ran across this today; pretty interesting:
This is a two part episode where we hear of how Courtenay develops his relationship with the Grateful Dead.
more episodes of his life stories will pop up
81 Greek:
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from his website:
from his website:
The Long Strange Golden Road by Courtenay Pollock - Chapter 1
by Courtenay Pollock May 08, 2019
[At the time I didn’t know who these people were.
“Far out man’, said Sonny Heard, “You can do our speaker fronts”. Rex Jackson stepped up and said, “ Right on Sonny, I’ll put it to the band “. Joe Winslow said “ Yeah man. Looks good“.
A little later I met Ramrod and Parish. I visited with them all for a bit and then thanked Frankie for the hospitality and said I would come by the following morning.
So that following morning I’m walking down the road to visit again and a car pulled up alongside me and this handsome, ponytailed young dude asked if I would like a ride. He asked where I was headed and when I told him he said “Well that’s my place” and we started chatting.
I had come across the country on a Greyhound bus following the advice I perceived from the throw of the ‘I Ching’ Chinese Oracle. ’Fortune in the West’ was the opening sentence of the first paragraph of my hexagram and so I had pooled my resources and got a bus to San Francisco.
So I’m just finished relating my journey to Bobby Weir when we arrive at the Rukka Rukka ( Stud ) ranch and he asks me if I need to make some money. I spent a few hours splitting and stacking firewood with an audience of hardcore roadies who’s ribald humour kept me going till ‘Chow Time’.
After dinner, Weir saw my artwork and approved the commission for covering the stage speaker fronts, after the band's approval of course.]
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his vlog is a lot of fun.
his vlog is a lot of fun.
the story of him creating his first tie-dyed mandala commissioned for the meditation room is hilarious.
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his vlog is a lot of fun.
my mouse has been dbl clicking lately
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Nice. Thanks for sharing this
Nice. Thanks for sharing this, Alan.
I check out Courtney's website periodically looking for that perfect tie dye, but haven't found it yet. I'll keep looking though.