Don’t be these assholes
Every show these self-proclaimed ‘tour wooks’ sit like this in the front left pre-show and yell at people who stands within a few feet around them (mostly locals). Then halfway into the first song, after space has filled in, like 4 or 5 of their friends come crash the space and elbow everyone out. They dance like they are the only ones on the floor throwing elbows and whipping massive dreads everywhere. One holds up a stupid fucking stuffed goat the whole show. They have done this at every show this tour.
Respect the goddamn local culture. Don’t be dicks while visiting another country and let the locals have a good show. You guys are just self-centered wooks and that’s not a good thing.
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I was reading some of those
I was reading some of those entitled prick threads on Reddit yesterday. I found the things described in this one to be especially disgusting.
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Come throw elbows at me at a
Lol come throw elbows at me at a show
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Excuse me sir, your service
Excuse me sir, your service goat seems a little tattered.
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It's my emotional support
It's my emotional support goat, goddammit!
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At Phil 11-03-23 show in rear
At Phil 11-03-23 show in rear near bar, big fat dude kept elbowing me in the head. I said something politely but he kept doing it until a security guy walked behind him and elbowed him in the gut real hard 3-4 times while passing by, not on purpose. Guy finally got it: No longer hit me all night but he kept getting nailed by security guy. I guess "what goes around comes around!"
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(What’s So Funny 'Bout) Peace
(What’s So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding
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When I saw Billy Strings at
When I saw Billy Strings at Marymoor Park in Redmond, Washington in 2021, I got there early enough to be about 4th row dead center in GA. There was a large mooch of wooks, she-wooks, and wooklets herding in the first three rows, preciously guarding their territory. As showtime approached the locals filed in. Until the end of the first set, everything was groovy, but between all the people trying to wedge in and looks of consternation being exchanged between the turf-holders and claim-jumpers, it was all too much. I wanted to take a leak, get a beer, and find a space that wasn't a turf war, and I could better enjoy the show. Ended up just in front of the board on the left side, where I enjoyed the second set.
Sometimes, it's not worth the hassle to be up front. Most of the regulars up there are self-entitled pricks and douchebags with no sense of anyone but their stinky selves. Who needs that?
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Sounds awful. Is this time
Sounds awful. Is this time that Billy Strings band members send a letter to the "fans" like GD did in the '80s or whenever it was? Station security where they can see the dangerous behavior and escort those folks out?
I get a sad feeling about this. (Yes, I read linked reddit threads.)
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Will there be a rail to ride
Will there be a rail to ride at the NY Philharmonic?
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phish has this problem,
phish has this problem, apparently, and can be seen in a lesser context and a dnb gig at times as well.
i'd rather be 3-4 people back and let the nutballs jock
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Seems we need to change it to
Seems we need to change it to - Everyone Take A Step Forward
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Lol, the Billy Strings
Lol, the Billy Strings bandwagon has gotten ridiculous.
Just when you thought the "jam band" demographic couldn't get any more first-world-white...
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The core Billy Strings crowd
The core Billy Strings crowd is a bit of an odd one, veering hippie but with a healthy dose of rednecks and the downtrodden.
There is also some of the worst dancing one can find, outside of a Dave Matthews show.
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At least nobody is crashing
At least nobody is crashing the gates to see Strings or Phish like many TERRIBLE GD fans did back in the day.
The sense of WOOK entitlement was born on the lots in the late 1980s. I still get upset thinking about all the selfish assholes
who went 'Just for the party brah' then left a huge mess of waste behind intead of Footprints.
If someone elbowed me or shoved me i'd be very tempted to throw a punch back. I'm never looking to start anything but this behavior will seemingly continue.....
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Billy hasn't been playing at
Billy hasn't been playing at HSB or Merle Fest since he blew up. Probably ain't no coincidence.
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Persona non goatis.
Persona non goatis.
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I'd like to see someone try
I'd like to see someone try this at a Maiden show
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>>>>I'd like to see someone
>>>>I'd like to see someone try this at a Maiden show
Probably get a walker to the head.
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The entitlement is what blows
The entitlement is what blows my mind. In what universe do you expect to have room to dance up on the rail. I used to spend time up on the rail in the 80's to help my friend out who was a photographer before he started getting press passes. There was a community - you would see the same people coast to coast, but no one had entitlement up there.
The entitlement doesn't end at the rail either it is all over the floor these days from the talkers to the people that spend the entire show holding up their bright screens to everyone thinking that GA space is THEIRS for the entirety of the show.
Honestly the best GA crowd on the floor I've been apart of for the last 6 years was Lady Gaga who doesn't have people following her around.
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Keep giving your money to
Keep giving your money to Ticketmaster
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Made the news. From Jamface
Made the news. From
Fans were appalled at last weekend’s Billy Strings concert when a group of audience members seemingly sacrificed a live goat during the second set of the performance. Security arrived to investigate the gruesome event after a fan slipped and fell onto the floor and realized she was covered in blood. “I’m so happy it wasn’t human blood,” commented shocked fan Sarah Bartholomew, who was examined by on-site medical staff and released.
