Fuck trump Some More


Asking for putin's help,, again. Please give me some dirt on anyone named Biden. Just like the Ukraine disaster isn't even happening. 

Fuck that treasonous sun of a bitch !!

Fuck the republikan party !@!

Trump brazenly asks Putin to release dirt about Biden's family - CNNPolitics

Next he'll be shooting someone on Fifth Avenue in NYC just to test his theory that he could do that and get away with it.

odds on this one making it to 100?

I'm in .

Trump said something stupid? Well, I'll be damned.

Trump is leading Biden in the polls for a hypothetical 2024 match up.


>Trump said something stupid<


It's not stupid. It's seditious. Republicans have fully embraced fascism. People need to start taking them seriously. 



The thing is if Trump ever stops the con, he'll go down in flames. He's like capitalism embodied: The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere.

Boosshh whaa. Dude's unbelievable. 

The Scum Also Rises

>>>>People need to start taking them seriously. 



Democratic party is worthless if it isn't going to enforce the rules.