New Jersey understands what politics needs to embrace again


Over lunch at the Bernardsville Diner a long time ago, Millicent Fenwick explained to me that politics should always be the high art of compromise and anything else is a disservice to one's constituents. That was an important lesson she taught me and I hold all politicians to that standard to this day. All sides have important and valid views that should be looked at with unbiased eyes to see what is good and what is bad.    

This is why I am happy to see elected members on both sides of the aisle create the Moderate Party in NJ. I am so behind this movement that I'm going to do whatever I can to help it take hold so the fringes of both main parties stop spinning into orbit.

Good ol' Lacey Davenport

Good ol' Lacey Davenport

Yep, good ol' Lacey. 

I am still amazed on how I was able to hang with Millicent a number of times and that she took the time to answer any questions I had about just about anything. My father was hosting a legislative lunch for an industry group and I was enlisted to be a go-fer that day. Fenwick noticed that my father was smoking a pipe and told him that she forgot her tobacco and could my father hook her up. He sent me to the car to get an extra pouch and I brought it to her. At the conclusion she invited me to have lunch with her the next week. That was rather cool and, even cooler, we continued the tradition about a dozen times before she passed. 



Not sure what the above photo has to do with this, but ok. 

Great story and we could use a Nation wide Moderate Party these days.

we could use a Nation wide Moderate Party these days.

I totally agree with that. A sizable block of voters somewhere in the middle would keep both parties more honest and accountable to more people than either are right now. IMO all the parties are doing now is parroting whatever the most vocal people are spewing. 


>IMO all the parties are doing now is parroting whatever the most vocal people are spewing. <



I disagree. The Democratic establishment still controls the Democratic party. They are the center party (center right/ center left ... issue dependent) 



It sounds interesting and maybe good in theory but current moderates have a hard time winning/getting re-elected as it is and keep in mind that it would take a whole lot less for any party's candidate/platform to win and funding would surely be an issue (the Dem Party would have had serious heartburn even whole-heartedly supporting Bernie, for example).....and how would the electoral college and other similar institutions respond? It would be a big change that would be similar to the foolish idea of packing SCOTUS with additional justices in hopes of more so getting what some think they want. Tread Lightly.

and how would the electoral college and other similar institutions respond?

The Electoral College would carry on as it is presently. The key here is that the Moderate Party would not be putting forth there own candidates. They would be throwing their weight behind people that are already on the ballot and put forth as endorsed by either of the main parties. Since  this is being put forward by both Democrats and Republicans that are tired of voting on issues based on "never the other party" I think the idea is valid and hopefully has legs. 

Republicans could turn their backs on Nazis, white supremacists and homophobes.

If only the ones seeking office.





Crazy talk, right?

Not so crazy in NJ but I do realize that in other states the sides are entrenched so deeply that it would take a movement like this taking off to encourage at least some to leave those trenches and find common ground. 

>The Electoral College would carry on as it is presently.The key here is that the Moderate Party would not be putting forth there own candidates. They would be throwing their weight behind people that are already on the ballot and put forth as endorsed by either of the main parties. Since  this is being put forward by both Democrats and Republicans that are tired of voting on issues based on "never the other party" I think the idea is valid and hopefully has legs.<

Without a "new & improved" 180 EC Vote threshold and no actual 3rd party then you could do the rest without 'sort of' trying to create one. Under this back-of-the-envelope plan, you still have a two-party system of (D) and (R) and all of the other stuff (entrenched views and $$$$$$, etc.) that accompanies that, for better or worse. Simply put, voters - and moderate voters and candidates in particular - just need to be more seriously engaged in the entire process from the early primaries on. They are currently not doing very so how does this idea go about fixing that?


>Not so crazy in NJ but I do realize that in other states the sides are entrenched so deeply that it would take a movement like this taking off to encourage at least some to leave those trenches and find common ground<


The sides are entrenched? More false equivalency nonsense. 


Again, the Democratic party is the moderate center left/ center right party. 


The Republicans have embraced Christofascism


The sides are vastly different, even here in Jersey... Republican representative  Van Drew refused to certify Bidens victory. 



 >the foolish idea of packing SCOTUS with additional justices in hopes of more so getting what some think they want. <


There are 13 federal circuit courts and only nine justices. I personally feel that it is reasonable to expand the court to 13 justices. Each justice would then oversee one circuit.


do you know that the DNC is ACTIVELY supporting super Q -tard trumpers in races?

they are playing a very dangerous and stupid game.


nation wide "moderate" party? really? becauuuuseee the democratic party as a whole is much too liberal???





>...the DNC is ACTIVELY supporting super Q -tard trumpers in races<


Which candidates? 

Financial support? 



>There are 13 federal circuit courts and only nine justices. I personally feel that it is reasonable to expand the court to 13 justices. Each justice would then oversee one circuit.<

That would seem to make a lot of sense, given the context, and wonder why it was not set up way in the first place.....then would come the "friction" of who appoints the said 4, etc, etc.

Actively or passively standing by on asshats like this are working out fairly well anyway. Even the GOP at large wanted him to get bounced in the primary:

"Georgia GOP Senate nominee Herschel Walker admits to having more secret kids, now saying he has 4 children"

>Which candidates?

Financial support?<

"Democrats are running ads to help far-right, election-denying candidates win primaries in hopes they'll be easier to beat in the general election"


^pretty damn stupid. 


