Mitch McConnell Freeze Up

Fuck this guy

i mean, go fishing already for fucks sake.

I'm almost excited to see what kind of mockery Trump comes up with for this.

"I'm fine."

Still a lying MF, in other words.

Wattle he do for an encore?

Looks like he just hit ctrl alt delete...

He needs to die an excruciatingly painful death. And sooner the better.

I've experienced the Philly Freeze and that was something different. 






He briefly took on the dreams of those that had died directly or indirectly by his proverbial hands.  Either that or he had a code brown...    the dudes always been nuts!  

Well by comparison, Glitch McConnell  makes President Biden look like a Cirque du Soleil performer. 

¡Dark Brandon strikes again!

There Are 2 Slots In The Toaster

He and Dianne Feinstein



I'm wondering what the event was like from Mitch's perspective.  Robert Reich said it happened to him 35 years ago, and he didn't know anything was wrong.

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

The freeze - What happened to Mitch McConnell yesterday and to me 35 years ago.



I can’t presume to know why Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell suddenly froze midway through his opening remarks at a news conference yesterday.

He began the GOP’s weekly leadership briefing by saying lawmakers were on a path to finishing a major defense budget bill this week. “We’ve had good bipartisan cooperation and a string of —.”

And then he stopped mid-sentence and remained silent for about 20 seconds — which in the media world of Washington feels like an eternity. He just stared straight ahead. When other members of GOP leadership finally asked whether he was okay, McConnell did not immediately respond.

Several minutes later, after the news conference was over, McConnell returned. Reporters asked him what happened. “I’m fine,” he said simply.

Thirty-five years ago I was giving a luncheon speech about the economy to members of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington.

In the middle of my speech, the person who had introduced me asked if I was okay and offered me a glass of water. I was puzzled by his question, which seemed to come from out of nowhere. I declined the water and continued with my speech.

That night, I received a phone call from someone who said he had attended my speech. He explained that he was a physician, and asked if I knew that I had had a petite mal seizure in the middle of the speech.

“You froze for about 30 seconds,” he said. “Your eyes fluttered. You were offered a glass of water. Do you remember?”

I was flabbergasted. “No,” I said. I told him that I recalled being offered the water, but had no memory of any interruption in my speech.

“That’s what I thought. That’s why I called you. You may want to have it checked out.”

I thanked him and got off the phone, deeply shaken.

The very idea that my brain had skidded — that I had frozen for thirty seconds and not been aware of it, let alone that it had occurred in front of several hundred people — shocked me to the core.

The fear of losing control of your brain — of being literally out of your mind, even temporarily — has to be one of the worst terrors imaginable. Our identity — our entire sense of self, our capacity to be — depends on our mind.

I had no idea why my brain had it had skipped thirty seconds, which scared me almost as much.

The neurologist I saw some days later explained that epilepsy affects over 1 percent of the population, and a larger percent experience one or two seizures during their lifetimes. The cause? He shrugged. “We know as much about the brain as we do the dark side of the moon.” (I assume some progress has been made over the last thirty-five years, but most of it remains a mystery.)

Again, I can’t presume to say what caused McConnell to freeze. He is 81 years old. Yesterday’s incident took place about four months after he fell and suffered a concussion and a broken rib at a private dinner at a Washington.

But I commiserate with what McConnell may be going through. For someone in public life whose every movement and utterance is consequential, it must be terrifying.

I find much of what Mitch McConnell has done as leader of the Senate Republicans repugnant.

Yet on another level, he and I — and all of you reading this — share the same terrifying fragilities of being human. I wish him well.

I'm a Robert Reich fan. 

I am, too, LLOLLO.

i am in the camp of fuck him

those aides were waiting for him to keel over and were like "fuck he's still vertical."

goddamn ghoul should only suffer for his crimes against humanity

I'm not usually a fan of cognitive decline, but I'm going to make an exception in this case.

He's been sandbagged more than the gulf coast of Florida!

