At this stage of the game, is it not time to move on to something more descriptive of their nature; in so far as how it is reflective of their willingness to subvert the rule of law and the lengths they're willing to go to do so?
Fucking nuts is more likely... so many in the mining community are ready to take up arms to fight the mask mandates, assume they're going to be rounded up into CDC camps for the non vaccinated, on and on...
Florida GOP guy says the vaccine is the "mark of the beast".
Stupid as fuck and/or Darwinism in action?
(CNN)Amid recent surging coronavirus cases in Florida, a top Republican National Committee official in the state has spread anti-vaccine rhetoric and misinformation, comparing the Biden administration's vaccine efforts to Nazi-era "brown shirts," and twice calling the vaccines "the mark of the beast," comparable to a "false god."
A review by CNN's KFile found that Peter Feaman, a lawyer and RNC committeeman from Florida made the comments on his blog the "The Backhoe Chronicles," which he publishes regularly in a private group on MeWe. The social media platform bills itself as the "anti-Facebook" app.
"The Biden brown shirts are beginning to show up at private homes questioning vaccine papers," Feaman wrote on July 20, incorrectly implying government officials would be showing up at people's homes to question their vaccination status, comparing them to the Nazi Party paramilitary wing.
Previously, he supported far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who used the term and faced swift backlash.
In May, Feaman called Covid-19 vaccines a "mark of the beast" -- a reference to a symbol from the biblical Book of Revelations showing allegiance to Satan -- and called Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer "diabolical" for encouraging vaccines. "Diabolical Michigan Governor Whiter wants her citizens to get the Mark of the Beast to participate in society," Feaman wrote.
"Now the Michigan Democrat has announced that she is going to prolong the state's suffering until residents submit to getting 'the jab' and if enough of them comply with her demands, then she and Joe Biden might permit them to celebrate Fourth of July," he added, seemingly referencing the Biden administration's goal to have 70% of the US adult population with at least one dose of the vaccine by that holiday. (The goal was not met.)
He later added, "Hey Whitmer, we will not bow to your false god."
because most of the trump supporters i know are just normal everyday people who are not storming the capitol or joining the proud boys, they are just misguided and not to bright, maybe a bit backwards. they are mostly the fathers and stepfathers of close friends, they are family. they dont talk about election fraud or critical race theory or socialism, they just like trump for whatever reason and we talk about other stuff. no big deal.
Name-calling is an odd pursuit for grown people. Maybe you should consider picking up something more constructive like knitting.<<<
Is it "name-calling" or using the most contextually complete & accurate way of describing such individuals in the course of a conversation or in writing?
I've always referred to them as "Trump supporters" partly for the reason you allude to (I'm long past "name-calling") and also partly for the reasons daylight provided.
Does the phrase hold the same meaning now; after two impeachments, making covid far worse, Jan 6 insurrection, and new revelations about Trump's efforts to effectively stage a coup vs. when he was first running for President prior to the 2016 election? If so, what does he need support for now? ... is he going through rough times needs all of our support?
More importantly, if we've passed the rubicon and his "supporters" are doing whatever it takes to push the Big Lie and subvert our Democracy how does the term "supporter" not minimize what these people are engaged in and help to whitewash the insidious nature of Trump and his follower's trajectory?
When you think HAARP, Geoenginnering, etc, is real, but climate change is a hoax,
When you want to pick up arms and overthrow the state government because of mask mandates, fully believing the CDC is going to put you in non-vaccinated concentration camps,
When you think illegal immigrants are the one spreading the disease, bringing it to our country,
When you drive to a local shelter for displaced fire victims, because you believe its an Antifa camp, and you beat up somebody who lost there home (x multiple sites)
When you think one man, and only one man, has all the answers, while an entire political party (dems), are traitors, baby eating sex selling devil worshipers,
then I'm NOT going to call you intelligent, wise, nor knowledgeable... i'll likely resort to insults, after all, i've tried reasoning with folks who firmly believe all the above, and there's no amount of evidence nor proof that can even scratch that golden cheetohy surface of misinformed, cult like, stubbornness...
then I'm NOT going to call you intelligent, wise, nor knowledgeable... i'll likely resort to insults<<<
For the reasons you listed, I won't call them intelligent, wise, nor knowledgeable either ... although try not to result to insults to further inflame or cause them to dig in.
