nancy with the laughin’ face Nancyinthesky
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 07:46 pm
Garlic cookies
Garlic cookies
I had much better luck last year with Black Jack. This girl I started inside and then moved outside..and then moved inside when the ash started falling. She's been outside for a week, and bad air coming tomorrow so I can harvest or put back inside. I think I'm driving her nuts...
I need something to make me forget 2020
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 07:50 pm
Looks like that's an indica
Looks like that's an indica dominant (according to Leafly), so it's already likely to have some sedative properties. From that pic, it looks like you might have a mix of clear and cloudy trichomes. Maybe another week?
Edit: Or two weeks if you're looking for nepenthe.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: That’s Nancy with the laughin’ face Nancyinthesky
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 07:52 pm
2 weeks for sure, then
2 weeks for sure, then
you think I can leave her outside in the smoke, assuming that most of the ash has already fallen?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 07:57 pm
We've been in smoke for the
We've been in smoke for the last 2-3 weeks in SoCal and I've had no choice but to leave my girls outdoors; I just shake the branches to clear the ash. One of the things that happens with big fires is that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels go up, and green plants thrive on CO2, so there's that to consider.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: That’s Nancy with the laughin’ face Nancyinthesky
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 07:59 pm
I don't want to smoke toxic
I don't want to smoke toxic ash. Back inside for her tonight.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 08:01 pm
Nobody does. Do you trim your
Nobody does. Do you trim your buds?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: That’s Nancy with the laughin’ face Nancyinthesky
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 08:04 pm
Once I harvest them, yes. is
Once I harvest them, yes. is that a trick question?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, September 18, 2020 – 08:09 pm
Not at all. I'm just having a
Not at all. I'm just having a hard time imagining any ash surviving a trim session.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 08:26 am
>>I don't want to smoke toxic
>>I don't want to smoke toxic ash.
You have to admit, there is some comedic irony to this statement.
I also call "Toxic Ash" as a band name.
The girls got hit by a hard frost last night. I've been spraying them with water. Let's hope they bounce back.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 04:49 pm
>>ou should use the chart
>>ou should use the chart Noodler posted above to help you figure out when to harvest.
Thanks, Mike. Unfortunately I don't have a magnifying glass or anything.. hoping I can tell by eye.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 04:52 pm
Jay, can you take a picture
Jay, can you take a picture with your camera and expand it as you look at it?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 04:56 pm
Sio !! your second pic !
Sio !! your second pic ! thanks.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 05:02 pm
>>Jay, can you take a picture
>>Jay, can you take a picture with your camera and expand it as you look at it?
Ugh- hasn't been working. I bought a new Samsung Galaxy S20 a few months back which is a pretty high-end phone and unfortunately I've been very disappointed with the camera.. seems like most folks are too :(
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 05:11 pm
Sorry about the camera. Just
Sorry about the camera. Just when it could have been really handy/helpful.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 05:28 pm
My buddy brought over his
My buddy brought over his Carson mini microscope today. That thing is sweet. We looked at the trichromes at 60x and 100x. It has a built-in LED light.
Jay, Amazon has them for like $13. If you order today you'll have it in a few days. I don't really need one because I only do one crop a year, but it's a worthwhile investment if you do multiple cycles.
For under $25 they have microscopes that connect to your phone, so you can show us all pics at 100x magnification.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 06:54 pm
i should get one of those
i should get one of those phone or usb ones > computer.
just went through the sad know the kolas...salvaged maybe 1/2 oz.
weird orange strain. i don't think my friend really knew wtf it was when he gave it to me.
really red haired/orange i think naturally, however the bud-rot or f'd up areas also seem to coincide with making all the hairs fryed out...
mike, how many gallons are those manifolded girls in?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 07:25 pm
Seven gallon, Turtle. I can't
Seven gallon, Turtle. I can't let them get too tall where I grow, and the container size helps with that.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 07:30 pm
yeah seems the 5's are too small and the 15 was def. too big...
do you use trays under to re-absorb water? and also, what do you like for a water,(gallons) to soil ratio?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 07:38 pm
No trays. They just sit on
No trays. They just sit on the ground. I'm in the high desert/mountains, and it's really dry here, so in July and August, they get 2 gallons a day, but only a gallon a day before and after that. I started pHing my water this year, which is kind of a hassle, but pH Down is fairly cheap, and it made a big difference.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 07:49 pm
For some reason I use 15
For some reason I use 15 gallon soft pots. I sink them about 1/3 of the way into the ground to keep them stable. It definitely doesn't keep the size down. My tallest Scooby is about 9'. I live in a residential area on the front of my house, and we abut a big cornfield on the back. Luckily I'm able to keep them somewhat hidden.
Today my neighbor said to me, "My wife and I lay in bed with the smell of your weed wafting through the window, and we don't want to get out of bed. It smells so good. We both wish we could get that in an air-freshener so it smells like that all year." As the crow flies, they're only 30-40' from their bedroom window.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Saturday, September 19, 2020 – 07:52 pm
i've been using a pool and
i've been using a pool and spa filter and ph'ing as well.
good thing you have nice nieghbors bk.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lazyriverbob Lazyriverbob
on Sunday, September 20, 2020 – 09:01 am
Nice frost this morning. 2
Nice frost this morning. 2 AM, it was 33 degrees out, and, sleepily, I went out and
covered the girls. Early frost, 29 degrees at 7 AM. In the old days, this was NOT
an early frost, but the last 10 or more years, it seems we don't get frost until sometime in October.
They survived yesterday's 32 degree frost, though definitely affected.
Getting close to chopping time, but could use another week or so, perhaps. I am wondering
how BK fared, a bit further north. Nice sunny morning now, mid 30's.
We need rain, badly.
