Live Stream of Hot Tuna's last electric performance at Fur Peace Ranch
Sat, Oct 14, 2023 4:00 PM EDT
The name Hot Tuna invokes as many different moods and reactions as there are Hot Tuna fans — millions of them. To some, Hot Tuna is a reminder of some wild and happy times. To others, that name will forever be linked to their own discovery of the power and depth of American blues and roots music. To newer fans, Hot Tuna is a tight, masterful duo that is on the cutting edge of great music. All of those things are correct, and more. For more than four decades, Hot Tuna has played, toured, and recorded some of the best and most memorable acoustic and electric music ever. This Live Stream show will be their last ELECTRIC Performance at the Fur Peace Ranch. Catch them now. A special video will be shared to viewers only during the set break.
Additionally, this stream is a fundraising event for the Alzheimer's Association
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Thanks Alan for the heads up!
Thanks Alan for the heads up!
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Got a link for the webcast?
Got a link for the webcast?
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Woz, https://furpeaceranch
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Thank you Judit!
Thank you Judit!
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Jorma and Jack first played
Jorma and Jack first played together in 1958. That's a long-ass time! Caught a show a few weeks ago. It was great.
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Thank you for the heads-up
Thank you for the heads-up and the link. This has been a great way to spend a foggy afternoon. Thanks!
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Another satisfying Hot Tuna
Another satisfying Hot Tuna show on the couch. Once they got the mics tuned in, the streaming sound was simply delicious. I notice they have a two man crew credited with the video's audio.
We inadvertently hit the caption button during Good Shepard and it was hilarious to see how Jorma's semi-mumbled lyrics were translated. It was like a new form of poetry written by a drunk chatbot.
It's a shame other acts don't follow the Fur Peace Ranch recipe for broadcasting small venue shows in this manner -- it's so much more intimate than watching an arena sized show with flashing lights and fast edits. Terrapin Crossroads missed the boat on this revenue stream, (no pun intended) for sure.
(nice pic Bss. Nice boots Jack!)
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TXR did have some very good
TXR did have some very good live streams for a while, and then they were gone.
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Watched many a nice stream
Watched many a nice stream from TXR. Not sure what you are referring to Alan.
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> Not sure what you are
> Not sure what you are referring to Alan. <
My memory might be faulty, but I seem to remember that is was going to be a permanent / regular thing. Practically built into the concept. Then for whatever reason, they stopped. And I'm pretty cloudy about this one, but it may have been a one camera, straight on shoot. And I don't remember being really blown away by the sound. I'm sure I enjoyed the broadcasts I watched, though.
Somehow Fur Peace figured out how to make it worthwhile to do, and additionally do it very, very well. It is visually very intimate and the sound always impresses me. You really get a sense of the musician's moods and personalities plus great shots of their playing. To me it comes across as more than just a "camera on a tripod" documenting the event, even though that's probably what it is. Whatever they do, they sure have it dialed in.
Jorma and friends streams got me through the pandemic and for that I'm very grateful.
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I did hear from an innie that
I did hear from an innie that the TXR streams ended when Jill got sick of seeing closeups of those weird long hairs on Phil's neck. And the camera crew refused to buy their own tickets to the shows they worked.
So for a while the compromise was she allowed that guy who gets Phil his vape carts to be duct taped to the back wall recording with his cellphone. When the tape dried out, he fell off the wall...and that ended that.