I don't hate the fucking Eagles, but went to see what's left of them last night with very low expectations. Expectations exceeded.
Was worried it was going to be an overblown production with a dozen back up musicians and singers, especially after I heard they were going to have a live orchestra. But aside from two keyboardists in the shadows, they kept the instrumentation down to the classic five-piece arrangement. Don Henley played drums for at least half the songs (while singing), which was a surprise because I thought he had given up the drums a long time ago. They did have an orchestra on hand but thankfully they limited its appearance to the songs that had strings on the original recordings (e.g. Desperado, Take it to the Limit) and otherwise it remained out of sight.
First set was the whole Hotel California album played from start to finish. The longer second set was all their hits, including Henley's Boys of Summer and Life's Been Good, Rocky Mountain Way, and Funk #49 by Joe Walsh. Vince Gill was an all around solid substitute for Glen Frey and the fake Felder could play all the riffs tastefully. Deacon Fry (who recently left the band) came out to sing a handful of his dad's tunes. While they played most of the songs pretty much off the albums, they did let Walsh go off on some improv solos here and there. His playing wasn't quite as ripping as in the James Gang years, but the dude is 75 years old so have to cut him some slack. He sounded totally burnt when he talked though. Crowd was total meat in their seat, but we were way up in the very last row where we could dance. Busted out my best disco moves for One of these Nights.
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In God's waiting room here we
In God's waiting room here we do not get the big headliners instead we get the traveling DSO's of Eagles. Fleetwood Mac, and Bee Gees
although we did put in a outdoor amphitheater on the water front downtown. No big names but cheap tickets for The Fix, Little River Band, Mickey Thomas's Starship can be had, or you can sit right outside the venue set up chairs and hear it all fo free
i remember when Joe Walsh was really drinking and was on Howard Stern, totally incoherent munmbling, I believe he is still sober now
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It's interesting how
It's interesting how alcoholism affects speech patterns over the long haul (even after stopping) ... it's got its own particular "imprint", just as weed does in a different manner, etc.
Saw Joe Walsh in Telluride at a festival about 5 years ago or so and he still delivered. Never got to see the Eagles, but did see Joe Walsh and Glenn Frey in Snowmass, CO in 2010 ... that was a treat!
It's hard to argue with someone who might be considered the King (if not a Duke) of "Classic Rock", but I've always wondered how Joe Walsh might have evolved if he adopted a Grateful Dead approach to mixing things up / improv?
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the addition of Vince Gill
the addition of Vince Gill really gave this band a new lease on life
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Back when Joe Walsh was
Back when Joe Walsh was attending Kent State he attended a party at my friends house. My friends older brother hung around Joe's future drummer Joe Vitale, but they were not playing together yet. I guess he got really drunk and passed out in the road and blasted his nose on the curb and it's still messed up to this day
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Saw the Eagles at the Oakland
Saw the Eagles at the Oakland Arena in 2005 and it was the same. Every single person sitting down and I think I was the only person who was smoking weed as well.
Geriatric audience but the performance was spot on, basically EXACTLY like listening to them in studio performance.
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Boys Of Summer was the piss
Boys Of Summer was the piss break, right?
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Pretty Maids All in a Row was that song for me.
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Did they play In The City?
Did they play In The City?
I was always luke warm about it growing up in the 80's, but it really grew on me in recent years.
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>>>>Did they play In The City
>>>>Did they play In The City?
Funny, that was the one song I really wanted to hear and they did indeed play it. Not the greatest song by any objective standard, but before it was recorded by the Eagles on the Long Run, it appeared as a Joe Walsh original in the final scene of the movie "the Warriors" when the Warriors finally make it back to Coney Island, defeat the last rival gang, and walk down the beach at sunrise. Epic.
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I don't recall that scene in
I don't recall that scene in the Warriors, but it's been a while!
Yeah, it's definitely not their "best" song if you look at the entire catalog, but maybe that's part of the appeal in that it was a modern song, but still had some of their same "old spirit" ... something akin to Eminence Front.