Migration across USA's southern border is at a 40-year low?


This morning, I was surfing the radio newswaves and came across an interesting interview on a program called "Rising Up with Sonali."  Yes, based on the show title and the fact that it was broadcast by KPFA (Pacifica Radio), this comes from the liberal end of the spectrum; however, I thought it was a good listen, despite how one personally feels about the subject of immigration, international relations, trade, economics, sanctuary cities/states, etc.

One thing noted at the beginning of the interview was that "...border crossings by immigrants are at a 40 year low" at 9:15 minutes of the link below.  The person interviewed, Laura Carlson, noted the same thing later in the interview and basically said that one could google this to verify.




Of course, I tried to look this up, but it's not terribly clear

This is from 2013 regarding Obama's claims:




This is from Pew Research, updated November 2016:



Anyone interested in having a conversation about this?

 Illegal immigrant numbers skyrocket at Mexican border



 Child migration is surging again.

The number of families and unaccompanied children apprehended on the southern border has skyrocketed this year, according to new figures from the Obama administration. 

The numbers, compiled by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), reveal that child migration is on par with 2014 levels, when a wave of kids — thousands of them unaccompanied — arrived at the southern border. 

The surge of illegal immigration quickly swamped border authorities, immigration courts and health and humanitarian workers, while sparking a political battle on Capitol Hill over the cause and proper response to the crisis. 



“We are overwhelmed,” said a veteran agent in McAllen, Texas. “We are seeing 800 to 1,000 apprehensions every night.”

In fiscal 2016, the Border Patrol apprehended 117,200 immigrants from Central America, almost one-third of all apprehensions border-wide -- and 5,000 more than during the so-called surge of 2014. The agency also apprehended 5,000 Haitians, up from just 700 last year. The number of immigrants claiming to be from Africa and Asia also is up. 



That would be Mexican migration, Johnny.

What's interesting is that about half the  Mexican undocumented people here entered legally and then overstayed.  Are we going to stop letting people visit?  


Hey Truck,


My impression from the interview was that they were talking about the number of immigrants crossing the border, more than by any particular country.


If I remember correctly, there are actually more Mexican people returning to Mexico, than entering the country = a net decrease in Mexican immigrants.

Interesting part of The Hill article linked above:


Through the first six months of fiscal 2016, which ended on March 31, border officials apprehended 27,754 unaccompanied children, the CBP reported — a 78 percent jump from the 15,616 apprehended in 2015, and just shy of the 28,579 apprehended in 2014. 

For family units, which consist of at least one child traveling with at least one adult, the increase was even more dramatic. In the first six months of 2016, 32,117 families were apprehended, the CBP reported — an increase of 131 percent from the 2015 figure (13,913) and 62 percent from the 2014 figure (19,830).


Does this jive with what Donald Trump has been saying about young strong men coming into our country to hurt us?  Or was that more related to Muslims?




Many of the young strong men coming from Mexico and Central America are coming to obtain work in America and to make money so that they send money back to their families in Mexico and Central America. Due to the poor economy under obama the jobs have decreased hence the immigration has lightened. Once President Donald Trump gets the economy rolling again the immigrants will once again increase.

Many of the workers coming across the border do not want to be US citizens, many do not like the culture here in America. They are here only to make money for their families in their home country with the intention of one day returning back to their country. They do not want to be American , they do not want to assimilate, some can't or want to speak English even after being here for many years.The money sent back to Mexico is the second largest revenue source in Mexico behind oil.


Of course the Mexican government wants the free flow of illegals into the United States. The Mexican government is bought and sold by the Mexican Cartels. The cartels also want the free flow of drugs like meth and heroin into America..In many ways the cartels run Mexico.

Private Sector Jobs "added":   https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CEU0500000001

January 2001-January 2009:    -357,000   (yes, that was a negative 357,000 private sector jobs added during the Bush admin)

January 2009-January 2017 December 2016:  14,012,000 (yes, the US added 14 million private sector jobs during the Obama administration  first 95 months of the Obama administration.


Illegal Immigrants "added" to the labor force*: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/11/03/5-facts-about-illegal-immigration-in-the-u-s/

2001-2009:    2,500,000 (illegal immigrants "took" 2.5 million jobs during the Bush admin)

 2009-2014: -100,000 (illegal immigrants "lost" 100,000 jobs during the first 5 years of the Obama admin).





Its odd how they have estimates of illegal immigrants working in the US when the workers are totally underground. 

Are these the same poll takers also predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide victory?



Is there a graph that shows the increase or decrease of the thousands of pounds of meth and heroin being smuggle across the border?

The drugs that produce the Mexican Cartel money that is used to bribe the corrupt Mexican politicians?


we need a double 100 foot wall..electrified with barb wire ..with a moat with alligators.





that will stop da drugs......ignorance is bliss...

that will stop da drugs......ignorance is bliss...>>


so what will stop da drugs?

a barrier to stop the mules from carrying the drugs across the border seems logical..

but what is the left wing solution?

8 years of left wing governance hasn't really had an impact 

what's  the solution?..maybe jobs for the cartel members?





Stop the War on Drugs?