Having said that, I don't believe a more complete & updated term / phrase should be devised as an insult. This is not to say they won't be insulted by being called an "insurrectionist", "traitor", etc. The insult is incidental to the truth.
I'm always respectful to peoples faces, and even somewhat behind their backs... the worse of the worse insults i've tossed were at Bryen, before he got the boot...
In fact, the miner who's bought the most gold / gemstones from me (thousands of dollars worth), still repeatedly claims he wants to kill every liberal man, women, and child, and their pets... but he doesn't know my politics, or i'm sure he'd cut all ties, as others have done... but still, i'm giving away more gold to celebrate my FB group reaching 6k members, even if several are boycotting me now, LOL
I've been viciously attacked more times than I can count by the right recently, and yet I continue to help them become better miners, albeit, much more selectively... after this giveaway, i'm leaving the group(s), just don't need to subject myself to violence for a volunteer social media job (besides, i've found pounds, most of them have never found a gram, lol). But I really do enjoy most of their company, good people, but it's not about being misinformed, its the vitriol and violence associated with their opinions that I can't accept!
That almost sounds like you're apologizing Noodler.
No need for that shit,,we know you're respectful to everyone to their face as I'm sure we all are, but these maggot humping assholes have earned every foul name anyone can ever call em, here in the zone,, and then some.
I'm trying not to have the bitterness I had during the AIDS plague...
And even though they cheered and celebrated my fellow gay men's deaths back then, I just can't stoop that low, as to wish for their demise as a direct result of their stupid and incompetent actions. (I'll defer that to their God, LOL).
So if there was an actual conspiracy, wouldn't be an organized movement to secretly kill republicans? With the virus exploding right now, during a time of year when viruses have the least impact traditionally, it's a far gone conclusion there'll be new variants, that will kick some major ugly ass this winter... fuck, this is mid August, and boring Oregon has more hospitalizations today than we had during the peak last Nov...
non vaxxers are blatantly and willfully being ignorant to the point of causing harm and death to innocent(?) folks.
darwin factor aside, they are treasonous to their fellow citizens and humanity as a whole
right wingers were happy about aids because they hated folks for who they love and loved seeing them suffer for that reason alone
i am personally happy when a right wing nutjob dies, under any circumstances, because with each one eliminated, maybe a cunthair less ignorance and hate will spread, and we can range closer to the compassion curve
So if there was an actual conspiracy, wouldn't be an organized movement to secretly kill republicans?<<<
The extent of the conspiracy would have to be enormous, yet nearly 100% effective at being secretive in order not to have been exposed to date. If it's that big, why are these people sitting around pecking away at their keyboards instead of actually doing something about it, or getting out of Dodge while the getting is good?
I don't think there's anything wrong with not always unloading on everyone all the time in daily life or at work about these things if you speak up when it counts.
Calling them Methican-Americans seems to really piss them off, but won't get you banned on social media.<<<
trumpkin seems simple and descriptive and not very rude<<<
We have a ruling from the judges: <<< sound of buzzer >>>
While I share your anger, frustration, fear, etc. and don't claim to always act or express myself with virtue, but I don't know if these sorts of names are productive? I'm not suggesting a new well thought out name will make them see the light at present (or anytime in the future), but at the least, would it not be helpful to not go further backward by creating a foil that allows them to "see themselves" in us and become further entrenched?
I'm sure more generic "non-name calling" names such as "insurrectionists" or "conspirators" won't exactly make them all warm and fuzzy, but at least it's not in the "I'm rubber you're glue" camp.
