Good ol' Live Nation, always looking for new ways to enhance our experience.
Personally, I don't enjoy streams, but I suppose there's not really much wrong with this, except that it will only increase people's notion that virtual experiences are just as good or better than real ones.
Then again, I've always thought that being on the lawn at Shoreline was more a virtual experience than a real one.
Except for the annoying people talking.
And the puke.
Those things have always been real on the Shoreline lawn.
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Lots of people on the lawn
Lots of people on the lawn can't afford to be closer or aren't lucky enough to get affordable pavilion seating.
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So much pity.
So much pity.
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The boutique streaming
The boutique streaming companies like Nugs and Shappy's "Fans" will be road kill here. At minimum the number of venues they operate in will be curtailed. This definitely has a competitive advantage for Live Nation.
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To be fair, people talking
To be fair, people talking and puke are actually rampant throughout Shoreline. I shouldn't have singled out the lawn.
And I get your point Knot, especially about being able to afford tix in the bowl, or at least the lower bowl.
But shows still blow on the lawn.
As for luck, especially as I've grown older I really do believe that to a large extent people create their own luck.
It's an inexact science, and much easier to say than do, but there's only one way to make it happen.
Get busy.
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What ever happened to
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"As for luck, especially as I
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Loved going to shows in High
Loved going to shows in High School, loved playing them in College, loved both as time continued...
Fast forward a few decades, add a few injuries and a little medical love, and yes Virginia, streams are a wonderful thing!!!
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I miss $15 beers and the line
I miss $15 beers and the line to take a leak in possibly the most disgusting urinal I'll see all year