biden Speech 3/11/21


This will be classic!

Joe about to show the world that nobodies home upstairs...

Do you think they will let him speak longer than 15 minutes? I don't

I wouldn't be surprised if they pull the plug 7 minutes in.

Crazy Nancy P. about to pull out the 25th on Senile Joe....

Try to put CamelToe into the big seat....

Can't wait to watch this shit show!!!



Bidan? lol

Bye, Dan.

Bi dan 

2Dun Dan hates women too

classy guy

Only the Lonely

Roy Orbison

Only the lonely
Only the lonely

Only the lonely
Know the way I feel tonight
Only the lonely
Know this feeling ain't right

There goes my baby
There goes my heart
They're gone forever
So far apart

But only the lonely
Know why
I cry
Only the lonely

Only the lonely
Only the lonely

Only the lonely
Know the heartaches I've been through
Only the lonely…

Dan's head is exploding 

He's tired from all the winning. 

Funny how the Fox News' and 2Danks of the world have banged this drum for over 2+ years, yet Biden keeps winning.

Setting low expectations for your foe can sometimes leave you vulnerable and looking like a fool.

Bidens speech>>>>

It's just gonna be a bunch a bullshit and lies anyway. Maybe he will have made up an excuse for why he gave less middle class citizens stimulus checks than Trump during a pandemic?


Blue Maga crowd would love that

Why do you keep advocating for the middle class before the working class?

I'm not. Biden gave less money to the working class in stimulus checks than Trump during a global pandemic.


Fit your fancy?

Don't listen to what they (any politician) say,, always watch what they do.

Good job Joe !!

The shitbird repubs won't vote for aid,, and the bernie baby's will still cryyyyyyyyy about,, well anything,,  but they'll all be snarfin' that $$$ aid up,, and possibly a few pub constituents may just remember next election. B baby's will never learn anything, they'll just continue bitching.

Cry If You Want

> the middle class before the working class

What's the line that divides the middle class from the working class?

>>Biden gave less money to the working class in stimulus checks than Trump during a global pandemic.

That, my friend, is simply a false statement. First off, Trump's first check was $1,200 and Biden's will be $1,400. So, all things being equal, Biden is up by $200. It took 9 months for the next $600, and unless you're Nostradamus, you have no idea what will happen in the next 9 months.

Second, it's true that 7 million fewer people will get stimulus checks this time. However, those making over $80k can hardly be considered "working class."

You're twisting data to meet your faulty hypothsis.

And here I was thinking that Congress played some sort of role in this matter...

I like my Presidents to be Not in the Klan.

Bk your math is way off.


Trump stimulus money in checks during pandemics- 1800$ 

Biden stimulus money in checks during pandemic-1400$

No data twisted, those are just the real numbers, You're the one twisting data in order to make apologies. 

False hypothesis? I posted the truth and you posted a comparison between two stimulus checks while writing off the third like it didn't happen. Why go through the trouble when you know you're wrong and just apologizing?

My math is correct. Trump was 1200 + 600, which is $1800. It was 9 months between checks 1 and 2. The first check, under Biden, is bigger than the first under Trump. Unless you know for sure that there will be no more coming, your statement is completely false. The one fact is that 1400 is bigger than 1200.

It may turn out that you are correct, but it's too early to tell.

Would you like to address how someone making over $80k is "working class?"

Timpy, you have "BPS" again (broken phone syndrome). You can't compare one data point to longitudinal data and then call it equivalent.

You are just looking stupid now, and must be smoking some weird weed. Where is your evidence that more stimulus money is coming from Biden? It would have to be next year if anything. 

in reality the numbers are 1800 under Trump and 1400 under Biden. That's just actually what has happened so far. Lay off the weird weed. Are you delusional right now?


make it simple for ya 







Sorry but I have to treat you like a six year old because you can't add.

January 2022 is the next available time reconciliation would be usable, so yes I can tell you that no more stimulus will come this year and is unlikely to come at all.

Your argument is based on conjecture with absolutely no evidence to back it up. 

Way to dig your heels in the sand.

What if there's a need in 3 months and there's a vote that passes (no reconciliation)? What if this, what if that? The future is unknown.