The guy they support attempted to overthrow the democratically elected president. He incited an attack on the US capital in an attempt to halt the certification of the election. He continues to insist that there was fraud, despite there being no evidence. His allies and sycophants continue their administrative coup on the state level. Meanwhile, the little fascist cheerleader, Tucker Carlson goes to Hungary to praise the fascist Orbán.
<<< but I don't know if these sorts of names are productive? I'm not suggesting a new well thought out name will make them see the light
WTF is your major malfunction dude ? Whoever said we seek out these shitbirds and call em names ? You like to argue just for arguments sake I guess. The name calling is zone talk, get it ? Speaking for myself, and I bet most all of us, if I see someone with a maga hat or a trump t-shirt I ignore em, knowing full well they are beyond reasoning with. Your argument is bullshit. Have a nice day
<<< but I don't know if these sorts of names are productive? I'm not suggesting a new well thought out name will make them see the light
WTF is your major malfunction dude ? Whoever said we seek out these shitbirds and call em names ? You like to argue just for arguments sake I guess. The name calling is zone talk, get it ? Speaking for myself, and I bet most all of us, if I see someone with a maga hat or a trump t-shirt I ignore em, knowing full well they are beyond reasoning with. Your argument is bullshit. Have a nice day<<<
The OP asks why we still call them Trump supporters. Don't we call them that because that's who they are? They support his values, actions, directives.
Why do some of us still call ourselves Deadheads? Because that's what/who we are, even without Grateful Dead being a living band.
When I think of who's responsible for 911, I think of the republican think tank PNAC, who wanted a "Pearl Harbor like event" so they could screw us over on things like the Patriot act. Republcans didn't understand the internet back then like they do now, were still trying to tax, control, etc... but this way they got to pass the Patriot acts, and other ugly pieces of legislation thanks to 911. Bin Ladens family was literally allowed to fly out of the country when everyone else was grounded. So we invade afghanistan because we were attacked by Saudis, how convenient... big pharma (opium) and the oil companies (potential pipelines) approved (not knowing beans about regional history of course)
The Trumps of the world were having problems retrofitting their buildings for the internet, now required by all biz, but before Wifi had solved some of these problems (the world trade centers were only at 30% capacity due to lack of internet access)
After 911 how many other branches did the Less Government party create to continue the shell game with out tax money?
Homeland Security, Border Patrol, another War
CIA, FBI, Branches of the Military not doing their jobs, and of course no one gets fired until administrations change, oh let's create more branches
in reality both parties suck, and have not been moving the country forward for the past 30 years, no longer educational leaders. Free Education is a huge part of what made this country great.Now those in high bracket tax zones get the best education and supplies while lower income schools struggle. How many kids that could push us forward have been held back due to this great education system that we now have?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: nebulous nelly Orange County Lumber Truck
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 10:09 am
I'm good with calling them fascists
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: 19.5 Degrees FaceOnMars
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 10:16 am
Some certainly are fascists,
Some certainly are fascists, but what if the majority are simply zombie'd fascists that actually have the potential to break free of the spell?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Rasputin O'Leary Rasmataz
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 10:22 am
Because 'shit fer brains' can
Because 'shit fer brains' can be construed as offensive.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 10:30 am
Anti-Americans works for me.
Anti-Americans works for me.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: nebulous nelly Orange County Lumber Truck
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 10:47 am
>but what if the majority are simply zombie'd fascists that actually have the potential to break free of the spell?<
If you're fighting for a fascist goal, or you support fascists, then you're a fascist. Fuck them.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sun so hot, clouds so low Trailhead
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 10:50 am
I believe the politically
I believe the politically correct term is "Mentally Handicapped. "
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 11:06 am
Fucking nuts is more likely..
Fucking nuts is more likely... so many in the mining community are ready to take up arms to fight the mask mandates, assume they're going to be rounded up into CDC camps for the non vaccinated, on and on...
perhaps Bat Shit Crazy is a better term?
Dumber than Dogshit?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: New & Improved nedb
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 11:39 am
Florida GOP guy says the
Florida GOP guy says the vaccine is the "mark of the beast".