Not Only Are The Lights Not On He Is Not Home Either !


mcconnel, feinstein, grassley, biden, get all these ancient fucks out of politics. total absurdity. every one of these worthless jackoffs, and all their peers who fail to call for their resignation are emarassments to the country. any legacy feinstein may have had will be wiped clean by vanity and clinging to power, just like RBG. as for mcconel's "legacy", i fail to see how you can soil something thats already so dirty, but still.

and it pains me deeply to say it, and he still seems totally with it to me, but bernie is unfortunately also to old. i would very much like to hear who he will be supporting to take his seat in the next election.

greedy ghoul

moscow mitch please die on camera for the hope of our future

Mitch and Nancy in a death match for the win!

Diane Feinstein has got them both beat by a bunch. Nancy Pelosi actual seems pretty ok to me, but definitely starting that slow walk to the clearing at the end of the path. 

This is what happens when young people mostly don't vote and the oldest people vote the most. It really isn't any more complicated than that. There is an easy fix.

I think it's been 20+ years since I voted for DiFi. There won't be any legacy to tarnish for me. She is the poster child for all the people who said there was no difference between Republicans and Democrats. She married an oligarch and has carried their water her whole career. 

Mitch and Nancy ...<<


Nancy will drop deft, elegant snark at that prick's funeral.

Mitch The Bitch, Sleepy Joe, Trumplestiltskin,  Diane Depends, all need to retire.  From public servants to public nuisances.

 Dark Brandon doesn't deserve that 'Sleepy Joe' moniker, but his critics seem to stick to false equivalency BS




They're all beholden to corporations and special interests.

Surely the DNC can come up with a better candidate to lead the country than a rapidly deterioratinig old man who will be 81 on Election Day.

Surely Biden is just fine. His administration is doing a very good job and it's absurd that his critics wouldn't be staisifyed with Kamala (or anyone else) so they can't be taken seriously with their strawman fallacies. 


Same fools who would vote for a 3rd party spoiler or claim 'I'm not a Republican, but..'  as they try and detract from Mitch's issues with whataboutisms aimed at Biden. same fools who didn't vote for Hillary and helped Trump win. 

> Surely the DNC can come up with a better candidate

They couldn't four years ago, and I'm doubtful they can do it now. I'll vote for Joe if I have to, but that's only to keep the greater evil at bay.

Both parties are like Hollywood. Completely out of ideas

I dunno.. civil rights, reproductive rights, voter rights, worker rights (unions), environmental protections etc might be old ideas but the GOP continually erode them so that whole 'both parties' crap is really really old and tired and lazy. 

Good one, Turtle.

> civil rights, reproductive rights, voter rights, worker rights (unions), environmental protections

The Dems need to reshape the Supreme Court. Everything else should come secondary to that.


>Both parties are like Hollywood. Completely out of ideas>


As I have often stated...


You'd have to be an idiot to believe that both parties are the same. 






Reshape? I assume you are referring to expanding the court.  I believe there should be 13 justices,  one for each federal circuit court. The problem is finding the votes. Zero Republicans will support it, so the first thing that the Senate needs to do is eliminate the filibuster. (Finding the 50th and 51st vote is hard enough, 60 is impossible) 


First thing they need to do is something. 

Expand the Court to 13 justices, and re-establish something like ideological balance. The Court should be a reflection of the citizenry, and not tipped over to one side, or the other. And while we're at it, set term limits for the justices, and institute much more stringent oversight of them too. Take a page from the Republicans playbook and understand that the Supreme Court will eventually oversee all of the other Dem projects ("civil rights, reproductive rights, voter rights, worker rights (unions), environmental protections etc"). Play smart for a change.

