Viktor Orbán



Republicans love this Christofascist. 


Hungary's autocratic leader tells U.S. conservatives to join his culture war


"Don't worry, a Christian politician cannot be racist, so we should never hesitate to heavily challenge our opponents on these issues," Orbán told his Texas audience. "Be sure: Christian values protect us from going too far"


Pubs smell like desperation to pull this card. They must know Nov's gonna be a disaster for em.

"Be sure: Christian values protect us from going too far"

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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Think Erdogan's ass tastes like turkey?

Tucky gets a giggle.

Holy fuck.  El Nino with the mother lode.

Make yerself a cup'n'bowl combo and scroll through that. 

Entertaining and disconcerting.


And it gets better the "crisis actor" is Brandon Straka.

Brandon Straka, who turned state's witness and did not serve any time, has now spent more time locked up in a fake prison than he ever did for being involved in the J6 insurrection.

The new face of American conservatism is unapologetic fascism. Even in Reagan's era they be calling for sanctions against someone like Orban, but now he's their poster child.

And somehow the Democrats cant figure out how to capitalize on the fact that that branch of conservatives is patently unAmerican.

Completely agree BrianK...

If Dems don't run the table based on fascism, abortion, Big Lie, assault rifles and Trump, they are guilty of political malpractice. They seem to be waking up to that, now. Hope  it's not too late. These Repubs are F-ing scary lying M-Fookers

>>>>If Dems don't run the table based on fascism, abortion, Big Lie, assault rifles and Trump, they are guilty of political malpractice.

That is exactly why the Democrats have been actually supporting the kookiest, MAGAest loons in the GOP primaries.   

I don't know, from time immemorial that strategy of propping of a weak opponent always seems to backfire.

agreed bk.

i mean these people really don't need encouragement.


It's basically drinking poison hoping it kills your enemy



> If Dems don't run the table based on fascism, abortion, Big Lie, assault rifles and Trump, they are guilty of political malpractice.

Trump's base has no fucks to give for any of that. Dems need to drive up voter turnout in a really big way if they hope to hold onto power and build on it.

Keep displacing the working class.