Stupid as fuck and/or Darwinism in action?
(CNN)Amid recent surging coronavirus cases in Florida, a top Republican National Committee official in the state has spread anti-vaccine rhetoric and misinformation, comparing the Biden administration's vaccine efforts to Nazi-era "brown shirts," and twice calling the vaccines "the mark of the beast," comparable to a "false god."
A review by CNN's KFile found that Peter Feaman, a lawyer and RNC committeeman from Florida made the comments on his blog the "The Backhoe Chronicles," which he publishes regularly in a private group on MeWe. The social media platform bills itself as the "anti-Facebook" app.
"The Biden brown shirts are beginning to show up at private homes questioning vaccine papers," Feaman wrote on July 20, incorrectly implying government officials would be showing up at people's homes to question their vaccination status, comparing them to the Nazi Party paramilitary wing.
Previously, he supported far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who used the term and faced swift backlash.
In May, Feaman called Covid-19 vaccines a "mark of the beast" -- a reference to a symbol from the biblical Book of Revelations showing allegiance to Satan -- and called Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer "diabolical" for encouraging vaccines. "Diabolical Michigan Governor Whiter wants her citizens to get the Mark of the Beast to participate in society," Feaman wrote.
"Now the Michigan Democrat has announced that she is going to prolong the state's suffering until residents submit to getting 'the jab' and if enough of them comply with her demands, then she and Joe Biden might permit them to celebrate Fourth of July," he added, seemingly referencing the Biden administration's goal to have 70% of the US adult population with at least one dose of the vaccine by that holiday. (The goal was not met.)
He later added, "Hey Whitmer, we will not bow to your false god."
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Philzone Refugee Herbal Dave
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 12:07 pm
Name-calling is an odd
Name-calling is an odd pursuit for grown people. Maybe you should consider picking up something more constructive like knitting.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dr. Benway daylight
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 12:16 pm
because most of the trump
because most of the trump supporters i know are just normal everyday people who are not storming the capitol or joining the proud boys, they are just misguided and not to bright, maybe a bit backwards. they are mostly the fathers and stepfathers of close friends, they are family. they dont talk about election fraud or critical race theory or socialism, they just like trump for whatever reason and we talk about other stuff. no big deal.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Howard HowardH1
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 01:31 pm
Because the name Athletic
Because the name Athletic Supporters was already taken.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Thumbkinetic (Bluestnote)
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 02:38 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 03:18 pm
Because Deplorables is too
Because Deplorables is too Hillary.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: 4way Alfalfa
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 03:19 pm
Because the name Athletic
Because the name Athletic Supporters was already taken.
Trump Straps?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sigmund SeaMonster
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 03:27 pm
I like Mike's Anti-Americans.
I like Mike's Anti-Americans...solid
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Bob Jamspace
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 03:29 pm
Abraham Lincoln once said "It
Abraham Lincoln once said "It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought stupid, than to open it and erase all doubt"
What Trump accomplished was to allow all those people to ignore that advice.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 03:51 pm
Maybe it's better to remove
Maybe it's better to remove any doubt by having them openly display their stupidity and let that sort itself out?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: smiley 73guy
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 04:02 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Pearly SweetCakes jlp
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 05:43 pm
traitors is my favored
traitors is my favored adjective/noun
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: 19.5 Degrees FaceOnMars
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 05:49 pm
Name-calling is an odd
Name-calling is an odd pursuit for grown people. Maybe you should consider picking up something more constructive like knitting.<<<
Is it "name-calling" or using the most contextually complete & accurate way of describing such individuals in the course of a conversation or in writing?
I've always referred to them as "Trump supporters" partly for the reason you allude to (I'm long past "name-calling") and also partly for the reasons daylight provided.
Does the phrase hold the same meaning now; after two impeachments, making covid far worse, Jan 6 insurrection, and new revelations about Trump's efforts to effectively stage a coup vs. when he was first running for President prior to the 2016 election? If so, what does he need support for now? ... is he going through rough times needs all of our support?