Great thread. Mike, Thanks for the info and photos!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 12:02 pm
LS, DP, LSD. Will prob. start
LS, DP, LSD. Will prob. start harvesting the LSD tis afternoon - it's the most ripe and rain is forecast for tomorrow. The plants have rain protection, but better get 'em while it's dry out.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 02:34 pm
i am told to harvest pre
i am told to harvest pre-sunrise if possibe...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 03:16 pm
A couple of the girls under
A couple of the girls under the EZ-up to keep them out of the rain. The rest of this week is going to be really wet, but they aren't ready for harvest quite yet. Will have to give them a few more weeks. Going back east in mid-October and want to have them hanging up to dry by then and I can trim when I get back.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 03:42 pm
What's this craziness about
What's this craziness about keeping the girls out of the rain? Mine just survived 3 frosts and a hard freeze, and I sprayed them down just to be sure they'd survive.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 03:45 pm
In W. Or. this time of year,
In W. Or. this time of year, if the nugs get wet they usually mold.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 04:01 pm
Heya folks- I ordered a nug
Heya folks- I ordered a nug inspector and will be confirming my bud's readiness this week!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 – 04:32 pm
> a nug inspector
> a nug inspector
That sounds so much cooler than a jewelers loupe. Can't wait to see what you scope, Sio.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 05:43 pm
A Vid grower guys
A Vid grower guys
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 06:02 pm
This young lady is getting
This young lady is getting harvested on Saturday
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 06:52 pm
I chopped my Graprefruit Haze
I chopped my Grapefruit Haze on Sunday, will probably do my Girl Scout Cookies this weekend, and then my Green Crack and the stragglers/runts the weekend after that. My house smells like weed. I'm not complaining.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 07:22 pm
I can't wait to have the
Scooby has a few more weeks.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 07:23 pm
Made the call to harvest just
Made the call to harvest just before Thursdays storms... glad we did, as my neighbors plants had mold by Saturday...
So far all testing has been pleasantly rewarding, and all trichomes were milk colored before the pull (was going to leave the girl scout cookies, they just didn't have the resin flow yet).
Final cure ongoing
A - top buds / B - smalls
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 09:48 pm
Took the top of the LSD and
Took the top of the LSD and part of the Light Saber - more LS tomorrow. DP will take a few more days, w/ rain protection in place.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 11:13 pm
Grapefruit Haze four days
Grapefruit Haze four days hanging in the closet. These are the biggest colas. I'll probably break them down for jars on Friday or Saturday.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 08:28 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 08:40 am
Hey Surf, how does your LSD
Hey Surf, how does your LSD look compared to mine? It's always interesting to see how the same strain looks when grown from different stock, grown in different media, and in this case, grown 3,000 miles apart.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 11:23 am
Nice work, All!
Nice work, All!
Keep On Growin'!!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 12:04 pm
>>That sounds so much cooler
>>That sounds so much cooler than a jewelers loupe. Can't wait to see what you scope, Sio.
I'm excited too! I'm not sure how great my camera will pick them up though... going forward I would like to pick up what BK was mentioning... a microscope/app sort of thing. Money is tight AF right now- weathering the times pretty well but I am certainly up against it financially in my own way.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 12:19 pm
We already cut down the best
We already cut down the best LSD buds, but I don't think they were as photogenic as yours - we had to deal with hundred degree temps. wildfire smoke, and humidity in the single digits. Also don't have a good close-up camera thing happening. I'll try to get a pic when they;re trimmed but not yet taken apart.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jonaspond Jonas
on Thursday, September 24, 2020 – 02:18 pm
Hard to capture but this is
Hard to capture but this is one cola of Hulk Juice(bruce banner x crown sg1). Needs about 2 weeks but unfortunately with the moisture in the air it probably won't last that long.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Friday, September 25, 2020 – 08:50 am
Here's an LSD bud from a few
Here's an LSD bud from a few weeks ago.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Saturday, September 26, 2020 – 05:41 pm
LSD came down today. I left
LSD came down today. I left the side of my face in this so you can get perspective.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Saturday, September 26, 2020 – 06:02 pm
BK ! Magnification like that
BK ! Magnification like that ride Adventures to inner space
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Saturday, September 26, 2020 – 06:08 pm
good job, brian k. especially
good job, brian k. especially if no mold in that thing.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Saturday, September 26, 2020 – 06:13 pm
Not one drop of mold! Here's
Not one drop of mold! Here's the entire plant, all hung up. I'm guessing at least 12 oz off this one, but who the hell knows????
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Saturday, September 26, 2020 – 06:25 pm
^Nice Purple Diesel
Purple Diesel
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Saturday, September 26, 2020 – 06:28 pm
Blue Magoo, Black Dog, and
Blue Magoo, Black Dog, and Platinum Girl Scout Cookies
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Saturday, September 26, 2020 – 07:13 pm
You folks amaze the shit out
You folks amaze the shit out of me. Double thanks for sharing all these images.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Saturday, September 26, 2020 – 08:39 pm
Got my Grapefruit Haze in
Got my Grapefruit Haze in jars today. I'm guessing that once it's cured and finish-trimmed, it'll yield about 12 ounces, which is about twice as much as I've gotten from 7 gallon pots before. Mainlining is definitely the way to go. I'll probably chop my Girl Scout Cookies tomorrow or Monday, and then my Green Crack and a couple of runts/stragglers next weekend.
((((( stinky houses )))))
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Saturday, September 26, 2020 – 08:47 pm
I just shared these images
I just shared these images with my wife. I pointed out Brian's purple buds.
As she was exhaling from a bowl she said, " We aren't moving to Vermont."
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sound and Vision 4winds
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 12:17 pm
Some of this is just gorgeous
Some of this is just gorgeous! Good work.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 12:44 pm
My drying setup looks
My drying setup looks downright slovenly compared to Noodler's.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 12:49 pm
Pretty maids all in a row. It
Pretty maids all in a row. It's all good.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 03:50 pm
I Want Candy ______________um
I Want Candy ______________um Samples !
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 04:05 pm
Anyone doing ice hash
Anyone doing ice hash extraction?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 04:23 pm
LOL to the slovenly look, ha
LOL to the slovenly look, ha ha ha... (my place is beyond trashed, but harvest forced some cleaning, so that's good)
I definitely enjoyed this years finger and scissor hash, really kicked some brain cells around!
Looks like the sugar leaf clippings and much of the "B" bud will end up as butter for cookies... my friends (in their 70's) who helped out this year just can't handle the smoke like they use to (we've all got COPD now), so looking forward to some serious melting couch cookie time! (most of the girl scout cookies will end up as old timer cookies, LOL).
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 05:39 pm
>>Anyone doing ice hash
>>Anyone doing ice hash extraction?
Sure am. Pulled a full ounce of bubble hash out of 4 oz of last year's sugar leaves and popcorn buds. I know that most people keep the hash from the different screens separate, but I lumped it all together. I gave most of it away.
We considered getting a rosin press, but the bubble hash is yummy.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 05:45 pm
A buddy of mine has a little
A buddy of mine has a little tabletop rosin press and the clear amber goo that issues forth from that thing is some of the sweetest I've ever tasted.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 06:29 pm
I thought I'd drop some end
I thought I'd drop some end-of-the-season notes in here about my first experiences with mainlining this year.
