Thanks for this funny thread!! Cherokee Nation sends out a free beautiful calendar each year here to the residents and they have next weekend designated for fall back, so i officially have one more week of normalcy :)
There has been a lot of talk about no more time change next Fall. This is simply not true. States can change if they'd like but it is still a federal policy.
most animal farmers i knew in IL and WI don't bother with the clock change. Their livestock stay on the natural clock. So the farmers choose to do that too.
States can keep Standard Time year round on their own like AZ does, because they want it to get dark early in the summer so they can emerge from their protective shelters and enjoy outside.
States can not do Daylight Saving Times year round that requires federal approval.
The federal proposal on the table would give us Daylight Saving Year round which means for most of us it wouldn't get light until around 9:30 AM in the winter. There is some science that shows this would be bad for our health, but I'm all in on year round Daylight Savings.
So I got a automatic cat feeder for my older overweight cat who obsessively stares at me whenever he is hungry and since I WFH that is all day. He also needs multiple small feedings a day or else he will constantly throw up. The cat feeder has been great because now the stares at the feeder and leaves me alone. It is set for 5 feedings a day that start at 6:30 AM and go to 9:00 PM. It takes a long time to program and it doesn't switch when we set the clocks back.
All week I have been telling me wife how happy the cat is because he gets all his feedings an hour earlier since we set the clocks back and the feeder has not been updated. I was worried about Spring Forward when his feedings would go back to normal and to him would be an hour later.
Yes I am an idiot. I finally realized that my cat is a superior being who does not follow time changes and is only wondering why I'm sleeping in an extra hour every morning.
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That's GREAT! A big laugh.
That's GREAT! A big laugh. Thanks Judit.
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That is funny as hell Judit,
That is funny as hell Judit, thank you!
Just happened to get this 1969 Stones tour poster today....
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Lol - perfect!
Lol - perfect!
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That is funny as hell Judit,
That is funny as hell Judit, thank you!
Just happened to get this 1969 Stones tour poster today....of course the
last show was Altamont.......
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Beautiful poster, LCL. Is it
Beautiful poster, LCL. Is it current?
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Whoops sorry about the double
Whoops sorry about the double post!
Must be daylight savings kicking in!!!
When are we going to get rid of this?
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Printed in 1969 for their
Printed in 1969 for their tour. Original first and only printing.
It is very nice, great colors, never seen one before.
Long story short for now, it was given to me from the original printer; he told me
the Stones ordered 30,000 to be printed for the tour, with each individual city and ticket information
to be printed in the blank area at the bottom.
They paid for and took shipment of the first 10,000 posters, and then when the tour sold out and they realized
they didn't have to advertise anymore, they stiffed them for payment on the last 20,000 posters!!!!!
Hahahaha rock and roll business in '69 baby!
He said he ended up literally selling many of them for 10 cents each.....
Unreal....Classic SF rock history.
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Thanks for this funny thread!
Thanks for this funny thread!! Cherokee Nation sends out a free beautiful calendar each year here to the residents and they have next weekend designated for fall back, so i officially have one more week of normalcy :)
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this is bullshit.
this is bullshit.
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Pretty sure the next "Spring
Pretty sure the next "Spring forward" will be the last time change. Finally. And yeah that is pretty funny Judit.
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DId Bobby ever tell the
DId Bobby ever tell the audience to Turn the Clocks Back? Seems like a missed opportunity if he didn't.
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Yes he did. 1972 or 73. It's
Yes he did. 1972 or 73. It's on one of the Dick's Picks.
Alright on the count of three everyone turn the clock back
And turn another clock back and another clock back.
There can't you tell time better ?
Waddaya mean no ?
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sweet thread
sweet thread
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There has been a lot of talk
There has been a lot of talk about no more time change next Fall. This is simply not true. States can change if they'd like but it is still a federal policy.
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I'm just hoping that we
I'm just hoping that we successfully saved it
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most animal farmers i knew in
most animal farmers i knew in IL and WI don't bother with the clock change. Their livestock stay on the natural clock. So the farmers choose to do that too.
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>>>There has been a lot of
States can keep Standard Time year round on their own like AZ does, because they want it to get dark early in the summer so they can emerge from their protective shelters and enjoy outside.
States can not do Daylight Saving Times year round that requires federal approval.
The federal proposal on the table would give us Daylight Saving Year round which means for most of us it wouldn't get light until around 9:30 AM in the winter. There is some science that shows this would be bad for our health, but I'm all in on year round Daylight Savings.
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So I got a automatic cat
So I got a automatic cat feeder for my older overweight cat who obsessively stares at me whenever he is hungry and since I WFH that is all day. He also needs multiple small feedings a day or else he will constantly throw up. The cat feeder has been great because now the stares at the feeder and leaves me alone. It is set for 5 feedings a day that start at 6:30 AM and go to 9:00 PM. It takes a long time to program and it doesn't switch when we set the clocks back.
All week I have been telling me wife how happy the cat is because he gets all his feedings an hour earlier since we set the clocks back and the feeder has not been updated. I was worried about Spring Forward when his feedings would go back to normal and to him would be an hour later.
Yes I am an idiot. I finally realized that my cat is a superior being who does not follow time changes and is only wondering why I'm sleeping in an extra hour every morning.
Anyway 10/10 on the cat feeder. Highly recommend.