The DNC learned nothing and when the elections are overtaken by these Q clowns they're backing now they'll blame Bernie again lol. Honestly it really seems like they stand for nothing and will do noting if elected besides put on an act with no substance behind it. I was hoping they'd throw the high level insurrection leaders in prison but it appears they will just give them free advertising for the extremists, and keep the rest of us scared of fascist takeover in 24.


Today's Democrats are pretty much Reagan Republicans, The only people who seriously think they're "leftists" are weirdo Q stans and the blue cultists who are pretty much biden's maga...but with a better vocabulary. 



They suck at strategy if they even have one and consistently yield to the dirty tricks of GOP by seeming to throw off an image of trying to play nice against it. Pelosi and Feinstein (and probably at least a few more) need to be successfully  primary'd. Biden is of the same lame vein.

that chuck s. dude needs to retire as well. 

thanks for the link strawbud.

pretty good analysis dise.

social media is scary.

saw a "friend", old HS acquaintance put up some reagan thing about if fascism comes to the US it will be in the form of a liberal... let's just say he's not exactly phi beta kappa, as chick hearn would say...


Grassley needs to go too but IA voters would have him on life support before electing a Dem to the Senate, maybe. There might be some hope there. Come on, the guy is pushing 90 and claims to be as sharp as ever while they attack Feinstein. Both are way past due to exit Congress. 


>then would come the "friction" of who appoints the said 4, etc, etc<


The President. 


>really seems like they stand for nothing and will do noting if elected besides put on an act with no substance behind it. <


Having trouble comprehending those pesky Senate rules?


>was hoping they'd throw the high level insurrection leaders in prison but it appears they will just give them free advertising for the extremists, and keep the rest of us scared of fascist takeover in 24.<


Investigations are ongoing, both in Congress and the DOJ.


Do you think they should have locked them up without due process? 


The DOJ must be sure they have all the available evidence, especially given the high profile of the targets.


Few people are privy to the details of the investigations at DOJ. Your statement regarding jailing high ranking insurrectionists is premature. 


Americans should be scared of a fascist takeover. Only the voters can stop it.



Yep. Snap a finger and Biden (or any other future President) will simply get to nominate 4 additional justices just like that, huh? I am sure it would be so smooth and everyone would be in agreement for that change/Amendment.


^No amendment necessary, just legislation.


The number of justices is not specified in the constitution,  however, the process for appointing justices is clearly spelled out in the constitution. 

The President nominates, the Senate confirms.

Not implying it would be simple to pass such legislation or even possible, but the President chooses the nominee, and Supreme Court justices cannot currently be filibustered.


I know the process but good luck even getting there on this 


I understand, but I feel that my reasoning is sound and not simply based on a partisan argument. 


I agree with you and am not trying to argue or shoot anything down thereof but the partisan politics as it is would surely be an obstacle. For example, would you have been fine with dumph adding 4 to SCOTUS? Or do we somehow pass the legislation and then deflect, delay, and nix nominations until 'our candidate' is in The White House and it's super smooth at that point? The Framer's had a lot of good ideas that have mostly held up and sometimes (....sometimes) gridlock is better than the unintended consequences of subsequent changes to that framework that has largely been working. Trust me, I hate where we are as an increasingly divided nation and that many people simply believe and regurgitate whatever they see and hear on their preferred outlet/channel and in reality that speaks more so to the uneducated voter syndrome (and relatively low election turnout) that seems to plague the nation. Some of the Constitutional gaps were glaringly present when the last guy tried to illegally stay in office and there are other somewhat vaguely stated things that may also be "open to interpretation".


^the legislation will only pass if democrats can win a majority in the Senate which is willing to abolish the filibuster.  From there a simple majority will do.

The Republicans have no interest in expanding the court, but are happy to use the prospect as a campaign issue. 


OK, that takes it a bit further and may work...but I personally do not endorse nixxing the filibuster. Others may but keep in mind that would be a permanent change that could really backfire when 'the other side' has all of the power to bulldoze. On the current upside, (D) Senate candidates in PA & GA are polling strongly ahead of their (R) opponents.

There will be no Trump or Biden in the next POTUS election. 

Middle America is sick of it all. 

^Hope so. I look forward to the end of the baby boomers selfishly ruling everything too


>but I personally do not endorse nixxing the filibuster. Others may but keep in mind that would be a permanent change that could really backfire when 'the other side' has all of the power to bulldoze. <


The Republicans will abolish the filibuster when it is necessary, the have no use for restraints on their power. 



Ski, do you honestly believe that Democratic party is controlled by the fringe?


The RNC labeled the violent insurrection on the capital,  "legitimate political discourse", the Texas GOP has declared Biden's victory illegitimate, the Texas GOP has authorized a vote for Texas to succeed from the US, Texas GOP has labeled homosexuality "abnormal",  70% of Republicans polled do not believe that Biden's election was legitimate, and the Republican Party denies that violence on January 6th was one facet of an attempted coup.  I could go on.



Ski, can you provide any policies or statements from the national, or any state DNC, which are as radical as those coming from the GOP?




Ski, please provide some equivalently radical policies, statements, advertising, etc., coming from the Democrats.  


Former Missouri governor Eric Greitens, a Republican candidate for Senate, is being widely criticized after releasing a campaign ad Monday that shows him pretending to hunt down members of his own party


If you truly believe your OP, you are not a moderate. 




Here's some more ...


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: ‘We are not going to order’ vaccines for kids for state health departmentsAmid backlash from political rivals, medical professionals and senior federal government officials alike, DeSantis on Monday morning reaffirmed his decision not to preorder newly authorized COVID-19 vaccines or offer them at state health departments


DeSantis might be President next go round.