$1.9 trillion is the largest package in history, and experts say that it will positively effect the most vulnerable, potentially for a long time. You've picked one data point to represent the entire package, compared it to longitudinal data, and are saying that I can't add? Get it together, man.

Lol, still fantasizing. You lost the argument a while back in the thread. Run along and regroup yourself for a different internet battle. Today just wasn't your day, sport.

Focusing on the checks is such a small part. If you are on Obamacare your premium will almost certainly go down. If you are laid off this covers 100% of your Cobra. Meanwhile the Republicans held up their final stimulus for months trying to exempt corporations from lawsuits when they put their employees at risk of getting Covid. Here is what matters:

People with kids ($120 billion in child tax credits)

People using Obamacare ($34 billion in increased subsidies)

Airline employees ($58 billion bailout means that furloughs were avoided)

Food service workers ($25 billion in grants to restaurants)

Organized labor ($86 billion bailout of failing union pension funds)

Teachers ($130 billion to help schools reopen)

Veterans ($20 billion for veterans' healthcare)

So El Niño it seems like 25% of the stimulus (somewhat indirectly) goes to support American workers. 

it's a real shame that other 75% doesn't even touch a minimum wage increase or the student loan thing...



I wasn't arguing, Timpy. I was trying to educate you on how you can't look at one data point and compare it to longitudinal data, nor can you pick one data point out of an entire package, disregard the rest, and make a judgment on that point.

I mean, you can, but then it would look like your phone is broken.

Funny how everything has to be a win lose discussion anymore. Like it's not a "good" discussion unless you "win"

I was just reading how the Dems snuck some tax increases for corporations and the wealthy into the bill.

Wait that doesn't fit the narrative 

Narrative, schmarrative. The Dems are working to undo Trumpism and move the country forward. Is it perfect? Nope. But what is in life?

I'm kind of astounded at how much some people on the left are complaining about this package. It's pretty fucking groundbreaking, and as Bss alluded to last week, it's something that we probably can't turn back on. It looks like a start to long-term sweeping changes for the better.

Poor easily distracted and confused zoners,, not only can they not get a grip on reality,,,

these sorry ass scrambled brain mo fuckers wouldn't recognize it anyway 

B 52's - Private Idaho Live - HQ

>> the Dems snuck some tax increases for corporations and the wealthy into the bill. <<


What's even better is that due to Ron Johnson requiring the entire bill to be read on the Senate floor there can be no "we never had a chance to read it" from the GOPers.


>>>it's a real shame that other 75% doesn't even touch a minimum wage increase or the student loan thing...

Sure that would be nice but you can't blame that on Dems or Biden. Everyone has to work to add more progressives to the Senate. With a 50/50 split the most conservative members of the Democratic Party control the outcome. It's just math. It's Manchin's party for now. But I will take Manchin over Rand, McConnell, Cotton, Cruz, or even Collins any day of the week. 

>>>Sure that would be nice but you can't blame that on Dems or Biden.<<<

see, this is *precisely* what OGKB means when he yells about neoliberalism and corporatist apologism.

sleepy joe ran a campaign that specifically included those two very important endorsements. Now he's gone silent or flip flopped on both. I mean; if not Joe or the dems who hold the majority, to whom exactly should we assign ownership?

"Come on man."

A narrow/slim majority is no mandate. Biden can promise the Moon, but can't deliver without the approval of Congress. This is Civics 101, folks, 

No, 'pheater is NOT right (he rarely is LOL).

You crazy kids are just looking for shit to complain about. Have at it.

>>>A narrow/slim majority is no mandate.<<<

well, it sure was under the last president.
Now the numbers are just basically reversed.

That doesn't change the math.

Misspelt meme, mighty moran. 

Yeah you already said that part bk 

And you've already complained and complained, Bss. You don't want to see the good.

But for the love all all that's sacred, don't go and say that Trump did more for the working class than does this Bill. That's just bizarre.

so no reply to the actual content?

got it


put some more words in my mouth please. They taste so good.



Democrats voted against 15$/he by 2025 but you want to celebrate this bill. Biden didn't fight for it at all and yes he makes promises he can't keep and ran his campaign on them and didn't fight for them at all. But sure, celebrate this little bill while the unemployment still rising. It's not a win, they did their job and made some Republican cuts to it which they didn't have to do. 

