Some interesting news about the new Anthony Bourdain documentary


Apparently the director of the new Bourdain doc used technology to get Bourdain's voice to say things he never actually spoke aloud.

It's a weird situation, as it seems it's his real voice saying things he wrote, but apparently people are pissed about it.

It's an interesting, and ultimately scary level of technology.

In this case I suppose it's just really good free advertising for the movie.

The 21st Century is weird.

I read about this the other day.

The use of this technology shouldn't surprise anyone at this point.

I can see that it could maybe make immediate family members uncomfortable if they didn't know about it, but other than

 that, I don't see a problem with it.

RIP Tony.


I plan to soon see it as it's listed as my local arthouse theater. I was not aware of that techno-twist which in my view is a bit deceiving but not at all surprising either.

> techno-twist

Sounds like a twist on Deep Fakes.

...or the latest rave dance craze