Oklahoma zealots are in competition


with Louisiana zealots.


I really love my mostly moderate diverse neighborhood sucked up next to an Air Force Base. 

Speaker Johnson is from the same Parish(county) we live in. Dodie Horton, she authored that stupid Ten Commandments law is also from my parish. 

It's not the water. Before I retired I was responsible for the areas drinking water supply.

I didn't expect this stupid shit to expand this fast.






Fuck you zealots!

So every teacher, regardless of religious affiliation, has to teach the bible in PUBLIC SCHOOLS? 

I would not pay my school taxes if subjected to this horrible rule.

WTF is this fascist crap? 

never seen the commandments hanging on the wall in church

If thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife nor his ox nor his manservant doesn't strike fear into elementary schoolchildren

I don't really know what will

The Native Americans just shake their heads and laugh.

 Ok was the only state in 2016 in which all 77 counties voted 70% or more for dump.  The politicians want John Wayne and Ronald Reagan back. 

Then 2 years later, they legalize the most liberal medical weed program ever, so much so that it's basically a well written legal version of the black market.

Now this. And there's no room here for anyone other than Jayyyyyyzus. You can't make this shit up. 

I don't like to use the word 'fucktards', but when you've gone out of your way to earn it...



Did Jesus smoke weed? LOL

Hey amigo   nice ox ya got there.....she looks like she would enjoy a Sphere show or two... how much?....[god dang it --- Just broke another one! *]


* Female oxen do have horns, Just in case you think I broke the manservant one.


I had to look em up off the google and I can't swear they are correct (oh shit, I just swore. Is that on the list? No? Cool.)

I just looked back for the ancient Hebrew translations. I am sooooooo fucked:

[lo ta'a'seh le'kha phe'sel we'khol te'mu'nah a'sher ba'sha'ma'ma'yim mi'ma'al wa'a'sher ba'a'rets mi'ta'hhat wa'a'sher ba'ma'yim mi'ta'hhat la'a'rets

you will not (make) (for) you {a} sculpture and (any) resemblance which {is} in the skies , and which {is} in the land , and which {is} in the waters the land,]


If I lived in OK I would live there no longer.

Fuck that shit.

^my native American neighbors and friends make this place tolerable, and I don't have any kids here either. 

Organized mass religion has brought nothing but peace and prosperity all over the world, especially to women and minorities. If they just cram it down our throats even more, it will only bring more peace and prosperity.


I'm watching the debate now. Checking in.  As Ben Fong Torres says, " Crazy".