First off, I need to thank anonymous internet stranger nugbuckets, who wrote the guide I used:
Nugbuckets mentions that some strains are better suited for mainlining, and I've found that to be true. My Grapefruit Haze and Green Crack main colas stacked up really well, with some lower branching, but my Girl Scout Cookies tops are only about half the size of her bigger sisters'; they're still 6-8 inch main colas, but a lot of her energy went into her lower branches.
The standard model for mainlining seems to be for 16 main stems, and I'm kind of conflicted about this. The pots I grow in are only 7 gallon, which is somewhat on the small side because I need to control the height of my plants. What I found though is that managing 16 main stems once you're in full veg gets pretty complicated. So, I think I might just do eight mains next year, but like I said, I'm conflicted about this and will be pondering what to do over the winter. Also, only doing eight main stems means that only three toppings are needed, which means less stress on the plant and more time for the plant to develop, since toppings typically require about a week or so to bounce back from.
One of the nice things about mainlining is that most of the work is done fairly early in the season, when things typically aren't too busy in the garden. I'm guessing I spent less than 30 minutes a plant doing the toppings and trainings; it was probably more like 10-15 minutes per plant spread out over the course of several weeks.
One thing I noticed this season is that my main stems weren't nearly as uniform as I thought they might be, and I'm guessing this is because I topped things sooner rather than later. I think next year I need to let things develop a bit more before I do my toppings.
My main takeaway from this season is that mainlining is an excellent way to grow weed outdoors. It's looking like I will double my yield from last year with only one other significant change in my method: pHing my water. I used the same commercial soil and organic nutes, and the weather was pretty much the same as it was last year--very hot and all kinds of sunny--and the ratio of usable bud to larf is pretty much ridiculous this year; there is no larf to speak of, which means much less time trimming.
I'm really looking forward to round two of my mainlining experiment next year.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 07:53 pm
Hey mike, could you please
Hey mike, could you please start a thread about Mainlining in the Cannabis Folder with your last post, pics, whatever. It'll be easy to find for reference for other folks next year.
We may move this whole thread over there when it seems like the time. There is so much good information in it, as well as great photos. Putting it in the Cannabis folder will be good for ease in finding it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 09:45 pm
Beautiful stuff everyone.
Beautiful stuff everyone. Loving everything! I'm coming in hot with some sweet pics and news. I spotted my first amber trichs today on 3/5 of the plants and am in the flushing stage now... I'm harvesting 1 week from today! Pics below- I'm super pumped at this point!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 10:17 pm
Anyone wanna guess on final
Anyone wanna guess on final weight here, dried? I started the project hoping for a pound but am thinking 14-16 oz at this point. Overall, I think this is working out very well for a first attempt. 5 plants Gorilla Glue.
Siobud- 14 oz
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Sunday, September 27, 2020 – 10:20 pm
1 more:
1 more:
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, September 28, 2020 – 12:37 am
> Anyone wanna guess on final
> Anyone wanna guess on final weight here, dried?
Not really. My estimates of my own stuff are usually too high or too low depending on what kind of mood I'm in. But based on 5 plants and what I see in the pics, I'd say your estimate is reasonable, Sio.
judit, I read your post and would be happy to start a mainlining thread in the Cannabis folder in the next day or so.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Monday, September 28, 2020 – 02:17 am
Great and thanks, mike.
Great and thanks, mike.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, September 28, 2020 – 11:30 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Monday, September 28, 2020 – 01:18 pm
When ya'll make butter/etc
When ya'll make butter/etc with your trim, do you put EVERY leaf of the plant in or just the frosty leaves around nugs?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jonaspond Jonas
on Monday, September 28, 2020 – 01:59 pm
The 5 that are shown there
The 5 that are shown there will probably yield a little over or a little under a QP.
You don't have a ton of foliage there, so yeah use everything.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan blueledboy
on Monday, September 28, 2020 – 04:52 pm
So pleased with my topping
So pleased with my topping (almost mainlined) and Schwazzing, radical defoliation. This has been a fun sun grow
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Monday, September 28, 2020 – 05:35 pm
Judit move the thread to CF
Judit move the thread to CF whenever but 3 more weeks plus here would be dandy
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 – 07:09 pm
Plants harvested!
Plants harvested!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: bweir I like cheese jklowan
on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 – 07:45 pm
Let me know when the tasting
Let me know when the tasting is :)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Friday, October 2, 2020 – 09:54 pm
So work has been busy and the
So work has been busy and the days shorter and haven't seen my plants in the daylight for many days. This evening, found that the buds and leaves on some of the lower branches are turning brown and mushy. Doh! There are colas and other buds that appear unaffected. Grown a bunch, but never had to deal with mold. Could it be the mold? If so, is there hope if I immediately harvest the unaffected parts?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, October 2, 2020 – 09:59 pm
Sounds like bud rot, Ken. I
Sounds like bud rot, Ken. I don't have first-hand experience with it, so all I can say is google it and get busy. My understanding is that it can spread fast.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Friday, October 2, 2020 – 10:05 pm
Sounds like mold, seen it do
Sounds like mold, seen it do horrible things in 24 hours (and why we harvested early).
Time to harvest, and remember, it can destroy a drying room in 24 hours too!
Good luck!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, October 2, 2020 – 10:49 pm
On Tuesday, I found a few
On Tuesday, I found a few spots of budworm damage on a couple of my remaining plants, so I chopped them and got them hung.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Friday, October 2, 2020 – 11:58 pm
Nice nugs.
All fucked here.
Hacking it down and trying to salvage what I can.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Saturday, October 3, 2020 – 11:28 am
Salvage operation underway.
Salvage operation underway. 2020 sucks.
Me a week ago looking at the fat colas:
Then the fog came and enveloped the plants.
Me this morning:
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Saturday, October 3, 2020 – 12:08 pm
Bummer, Ken. I hope you're
Bummer, Ken. I hope you're able to salvage something.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Saturday, October 3, 2020 – 12:33 pm
hey ken grew my strain!
hey ken grew my strain!
cut one of the 2 seed plants this morning. already took 1 kola off with the rot, another got it...taking what i can...
will post some pics eventually.
one is left in the bubble, will pull soon as well....another mysto seed plant.
was a pretty rough season here but learned a lot.
the spring harvested 2 plants had 0 rot/worms...these 4, not so much...2 pretty much were ken's style...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Saturday, October 3, 2020 – 06:39 pm
Trimmed the LSD last night
Trimmed the LSD last night and today, took about 15 labor hours to do two plants. After a week of drying the 2 plants come in at a measly 13.5 oz. Although the buds looked huge, they were a conglomeration of small, often whispy buds. A lot of it was untrimmable. I have what seems to be an equal amount of popcorn and trim as I do bud, so it should be a big hash year. The nugs are small, but they are super pungent, sticky, and purple/red.