Big win for blue maga. T shirts made in China coming soon.


Bk, I see you found your second Internet battle for the day. Hope you don't get creamed in this one too. I'm routing for ya, pal.


^^^^ Says the guy who voted for Biden but seems to hate him. SMH.

I voted for Biden, JR.  Should he not be taken at his word?

> the numbers are just basically reversed

The Republicans had 52 Senators and 241 Representatives (out of 435) after the 2016 election.

The Democrats had 48 Senators, plus two Independents who caucus with them, and 222 Representatives after the 2020 election.

That's not really basically reversed. Biden is working with the just about the slimmest of margins, and not what I would call a mandate.

I've been replying to Timpy's content, but to no avail. Hids phone is broken. I'll take a shot at this one:

>>Now the numbers are just basically reversed.

No, the numbers are not "just basically reversed." The Senate was controlled by a firm Republican majority. Even if one or 2 dissented, they'd still be able to pass anything with their majority. It's 50/50 in the Senate right now, and even one dissenting Dem vote means that nothing gets passed.

I'm more than happy to cede the point if you can explain to me how I am wrong. 

lots of apologists up in here. 

gonna be a lot of sad apologists come '22 and '24. 

ned, lol. you're king apologist, bud. you define blue maga. 


rage on mother fuckers -- you're defending a corporate hack who won't fight for the american worker for the long run. your shit expires and then what. more crumbs? 

more apologizing. 

I went to the laundromat to wash my greasy car rags yesterday. A single load cost $5.00 in quarters. That was the small machine. Being a person of privilege, I took them home to dry in my own dryer. This is the centrally located place in town, where the single parents and homeless folks mostly go.

On my way home, I couldn't help but consider how someone making $7.50 an hour would have to work for like two hours just to wash, dry, buy soap, and pay taxes on their labor just to wash a single load of clothes. 

let them eat tide pods?

Americans working slave wages lost big. They couldn't even get 15$/hr in this bill from the dems who had the power to do so. But yet they have no right to complain, right? Sure.


The disenfranchised are just always "looking" for something to complain about. They should just shut up and get in line, right?



ned supports slave wages b/c his dad sucked some biden dick. 



Have you learned anything about addition today? What does 1200+600=?


Come on little child, let's learn a little bit here.

May I ask, how do you know that a vote to raise the minimum wage won't come up again this year, next year, or in Biden's term at all? Why did it "have" to be in this stimulus?


>A narrow/slim majority is no mandate. Biden can promise the Moon, but can't deliver without the approval of Congress. This is Civics 101, folks,<


Biden should just rule by fiat, and threaten those who dare disagree, or otherwise refuse to subjugate themselves.

Biden can do that, right?


>Now the numbers are just basically reversed<

Manchin would be far less relevant/powerful if the Democrats held a 53-47 majority. 


> his dad sucked some biden dick. 

ogkb, try to have just a little bit of class, would ya?

Timpy, you're no different than Liam with your single data points.

mike, try and stand for something man. 


heres mr. pelosi saying nothing at all. 


What do you stand for, ogkb? Berating and belittling people?

im not playing mayor pete in a parking lot game. 


I think that he stands for ignorance and kind bud.

> im not playing mayor pete in a parking lot game. 

You're also not making sense. In plain English please?

bk's a real progressive. lol. 

that was a good one. 

mike, google it. 

mayor pete in a parking lot. 

Bk, your getting owned all over this thread and you were spouting some blue maga fantasy about Biden providing more stimulus checks than Trump. Take a look at yourself.


15/hr ended up being in the Bill. It could have been signed and passed. Dems chose to vote

against it. Get a grip on reality, sport. Either that or keep apologizing. 

No time for googling right now, ogkb. I have to teach a zoom class soon.

they didn't even want to sign and pass a wage increase by 2025 haha. 


>>spouting some blue maga fantasy about Biden providing more stimulus checks than Trump

Quote where I said anything of the sort. If that's what you took from this, you're a numbnuts: "First off, Trump's first check was $1,200 and Biden's will be $1,400. So, all things being equal, Biden is up by $200. It took 9 months for the next $600, and unless you're Nostradamus, you have no idea what will happen in the next 9 months."

