Missouri legalized weed, Nebraska passed $15 minimum wage, collective bargaining won in Illinois, all the pro-choice ballot initiatives are winning. Democratic policies continue to be extremely popular just not actual Democrat politicians, but yeah we seem to be taking a step back from the abyss.
I personally think that Republicans controlling the House will be very good for the Democrats in two years, after we have two years to watch the clown show.
The polls got the Boebert race way wrong. The closest one showed her winning by 7, but overall the polls got it mostly right.
The FB chatter amongst the mining community is that Derantis is the greatest of all time... but the excitement is way toned down from last night when they thought they were going to rule the world.
Yes - all GOP eyes on DeSantis as he is seen as successfully solidifying FL as a red state (Miami-Dade has not voted red in over 20 yrs) and is the most trumpian candidate without trump and his baggage. Hilarious that Dumbo has now painted himself into a corner over his impending "big announcement" set for Tuesday that many smarter folks in the party now dread. Dork. Good Riddance.
^Marc Short (former Chief of Staff to then VP Pence) is also anxious for DOJ charges to be levied against Cheato - likely mostly for Pence's potentially then improved political chances - but, yes, I would also still like to see Cheato get resoundly defeated in any GOP primary.
What does gerrymandering look like? In U.S. House races, 1,093,808 Tennesseans (65%) voted for the Republican candidate, 581,111 (35%) for the Democrat, according to AP results. But the GOP gets 8 out of 9 (89%) of the congressional seats.
>>>>I would also still like to see Cheato get resoundly defeated in any GOP primary.
Be careful what you wish for. If Trump is the GOP nominee in 2024, he is bound to lose (even to Biden should he run). DeSantis, on the other hand, is more dangerous and probably wouldn't get in the way of his own agenda like Trump would often do.
I can see this creating some problems. DMT is nothing like weed. I think all drugs should be legal including meth, but this isn't going to be without consequences. Someone is going to die. I just hope the people behind this are prepared for that and we don't end up with a backlash.
Proposition 122 in CO legalizes the personal use and possession of several hallucinogenic/entheogenic plants and fungi for those 21 and older. Those include:
Indeed and I agree. So, does the 'death match' somehow play out sooner than later, as in before any primary season gets rolling? Cheato is already threatening to unleash some BS "unflattering info" on DeSantis if he tries to make a bid for '24.
"I think if they win, I should get all the credit, and if they lose, I should not be blamed at all," Trump told NewsNation during an interview on Tuesday.
Trump will be told to delay announcement of his 2024 campaign until after the Georgia senate runoff, his campaign advisor said. It's unclear if Trump will follow through.
Strangely enough DT moved the electorate to the left. I guess a majority of Americans didn't want an insurrectionist and his followers to have power. That being said MTG won her district handily. Hard to believe a person can vote for a crackpot.
Worst midterm showing for a party out of power in a long time. Considering the economy it's an immense win for The Democratic Party
>>>That being said MTG won her district handily. Hard to believe a person can vote for a crackpot.
That area of GA is historically the KKK epicenter. My first wife, way back in the sixties, went there with a church group - commie Presbyterians - to establish a Head Start at a local black church. The school facility was a block away from the church so each morning their group would walk the five year olds over, each holding the hand of a child.
Klansmen would stand along the route to cat call and threaten. Threaten high school kids and five year olds.
This is why we pay attention to politics and history.
The GOP has yet another complicated trump divorce on its plate. The fool is selfishly incapable of celebrating or yielding to the gains, successes, and achievements of other people and will need a very public, humiliating smack down which still may not work as he will actively be trying to sabatoge non-supporters. Good times with continued GOP cannibalism!
The GOP must pay for the Faustian bargain they struck with Trump and most are too stupid to realize it. He's gonna burn that party down over the next 24 months. LOFL!
They all think they are just going to pivot to DeSantis. Even if that happens do you think Trump will go quietly into the night. Hell no - he will take the 10 to 20 percent that are still loyal to him and start his own party effectively tanking the Republican party in any non-gerrymandered race.
Chump won't change, and DeCrappis knows it, hell, everyone knows it.... may the fight be spectacular, and continue to destroy their brand!
Freshly Republicant owned CNN, currently veering to the right this election season, is giving Pence free air time next Weds via a town hall. Pence got defeated a bunch in his home state, then did several years on right wing radio talk shows, honing his skill, messaging, building his base, until the fool did get elected. I can't wait to see him get skewered by the Dumbold. Bring on the R uncivil war (you reap what you sow era)
Part of this comedy show is that Dumbo helped resurrect Pence as he was dying on the vine back in Indiana - another marriage of convenience as the Dumbo ticket needed some actual "conservative" cred too. Frankenstein Political Party. All while twitt minor sex trafficker Goetz (FL) is saying GOP midterm shortfall is McFailure (McDonald, McConnell, McCarthy trifecta).