I'm half done harvesting the Scooby Snacks, which look awesome. The buds are way fatter and frosty than they were last year.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jonaspond Jonas
on Monday, October 5, 2020 – 10:58 am
Have to inspect daily. Rot
Have to inspect daily. Rot that large didn't happen in one day.
Live by this code if you 'work' outside. It's a part time job and more importantly something is better than nothing. Divide what you think you'll have by 4.
The strains that circulate have been grow in ideal conditions w/a maxed out feedchart. Outdoors, freeballing it for days isn't going to cut it. Find an 'acclimated' strain if you can't spend the time with it -- or a franken autoflower.
Brian - you weighing trim with bud? Nothing is untrimmable. You might end up with half of what you thought you had but leaving that leaf is just going to end up with hotter burning shitty tasting. Id rather have kick ass trim -- processed into bubble, crumble/shatter and butter - then shit bud.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, October 5, 2020 – 11:14 am
> Have to inspect daily.
> Have to inspect daily.
That's a big part of the beauty of my little weedpatch. Whenever I step out my side door for a smoke, I spend time looking over the plants.
I got buds off of branches and into jars yesterday. I still have to finish trim, but it's looking like my yield on 3.5 plants (3 + 1 stunted runt; my fifth foxtailed like crazy and I'll be giving her to a friend to make edibles and lotion) will be about 2 pounds of finished bud when it's all said and done. That's about 10 ounces per plant, which is almost twice as much as I'd managed before, and much more than I ever imagined I'd get out of 7 gallon pots. I'm very pleased with how this season went, to say the least, and I'm looking forward to next year.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, October 5, 2020 – 12:44 pm
That's trimmed, Jonas. I don
That's trimmed, Jonas. I don't want to smoke all that leaf!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 05:07 pm
so yeah wrapping it up here.
so yeah wrapping it up here.
jonas is right, there is no substitute for thoroughly checking the plants every day. my issue was the tops of the kolas were 10' high, so hard to get a good look at them. Will be giving the platform and screen more thought next season,
initially thought my biggest plant was all trash but think i was able to salvage a bit.
here's my little pal
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 05:10 pm
best plant was my last.
best plant was my last.
mysto seed #2 this is it
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 05:13 pm
best plant was my last.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 05:18 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 05:21 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 06:40 pm
Great sugar content on that
Great sugar content on that cola, turtle!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 06:56 pm
Should have taken more /
Should have taken more / better pics, but ended up with 20 oz of A quality bud from 8 plants, clones, planted outdoors in June, Harvested mid Sept... with lots of ash on them. 3 plants never had their resin flow (girl scout cookies, with one being stunted), so most of the weight was from 2 Purple Diesel, 2 Blue Magoo, and a Black Dog clone. Shit's really stony, so happy about that, but cured a little too quickly in the paper sacks, so didn't achieve the smell I was hoping for (a little leafy smelling)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 08:15 pm
Turtle, it looks like things
Turtle, it looks like things turned out pretty okay for you after all. Nice work, and you too Noodler. I love the abundance this time of year brings.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Thursday, October 8, 2020 – 08:23 pm
i think i'll get by. learned
i think i'll get by. learned a ton. thanks for sharing all!
these last 2 were planted on 4th of july and harvested on the harvest moon
need to keep notes next year
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Friday, October 9, 2020 – 09:19 pm
Hey Guys hows the harvest Bud
Hey Guys hows the harvest Bud Tasting / Buzz etc. Chime In !
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Friday, October 9, 2020 – 09:48 pm
Too early to give reviews,
Too early to give reviews, PLF. My LSD just started curing, and it smells fantastic. Most buds are small, but it's pretty crystally. I ended up with just over 13 oz for 2 plants. I'll try it out next weekend.
Scooby Snacks has been drying for a week, and I'm maybe 2/3 through trimming. The buds are bigger and frostier than last year, and that was a killer crop. I should end up with 24-26 oz off 2 plants. It has a few more weeks before tasting.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, October 9, 2020 – 10:12 pm
Same here. I won't sample my
Same here. I won't sample my buds until they've had at least a month in the jar. I will say though that I stoned as fuck from smoking some kif I collected from my trim tray earlier.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Friday, October 9, 2020 – 10:16 pm
I'm going to make some bubble
I'm going to make some bubble hash this weekend. Why not?
Im also going to get a couple of z's of CBD flower and make CBD hash.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Friday, October 9, 2020 – 11:00 pm
Started taking this row apart
Started taking this row apart today. Just the first round of tops. Big boy plants.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Saturday, October 10, 2020 – 08:24 am
Damn, how much will that one
Damn, how much will that one plant yield, and what strain is it?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Alan R StoneSculptor
on Saturday, October 10, 2020 – 08:38 am
Damn, you guys grow some nice
Damn, you guys grow some nice plants. Well done Zoners. In my fantasy I'd be on vacation traveling across the country sampling some of your hard work.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Alan R StoneSculptor
on Saturday, October 10, 2020 – 08:38 am
Damn, you guys grow some nice
double post
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Saturday, October 10, 2020 – 09:01 am
Not a great year here in the
Not a great year here in the NW. The triple digit temps, the single digit humidity, and the SMOKE and ASH in the air forced the bud development to come to a dead stop .Got about a half pound each from an LSD. a Light Saber, and a Durban Poison.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Monday, October 12, 2020 – 02:25 am
(No subject)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Monday, October 12, 2020 – 04:01 pm
Anybody washing and then
Anybody washing and then flash freezing fresh nugs for hash making later?
I have a 3 wash system using 5 gallon buckets in which I'm dipping branches/nugs:
1) sodium bicarbonate and lemon juice 2) fresh water 3) fresh water - fan dry for a few hours with dehumidifier and then vacuum seal > put in freezer.
