Picked up 2 tix in a 185 person venue at Art's Garage. $106 for 2 with all fees. great price to be 20 feet away in a cool ass venue where you bring in a cooler with all the food and drinks you need.
bound to be a good one. stanley obviously takes some inspiration from jimi without attempting to imitate his style at all, so youve got all the makings of a show that respects and fully understands jimi's music while also rising far, far above cover band status.
World-renowned guitarist Stanley Jordan has developed a new live show called “Stanley Plays Jimi.” This is a tribute show, but it’s not pure imitation. Instead Stanley builds on Jimi’s legacy in a creative way. As Stanley explains it, “This is my fantasy Jimi Hendrix concert if Jimi were still alive and playing today. By re-imagining his music and channeling his persona I try to bring that fantasy to life.”
"Stanley Plays Jimi" - Jam / VoodooChild 2019-10-12 at FTC Music Hall
Arts garage in Delray official sold sold out head count is 193. We can bring in a full dinner and eat right at out table too. I always get a kick out of that part too.
I will smoke em out and if im lucky i can put a drop or two on Stanley's headband just like Jimi did..........
Great time! Stanley can sure play an ax. Tiny room with great sound. Dude man at out table was fron New York and is friends with the bass player too, they are down in Florida looking for a retiement home (NYer retiring to FLA, what the fuck is new).
The venue is the bottom floor of a 6 story parking garage, insulated with windows all around so you can see outside. Halfway through Voodoo, 6 huge redneck pick up trucks with at least 6 flags on each truck of Fuck JB, Lets Go Brandon, Trump Forever.....they all start blowing their asshole air horns so everyone turns, the last truck has a swastika flag and a rebel flag flying high. Jack offs.
When I lived in Hallandale 30 some years ago, there was a guy with a big jacked up truck that used to fly the rebel flag and drive thru the hood that was by our apartment. He got shot and killed in that hood
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bound to be a good one.
bound to be a good one. stanley obviously takes some inspiration from jimi without attempting to imitate his style at all, so youve got all the makings of a show that respects and fully understands jimi's music while also rising far, far above cover band status.
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World-renowned guitarist
World-renowned guitarist Stanley Jordan has developed a new live show called “Stanley Plays Jimi.” This is a tribute show, but it’s not pure imitation. Instead Stanley builds on Jimi’s legacy in a creative way. As Stanley explains it, “This is my fantasy Jimi Hendrix concert if Jimi were still alive and playing today. By re-imagining his music and channeling his persona I try to bring that fantasy to life.”
"Stanley Plays Jimi" - Jam / VoodooChild 2019-10-12 at FTC Music Hall
Gary Kelly (Bass), Kenwood Dennard (Drums)
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Fantastic! I'm envious. Have
Fantastic! I'm envious. Have a blast.
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The Stanley Jordan Experience
The Stanley Jordan Experience. I'm a fan.
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Saw this show at Sweetwater
Saw this show at Sweetwater right before the 'vid hit. Excellent show, you will enjoy it!
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Remembering when Stanley
Remembering when Stanley Jordan played Jimi at TXR when they did Woodstock for the day. Phil was rapt watching/listening.
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Scored 2 for the late show
Scored 2 for the late show today, in for both early and late
Really looking forward to this one on Saturday
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Jimi would be jelly of
Jimi would be jelly* of Stanley's wardrobe...
*My first time used as adjective
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My friend is playing bass
My friend is playing bass with Stanley tomorrow night in Del Ray.
Smoke him out and tell him, The caveman says high...
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Arts garage in Delray
Arts garage in Delray official sold sold out head count is 193. We can bring in a full dinner and eat right at out table too. I always get a kick out of that part too.
I will smoke em out and if im lucky i can put a drop or two on Stanley's headband just like Jimi did..........
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>>>>>> Stanley's headband
>>>>>> Stanley's headband just like Jimi did
certainly don't be shy in asking....
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Wishing you the best time,
Wishing you the best time, Flashbacks!
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Great time! Stanley can sure
Great time! Stanley can sure play an ax. Tiny room with great sound. Dude man at out table was fron New York and is friends with the bass player too, they are down in Florida looking for a retiement home (NYer retiring to FLA, what the fuck is new).
The venue is the bottom floor of a 6 story parking garage, insulated with windows all around so you can see outside. Halfway through Voodoo, 6 huge redneck pick up trucks with at least 6 flags on each truck of Fuck JB, Lets Go Brandon, Trump Forever.....they all start blowing their asshole air horns so everyone turns, the last truck has a swastika flag and a rebel flag flying high. Jack offs.
Lover Man
Foxy Lady
Voodoo Child *
Earth Blues
Little Wings
Purple Haze
Manic Depression *
Red House
All Along The Watch Tower
86 minuets
* Highlights for me
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When I lived in Hallandale 30
When I lived in Hallandale 30 some years ago, there was a guy with a big jacked up truck that used to fly the rebel flag and drive thru the hood that was by our apartment. He got shot and killed in that hood
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Good. Got THAT fucking Nazi.
Good. Got THAT fucking Nazi.