Mormon Domination in Utah


When you hear me talk in frustration about the "mormon taliban" at the legislature and in general, here's some facts:

65% of Utah's total population are members of an LDS church. It's 85% of all people attached to a religious group.

5 counties are at least 80% LDS - Rich, Garfield, Morgan, Box Elder, and Utah (BYU).

3 counties are less than 40% LDS - Carbon, Summit (Park City area), and Grand (Moab area).


It's that beautiful canyon country and the mountains that make living here worthwhile. But it's a challenge, especially with the politics. Don't know of another state like it. 


LDS Counties.jpg


And why are so many eye doctors in Eugene from Utah, and so many of those Mormons? Another case of Mormon domination...

>>>eye doctors


It's dentists here

They are building a new temple here across from a neighborhood built exclusively for momos

A friend who is builder said they brought construction equipment he was unfamiliar with on to the new temple site.

Wonder what they are going to do under the temple?

Educated, by Tara Westover, is interesting. 


Those who are breeding in high quantities are the children who choose to stay close to/within their mormon family vs the children who leave ~ to go to school.

A friend moved to Salt Lake City and when they were looking at houses they noticed the realtor wouldn't show them houses in certain neighborhoods. When they asked the realtor why she said that they wouldn't want to live in those neighborhoods. She said everyone would be super nice to them for about a year and half and if they didn't convert after that point no one would ever talk to them again. 

She said everyone would be super nice to them for about a year and half and if they didn't convert after that point no one would ever talk to them again. <<<

So instead of having busy-body neighbors, these would be people who would just wave hello occasionally and leave you alone? Sounds ideal actually. 

Recently reduced polygamy to a misdemeanor.

About 20,000 mormon fundies openly practicing that.  FLDS is full of cray, the "prophet" sets marriages, can take wives and children away and give them to someone else.  Believe young girls can marry.

Oh, the prophet is calling the shots...from prison.

One perception I have of Mormons is that they tend to be honest.   Got pulled over by Utah State Trooper on I-80 next to the Great Salt Lake coming back from Shoreline shows in 91.   Guy kept asking to search the car and I kept saying no.   Eventually, he let us go but said "I know you have drugs in the car."    If that had happened on the Jersey Turnpike or down in Texas, the cops would have simply beat my ass and searched the car anyway.

I also hear that all the casinos in Vegas have Mormons counting the money because they are so honest and don't mind making money off of other people's vices.

Where are the religions where women have multiple husbands and also get to make up the rules of Holy behavior for such religions?  

Mormon Taliban, Christian Fascists..... they're all phucked!!

<<< Where are the religions where women have multiple husbands and also get to make up the rules of Holy behavior for such religions?  >>>

Right?!  LOL

Paging Zoner ladies for a rule-setting session! ;)


She said everyone would be super nice to them for about a year and half and if they didn't convert after that point no one would ever talk to them again.

sounds awesome, especially if i can skip past the year and a half of being nice and just go straight to the leaving me alone part


talk about Mormon Domination, I don't want this guy touching my money 

I know of several people who were born to Mormon families who've moved "away" to the western slope of Colorado

One many gathers what another man spills


"Wonder what they are going to do under the temple?"

Once I climbed up the side of the steep hill to directly under the Oakland Mormon Temple and smoked two joints.



In similar news, obscenity according to UT's Mike Lee! 

"Bill Proposed to Curb 'Obscene' Content May Eradicate the Porn Industry"

"Wonder what they are going to do under the temple?"

I worked on a temple.   They were extremely polite and reasonable.   Honestly some of the best clients we have had.   

I think they open it to the public before they seal it so if oyu are truly interested you might be able to get in before they lock it down and seal it.   

Lee caught with porn stash in

Welcome to the Big Time!


"Midwest convenience store chain Kum & Go 'beyond excited' to open 1st Utah store"