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: joy blackrock
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 10:52 am
Boo-bert lost
Boo-bert lost
unfortunately it was by a slim margin
But Greene won
unfortunately by a large margin
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: New & Improved nedb
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 11:32 am
Bimbo Boebert's race is still
Bimbo Boebert's race is still uncalled, but looking good.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 11:51 am
Missouri legalized weed,
Missouri legalized weed, Nebraska passed $15 minimum wage, collective bargaining won in Illinois, all the pro-choice ballot initiatives are winning. Democratic policies continue to be extremely popular just not actual Democrat politicians, but yeah we seem to be taking a step back from the abyss.
I personally think that Republicans controlling the House will be very good for the Democrats in two years, after we have two years to watch the clown show.
The polls got the Boebert race way wrong. The closest one showed her winning by 7, but overall the polls got it mostly right.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 12:58 pm
mostly pink dribble
mostly pink drivel
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 01:01 pm
>>>>Surprised we're not
>>>>Surprised we're not seeing more election fraud claims
Some of them are finally realizing that baseless claims of vast conspiracies don't sit well with most Americans.
The pundits at Fox News are throwing Trump under the bus and are rallying around DeSantis.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 01:25 pm
The FB chatter amongst the
The FB chatter amongst the mining community is that Derantis is the greatest of all time... but the excitement is way toned down from last night when they thought they were going to rule the world.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 01:33 pm
(No subject)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 01:34 pm
Yes - all GOP eyes on
Yes - all GOP eyes on DeSantis as he is seen as successfully solidifying FL as a red state (Miami-Dade has not voted red in over 20 yrs) and is the most trumpian candidate without trump and his baggage. Hilarious that Dumbo has now painted himself into a corner over his impending "big announcement" set for Tuesday that many smarter folks in the party now dread. Dork. Good Riddance.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 02:11 pm
Personally, I am looking
Personally, I am looking forward to the Trump v. DeSantis death match.
Now the only thing left is for Biden to announce he is not running in 2024 and let some younger, more relatable folks step up to the plate.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 02:12 pm
could anyone look at these
could anyone look at these results with a straight face and still think trump has any chance at all in 2024?
stick a fork in him
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Thumbkinetic (Bluestnote)
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 02:18 pm
F Cheetolini's big
F Cheetolini's big announcement.
Bring on the DOJ announcements.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 02:31 pm
^Marc Short (former Chief of
^Marc Short (former Chief of Staff to then VP Pence) is also anxious for DOJ charges to be levied against Cheato - likely mostly for Pence's potentially then improved political chances - but, yes, I would also still like to see Cheato get resoundly defeated in any GOP primary.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: skyjunk fabes
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 03:01 pm
Really thought Val Demmings
Really thought Val Demmings would take out Rubio the Weasel
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 03:16 pm
What does gerrymandering look
What does gerrymandering look like? In U.S. House races, 1,093,808 Tennesseans (65%) voted for the Republican candidate, 581,111 (35%) for the Democrat, according to AP results. But the GOP gets 8 out of 9 (89%) of the congressional seats.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: fishcane fishcane
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 03:27 pm
(((Cheetolini vs Darth
(((Cheetolini vs Darth Sanctimonious))))
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 03:55 pm
>>>>I would also still like
>>>>I would also still like to see Cheato get resoundly defeated in any GOP primary.
Be careful what you wish for. If Trump is the GOP nominee in 2024, he is bound to lose (even to Biden should he run). DeSantis, on the other hand, is more dangerous and probably wouldn't get in the way of his own agenda like Trump would often do.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 04:05 pm
I can see this creating some
I can see this creating some problems. DMT is nothing like weed. I think all drugs should be legal including meth, but this isn't going to be without consequences. Someone is going to die. I just hope the people behind this are prepared for that and we don't end up with a backlash.
Proposition 122 in CO legalizes the personal use and possession of several hallucinogenic/entheogenic plants and fungi for those 21 and older. Those include:
dimethyltryptamine (DMT);
mescaline (excluding peyote);
psilocybin; and
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 04:24 pm
>Be careful what you wish for
>Be careful what you wish for...
Indeed and I agree. So, does the 'death match' somehow play out sooner than later, as in before any primary season gets rolling? Cheato is already threatening to unleash some BS "unflattering info" on DeSantis if he tries to make a bid for '24.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Pearly SweetCakes jlp
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 07:59 pm
Still can't believe yet
Still can't believe yet totally unsurprised that 45 is just presumed to be able to run again, and will
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: good at drinking water infinite ignorance
on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 – 09:44 pm
nice to see yall still at it.
nice to see yall still at it.
now that elno runs twitter, maybe it's time to get back to good old grateful oddball-land.
props to Noodler for Florida going blue eventually
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 05:08 am
On brand.
