US Withdraws from TPP


Well, at least Trump is good for something:



So, I'm hearing (specifically from most recent Democratic ambassador to China) that this will create a vacuum for China to fill in the area.  I don't understand it all enough to form a strong opinion.

Any thoughts from the rest of you out there?



>>>>>>Well, at least Trump is good for something:


For letting China write the new rules for World trade?


Johnny, my thoughts are we live in a global economy and trumps 19th and 20th century trade ideas will probably end up hurting us economically.

Here is a link to the Sierra Club's concerns over the trade deal:

And here is the AFL-CIO's thoughts on the proposal:


Lets hope China, Russia (or really any other nation because we won't be participating) fixes the Sierra Clubs concerns.

TPP bad.  He did something good. Give him his due. Wont overshadow all the harm he is doing though.

TPP was not good for America- this was the right decision.

Thanks for chiming in.


I know that Bernie (and eventually Hilary) were anti-TPP, so there's that.


I certainly don't mind having fewer crappy goods from countries like China come to our shores.

And I'm willing to pay a little bit more for quality products from the likes of Japan and S. Korea.


And I'm thrilled when I have a chance to buy something worthwhile that is made in the good ole USA.  (Bonus points for Union Made).

Oh, and I finally read your links, Ken.  Very helpful.

Trump did good. I hope he keeps doing it. 

This is a huge mistake.


Was it ever in it?

No, it's new Toilet Paper Project. I think.

Serious question 

Sorry "it's new". Our existing trade partners in Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and even Taiwan) are looking for long term trade protection from China and balance in the region.

Johnny D's reference to leave an economic vacuum for China is true. We have nothing to gain by not participating in the TPP.


So we were in it?

Trump signed us out today.



>>We have nothing to gain by not participating in the TPP.

a lot of people disagree with that opinion.

the US has the consumers and the money. all the countries we traded with yesterday are going to keep trading with us , under the existing rules that seem to work OK.

it was the "gold standard" of trade agreements according to hillary

He's giving the store away to China in his small narrow mindedness. 

now why would a crony for russia give away the store to china?

To make more of his ties there (China) and avoid paying import duties since he isn't declaring that income any way?

but bernie & hillary (eventually after checking which way the wind was blowing) both were against it. was that also for trump's benefit?

What is your point?

For the record Bernie was against TPP well before Trump thought he knew the definition of TPP

Sorry about that. The smaller countries will get hurt.

What does congress have to do with the TTP?

Millions of workers and their unions fought long and hard to defeat the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and I am glad that it is dead and gone. For the last 30 years, we have had a series of trade deals – including the North American Free Trade Agreement, permanent normal trade relations with China and others – which have cost us millions of decent-paying jobs and caused a "race to the bottom" which has lowered wages for American workers.  If President Trump is seriously opposed to outsourcing, however, he must do more than sign an executive order ending our participation in the TPP.  He can lead by example by shutting down his own sweatshops in Bangladesh, China, and Mexico and bring those jobs back to America. Then, he can work with Congress to write a trade policy that works for American workers, and not just the CEOs of large, multi-national corporations.


Bernie Sanders

Dumpz inaugural hats made in China.  

It is a world economy.

Trade is better than war.

Internationalism is tomorrow, jingoistic nationalism is yesterday...1932.