Why.T.F. is C-Span STILL giving Trump a platform?!?


The J6C just went into excruciating detail about how the former President orchestrated a coup against the United States, yet C-Span is giving him a megaphone to continue to spew his seditious rhetoric?


He will be a 2024 candidate for potus might as well get ready 

Because presidents can't commit crimes. They can kill innocent people and not suffer any consequences. They're above the law. 

He could be responsible for killing 5 people during a capitol riot and no one would ever notice 

>>>>He will be a 2024 candidate for potus might as well get ready 

That might be a good thing.   He is the only major GOP candidate who could lose to Biden assuming the dude is willing and able to run again.

Caught Colbert last night. The conversation was about how his "fan base" has shrunk since the hearings. Some are not too far gone to wake up.   Might be a glimmer of hope.

Give the sheeple what they want.

Because Pence has not played the I-Card yet. He is still holding it