According to one nearby fan, ”The whole thing started during Dust in a Baggie when we heard some squealing. When I looked in that direction, I noticed a circle of friends all excited by something happening in the middle of their group. I thought it was someone giving birth. One dreadlocked guy was flinging something around and suddenly I got struck by entrails or something. At first I thought it was an umbilical cord. It was really gross.”
Event security arrived to find six audience members surrounding a partially dismembered medium-sized animal “in a sort of trance.” The animal was later determined to be a small recently deceased goat. A pocket knife was confiscated along with packets of drugs. On-site testing indicated the presence of DMT, fentanyl, and other unknown substances.
“Yeah we were rippin on Techno Mechanicus (a new street drug named after Elon Musk’s baby) and things got a little out of hand” explained one participant as she was led off to the local police precinct along with her five cohorts. “Carnal butchery is only a misdemeanor in this State and we’ll be back on tour in no time. Save me my spot on the rail.”
The concert promotor spokesperson and band representatives refused comment although a venue staff member volunteered, " with Deadco not touring and Phish on break, this crowd of young druggy transients has no where else to go to hustle their wares. Since when do these indigents listen to banjo and fiddle? How do they even afford tickets?"
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luckily, i give
luckily, i give fucks about billy strings, and, thanks to our sweet new sound system, couch tour is more appealing than ever
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Wait. They're adding fentanyl
Wait. They're adding fentanyl to DMT now too?
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Not if you know the person
Not if you know the person doing the extraction.
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Sounds like an onion piece.
Sounds like an onion piece.
I like the old timer zone at BMFS. It works just fine for me.
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The floor is a toilet at his
The floor is a toilet at his shows
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I was at the Paris Cigale
I was at the Paris Cigale shoe, yep 34 Euros and I chose to sit in the last Row, (Senior section )which was a great seat cause nobody was behind me .I could stand and Dance not botherin anybody And the Cigale is sooo tiny Even the Last row was a great place to be , shit slaughterd another goat did they , friggen freaks!
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Goat-slayer wookie dancer
Goat-slayer wookie dancer released on bail says, " Who knew there was music made especially for poor white people who live off the grid? I love bluegrass."
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id take respectful and quiet
id take respectful and quiet gate crashers over loud drunken talkers or aggro wooks every single day of the week
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^^^id take respectful and
^^^id take respectful and quiet gate crashers over loud drunken talkers or aggro wooks every single day of the week^^^
This is a completely baffling comment to me but it's a free world right?
Your dream show occurred at Deer Creek on 7/2/95. Respectful is probably the last word I'd ever use to describe that situation.
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7/2/95 - Dark day, dark tour,
7/2/95 - Dark day, dark tour, dark year.
Any more on this goat stuff. Seems pretty out there.
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If that slaughtering of a
If that slaughtering of a goat is real then those folks need some time in jail. How do you bring a goat into a show. I'm just thinking it is total BS.
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^^^id take respectful and
^^^id take respectful and quiet gate crashers over loud drunken talkers or aggro wooks every single day of the week^^^
>>>>This is a completely baffling comment to me but it's a free world right?
Your dream show occurred at Deer Creek on 7/2/95. Respectful is probably the last word I'd ever use to describe that situation.<<<<
I interpreted Daylight's comment to refer to those who sneak in with low visibility and without a bunch of racket, the exact opposite as you correctly note, of the Deer Creek scene.
Merely an interpretation of course.
Those assholes at Deer Creek cost us two shows, the night of and the following night. I had tix for both, and I still hold a grudge.
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>>> I had tix for both, and I
>>> I had tix for both, and I still hold a grudge.
So does Keller Williams:
I was there at Deer Creek back in 1995
I think it was June maybe July
But Jerry was still alive
All the kids in that parking lot
They tore that fence down
And I blamed them
For the second show getting canceled
I really wanted to go
I saved up all of my dough
I didn't go to any other shows
And I got my tickets M.O.'d
And I never missed a Deer Creek show
From '89 to '95
I was happy just to be alive
On my yearly Indiana vacation
But that was cut short by a bunch of jealous
Party bashin', buzz thrashin', gate crashin', stinky bastards
And if you're one of them
And you hear this song
Fuck you
You cock sucking motherfucker (Repeat)
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Yea gate crashers suck no
Yea gate crashers suck no exceptions ...but the aggro wook scene is honestly a huge detractor to me also and I almost always get my music fix elsewhere in other genres anymore because of it, there are plenty of modern prog, rock and and jazz bands performing great music without all the bullshittery of the entitled wook crowd to deal with. In fact I often hear complaints from some who attend, usually attributable to a crowd just not putting with with their nonsense
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My new favorite word.
Although still within the genre, I went to my first Zero shows in Fayetteville last December.
Shocking that the shows were so lightly attended given the level of music, though apparently people flew in from all over, and those who attended showed no shortage of enthusiasm all 3 nights.
I mean Zero was just smokin' last year.
To get to my point, catching shows on that level with pretty much no bullshittery was a nice breath of fresh air.
And of course, what Keller said.
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[Warning! Some viewers might
[Warning! Some viewers might find following photo disturbing.]
Cell phone footage of agro wookie dancer and slaughtered goat emerges.
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O.G. Wookie
O.G. Wookie