Now, can we talk about the $80k working class?

'pheater has nothing...except losses and tears.

^haha -- dem cultist. 

Timpy has to lie to make himself look good and try to be "right."

Can you imagined what it's like when those 2 hang out in person?


No, Pyramid, I'm once again responding to those who erroneously believe that Biden can impose his will and demand servility from the Senate. 

I do this because folks like you still insist he can force guys like Manchin to fall in line.


^ Yeah that is a fantasy. You were fantasizing about Biden giving more stimulus in the future when there is no evidence at all to back that up. They can't use reconciliation until next year. You claimed that he   "Might" give more stimulus checks than Trump. This is a falsehood and some kind of delusion. You also made a comparison of 1200 to 1400 claiming Biden gave more stimulus checks but that's also not true. You're still struggling wiith simple addtion. The numbers are Biden-1400 and Trump 1800. Biden also have out fewer checks to fewer Americans 

You're not on your game today champ and you've taken over lumbers apologizing commitment. You still have no evidence to tour claim when the facts are laid out in front of you. Are you drunk? You're still arguing an invalid point.

Post evidence that there's another stimulus coming or just admit you re clueless.




Next nine months> 


There will be no stimulus. Reconciliation not possible until January 2022. Again, you're delusional and wrong. You even know that and you're still trying to make yourself look good. You lost a long time ago. Sorry if you don't look good in front of your blue maga friends


Where did I lie, sport? Still waiting on your evidence...

Lol, you're such a liar

Not lying. Lol. You have nothing to back up your claims. When is your next internet battle? Better do some more research for that one. Claims of someone lying without being able to back it up isn't helping you.

8 democrats voted against min wage. That's close to 20% of dems in the senate. Biden should take responsibility as the leader of the Democratic Party, no? He didn't do his job. Didn't even fight for it.


Jimmy Kimmel: “No Republicans voted for the [relief] bill in the House or the Senate, even though more than 70% of Americans support it. The only other Bill 70% of Americans support is Murray.”




>8 democrats voted against min wage<


Actually 7 Democrats and an Independent,  but point taken.  But once one was lost it was hopeless. Unfortunately, with the thin advantage Biden really can't afford to lose a fight with his own party.


I resigned myself to that reality, but what surprised and bothered me was the reduction of the unemployment benefit from $400 per week to $300 per week. Reveals just how impotent Biden is.


^^^where are those headlines and celebrity call outs w/ the m4a support %'s. 

blue maga. 

This was a bold lie, Timpy: "spouting some blue maga fantasy about Biden providing more stimulus checks than Trump"

I asked you to quote where I said anything of the sort, and of course you can't. If you're going to lie, don't do it about things that are in the same thread and clear for everyone to see. I pasted my quote in there, which you conveniently overlook.

Your MO is to misconstrue whatever is convenient.

Now, once again, let's discuss the $80k working class that you're so upset about.

Forget it, you don't know how to add. You claim Biden was "up 200$" in your first post. Then go on to try and validate an obvious invalid point. There is your quote. 

That is indeed a blue maga fantasy. 

My wife and I are both working class. We both made more than 80k last year. What are you trying to argue?

Teacher/ Construction worker

It's getting worse and worse for you, BK. Might be better to find another thread to battle on.

biden just gave 100m to the haitian dictator lol. 

I'm asking why you're so upset about not getting extra checks. Two people in their 30's with no kids, who made over $160k? And you really expect a government handout?

how come apologists don't question the amount wall st gets? 


Don't need it, BK. Maybe, there is someone who does. This is Biden's legacy lol. He is the one who has to look at that fact at the end of the day. Maybe, people's situations are more complicated by what they earned in a year. Maybe, you apologize too much. 

Is $1,400 greater than $1,200?




Jeez, Bk you are very dense. Real numbers are 1800 and 1400. Guess which one is higher, genius...


Blue Maga fantasies lol. Funny shit

Again, one data point vs 2. You've also completely overlooked all the other provisions. As I said many times, there very well may be more. It's incorrect to say that Trump did more, especially so early on.. If this is the end, yes, you will be correct.

I know that yiu think I look bad, but dude, you're hurting here.

who's that, jr?