More importantly, if we've passed the rubicon and his "supporters" are doing whatever it takes to push the Big Lie and subvert our Democracy how does the term "supporter" not minimize what these people are engaged in and help to whitewash the insidious nature of Trump and his follower's trajectory?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 06:11 pm
When you think HAARP,
When you think HAARP, Geoenginnering, etc, is real, but climate change is a hoax,
When you want to pick up arms and overthrow the state government because of mask mandates, fully believing the CDC is going to put you in non-vaccinated concentration camps,
When you think illegal immigrants are the one spreading the disease, bringing it to our country,
When you drive to a local shelter for displaced fire victims, because you believe its an Antifa camp, and you beat up somebody who lost there home (x multiple sites)
When you think one man, and only one man, has all the answers, while an entire political party (dems), are traitors, baby eating sex selling devil worshipers,
then I'm NOT going to call you intelligent, wise, nor knowledgeable... i'll likely resort to insults, after all, i've tried reasoning with folks who firmly believe all the above, and there's no amount of evidence nor proof that can even scratch that golden cheetohy surface of misinformed, cult like, stubbornness...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: 19.5 Degrees FaceOnMars
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 07:29 pm
then I'm NOT going to call
then I'm NOT going to call you intelligent, wise, nor knowledgeable... i'll likely resort to insults<<<
For the reasons you listed, I won't call them intelligent, wise, nor knowledgeable either ... although try not to result to insults to further inflame or cause them to dig in.
Having said that, I don't believe a more complete & updated term / phrase should be devised as an insult. This is not to say they won't be insulted by being called an "insurrectionist", "traitor", etc. The insult is incidental to the truth.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 07:31 pm
I like "dumber than dogshit".
I like "dumber than dogshit".
I do use the term chump supporters often. I think it is perfect. It says it all.
If you aren't super rich and you support him, then you are "dumber than dogshit".
You have no empathy. This one is huge.
And you are probably a racist.
Given all this, I think chump supporter is a very descriptive and accurate label.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Rasputin O'Leary Rasmataz
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 07:40 pm
<< baby eating sex selling
<< baby eating sex selling devil worshipers
No need dragging Black Sabbath fans into this
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 07:52 pm
I'm always respectful to
I'm always respectful to peoples faces, and even somewhat behind their backs... the worse of the worse insults i've tossed were at Bryen, before he got the boot...
In fact, the miner who's bought the most gold / gemstones from me (thousands of dollars worth), still repeatedly claims he wants to kill every liberal man, women, and child, and their pets... but he doesn't know my politics, or i'm sure he'd cut all ties, as others have done... but still, i'm giving away more gold to celebrate my FB group reaching 6k members, even if several are boycotting me now, LOL
I've been viciously attacked more times than I can count by the right recently, and yet I continue to help them become better miners, albeit, much more selectively... after this giveaway, i'm leaving the group(s), just don't need to subject myself to violence for a volunteer social media job (besides, i've found pounds, most of them have never found a gram, lol). But I really do enjoy most of their company, good people, but it's not about being misinformed, its the vitriol and violence associated with their opinions that I can't accept!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Rasputin O'Leary Rasmataz
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 07:58 pm
That almost sounds like you
That almost sounds like you're apologizing Noodler.
No need for that shit,,we know you're respectful to everyone to their face as I'm sure we all are, but these maggot humping assholes have earned every foul name anyone can ever call em, here in the zone,, and then some.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 08:13 pm
I'm trying not to have the
I'm trying not to have the bitterness I had during the AIDS plague...
And even though they cheered and celebrated my fellow gay men's deaths back then, I just can't stoop that low, as to wish for their demise as a direct result of their stupid and incompetent actions. (I'll defer that to their God, LOL).