Anyone doing something similar and have any golden tips? I'm going to be making ice water hash.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, October 12, 2020 – 04:10 pm
I made a bunch of ice hash
I made a bunch of ice hash yesterday. My only tip is to give it the me to settle. I got a bit excited on the first batch and forgot that step. Second batch was the same quantity of the exact same popcorn and trimmings, and I got 3X as much. The difference was that I let it settle for 15 minutes.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Monday, October 12, 2020 – 04:16 pm
Cool. Thanks BK.
Cool. Thanks BK.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Monday, October 12, 2020 – 04:23 pm
Brian it's Ancient OG.
Brian it's Ancient OG. Numbers on this garden? 400 gallons, 12 foot posts, 6-10 turkey bags, one chest freezer, ~1LB live rosin, multiplied by four plants. One drying room @60/60, staggered harvest.
You wanna grow any more weed than that down here and you either gotta cut in the reveneur man, grow bigger balls, or get a spot that's not as visible from the road.
best year for cultivation since I've lived in Oregon.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Monday, October 12, 2020 – 06:02 pm
All I have to say is, damn!
All I have to say is, damn! That's a full time job right there!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Monday, October 12, 2020 – 06:44 pm
Well, it's a little gambling,
Well, it's a little gambling, a little dancing, a little art, and a lot of lessons through the years. But no bottled inputs.
I firmly believe cannabis is a human right and it is my purpose to cultivate and share it until I am no longer physically able to move upon this earth. I have seen it save lives in a multitude of ways, including my own. And this has little to do with money, really. Sure everything costs. But good, clean, potent medicine grown with intent is simply worth more than money.
so keep on growing
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Monday, October 12, 2020 – 06:49 pm
amen brother
amen brother
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Monday, October 12, 2020 – 06:51 pm
California actually has a
California actually has a much longer season, I know several cultivators that grow plants twice this size. Legit 20 pounders. I don't have the right aspect or duration on this land to do that, but if anybody else in southern Oregon is still growing ten, twelve pounders or bigger I'd like to connect.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 – 11:10 am
vermont GMO
vermont GMO
indoor, soil, house ferments plus some dragonfly earth to round out the feedings.
gmo is a great strain, imo. hits hard. this is the last of it then im
moving onto diff shit.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Rasputin O'Leary Rasmataz
on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 – 07:59 pm
Strawberry Glue
Brain Killer Haze
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: drkstar OGPZ
on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 – 08:32 pm
still killin it I see PH..
still killin it I see PH.. good work as always sir. love GMO. I think we were speaking about it about a year or so ago.. I had The Village version and was blown away too
hitting a face off OG x animal mints cross from seed junky grown by Fig Farms. also have there Sunrise which is a sherb x purple fig cross that is super fire too
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 – 10:10 pm
My friend in Oregon is
My friend in Oregon is sending me a post surgery Care package
and Hash
Woohoo Fresh harvests
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Bryen Bryen
on Friday, October 16, 2020 – 07:33 pm
If there was a strain that put a region on the map, it might well have been the Mazari might argue that in the absence of the Mazari strain the cannabis scene would be slightly askew, in the same way that without the Kingston Trio the Grateful Dead would be a bit different.
If there was a house band for the revolution of consciousness, a clarion call to arms across the front lines of the war to get the herb to the people, it was Rod & the I-Deals...or so I've been told.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Monday, November 2, 2020 – 09:57 pm
Nice pics everyone. Sorry I
Nice pics everyone. Sorry I dropped off the thread for a bit. I only got about a QP from my harvest- it came out pretty good.. a little darker than I was expecting based on the nugs appearance on the plant while growing. Pic below.
Currently have 7 going now. 3 OG Bubble Gum. 2 Trainwreck. 2 Critical
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jonaspond Jonas
on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 – 02:15 pm
Exactly what I told you to
Exactly what I told you to expect. Im guessing you pulled 3 with scrap. Your plants are underfed. You under watered in your last venture and are over watering in your current venture.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 – 02:31 pm
why do you wash them jr?
why do you wash them jr?
i prolly need to make hash with my beater material.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jonaspond Jonas
on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – 09:14 am
If you want to go 'live resin
If you want to go 'live resin' you need to deep freeze. Expect less product w more potency. Once it is deeply frozen crack the nugs -- you need as much surface area as you can get to extract the THC.
I'm no pro but when someone tells me that they get a 30% return on whatever extraction they're doing I know that there's plenty of garbage in their final product. Stick to trying for 10% -- if im throwing in a qp of nug im looking for 12 grams of killer. In other words you can't extract anymore THC than whats contained in your base material.
I just ran a 1/2 lb plant for live resin -- all nugs (not my test but a strain that comes in at 20-22%thc) -- and the return was 27g of clear as glass shatter. Ill make another run and probaly pull out 6-10 grams more.
I'll run bubble bags this weekend --- 3lb of popcorn and solid trim --- and ill probably get 9-10oz. Knowing that my purity will be 60ish%. Start w a frozen trim/nug and add lots and lots of ice. After your initial spin let it sit for 45min to an hour before you start pulling the bags. Once you scrape out the first run stack the bags, stir and let sit for another hour and pull again. Depending on the source material pull 2 or 3 times. The first bag pull just set aside... Combine the other 2-3 bag pulls but don't press(water will stick and cause mold), lay out on cardboard until dry. Once its dry I put into wax paper, cover with a towel, and press with a heated iron.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – 09:28 am
Jonas- do you have a
Jonas- do you have a recommended feeding schedule? I'm going for a recycled "living soil" approach.. trying to stay organic.
Regarding over watering, I'm giving 1 gallon of water per pot once every 4 days. That seems like too much? I am getting 15-20% run off in the tray which I thought was what one should strive for? I haven't had gnat issues so far so thought I was doing OK with over watering.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – 11:21 am
<<why do you wash them jr?
<<why do you wash them jr?
to make sure the end product is as clean as possible. same concept as washing vegetables before consuming. the nugs are sticky and grab even more dust, ash from widlfire smoke and other nasty shit from all the cars that drive by. i was amazed that after the wash the 5 gallon bucket was clouded with dirt and had a brown tint to it. was also amazed that there was no damage to the trichromes or to the buds. end product is way smoother to smoke then the batch I didn't wash.
i was able to pull 9 grams of light blond hash from 60 grams of trim and an oz of bud, which isn't a bad ratio.
<<i prolly need to make hash with my beater material.
i use a kayaking oar for the 1st run and then a drill with a long paddle like extension to beat the shit out of the ice/water/buds.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jonaspond Jonas
on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – 01:39 pm
Drill with a paint mixer
Drill with a paint mixer attached is the goto.