Of course sleepy joe declares minority manager mitch is just fine 

Just a little bump on the noggin

nothing to see here at all


equating biden with mcconnell/feinstein is totally reasonable. regardless of whether or not biden is all there, 80+ years old is to old to hold a political office that weilds significant power. we desperately need term limits for congress, and maximum ages set to hold office. 80 seems like a very fair age to set that limit at, and when you set a limit like that, its a hard limit - there are no exceptions made for people who "seem all there".

regardless of their current mental state, feinstein, mcconnell, biden, grassley, pelosi, trump, and all the rest of these ancient fucks should not be allowed to run for or hold office if they will be 80 years old or more by the end of their elected term.

biden could be a vegetable or he could be the most active and mentally competent 80 year old man to ever live. its irrelevant - he is to old to hold significant political power regardless of his mental state.



Slack, as often the case,  your post captures the ignorance and idiocy of many of the voters


Here's a short article which provides some information that you're obviously unaware of...


Halfway through his first term he’s made some big moves, many of which have gone unnoticed.


There are plenty of articles out there which outline the Biden administration's policies and legislation. 


i know you have a weak understanding of the legislative process,  but even you should know that Republicans currently control the house  and thus the legislative agenda.  I'm not sure though. Your posts infer a belief that Biden can act as a benevolent dictator, ruling by fiat.



Constitution Avenue Freeze Up

empty factories to the east and all our waste the shape of things that came shows on the broken workers face to the west you'll find our silicon promised lands where machines replace our minds for systematic profit plans the course of human progress staggers like a drunk it's steps are quick and heavy and its mind is slow and blunt i look for optimism but i just don't know it's seeds are planted in a poison place where nothing grows it's 1989 stand up and take a look around weathers bitter tension it seems is sinking down drunk with power and fighting one another every hour shows the winter getting harder there's a freezeup coming one nation stands the tallest radiating blinding light plastic and fluorescent energy robbing us of sight set in our way content with our decay we wave the flag of freedom as we conquer and invade ever ask yrself where's my place in this hell but no ones there to tell you 'cause they don't know that themselves the well rehearsed lines from our elated politicians no longer offer solace we can see the self destruction just one political song to drop into the list that is years and years long

Oi oi!


That's nice Slack,  my son is a fan. The change you hope for is not possible in a political system where two parties dominate power, and one of those parties has embraced  authoritarianism. 

But cast your lot with the fascists. Maybe things will work out better for you. 


Slacker likes to continually define the problem. He's not really a solution-oriented kind of guy.


I disagree, he not only defines problems, he routinely criticizes and disparages democrats for not unilaterally solving these problems. My issue is that his criticism is based largely on both ignorance of the facts, ( demonstrated by his 9:20am post) and his ignorance of our legislative process. 


I disagree. I think he feigns ignorance as a way to get people's goats.



I don't know, Mike. It seems genuine 


Slack, maybe this is more in your wheelhouse. I haven't checked these for accuracy,  but i know that isn't all that important for you



I know you probably can't even make out the text, but again, it's for you.



> I don't know, Mike. It seems genuine 

You might be right, OCLT. I never would have guessed he'd be into teeny-bopper teenagers though. Not in a public way, at least.

Some ageist bullshit up in here.


Joe Biden knows the difference between to and too.

Going to start calling him Joe Boomhauer.

In my previous post, I meant to say teeny-bopper cheerleaders. Is senility contagious?

Agree about the ageism going on in this thread. As important is that we don't know why McConnell has aphasia. We don't know where in his brain it originates, nor how his brain is functioning. (You'll say, not well.)
I disagree with McConnell about almost everything, and disagree with Biden about much, but it's not because they're old, it's that they think about things in ways that are different from the ways I do, and reach conclusions different from mine. I'm old, possibly the oldest Zoner around, but see clearly that their shortcomings are not because of their age. Anatomy and physiology should be considered.

I'm like Slacker, I can't solve the problems we're facing but I can name many of them.

And I still think compassion counts.


Right on Judit.


I think it's fair to have concerns about leaders who get up into their 80s, but I think term limits would solve most of those issues.

Feinstein doesn't even know where she is, which means someone/s are making her decisions for her, unknown people behind curtains who Feinstein's constituents and maybe nobody voted for.

She should have been termed out long ago, just as ol' Mitchy should have.

Then at least the people who REALLY make the decisions (BIG MONEY) would have to work a little harder to buy their new politicians.