So if there was an actual conspiracy, wouldn't be an organized movement to secretly kill republicans? With the virus exploding right now, during a time of year when viruses have the least impact traditionally, it's a far gone conclusion there'll be new variants, that will kick some major ugly ass this winter... fuck, this is mid August, and boring Oregon has more hospitalizations today than we had during the peak last Nov...
this does not bode well!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Pearly SweetCakes jlp
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 09:00 pm
non vaxxers are blatantly and
non vaxxers are blatantly and willfully being ignorant to the point of causing harm and death to innocent(?) folks.
darwin factor aside, they are treasonous to their fellow citizens and humanity as a whole
right wingers were happy about aids because they hated folks for who they love and loved seeing them suffer for that reason alone
i am personally happy when a right wing nutjob dies, under any circumstances, because with each one eliminated, maybe a cunthair less ignorance and hate will spread, and we can range closer to the compassion curve
((baby steps))).
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ParadiseWaits Dise
on Wednesday, August 11, 2021 – 11:05 pm
Calling them Methican-Americans seems to really piss them off, but won't get you banned on social media.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: good at drinking water infinite ignorance
on Thursday, August 12, 2021 – 09:24 am
trumpkin seems simple and
trumpkin seems simple and descriptive and not very rude
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: 19.5 Degrees FaceOnMars
on Thursday, August 12, 2021 – 09:38 am
Bryen, before he got the boot
Bryen, before he got the boot...<<<
I was not aware of this! ... explicitly at least
So if there was an actual conspiracy, wouldn't be an organized movement to secretly kill republicans?<<<
The extent of the conspiracy would have to be enormous, yet nearly 100% effective at being secretive in order not to have been exposed to date. If it's that big, why are these people sitting around pecking away at their keyboards instead of actually doing something about it, or getting out of Dodge while the getting is good?
I don't think there's anything wrong with not always unloading on everyone all the time in daily life or at work about these things if you speak up when it counts.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: 19.5 Degrees FaceOnMars
on Thursday, August 12, 2021 – 09:49 am
Calling them Methican
Calling them Methican-Americans seems to really piss them off, but won't get you banned on social media.<<<
trumpkin seems simple and descriptive and not very rude<<<
We have a ruling from the judges: <<< sound of buzzer >>>
While I share your anger, frustration, fear, etc. and don't claim to always act or express myself with virtue, but I don't know if these sorts of names are productive? I'm not suggesting a new well thought out name will make them see the light at present (or anytime in the future), but at the least, would it not be helpful to not go further backward by creating a foil that allows them to "see themselves" in us and become further entrenched?
I'm sure more generic "non-name calling" names such as "insurrectionists" or "conspirators" won't exactly make them all warm and fuzzy, but at least it's not in the "I'm rubber you're glue" camp.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: nebulous nelly Orange County Lumber Truck
on Thursday, August 12, 2021 – 11:16 am
The guy they support attempted to overthrow the democratically elected president. He incited an attack on the US capital in an attempt to halt the certification of the election. He continues to insist that there was fraud, despite there being no evidence. His allies and sycophants continue their administrative coup on the state level. Meanwhile, the little fascist cheerleader, Tucker Carlson goes to Hungary to praise the fascist Orbán.
Fuck these people!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Rasputin O'Leary Rasmataz
on Thursday, August 12, 2021 – 12:08 pm
<<< but I don't know if these
<<< but I don't know if these sorts of names are productive? I'm not suggesting a new well thought out name will make them see the light
WTF is your major malfunction dude ? Whoever said we seek out these shitbirds and call em names ? You like to argue just for arguments sake I guess. The name calling is zone talk, get it ? Speaking for myself, and I bet most all of us, if I see someone with a maga hat or a trump t-shirt I ignore em, knowing full well they are beyond reasoning with. Your argument is bullshit. Have a nice day
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: O'Toole Foghorn
on Friday, August 13, 2021 – 10:20 am
Trumpers !
Trumpers !
You can spot them a mile off. When its more than one or two its a 'Gaggle of Trumpers' . Steer clear if at all possible !
