People are looking for the Philzone

"Forum became pretty toxic as I remember"

Someone's memory serves them correctly. 

Not that way anymore; maybe others will  slowly seep in and add some more beauty to the board.

Posted by Streetvan1980.

Should we point them to Viva?

1st rule of the PhilZone...


needs more adrenochrome

Don't tell them, that's where QAnon got its start.

I say let em in.

Nothing could be worse than the batch of wingnuts already here.


Wingnuts as band name.

> Don't tell them, that's where QAnon got its start.

QAnon got started on Reddit? That's news to me. I thought they got started on 4chan.

I might be confused, isn't or wasn't 4chan a reddit?

Edit: quick search tells me they are separate.


Reddit hosted /r/The_Donald for a while, which was its own kind of cesspool, but they got shut down a couple of years ago.

I commented on the thread just to stir up streetvan



Hey! What fun to roam around in the reviews archive on that .com link. I used to write lots of non-Phil show reviews on the zone, and it's really cool to see my reviews of shows I saw from 15+ years ago (I sure am a wordy SOB). Brings back the memories.

It's amazing that link is still alive, thanks for posting it!

Please don't bring that F'N TOOL back to this place.


Who owns the domain?


 >>>I used to write lots of non-Phil show reviews on the zone, and it's really cool to see my reviews of shows I saw from 15+ years ago (I sure am a wordy SOB). Brings back the memories.


Lol, just read your review of polyphonic spree at the gamh and everyone but Redneck hating on them.

wish I coulda seen that, bet it was really good

Polyphonic Spree! Saw them in Portland, it was an epic performance experience. 

I'll have to research what happened to them....



When Lance Newberry writes his Memoirs that will be a heavy tome in several senses.



Highly recommend inviting them in or this place will dissolve into dust.   Either that or rename this the billy strings zone, that will inject some life.   

^^^^ LOL

 BS Zone

Sounds about right

If the shoe fits.....

Regarding Alan's meme: judit is Mexican?

I have so much to learn about myself, Mike.

Aren't all Westies?

Same thought crossed my confused but dig the lego hippies. 

And I can see the senior citizens thing, for sure, but when did we get gentrified?

Streety has a much better attitude about his time on the PZ then I would have thought given the treatment he got here.

Listen, Mike.... What do Lego hippies know?  They only took 9-grade Spanish and Viva was one of the words on a flashcard. (But just be careful around them, as I think that one of em is holding a bazooka, or, possibly a chicken bong).

And yes, Judi is in fact a reincarrnation of an Aztec sun goddess priestess, so that makes her sorta Mexican. Whatya think; this place is named after a paper towel?




Viva la Judit!



and Lego Hair was a great moment in pz history  

Thanks for the sweet link, fabes!!

All kidding aside Mike, let us pause for a moment and gratefully reflect on that fateful day that brought us all together; music fans, Internet hooligans, dope fiends, cranky old men, and gentlepersons alike:
