Mark of the Beast


It's your smart phone.

A slow roll out, but picking up speed all the time.

"A cashless society."


Remember American Express travelers checks?

Don't leave home without 'em

future stick ups?  "Give me your pin and routing number, or else!"


^sadly, that future is here already

I hardly ever carry cash. My check gets direct deposited, I pay my bills by check or on line, and make my daily purchases by debit card. The only time I usually need cash is at the dispensary, and I don't even go there that much, since we are cannabis self-sufficient. I do have to remember to get a few bucks for the tip if we're going out for lunch.

I usually prefer analog to digital in all things, but this ship has sailed. Money is just an abstraction anyway.


you lazy hippies!


I thought it was Monster Energy drink!

Speaking of energy drinks (and rolling with pigs)...

"Shea owns an energy drink company, Winning Energy, whose cans have featured a cartoon superhero image of Trump and claim to contain “12 oz. of liberal tears.”

Second 'We Build The Wall' fraud trial ends in conviction

I was in Norway recently and it was a virtual cashless society. I brought a couple hundred dollars in Kroners with me and could hardly find anyplace to use them.  Many places just wouldn't accept cash and I ended up changing most of it back to USD at the end of the trip.

When my dad was a boy the beast was comic books.

I think the beast is right out in the open.





They want to track your every purchase.

Pay cash for hummus, maaan.

Hmmm....please bear in mind that a credit card is much safer to use than a debit card.  The problem with debit cards are many, one being skimmers.  Once they've got access to your account, they have the ability to clear it quickly, whereas credit cards can track and secure questionable purchases.

Online payments should be safe.  It's a great way to insure credit card payments are not late.

I'm still not into the phone thing....I can't stand that a friend's phone will record a conversation I'm having in the background when he's making a call.  Not paranoid, but I don't want to be recorded, esp. if I don't know who is receiving the call.  

Automation has it's advantages and .....disadvantages. 

The only beast I want to know about. No PIN number needed.


I broke down and got a "smart" phone about a year ago, only because they're needed to get into most ballgames & shows.

But I still use a flip phone for daily use.