Jerry Day ft. Stu Allen & Mars Hotel LIVE at Terrapin Crossroads, San Rafael, CA


Stu ~~ Black Muddy River 

Much Excellence

Mighty Quinn.

STU Rips ! I Can Say He is a Friend WE Had So Much Fun at The Zoner Jam that Canyon and Friends put together lord henry hoover and countless were There ! DOOGLES.

Frogs had the best wine NC Bart ~ super KIND Nugs..

Posting in here just so Rob doesn't feel lonely in this thread.

Looks like folks were having fun.

Also looks pretty full.

But dammit, that's not a delta, it's a canal!!!!

Hopefully everyone had fun and didn't take anything home with them but memories of a good time.

Working and waiting in the hot sun...

Great Jerry Day Celebration!


Fantastic Jerry Day at TXR.  Way to go Stu and Mars Hotel...

That was a fun show yesterday!

Fun day for sure. Almost 800 people in the park. I only had one person try to blatantly disregard the vaccination protocol at the gate by rushing past me not once but twice as if I wouldn't see her.


On an other note. I can't believe how much garbage was left on the ground for us to clean up. I put out 22 trash cans, 11 for trash and 11 for recycle. I had one person checking on them and emptying them during the show. Every now and then, especially next to the bar I saw a can overflowing but we took care of it. When the show was over trash was left everywhere. People just got up and left their trash behind.

We do the best with the staff we have right now. I dig through the trash cans to pull out the water bottles and cans that were put into the wrong can. It's gross. Another guy goes through every recycle can to separate the garbage thrown into them. Almost every can and water bottle is recycled but it takes time.  The biggest point of confusion are the plastic cups. At this point they are not recycled by us, only water bottles and cans. It's also strange to see so many water bottles with water still in them. You should be happy to know that we empty those bottles into the plants that are literally dying for water. It takes time but I'm happy to do it.

Yeah, I'm doing a little bitching but I'm open to how we can improve. Got an idea? let me know. We are so lucky to still be hanging on.

^^^^^^ THANKS PEAK !!yes

<<When the show was over trash was left everywhere. People just got up and left their trash behind.

Late stage capitalism 

There was a stage announcement to save the date 10-10 at the JG Amphitheater...


Construction is nearly complete:

>Got an idea? let me know. We are so lucky to still be hanging on.

 No plastics - including plastic water bottles for sale. Free Water refill station with purchase of keepsake stainless cup.  
Tap beer only, sold in a keepsake stainless or compostable cup..then you don't have to dig through and separate anything, either all compost or garbage.

and sometimes a simple PSA  can help. Donor rap > Pick up your shit




Everything you said makes sense Nancy but impossible to implement. Water refill stations will not be back for a while, thank you covid. Tap beer  is far more complicated than you might think.

A PSA announcement absolutely should happen.

I can't remember: Isn't an email sent with each ticket purchase? Could there be a serious request that people pick up their shit as they leave as part of that email (on all emails that are part of the process)?

Man, people can be so dense.

How about trash cans exclusively for plastic cups? 

Man, people can be so dense.

Or just lazy and buzzed.




That's probably more accurate, Woz.

Thoughtless or forgetful might come into it, too.
The first Mr. judit did traveling milk dryer dismantling for awhile (taking apart huge heated stainless steel rooms into which milk was sprayed to make powdered milk). He stayed with a bunch of other guys in motels where the maid came in and picked everything up and cleaned. When he came home after a few weeks he'd leave his clothes and stuff everywhere; my line was, "This is not the _______ Motel". He got his better habits back.

People just get up and float away LOL! Pretty pathetic as it's not hard to pa k your trash twenty paces to the next garbage can.

See garbage cans that say recycle and trash all the time with mixed shit in it. People don't care and just throw shit in a can without reading the can or throw it towards the can and miss it and are too busy in their lives to go and pick it up and put it in the correct place! frown

participation   award??



>>>We do the best with the staff we have right now<<<

You just can't get good help these days.

I thought I was a pretty good shot with 12 or 13 water bottles

absolutely I could have canvassed  more area before we were chased away as is the norm

It was very hot and a long day under the sun.and it's quite possible that some people do too many drugs and drink too much alcohol....


It was a long day and my legs are toast especially after attending an after show at the pizza place in Millvalley..

I asked Feinstein if he slept in that top hat and he laughed and said no




Barbieri is the best I love that man

Pete is a good man too

To be honest not everyone is as gentle as they might be!

Barbieri is the best I love that man And he shared that he had never had to use that Tayser and only use the bear spray once 

Pete is a good man too And I bet he never had to use bear spray but rather a gentle firmness and a smile and an occasional head jerk

To be honest not everyone is as gentle as they might be and I was surprise so if you were wearing masks


It's possible I saw someone sneak in ,,,,,

I could use Jill still  delivering an amazing grilled cheese sandwich too

I was standing right in front of Mr. B. the time he unleashed that spray.

There's more to that story, but only in 3D.

And there are people who do too many drugs? And drink too much alcohol? At rock 'n roll concerts?!!?

I did not know that.

Actually, that type of foolishness/human nature played a significant role in my earning a living for a very long time.

It's human nature, what are you gonna' do?

We descended from apes in trees. We didn't need to worry about our detritus; just let it go - out of sight, out of mind.

It's hard to break millions of years of habit.

1. sell box of water. no plastic

2. sell canned beer, no plastic.

3. i don't know, you'd think the crowd would be a bit more clued in overall about respect and trash and how to conduct oneself...but as I have witnessed inside, that doen't always hold true.

4. hang in there pete. love ya guys. ps, I see my sless stout tap everyday, thanks!

Hey Pete, hang in there.  It'll get better.  PSA announcements work "Pack it in, Pack it out" - "Help staff pick up trash before leaving/"


Sless-on-Tap for Fri & Sat...

I guess Barry will be doing double duty on Sat first with MA at Petaluma Festival then later with DNB at Daze Between. Maybe he can get Molo to share with the driving (((double-drummer DNB))).




I heard you're coming to the Daze Between Fest?

Get over to the roll call thread so I know who to snub...



Been too long