Jay - Organic is a great way. In door with soil and organic nutes work great in a clean room. Sometimes the combo attracts bugs -- get some predatory insects if needed.
Most new strains require full throttle nutes. It used to be - especially in doors - to go 1/4 to half strength - and work from there. It seems now that if you dont go full strength(after a few nodes have grown on the plant) you'll see yellowing(not sickly looking - a yellow fade from nitrogen deficiency) and eventually small flowers. Indoors if I didn't have tables set up i'd run DWC buckets - change water every week or so -- get a truncheon meter to test the mix. Some plants wont work well past 800ppm others want double that. Maybe start with feeding every 3 or 4 days lightly and see how they react. If you see results but still a little yellowing kick it up a notch.
I should have worded the watering a different way. Get rid of any run off as the roots need some breathing room and don't need to sit in cold water. If its leaching that much id turn it down a bit. Get a cheap moisture meter from home depot -- right now the garden center is trying to get rid of any and all garden merch. Its usually a combo ph/moisture meter. I don't think ph is an issue, but just watch as sometimes actively composting materials get a little on the hot side. It's great practice to run the same strain(s) a few times before mixing it up.
I have many years but I'm still a rookie. Plenty of other people on this board might contradict or add much more than I can offer.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jonaspond Jonas
on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – 01:42 pm
Check these guys out tonight.
Check these guys out tonight. I havent called into the show in years but I can say that they give a shit load of gear away on every show.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – 04:06 pm
>>>Most new strains require
>>>Most new strains require full throttle nutes.
Thanks for all the info. What do you mean by full throttle nutes?
To provide a little more info, I have worm castings with mulch layer of sweet peet on top and alf alfa meal and kelp meal top dressed. For last run, that was it for my feeding during veg.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Thumbkinetic (Bluestnote)
on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – 04:13 pm
Pardon the interruption.
Pardon the interruption.
Runt 2?
I can't make out the scribble on the container.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jonaspond Jonas
on Thursday, November 5, 2020 – 04:12 pm
By full throttle I mean full
By full throttle I mean full strength on the bottle's feed chart. Get yourself some Earthjuice veg, bloom, and catalyst. Castings provide some great support to the plants -- as do all compost teas or soil mixes -- most of the time there is not enough juice to make a nice dense flower. I can only speak for myself, and the formula might have changed, but I would only use sweet peet outside. I knew the original guys very well and had lots of free product -- used outdoor only for certain veggies.
Hey B! Rutz. Yeah a new strain that packs a punch. Should be colorful & tasty buds.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Thumbkinetic (Bluestnote)
on Thursday, November 5, 2020 – 04:18 pm
Yes, sir! Pungent, too. Not
Yes, sir! Pungent, too. Not diesel-nasty, but even a small nug left uncovered nug is noticeable.
Throws a hammer
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Thumbkinetic (Bluestnote)
on Thursday, November 5, 2020 – 04:20 pm
Oh, look at the time,
Oh, look at the time,
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jonaspond Jonas
on Thursday, November 5, 2020 – 04:21 pm
No, not a fuel taste. Candy
No, not a fuel taste. Candy/flower taste.
Hope all is well.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Thumbkinetic (Bluestnote)
on Thursday, November 5, 2020 – 04:51 pm
Back atcha.
Back atcha.
Hangin' in. Still have a job but haven't been on a bus in eight months. I miss NYC but not the ride.
I miss live music. But I'm playing a shit-ton of guitar and learning a bunch of songs.
Latest obsession is Lazy River Road.
I was on Prine kick for quite a stretch. His stuff is good for waking up and croaking something out.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 – 07:48 pm
Trichomes like you've
Trichomes like you've (probably) never seen them before:
And the Bach soundtrack is a nice touch too.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 – 09:31 pm
<<<>>>to make sure the end
<<<>>>to make sure the end product is as clean as possible. same concept as washing vegetables before consuming. the nugs are sticky and grab even more dust, ash from widlfire smoke and other nasty shit from all the cars that drive by. i was amazed that after the wash the 5 gallon bucket was clouded with dirt and had a brown tint to it. was also amazed that there was no damage to the trichromes or to the buds. end product is way smoother to smoke then the batch I didn't wash.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 – 11:29 pm
Thanks , Mike Edwards. Cool
Thanks , Mike Edwards. Cool stuff and there.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Sunday, November 29, 2020 – 09:52 pm
What better place than the
What better place than the Weed thread to share news of a (socially distant, covid-aware) zoner meetup for a little sesh on a beautiful fall afternoon in the great outdoors? I had the pleasure of meeting Strawbud today up at Fort Tejon State Park at the top of the Grapevine. Gifts were shared, doobs were smoked (but not passed), and stories told, and my life on the black screen got a little bit richer today.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Monday, November 30, 2020 – 01:18 am
WHAT A Thread !! SO Many
WHAT A Thread !! SO Many Excellent Posts !
Hope Judit Saves This
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Monday, November 30, 2020 – 02:04 am
Of course I'll save it, Rob,
Of course I'll save it, Rob, it will move soon to the cannabis folder where it can live forever.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Rasputin O'Leary Rasmataz
on Monday, November 30, 2020 – 03:31 pm
'It's just who I am'
"It’s just who I am,’’ he said. “It has no effect on me from a negative standpoint. It’s just what I do and how I am and how I’m going to die. There’s no explanation. There’s no beginning, there’s no end."
Ya gotta love this crazy bastard --
Mike Tyson says he smoked marijuana before fight against Roy Jones Jr.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sound and Vision 4winds
on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 – 08:07 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 – 12:02 pm
For sure and the pleasure was
For sure and the pleasure was all mine, Mike! It was great meeting you and sharing some good stories, laughs, and really positive vibes. That State Park is a nice little gem too with extremely easy I-5 access as well.
Keep On Keepin' On, Zoner Community! Enjoy the Holiday Season and stay safe/be well.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: I rang a silent bell China-Rider
on Friday, December 4, 2020 – 04:10 pm
House Passes Landmark Bill
House Passes Landmark Bill Decriminalizing Marijuana
WASHINGTON — The House on Friday passed sweeping legislation that would decriminalize marijuana and expunge nonviolent marijuana-related convictions, as Democrats sought to roll back and compensate for decades of drug policies that have disproportionately affected low-income communities of color.