>>>>>Constitution Avenue Freeze Up


Lol - I was waiting for this one.


Not a fan of term limits - if I like my congressperson I should be allowed to vote for them.


UNLESS they're over 80.

I'm 73 and I would disqualify myself from running for president.  I just don't have the mental or physical  energy for that kind of 24/7 job, and I don't know anyone my age who does.

Can Joe really make it to 2028? If not, we get Kamala Harris, who's a real nothing burger, and she's not even old. I hope there's still a chance that she could be switched out for this election.

when it comes to political office, i am proud to be an ageist

Kamala Harris needs to be replaced.  If Biden wins re-election, there's a strong possibility he won't finish out his term.  Harris would be a disaster as President.  I won't be voting for whoever wins the GOP nomination, and I have little confidence in Biden, especially with Harris as his running mate.  Maybe this is the year we see a legitimate 3rd Party candidate with Green Party and Labor Union support?

turd sandwich!

>  Maybe this is the year we see a legitimate 3rd Party candidate

You would (or should) know his or her name by now if that was going to happen.

Billy Strings for President 2032


>Maybe this is the year we see a legitimate 3rd Party candidate with Green Party and Labor Union <


A third party candidate will not win a national election. The Green party cannot win  majority on the state level, and control just one state's government. It is beyond foolish to believe that a third party candidate can win the Presidency. 

The Republicans have fully embraced authoritarianism. A vote for a third party presidential candidate is a vote to end democracy. 


i wish i could give a shit about politicians, but i simply don't give a shit who lies to me anymore. 

Mitch mcCorncob is sack of shit voted in by the other sacks of shit who don't give a shit about anything else other than their stocks, their firearms, their ammunition, their neighbor's fetuses, people who don't look like them and Jayyyyyyyyyyyyyzus.  


>mcCorncob is sack of shit voted in by the other sacks of shit who don't give a shit about anyone else other than their stocks, their firearms, their ammunition, their neighbor's fetuses, people who don't look like them and Jayyyyyyyyyyyyyzus<


The point is these people will continue to vote this way.  Look at he the laws being passed on the state and local levels. Among many other things,  a vote for a third party candidate for president will help usher in a national 6 week abortion ban.

 >>>>>Maybe this is the year we see a legitimate 3rd Party candidate with Green Party and Labor Union support?


Would guarantee a Trump victory.



I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that nearly half the country would apparently prefer to live under a fascist authoritarian regime than the broken but theoretically fixable "democracy" we currently have.

WTF, people?

Some ageism here but also really some obvious-isms. It's not ageist to say at some fixed point (age) this "thing" needs guardrails.

That human mental and physical competence do certainly decline, and the more we age, the steeper the curve of this decline becomes

That at some age (generally in our late 60's - early 70's,) that our life experience and our physical and cognitive abilities usually have all begun to sort of diverge from each other, rather than continue to sharpen and work synergistically 

it might be taboo, but it's not ageist. We require presidential candidates to be 35 years of age to take office for much the same reason. Because as adults; our mid 30's are when our abilities and our life experience generally have begun to converge.

In the United States military; not even the most beloved and highest ranking general officers can serve past age 65, and this comes only with a lot of special exceptions. Otherwise it's 62. (These are folks who could literally explode the world). We don't really need to think long or hard why this age requirement is, and we also don't really question it.

So why not then maybe also an age limit for their commander in chief? 

the liabilities of having octogenarians holding the country's most demanding offices should be obvious

Why aren't they?


> We require presidential candidates to be 35 years of age

I thought the age was 40. Chalk it up to my cognitive decline.

Billy Strings for President 2028.

That human mental and physical competence do certainly decline

its not only about mental competency. we have 70 and 80 year olds legislating around things many of them really dont seem to grasp, like social media, or AI. there are many examples of this kind of thing.

its a series of tubes!

maybe its time for people who grew up with modern technology to draft and vote on legislation surrounding modern technology. people like feinstein and mcconnell are living in a world that no longer exists.