Climate Help? You sure?


Lots of good things in their overall package, with any legislation, the devil is in the details. It'll be interesting to see how folks can get around this. Or amend it with a few new D Senators.

And that vets bill going down? What a day. Sad. 

Eliminate Greed + Smoke More Weed

I don't think I've ever seen an edit to the title and body of a post before.

Yer one slick guy slick

How else were they expected to drag ole coal joe along?

Yeah Strawbud, democracy is messy sometimes.

A less gloomy piece from the Atlantic

And this guy's on Twitter with more details...

"If the Manchin-Schumer deal cuts carbon pollution as much as promised, it will get the country 69.69% of the way to meeting Biden’s 2030 climate goal, as compared to current emissions levels."

And more...

It's magic, Raz. 

Taylor McKinnon  @publiccarbon

620 million acres is the size of:

(1) Alaska, Montana, and California, combined; and

(2) The area of public land and water that would be offered for new oil and gas leasing under Section 50265 of the Inflation Reduction Act.

^ that's the catch phrase to coax the pubs along. Fossil fuels will soon be dead, their days are now numbered.

You've seen how many major car manufacturers are going all electric in the very near future, right ?

With the passing of this bill, the torch is finally being passed to our green future.