The 228-164 vote to approve the measure was bipartisan, and it was the first time either a chamber of Congress had ever endorsed the legalization of cannabis. The bill would remove the drug from the Controlled Substances Act and authorize a 5 percent tax on marijuana that would fund community and small business grant programs to help those most impacted by the criminalization of marijuana.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: long live the dead love matters
on Friday, December 4, 2020 – 04:14 pm
Thank god the republicans and
Thank god the republicans and McConnell control the senate
you can all both starve to death and also be criminals
live free or die
unless you are Wall Street heavies
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sound and Vision 4winds
on Friday, December 4, 2020 – 04:33 pm
Hope to pass my test soon so
Hope to pass my test soon so I can partake. Tested positive, lol, on the past two and haven't smoked since 11/10! Nice to take a break but it helps with stomach issues.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sound and Vision 4winds
on Friday, December 4, 2020 – 04:35 pm
Doctor knows and encourages
Doctor knows and encourages it sort of, the test is a formality.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Friday, December 4, 2020 – 05:34 pm
I went 90 days once and still
I went 90 days once and still tested positive.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sound and Vision 4winds
on Friday, December 4, 2020 – 06:09 pm
Whaaaaat? I know it can take
Whaaaaat?? I know it can take a bit if you're a heavier user. Had taken a week break and then smoked a couple times and now nothing as of 11/10.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Saturday, December 19, 2020 – 07:45 pm
Holiday Cheerz, All!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Sunday, December 20, 2020 – 03:47 am
Having too much absorbent fat
Having too much absorbent fat was (is) the problem I think. It stores in the fat cells for a long time.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Wednesday, December 23, 2020 – 04:27 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, December 23, 2020 – 04:44 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Sunday, January 10, 2021 – 11:03 pm
Harvested a new batch 4 days
Harvested a new batch 4 days ago now- 6 small plants hanging upside down right now. I did 2 month veg/2 month flower. If anyone has an organic feeding schedule I'd appreciate it. I have 4 seeds left of either Bubblegum OG or Critical.. I forget which they are.
Bubblegum OG
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sigmund SeaMonster
on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 – 05:01 pm
Damn Mice that's fuckin sweet
Damn Mice that's fuckin sweet
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jeff JR
on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 – 05:17 pm
looks great. what lights were
looks great jay.
looks like you're in a 4x4 tent. what light you using in there?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 – 08:05 pm
dosidos x og
Super Stoney and flavor tastes SO Good
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Thursday, February 11, 2021 – 11:11 am
>>>looks like you're in a 4x4
>>>looks like you're in a 4x4 tent. what light you using in there?
Hey- sorry for the delay. It's a 4 x 8 tent but I've only really been using 4 x 4 for now.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 10:29 am
dungeon vault genetics lemon
dungeon vault genetics lemon slush (lemon grove x purple jellato)
flipping today.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Siobud
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 10:46 am
^ Nice.
^ Nice.
Anyone have a recommendation for keeping bud fresh in the jar? I harvested about 8 weeks ago now and the bud in my jars is too dry to smoke now; going to make into butter.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 10:47 am
if it's too dry maybe toss a
if it's too dry maybe toss a moist q-tip in there jarred for an hour.
8 weeks ain't that long. it's still dank man!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 10:50 am
put a fan leaf or two from a
put a fan leaf or two from a living plant in there.
Don't use tortillas, bread, boveda packs, or any other nonsense.
curing weed correctly, predictably, is probably a more difficult skill to master than 'just' growing.
q tip is good
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 10:54 am
I use Boveda packs, and have
I use Boveda packs, and have found them really effective. Why do you say they're nonsense, Bss?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 11:05 am
lemon slush #2
lemon slush #2
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 11:09 am
You've got some beauties
You've got some beauties going there, ogkb.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 11:19 am
purple jellato (gelato 33 x
purple jellato (gelato 33 x purple vapor)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 11:23 am
Are you growing from seeds or
Are you growing from seeds or clones?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 11:39 am
because they zap terps
because they zap terps
cure your weed right and eliminate boveda from your vocabulary.
admittedly living in a high desert environment certainly does present its own set of challenges, and in general just requires more juggling and babysitting to get it right.
but really those little chemical laden packages are just imitating what plant material already does for us perfectly. a small piece of lettuce if you must.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 12:31 pm
> they zap terps
> they zap terps
I've read a few posts on other sites that made the same claim, but that hasn't been my experience. I've found that the flavors and aromas hold up well, and they do a great job of managing moisture levels. They add some where it's needed, or take it away where it's not.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 12:37 pm
pruned up and ready for 1200w (my 2 little 600hps side by side -- so cute)
have archive's lemon cane on deck -- one of his new crosses to be released. popped 6 regs, hoping for 4 females.
lemon peel x dosidos
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 12:41 pm
If i told you I've (first
If i told you I've (first hand) actually observed the paper changing color and delaminating as it sublimated the volatile terpene solvents across months of time, would you believe me?
At that point, I decided it was probably just redundant to send the actual soaked paper sample to the lab...
So no, I don't actually have proof. But rock on. YMMV. Certainly everybody gets down a little different.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 12:50 pm
lol. I wouldn't doubt you,
lol. I wouldn't doubt you, Bss, but again, that's not been my experience. I have stuff that's been in jars for five months since last season's harvest, and the herb smells great and the Bovedas aren't breaking down or getting discolored. But as you said, YMMV, and it often does.
I was guessing your stuff is from seed, ogkb. Plants from seed always seem to have a more vigorous look to them. No LEDs though? Your electric bill must be outrageous running 2 x 600W, not to mention managing the heat they produce.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 01:42 pm
mostly seed and some clone.
mostly seed and some clone.
chem d, sd, gmo clone.
all pics above are seed.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 02:21 pm
Nice, healthy plants, p-heat!
Nice, healthy plants, p-heat!
I have used, generally like, and had no adverse issues with Bovid packs. I forget the different humidity targets they offer but the ones around 60%-ish seem best. Yes, I like that that they are designed to keep a fairly even RH in the jar but a well and carefully planned and executed harvest/dry/cure should mostly take care of things and I only use them in the smaller stash jars that are at room temp and ready for action.
On the other hand, I longer term store packed vacuum sealed jars in the freezer that keep weed very "fresh".
This is the end of my last harvest from Jan 2018 and it looks, smells, tastes, and kicks like new!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: skyjunk fabes
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 02:41 pm
No grow in Florida yet, and
No grow in Florida yet, and the legal actually has THC limits, but I stay away form legal weed.
