

Really been digging these guys

Playing at the Okeechobee Music Fest in March the same night as earth Wind and Fire, may have to proceed with these tickets even if both my kids and their respected crews will be there.


After seeing the Red Rocks preview I was sorry that I did not attend. I plan to attend next year. 

Was not impressed with their set at Peach this them another shot with TAB next month.


First time I caught them I thought they were pretty interesting. Second show I was bored stiff although it may have just been an off night.

Very talented dudes (particularly Rick) but they don't really have a dark or edgy side. Hence they kinda' stay in one time-zone so to speak. 


Seen them twice and while good, didn't live up to the hype IMHO.

If you want to read/see some classic Goose-hating from Phish fans, there are some quality threads on


A friend of mine has two grown sons who both love Goose. They basically dragged him to Red Rocks in August (he went more for a trip with his boys & the venue bucket list) and they all thought it was a good show but not great.

Then a week or so later they all saw them again in a smaller venue in Lake Tahoe, and my buddy said the 2nd set melted his face. He was pretty blown away by it and is now a fan.

I've watched quite a few live videos and they seem interesting, but I skipped them the last time they were in the Bay Area. I just haven't been hooked by what I've watched or listened to.

>>>they don't really have a dark or edgy side. Hence they kinda' stay in one time-zone so to speak<<<

That's a pretty good way to describe how they've seemed to me, but I figure I'll give them a try the next time they come around, because you never really know unless you go to a show.

But whether I like them or not, I think it's great that there are younger bands playing improvisational rock 'n roll and making a name for themselves. I'd rather there be music I don't like than no music at all.

>>>classic Goose-hating from Phish fans<<<

Ah, the endless, often desperate human need to be superior. It just never stops.

>>>>it's great that there are younger bands playing improvisational rock 'n roll and making a name for themselves. 

True.  Saw a band of baby faced musicians last Friday night called Spunj opening for Spafford and they kicked ass.  They looked almost too young to be in a bar.  Spafford was good too and enjoyed them more than I did Goose.  Billy Strings and Pigeons Playing Ping Pong are still my favorite of the new generation of jambands.   So good to see all these young musicians picking up the torch of psychedelic rock and running with it.

>>>classic Goose-hating from Phish fans

I do look forward to the honkers complaining about all the phans invading their scene at some point in the future. 

>>>the honkers<<<

Is that what we're calling Goose fans?

I've been calling my friend a gooseneck, but I like honker better.

Honkers is from the youtube comments so it must be right.


>>>classic Goose-hating from Phish fans

I do look forward to the honkers complaining about all the phans invading their scene at some point in the future. 

Many wooks lost their collective shit when Trey announced he was doing a mini-tour with Goose this fall. Hilairty ensued.

One of the best relievers in history altho his politics borders on Ted nugent crazy

Had never heard them or even heard of them until this thread, but just today listening to the local public radio in the car, I heard a Goose song. It wasn't bad, in a lightweight, SCI kinda way.

I like Eggy better. Those kids get out there.


Some old timers may remember Goose Creek Symphony

The whole yelling "GOOOOOOOOOSE" between each song grows old about the third song into the first set.  Please just stop it.  

Ran into the dudes from Eggy at end of second set of one of the AC Phish shows.  They seemed genuinely flabbergasted that anyone knew who they  Seem like good kids...

FYI The Candy bar company that is making the candy bars for the tray band and goose tour is the number one Pennsylvania republican donor to Trump and that candy bar money is probably going to the Penn senate race to back Oz, and the ex president and his disgustingness. So yeah. Have fun buy the bars re sell them on ebay and donate the money to planned parenthood. Fuck both Trey and Goose

That sucks.

Candy bars though?

What's next, air?


Sorry Eastcoastneil... but you are either ignorant, full of s***, or just playing wrong. Check your facts. 

Thanks for the Insults Look up Robert Asher bud. asher Candy company is making them. Your welcome. Seriously dont need that crap buck o

Robert “Bob” Asher, a real life Willy Wonka, if only Willy Wonka were a 5-foot-9 millionaire bankroller of conservative candidates who once served nearly a year in federal prison for corruption. 

A decade later, Asher has another title: finance co-chair for Donald Trump’s campaign in Pennsylvania — one of three swing states, along with Wisconsinand Michigan, where some 77,000 votes (of more than 136 million cast) won Trump the presidency in 2016. Through his 2016 campaign, Trump raised about $3.6 million from Pennsylvanians. But from his inauguration through June of this year, Trump’s campaign has taken in nearly $4.6 million from Pennsylvania — and the Republican National Committee has raised still more.

Where da ya go? Nothing to say for yourself i see. Your faithful leader let you down again

Eastcoastneil.... Sorry about that. I did not have my facts straight.  I apologize.  Friggin' weird stuff about this Asher guy for sure!


Usually could care less about something like this but your blatant disrespect and all out audacity of you thinking that I was wrong and you were right is THE exact fucking problem I have with people nowadays, and what IS wrong with people period. Just wow 

But another problem with people nowadays is those who don't or can't accept an apology.  Just wow.


Goose is to Phish as Greta Van Fleet is to Led Zeppelin.

Goose is to Phish as Greta Van Fleet is to Led Zeppelin.<<<

Ha. Pretty spot on.

...let's hear some good 'Phish is to Grateful Dead' zingers