An impeccably on-brand statement:
"I think if they win, I should get all the credit, and if they lose, I should not be blamed at all," Trump told NewsNation during an interview on Tuesday.
Trump will be told to delay announcement of his 2024 campaign until after the Georgia senate runoff, his campaign advisor said. It's unclear if Trump will follow through.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Barry bigoff
on Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 06:20 am
Strangely enough DT moved the
Strangely enough DT moved the electorate to the left. I guess a majority of Americans didn't want an insurrectionist and his followers to have power. That being said MTG won her district handily. Hard to believe a person can vote for a crackpot.
Worst midterm showing for a party out of power in a long time. Considering the economy it's an immense win for The Democratic Party
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 08:14 am
(No subject)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Barry bigoff
on Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 09:26 am
Picture an anchor that looks
Picture an anchor that looks like Trump attached to a boat: The SS GOP.
Worst thing that ever happened to the party.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: aiq aiq
on Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 10:01 am
>>>That being said MTG won
>>>That being said MTG won her district handily. Hard to believe a person can vote for a crackpot.
That area of GA is historically the KKK epicenter. My first wife, way back in the sixties, went there with a church group - commie Presbyterians - to establish a Head Start at a local black church. The school facility was a block away from the church so each morning their group would walk the five year olds over, each holding the hand of a child.
Klansmen would stand along the route to cat call and threaten. Threaten high school kids and five year olds.
This is why we pay attention to politics and history.
Never forget.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Bobstar Dogcatcher
on Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 01:03 pm
MTG is in a gerrymandered
MTG is in a gerrymandered district and could not possibly lose. GA can still save the Senate and our souls
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 03:15 pm
There will likely be ~$100M
Many million$ will be raised and spent in the GA Senate run-off. The combined figure was around $500M in 2020.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: DNB - Best band & fans in the land! GaryFish
on Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 11:05 pm
actual front page of today's
actual front page of today's NY Post...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 12:45 pm
The GOP has yet another
The GOP has yet another complicated trump divorce on its plate. The fool is selfishly incapable of celebrating or yielding to the gains, successes, and achievements of other people and will need a very public, humiliating smack down which still may not work as he will actively be trying to sabatoge non-supporters. Good times with continued GOP cannibalism!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Woz Paul_woz
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 12:54 pm
The GOP must pay for the
The GOP must pay for the Faustian bargain they struck with Trump and most are too stupid to realize it. He's gonna burn that party down over the next 24 months. LOFL!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: aiq aiq
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 01:13 pm
Have you seen the Qanon
Have you seen the Qanon acronym GEOTUS?
God Emperor of the United States.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Denny dbmu1977
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 04:14 pm
He might be George of the
He might be George of the Mara lagoon omelette bar, pretty sure he doesn't hold sway to far from there
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 04:22 pm
They all think they are just
They all think they are just going to pivot to DeSantis. Even if that happens do you think Trump will go quietly into the night. Hell no - he will take the 10 to 20 percent that are still loyal to him and start his own party effectively tanking the Republican party in any non-gerrymandered race.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: nebulous nelly Orange County Lumber Truck
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 04:45 pm
>do you think Trump will go quietly into the night. Hell no <
Trump has legal fees to pay, and he may be persuaded to be a team player, if the price is right.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 04:46 pm
Chump won't change, and
Chump won't change, and DeCrappis knows it, hell, everyone knows it.... may the fight be spectacular, and continue to destroy their brand!
Freshly Republicant owned CNN, currently veering to the right this election season, is giving Pence free air time next Weds via a town hall. Pence got defeated a bunch in his home state, then did several years on right wing radio talk shows, honing his skill, messaging, building his base, until the fool did get elected. I can't wait to see him get skewered by the Dumbold. Bring on the R uncivil war (you reap what you sow era)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GDTRFB StrawBud
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 05:04 pm
Part of this comedy show is
Part of this comedy show is that Dumbo helped resurrect Pence as he was dying on the vine back in Indiana - another marriage of convenience as the Dumbo ticket needed some actual "conservative" cred too. Frankenstein Political Party. All while twitt minor sex trafficker Goetz (FL) is saying GOP midterm shortfall is McFailure (McDonald, McConnell, McCarthy trifecta).
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 10:43 pm
I can only dream of a 2024
I can only dream of a 2024 election that pits a Republican Party AND a Trump party against the Dems.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Thumbkinetic (Bluestnote)
on Friday, November 11, 2022 – 10:59 pm
Kelly holds AZ seat.
Kelly holds AZ seat.