French Riots


The French are known for throwing a good riot, but the videos on the Twitters right now are over the top.  Crazy.

free fireworks! don't really want to get into the politics of it all, cops shoot down a Nice little kid err um, 5 convictions and not in jail...but it really shows us that anarchy is just at the tip of our tongues..The Police and Government are scared shitless, I'm personally glad I live up in da hills, It's not going to get better before it gets worse, Respect does not exist anymore and this is the Real problem, the logical solution is to educate, yet this doesn't seem to be a priority ... I think This World needs A new Beatles .... LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED ! isn't it?

^^^ Bien dit! 

Tour De France starts today but they're way down in Basque Country

Cherchez la vache!

Hi Tom: Wow,  in Lyon, France's third-largest city, police deployed armoured personnel carriers and a helicopter.  In Paris, they cleared protesters from the Place de la Concorde. Lyon Mayor Gregory Doucet has also called for reinforcements after a tram set alight in the eastern city of Lyon

Seems Americans aren't the only ones tired of being killed by police

"five convictions" (as if that's some kind of justification for murder anyways) is a straight up mouthful of bullshit. Pardon my French.

Let it burn


Dylan's in Lyon right now.  Played West L.A. Fadeaway again last night:

Militarized police forces with military grade weaponry keep us all safer from things like violence.  It's just good common sense.

Funding wars on the other side of the world also keeps us safe.




the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.

"the parliamentary hearing appeared to be an exercise in whataboutism"

maybe that will be the last poc that gets murdered by cops

how many black folks in america are dead daily from cops and whites either justify it (x number of previous "crimes") embrace it or simply give no fucks

can't happen to me, right?

one way or a nother this darkness got to give