Happy Sunday lovely Zoners, how are you?
It's a grey drizzly day here in Portland. I'm listening to JRAD Stanford - wowee! Loving the Two Souls.
I took a Zone break as I've had some nasty work deadlines that changed midstream due to political maneuvers at city hall.
Since I'm procrastinating on other computer work today, thought I'd share a funny story that happened last Tuesday when my friend Samantha gifted me a Molly Tuttle ticket at the Aladdin Theater:
The Aladdin backstage door is not protected from the sidewalk, and tour buses park on a very narrow street. There's an adjacent old pharmacy w/ parking lot that you can circle through when looking for parking. There's usually a "backstage door dude" hanging outside.
I dropped off Samantha to get in line while I circled .... and when I circled on the backstage street a third time, there was 1 open street spot behind a Sprinter van and trailer in front of the back door! I parked quickly after asking the door dude about any additional tour buses -- he said the Sprinter belonged to Molly, so I was good to park. As I was locking my car and about to race since the line had started to move, a car was exiting the pharmacy lot, windows down, and a couple of people inside. They yelled to me... but the only words I could understand were "Molly Tuttle"... and I couldn't see their faces...so I smiled and waved and made a motion that I was off to the line.
We were surprised there was an opening act, solo singer / guitarist Cristina Vane from Nashville. Though we had saved seats closer to stage, we were running around during the opener saying hello to friends... towards the end of her set, we were in the dark back row under the balcony when we heard her introduce her final song with "I want to dedicate this song to the woman who STOLE my parking spot!" (Crowd cheers wildly) Samantha and I were in tears, laughing hysterically in the back row.
At first, I wanted to grab the mic and ask her what her definition is of a public parking spot... but then I let it go... then we went to the lobby to visit the merch table before Molly began.... and Cristina suddenly appeared at the table -- so I spun around and walked away, a little fearful that she might've recognized me. Samantha was ready to tell her that since there was no signage or barricades, not to mention the backstage dude's OK, had she only identified herself as an artist on the lineup, I would have moved... and I would have done that, of course. So she probably had to walk 3 blocks instead of zero.
First and likely the last time that I'll ever get a song dedication, ha!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Racketinmyhead Racketinmyhead
on Sunday, October 15, 2023 – 07:29 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Sunday, October 15, 2023 – 07:50 pm
Hello there, LLOLLO. I hope
Hello there, LLOLLO. I hope you'll have a reasonable work/life flow for a while... it's good to see you come around.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MeditateontheQ LLOLLO
on Sunday, October 15, 2023 – 08:26 pm
Hi Judit! Thanks for the
Hi Judit! Thanks for the positive wishes. Hope you're well.
I hope to pass through Eugene next Sunday 10/22 -- on the way home from a wedding in Bend.
I want to return on 126 to check out fire damage along the McKenzie and maybe I'll hit Terwilliger Hot Springs first.
On the way to Bend on Friday, I'm hiking and then tent camping at Breitenbush Hot Springs -- looking forward to seeing how the rebuild is going after their fires. '
Let me know by text if you feel like socializing Sunday afternoon, would love to see you.
Racket, I guess I need an interpretation of your post!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Sunday, October 15, 2023 – 10:48 pm
Hilarious story.
Hilarious story.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, October 16, 2023 – 12:22 am
Opening act famous. Nice,
Opening act famous. Nice, LLOLLO.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Druba Noodler
on Monday, October 16, 2023 – 12:39 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Philzone Refugee Herbal Dave
on Monday, October 16, 2023 – 11:47 am
Llollo The Space Poacher has
Llollo The Space Poacher has a nice ring to it.
The All New Portland Woman Blues...
Good stuff, thanks for sharing!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: TommyGutt deadtothecore2
on Monday, October 16, 2023 – 04:22 pm
yes Now That I know you can
yes Now That I know you can totally see this scene...so funny you must feel honored, what song was it? lolllo. sad we wont be there for Philloween.. Andy's goin to SF ... hope to bash the birthday...83.....in March we'll see Molly seamed ecstatic with her shoe in Portland' Hi Dave!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: treat island judit
on Monday, October 16, 2023 – 05:34 pm
I saw your note, have to
I saw your note, have to confirm what's happening or not on Sunday before I text you.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Monday, October 16, 2023 – 06:44 pm
Hey Llollo. LOL.
Hey Llollo. LOL.
Good to hear from you.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: The Mayor Coyotte
on Monday, October 16, 2023 – 08:36 pm
Good One... See how easy it
Good One... See how easy it is to be a story... Love and Miss Ya Kid... Keep making Memories and stories... It's what Life is About~
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 – 02:29 am
don't know how i missed this.
don't know how i missed this. What a funny story!! Thanks for sharing. :))))))))))
(((((((((((((((( backstage door dude ))))))))))))))))))))))))
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MeditateontheQ LLOLLO
on Thursday, October 19, 2023 – 07:00 pm
Miss you too, Coyotte!
Miss you too, Coyotte! Anyone who calls me a kid is high on my list, LOL. Fingers crossed for a Phil Bday show on east coast.
Judit, Thanks for your message off-thread, will reply in a bit.
Thomas, Oui, c'est unne dommage (o c'est triste)
?) que nous ne pouvons pas faire réunion au CAP!