Cannot wait to start growing for myself and pulling more info from you green thumbs out there.
mike looks like you have a great process for a low profile grow.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 02:42 pm
Old fucks like Mike and I
Old fucks like Mike and I grew up on 'mersh and Mexi brick weed that was sprayed with all sorts of illegal pesticides and would turn your lips numb. In relative terms, a little Boveda is like a walk in the Garden of Eden!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 06:51 pm
i also use(d) bovedas....
i also use(d) bovedas....
when i harvest(ed) here, it's always bone fucking dry, santa anas or pretty hot out. I don't have the space to dedicate to a humidifier setup.
i've wondered about their impact...but they work..
would have been starting up the season here but was going to take a long trip...
and i'm also old enough to remember the mexi sess.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 07:01 pm
Growing up back east, I
Growing up back east, I remember Columbian brick weed and some Jamaican occasionally, but not much, if any, Mexican smoke. But still, we're talking seeds and stems schwag until the first sinsemilla started showing up in the early 80s, so the provenance of the bud is pretty much a distinction without a difference.
And Turtle, my harvest season situation is pretty much the same here with the Devil winds blowing and single digit humidity, and I don't really have the room for a humidity controlled drying space. I only need to hang my stuff for about 4-5 days before the branches are snapping and it's time to go into jars.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 07:13 pm
my buddy uses a spare bedroom
my buddy uses a spare bedroom with an ac-like one running 24/7
commander cody says
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 07:49 pm
You guys in the more arid
You guys in the more arid spots might consider a grow tent for drying. You can hang a solid pound in a 4x4 tent, and really just need a circulatory fan clipped to one of the poles and one of those little "as seen on tv" Arctic-air (humidifier) conditioners in there. 3x3 is even better as it's less airspace to have to manipulate. Digital thermometer/rh and you're up and running. Keep it in the coolest room of the house.
might have to rearrange the furniture in there a little for a few weeks at a time, but these things go up and down easily enough, and a lot of you dope smokers probably have one or two growing tents around already. A basic but purposeful little setup like this can really go a long way towards a more desirable curing environment and a more thorough, long term stable cure. You really want to aim to keep your weed hanging 2+ weeks without it crunching out before it goes into paper bags.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 09:42 pm
little italy from dungeon
little italy from dungeon vault genetics
zpumoni (gelato 33 x sfv x zkittlez) x purple jellato
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 09:42 pm
little italy from dungeon
foo fight from gage green genetics (near and far, 2 phenos)
gsc forum cut x (grape stomper x '98 aloha white widow)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Friday, March 5, 2021 – 04:38 pm
I love zoners.
I love zoners.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Friday, March 5, 2021 – 06:23 pm
I should try that bss, thx
I should try that bss, thx
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Rob Matanaska
on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 – 03:54 am
I use a 4x4 tent and can
I use a 4x4 tent and can easily hang 6lbs in it by making walls of weed with hanging the plastic trellis vertically and hanging the bud on it.
My last indoor run of london poundcake 75
I popped 31 different strains which was around 300 seeds. About half were feminized and the other half regulars. If I find some good males I'll save for making my own hybrids.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ogkb pyramidheat
on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 – 08:48 am
how's the pound cake?
how's the pound cake?
my take is it's like all the other hyped cookie shit -- rich vanilla, creamy gas, gorgeous to look at.
$500 for seed packs tho? jigga laughing.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 – 09:25 am
nice, Rob! Happy pheno
nice, Rob! Happy pheno hunting :-)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 – 10:06 am
>>>>> I harvested about 8
>>>>> I harvested about 8 weeks ago now and the bud in my jars is too dry to smoke now;
Mine stay pretty fresh for months in the jar.
Are you using well-sealed canning jars?
I use a half-gallon jar for long term storage, and transfer some once a week to a small jar for use. That way the big jar doesn't have to get opened so often.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Rob Matanaska
on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 – 03:43 pm
>>how's the pound cake?
>>how's the pound cake?
It's great easy to grow produces really good and gets lots of color with a gassy citrus smell. I got this from clone for Z$8/clone. Most clones I get cost me 7-8 and rarely 9-10. It came from Berner's mom so I know its solid.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Rob Matanaska
on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 – 03:43 pm
>>how's the pound cake?
>>how's the pound cake?
It's great easy to grow produces really good and gets lots of color with a gassy citrus smell. I got this from clone for Z$8/clone. Most clones I get cost me 7-8 and rarely 9-10. It came from Berner's mom so I know its solid.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 – 09:21 pm
Hey All Keep this thread
Hey All Keep this thread going till July 16 2021 at least ( 1 year Awesome thread thx, So Many Cool Humans.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 – 10:08 pm
I would smoke some of that
I would smoke some of that seedy ass Columbian Gold in a flash.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 09:11 am
>>I would smoke some of that
>>I would smoke some of that seedy ass Columbian Gold in a flash.
hell, yeah!!! Hazes put smiles on faces.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 09:57 am
DIbs on the Thai stick.
DIbs on the Thai stick.
> Keep this thread going
I was thinking it's gotten a bit too scrolly. Maybe we should start a new one for 2021? What does everyone else think?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 04:19 pm
We can move this thread to
We can move this thread to the Cannabis Folder; it will be accessible, post-in-able and preserved. Time for that?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 04:22 pm
I am good with that. Rob?
I am good with that. Rob?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 04:35 pm
I'd say give it a day or two,
I'd say give it a day or two, judit. Time for others to chime in.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 04:38 pm
you know you can hit the down
you know you can hit the down arrow w/o scrolling?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 04:41 pm
Damn. Is that what those are
Damn. Is that what those are there for? lol
Thanks, Turtle. I learned something new today.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 04:50 pm
I traded some of my Scooby
I traded some of my Scooby Snacks for Blueberry Haze. I normally hate hazes because they wire me out. That stuff puts me to sleep.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 05:17 pm
different smokes for
A new thread wouldn't be so bad, especially if this one is archived. Time for the Spring WEED edition of '21, seeds sprouting, clones rooting, birds singing...
speaking of archiving, please archive all political threads to the politics folder now that the election is over....including the fake one.
Other Stuff should be for topics such as recipes, music recs, pics, dangerous home hobbies, funky art and queries such as, how does glue work?, etc., etc.
just my .02
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _________ Plf9905
on Thursday, March 11, 2021 – 05:40 pm
um id like the thread to stay
um id like the thread to stay here a bit longer - yeah its a bit of a scroll , no biggie.