Nicknames For Bunk Drugs


A couple I remember hearing from the olden days in the lots are Soapium and Pretendica.

At my last GD show at Portland Meadows in '95, I had an extra ticket no one wanted to buy, so I traded it for a ten strip of blotter.  In what pretty much summed up that day, they ended up being bunk.  It was a little underwhelming.  It wasn't Acid, it was Flaccid.

The brown acid...

i think calling it "pencing" should be the new jargon

fucking wook penced me with these bad shrooms

for example

I remember soapium you could smell that shit on the lot. I wonder what it actually was. There was a lot of it around. 

I think we smoked oregano/tobacco  from the big kids who said it was pot when we were 12...

soapium ruined your bowl too. hated when I'd pack a strangers bowl to find out it tasted like soapium instead of the kind I packed

Rumor was that there was some black tar Persian in that incense.

I remember lettuce opium going around:


Oh, these? These are incense pipes

When I first moved to Calfornia, my housemate had a bumper crop of opium poppies.   He scarred the seed pods and harvested the resinous extract, then we'd smoke it.  Much smoother and less aromatic than Soapium.  A pleasant mellow buzz.  I didn't get hooked.

> we smoked oregano/tobacco  from the big kids who said it was pot

Same here. A nickel bag (quarter oz) of oregano. Also got to suffer the humiliation of the kid who sold it to me announcing it to my lunch table a few days later.

With me it was tea. That was around 1967.


Around 1972 I got some bunk hash we finally decided was probably henna.


What was that "Yuba Gold" stuff they sold in the Relix classified ads?

Mr Bungle.

Heard horror stories about that stuff.

From what I remember there were 3 types of soapium. There was the black incense, yellow rosin, and amber rosin. The black and yellow were shit, but the amber has plenty of heroin in it and would get you fucked up.

Beasters, anyone?


Brick weed. My dealer showed me a huge carrot he found in the middle of one.

most brickweed we got sucked, but for about 4  months in late 87 we were getting super goopy and stoney brickweed. The dealer said it was from jamaica. An eighth on the scale was about the size of a dime.

Dud Bud

Typically it was the old Paint Can strain that had the keef shaken out.

High school 67-70.

Cannabis hierarchy, top to bottom.

Columbian and Jamaican, the $15 lid or three finger bag.

Then the lowly ditchweed.

No word if it was really grown in the ditch.  I did hear later it was the wild stuff left over from midwest hemp farming before Reefer Madness set in.

"As had occurred with other drugs, the first prohibition laws were created on the state and local level. Some of these legislative sessions produced true gems of enlightenment, such as when a legislator in Texas expressed his support of marijuana prohibition by declaring that “All Mexicans are crazy and marijuana is what makes them crazy.” (Although “cannabis” was more traditional, legislators uniformly chose to call the plant “marihuana”, after the Mexican word for it.)"



Drunk Bugs

Yes, "ditch weed" (hemp) commonly grows wild and sporadically across the Midwest (and in "ditches" on the sides of roads and interstates) and there are still large fields of it in IL & IN usually adjacent corn fields. It can look and smell deceivingly good but is typically loaded with seeds too.....Bunk'rz Paradise.

> the wild stuff left over from midwest hemp farming

I used to work for a soil testing company in Illinois about 30 years ago, and we used to find lots of volunteer hemp, mostly along fence lines in between fields, but sometimes in ditches too. That stuff had almost no THC as far as I could tell, but it was likely high in CBD, which we hadn't heard of back then.

>>>Brick weed. My dealer showed me a huge carrot he found in the middle of one.

Once bought some ocean bale weed that was found on the beach. It had been floating for a long time. The weed was super salty and gave you the worst cotton mouth ever. 

^On the flip side of that, one of the coolest weed acquisitions that I have ever been a part of included a Hawaiian OZ in a sealed and weighted tin can, complete with a valid "Dole" pineapple label on it. That was probably in 1986 or so.

^...for any inquiring minds out there, I just re-up'd with a friend 'whom was there' and he confirmed that it was actually a Dole coconut flakes can/label and came with papers, a roach clip, and  a plastic cover/cap to use after it was all cranked open, yep, with a can opener.

I occasionally remember the friend who stopped by (maybe 1972?) on his way back from Kansas with a trunk full of garbage bags, all full of very wet ditch weed. He had plans to sell it, but not for awhile - it was dripping wet. I can't remember what he actually did with it.

got ripped on L one time and once on hash. That's the black market when you're young.

I believe my nickname for bunk drugs on both occasions was "asshole"

My special friend found a bale washed up in the Grand Caymans. She's buried and dug up the thing a few times (before we met). Hoping to go for treasure hunt in the future; she has a map.

It was most likely a MassHole !!

>>>got ripped on L one time

Pyramids which were just triangle hole punch pieces of paper from a dollar bill from some guy at Hampton Beach NH. Definitely a MassHole. 

There was a lot of that Jamaican weed around Ft. Lauderdale, tons of seeds and shitty weed, no wonder Rastas smoke so much 

 >>>>>the friend who stopped by (maybe 1972?) on his way back from Kansas with a trunk full of garbage bags, all full of very wet ditch weed.

I had "that friend" too!

I was in MA after freshman year at Reed in 1970. My ex-dorm-mate showed up  from Kansas, all psyched about how he was gonna make a million dollars selling his "free weed". We burned one and I had to let him know it was bunk. He was devastated.

soapium for the win

so gross

There were buds that looked real good in the 80's but didn't get you buzzed... we dubbed them the  "nohio" strain.  (no high o).


Shit, was a well known nickname.