I need to expand my horizons. But when I try out a show, from say, 82 or 83, I hear the same plinky toy keyboard tone from Brent that everyone hated with Vince. And I don't think Jerry got the Kermit voice until 84 but his voice was struggling under the pressure of coke-filled sinuses. His guitar was great as usual but I can't get past the keyboard tone and the often breakneck pace.
I know a lot of people went to shows in this era and hold them in high regard. Not trying to shit on them but genuinely wondering what everyone thought of the era and if they had some 4, 5-star shows to recommend.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Saturday, June 4, 2022 – 03:09 am
I've posted this many times,
I've posted this many times, but I really had fun at Veneta in 82... more like a picnic with the dead. Lots of naked dancers everywhere, Ken Kesey chatting with everyone (and he introduced the 2nd set)
Here's a recording where "far from me" isn't cut. Brent was only playing an upright piano, and his B-3 that day. There were 2 stages, with mulitple acts on the other stage (Robert Cray, etc), and only Peter Rowan as a solo act played on the dead's stage. The deads stage was empty when we got there, but over the course of a few bands they had it all set up, but there was no sound check (Peter Rowan), so it truly is a cold mix. I think the the PA belonged to George Rellis (?), and wasn't the deads usual PA. Still, sounded great. Phil's loud in the mix, it was the very first Day Job, and West LA Fadeaway, Duprees Diamond Rag as the breakout tune encore. Many great version of songs, but the space - black peter is epic dead for me, so many brilliant moments.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Saturday, June 4, 2022 – 03:16 am