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: 19.5 Degrees FaceOnMars
on Saturday, August 14, 2021 – 05:38 pm
<<< but I don't know if these
<<< but I don't know if these sorts of names are productive? I'm not suggesting a new well thought out name will make them see the light
WTF is your major malfunction dude ? Whoever said we seek out these shitbirds and call em names ? You like to argue just for arguments sake I guess. The name calling is zone talk, get it ? Speaking for myself, and I bet most all of us, if I see someone with a maga hat or a trump t-shirt I ignore em, knowing full well they are beyond reasoning with. Your argument is bullshit. Have a nice day<<<
What's your point?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: good at drinking water infinite ignorance
on Saturday, August 14, 2021 – 06:36 pm
>>>> maggot humping
>>>> maggot humping assholes
might be a finalist
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Saturday, August 14, 2021 – 06:55 pm
The OP asks why we still call
The OP asks why we still call them Trump supporters. Don't we call them that because that's who they are? They support his values, actions, directives.
Why do some of us still call ourselves Deadheads? Because that's what/who we are, even without Grateful Dead being a living band.
Edit: Why wouldn't we call them that?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: 19.5 Degrees FaceOnMars
on Saturday, August 14, 2021 – 07:46 pm
Edit: Why wouldn't we call
^ When speaking about those responsible for 911, are they most often referred to as "Bin Laden supporters" or "terrorists"?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Saturday, August 14, 2021 – 08:20 pm
I don't know, FOM.
I don't know, FOM. That's a whole different bunch of questions of responsibility.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Thumbkinetic (Bluestnote)
on Saturday, August 14, 2021 – 08:26 pm
W; Dubya; The Artist Formerly
W; Dubya; The Artist Formerly known as Dumbass
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: 19.5 Degrees FaceOnMars
on Thursday, August 19, 2021 – 02:57 pm
If they are threatening the
If they are threatening the use of bombs, haven't they moved to something beyond being simply referred to as "supporters"?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Thursday, August 19, 2021 – 03:04 pm
When I think of who's
When I think of who's responsible for 911, I think of the republican think tank PNAC, who wanted a "Pearl Harbor like event" so they could screw us over on things like the Patriot act. Republcans didn't understand the internet back then like they do now, were still trying to tax, control, etc... but this way they got to pass the Patriot acts, and other ugly pieces of legislation thanks to 911. Bin Ladens family was literally allowed to fly out of the country when everyone else was grounded. So we invade afghanistan because we were attacked by Saudis, how convenient... big pharma (opium) and the oil companies (potential pipelines) approved (not knowing beans about regional history of course)
The Trumps of the world were having problems retrofitting their buildings for the internet, now required by all biz, but before Wifi had solved some of these problems (the world trade centers were only at 30% capacity due to lack of internet access)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: skyjunk fabes
on Thursday, August 19, 2021 – 04:51 pm
>Because the name Athletic
>Because the name Athletic Supporters was already taken.
and it also sounds better then a jock strap
I am going to wear my Trump Support when playing sports from now on
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: skyjunk fabes
on Thursday, August 19, 2021 – 05:02 pm
After 911 how many other
After 911 how many other branches did the Less Government party create to continue the shell game with out tax money?
Homeland Security, Border Patrol, another War
CIA, FBI, Branches of the Military not doing their jobs, and of course no one gets fired until administrations change, oh let's create more branches
in reality both parties suck, and have not been moving the country forward for the past 30 years, no longer educational leaders. Free Education is a huge part of what made this country great.Now those in high bracket tax zones get the best education and supplies while lower income schools struggle. How many kids that could push us forward have been held back due to this great education system that we now have?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Thursday, August 19, 2021 – 07:02 pm
When asked why he voted NO on
When asked why he voted NO on the patriot act, Dennis Kucinich said, "Because I read it".
He was Bernie before Bernie was prominent.
Noodler and Fabes get it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Thursday, August 19, 2021 – 07:30 pm
Don't forget about the near
Don't forget about the near worthlessness and high cost of small-govt TSA too