Last Chance


To help save the remnants of democracy in the US.

If you don't care about democracy, vote R, vote independent, or don't vote.

If you do care, vote D.

It's that simple.

Even if you live in a safe blue state, vote D anyway and do your share of the lifting.

If you don't this may be the last time your vote will be fairly counted.

If the Rs are successful in taking one or both houses of Congress, there will be no more progress there. Nothing and nobody will pass.

If the Rs are successful in electing R state legislatures and Secs. of State, they can approve alternate slates of electors.

They could also demand and get a Constitutional Convention.



Do the right thing.

Agreed....with a close eye on 'local' elections, as a Constitutional Convention, for example, requires the approval of 34 states (2/3 or 67% of states)

I'm with you and I'll vote.

Rights on..............the line, vote blue 

is it my cynicism anymore, or do we also all know there are folks ready to declare whichever election they control to be fraudulent and overturn undesirous results?

that said; i will always vote, ya know, until chicks can't 

Crunch time. Git 'er done. Only chance to prevent fascism from permanently taking hold in America - vote blue.


>Only chance to prevent fascism from permanently taking hold in America<


The last chance was 2016. The Republicans are now a fascist party, the die has been cast. 



But are they a majority?

Time to find out.


  Authoritarian movements don't require majority support, they need support from a significant percentage of the minority and the threat/use of violence. The Republicans have this.


I'd be more optimistic if the state of our constitutional republic was a major concern for voters. However, inflation and gas prices are more important for most.





4 contests on my ballot. Josh, John, Chrissy, & Chris got my vote.

pa is crucial this day