Birds Are Real and Greedy


For the naysayers out there. Because I saw some Zoner deniers. I have 12 or so species competing on my feeder. It's a daily hilarious competition for free food. They only want food, over and over. Fuckers. Feeding them is not sustainable, but then again I've been doing this for years.

We had a bird feeder in the nursery when I worked at a garden center in Eugene and whenever it ran out of birdseed the little bastards would pull up all of our seedlings and cast them aside. Every. Last. One. Little feathered terrorist snitches trying to get you fired for being slow to put out their snacks.

Greedy Fucking Birds.........




They're just looking for a miracle, man.

Doesn't sound that different than that other thing you've been doing for years.

Something tells me you'll keep doing both for years to come.




Kiwi is real...



I'm hoping this is tongue and cheek. Animals fight every second to survive and reproduce. They have evolved over millions of years to do so.  Putting human values on them is silly.  They don't choose, they do what they do to survive 

Chimp form hunting parties, hunt neighboring groups, and kill vulnerable rivals.  This is about survival 