I'll stick with the shitty Democrats for now because meanwhile Republicans:

The Republican-majority Oklahoma state House passed a bill on Wednesday that would grant immunity to drivers who “unintentionally” run over protesters.

Here is Democratic congresswoman Omar on record saying Trump gave more than Biden admin. Of course, you know better than a congressional representative, right BK? Keep driving the nail into your own head here. You've really outdone yourself.

In nine months when there's nothing more in stimulus I'll wipe down a thread with your sorry ass again.

That's Omar's opinion. There are hundreds of learned opinions to the contrary, and the Republicans also have their opinions.

>>In nine months when there's nothing more in stimulus

Um, you do know that I said, multiple times, that if this is the be-all-end-all you'll be correct, but it's too early now to make that judgement?

Have you considered reading without reacting?

<<who's that, jr?

that's joe and mika. they found love on the set of morning joe. 

You call everyone  apologists
and have  no idea what reality is

and you like to call yourself "progressives "

progress means going forward 


Do you have any opinion about Trump (gleefully without disdain) killing half million Americans

Nanny nanny. Cue up some good insults

>As someone once said at another historic bill signing,“this is a big fucking deal” —  at 2:09pm this afternoon, it happened again. Millions will now live, millions will temporarily rise out of poverty, millions won’t be evicted, children will eat, schools will reopen. People who had been told that their “great employer-provided health insurance system” was better than Medicare for All, soon discovered that wasn’t true once the pandemic hit and they were suddenly without health insurance because their job was gone. Now many will be covered in part or full by their government, thanks to this bill. That should expand and continue. There’s help now for small businesses, non profits, and the arts.  Working people have new protections. And nearly everyone is going to get a St. Patrick’s Day check! Thank you Joe Biden! Thank you Democrats who finally stood their ground! Thank you to the 76% of the America public who demanded this bill become law. 

Only two groups are unhappy this afternoon: The Coronavirus known as COVID-19 which is now going to choke on its own vomit as it desperately tries to find new hosts who simply won’t be there to accommodate it, and the Republican politicians who will never, EVER be able to explain to the voters why they abandoned their fellow Americans and left them to suffer in misery and to die. But they did have time to participate in the sedition of January 6th. Why these Republicans didn’t have a single new idea or proposal of their own to pull us out of this madness and instead couldn’t stop fixating on Mr. Potato Head or Dr. Seuss!They were willing to let things get even worse in the hopes that would help them at the next election. Wow. A fatal mistake, an historic political blunder. The rest of the country will now move on as there is much work still to do — stopping voter suppression, raising the minimum wage, jobs, infrastructure, climate emergency, college debt, killing the filibuster, ending racist mass incarceration — and all sorts of racism and misogyny. Let’s build on today’s massive victory! Pedal to the metal, full speed ahead!

 (P.S. Thank you Georgia. We couldn’t have done this without you! We need more Georgias in 2022!) - Michael Moore

It's probably happening now. Leave time for editing and post production.

> that's joe and mika. they found love on the set of morning joe.

I find Mika's ample bosom comforting in the early hours of the morning. Joe's kind of a dick tho.

people actually watching his speech? 

that shits wild. 

I'll dip in for a few. You never know what Joe's gonna say when he has more than a couple of minutes.

Why is he surrounded by every flag but our's is way in the back????????

Because it's AMERICAN'S LAST.......

He's telling you all, FUCK YOU!



Those are the flags of each state, you fucking nimrod. The US flag was in the front.

9% of the New COVID Bill goes to the AMERICAN people....

91% to shit that doesn't matter to any American.....

Now every American owes over $80K in taxes to pay this BULLSHIT off......


That was like an FDR fireside chat for a new generation. Calm, reasonable, and reassuring. The polar opposite of Trump.

Funny you would take issue with flags that aren't the American flag. 

How all you Buyin Voters feel about








You're a real joy, Dan.

Dan, are you getting enough fiber in your diet? Your posts sound like you're suffering from the bloat associated with constipation.

Hmm, Dan, that wording sounds VERY familiar 

>Those are the flags of each state, you fucking nimrod. The US flag was in the front.

yeah, but Joe didn't hump any of those flags!

And his supporters all wave American flags, not some altered forgery or alternate flag representing one person 

Even if you're a moron like Dan and have no clue what any of the State's flags look like, one would think that the one that clearly said "Arkansas" would be a giveaway.

"Man, I heard of Kans-ass, and I heard of Arkan-saw, but I never heard of no Ar-kans-ass".

How dare  Biden think he's President of all of those States now! 


>>>Those are the flags of each state, you fucking nimrod. The US flag was in the front.<<<







all alone    In the desert 

Or maybe he has his my pillow to hump

and comfort  himself with

Does your claim of being healthy include mental health little boy?


And the neo progressives are anything but progressives

I guess progress can be blinding oh wait can you go blind when you're already can't see a fucking thing


i apologize for your behavior 

Also, Do you learn any of your name calling gems from your hero Don Don Trump?

Bss, should I count on low level trolling from you from here on out?

I think he's telling you there's a Boil Water Advisory 

<<  i apologize for your behavior 

More and more lately it seems. I feel fucking embarrassed even responding to these shitbirds. 

Fascist deadheads, wtf's the world commin to

They don't even come across as believable or legit. Just idiots

Joe could go up to the podium and do that finger up and down across wobbly lips thing,,, bebebebululbebeaaa

And he'd STILL make twice as much sence as 45

not sure what you mean by that bk

i actually thought what you told Dan right there was probably the funniest thing I read all day

But you make way too many posts for me to ever have the energy to troll you bro.

I'm very sensitive. Thanks for clarifying.

I did post a lot yesterday. 

>>Those are the flags of each state, you fucking nimrod. The US flag was in the front.<<<



Is it possible that 2Dumb Dan cancelled himself after that major fail? 

I just want to know how he got the name 2Dank?

because all his posts are reggie/mids.

Mids? He's more like Ditchweed Dan.

How many of these guys actually believe what they're saying, do you think? Definitely Greg, but I'm not sure about the rest.

2Dirtweed 2Dan

I think they're all typing with one hand and stroking it with the other, but I don't know about beliefs.

How was Bidens speech? Nap at all during it?

It was meh but at least he's not a Nazi sympathizer.


moneybagg joe

"I just want to know how he got the name 2Dank?"

Back in HS I had the best weed. Super green crystal covered goodness. like the shit you can get on the top shelf at the dispensary

While everyone else had Brink Mex weed full of seeds & Stem



That was a long ass time ago

It's time to change it to 2derp

did you graduate?

sucks 2.png


Amazing. That's just how I pictured you, Dan.

You suck Biden's member 

mBetter to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt”


Complete cluster fuck at the border.  Why aren't the moderates talking about this?


Yes, it's a clusterfuck trying to process all these applications for asylum, as opposed to just violating the law and turning them all away or enacting inhumane ''deterrent' by stealing kids from their parents.

Those seeking asylum will be processed and released pending a hearing on their case, and unaccompanied children will be placed with family or sponsors. 

The dept of refugee resettlement is working overtime. 


so, what  solution do you propose, Racket?

The law is being violated as many children are being held over 72 hours.

Yes, and that's happening because Trump shuttered facilities and departments in Refugee Resettlement programs.

They're working on restoring the programs and facilities and shortening the processing times. 



So, you don't have any solutions, and just like to complain. 


blue maga approves this now. biden. 

it is bernie's "fault"  lolol

We knew whoever became president was going to inherit a mess, that was never even a question 

^^^article was published 3/15/21.

justify it any way you have to.

kids in cages, still, and more getting sent there everyday. 



blue maga. 

The politically expedient course of action would have been to not let all those kids in. He did so without the necessary infrastructure, and it opened the door to all the criticism.

Biden should hire China to build a city for these kids in 2 weeks. 

It supposedly wasn't Trumps fault during his brief tenure so how is it now Biden's?

^only blue maga says stupid shit like this. 

Was it Trumps fault during his presidency? No we all blamed Obama then. You should find ur clutch, probably run a lil smoother if you shifted

Cro-Magnon whiners never seem to be willing to say what their better plan would be, and are really displaying their lack of intelligence by continuing to slam Biden's policies which are much improved from Trump's , and even Obama.

Here is a discussion about a recent proposal by President Obrador to enact a robust guest worker program to help eliminate many of the problems associated with human smuggling and the current broken immigration system and provide American farms and businesses with the labor they need:



pyramid of hate epitomizes it 

Neo liberal  NEO Socialist

no color MAGA


It is impressive that you never get tired of your shtick though


  Nanny nanny Billy goat 

  Breathe a few times and get a new routine the hell take a vacation

go pretend to contribute to society


At least you are predictable and good for a daily laugh if I see you posting


Timpy is even making sense some of the time these days 


Uncle John's band says ain't no time to hate


Harry Nilsson - Jump Into The Fire --- Remastered

The build up at the border is 100%. When you make the claim that every immigrant can become a citizen then there will be a rush for the border. If you have no plan for that kind of rush then you're fucked. Yoga mats and airline pillows probably aren't what people expected.


^ Exactly what Trump would do. Limit information to the public. 




^corporate apologists like all of the neoliberal fucks above quiet. 

justify that shit. go ahead.


<<<>>>Was it Trumps fault during his presidency? No we all blamed Obama then.

lol -- of course that disgusting  human is at fault, he utilized them. 

obama and biden built them. also at fault. 

are you arguing s/ yourself? 

<<>>>go pretend to contribute to society

fuck you. 

100,000 last month and it's not yet summer.  Wooohooo.

You got almost all of your buzzwords accounted for in that post. Meet the new post, same as the old post.... 

^i understand you have nothing to say when presented w/ facts. typical blue maga. 

biden has deported 130k people in 57 days. 



As ICE doesn't have to publish numbers, nobody really knows the number of deportations.

In February, a Federal judge blocked Biden's 100 day moratorium on deportations. That judge, however, didn't dictate how he had to enforce it.

About the same name number of "deportation planes" are leaving now as under Trump.

Deportations are heavily skewed to people of color.

Tons and tons more people are entering illegally under Biden than under Trump.

It's estimated that the majority of Biden's deportations are under Title 42, and they are new immigrants.

ICE isn't rounding up illegal immigrants already in the country.

Those aren't blue maga facts, they are just facts. Analysis shows that Biden has a lot of work to do. It also shows that the propaganda isn't quite correct.

the propaganda about ending poverty? 

yeah, that one last week was insane. 

130k is a lot. 

what was trump's numbers 57 days in? 

Stay on topic. We're talking about deportations, not ending poverty. That's a different issue.

I was simply putting forth more facts, not just one number. It's important to look at all the data.

Telling ogkb to stay on topic. Good one, BK.

Coo coo for coco puffs:

 Blue magic


uoy kcuF

what's up guys. 

hi, LLTD. 

good evening, mike. 

Vaccine time heater 

joe biden is my savior. 

This thread is like a pee break song.



the biden presidency is like a pee break song. 

Fellas please, you're wasting an awful lot of precious time still going at it with that ass crack pyro.  LOL time to give it a break,,, 

You've done nothing when you've bested a fool.

Did you score some good, clean molly, ogkb? Your last couple of posts seem out of character.

Vermont is irrelevant.

Hate to break it to you, Racket, but every state has exactly the same amount of senators. That makes Vermont just as relevant as NY, CA or FL. Then, take into account that our senators have been there since WWI, and have a of of seniority in the majority, and it makes our little sliver perhaps even more relevant.

May I ask, Racket, how do you feel your trolling is going? Are you getting the attention and responses you are hoping for? I feel bad for you. You're like the little kid pulling at his mommy's apron, but generally being ignored.

It's hilarious that heater and Bk are both living in Vermont.  Irrelevant as Wyoming.

North Dakota?  

Racket is well-qualified to speak of irrelevance.

Tehachipi? Blahaha.


At least Alaska has mountains.

You're all over the map, Racket, but this probably isn't the first time you've heard that said about you.

wait, why are we talking vermont? 

i genuinely don't follow. 

mike, i am a nice and caring human. 


I hated US Blues

really? a sick 73/74 jam>us blues, all tongue twisted and bug eyed -- good stuff. 


<<<>>>you're wasting an awful lot of precious time still going at it with that ass crack pyro.  LOL time to give it a break,,, 

lol. raz the altar boy.