In my purple probably red state leaning neighborhood there is not one political sign on any lawn. Having political views is no longer something to politely display any more - it's full contact now.
I am in a progressive neighborhood in a very liberal city and don't see many signs endorsing any candidates. Plenty of Black Lives Matter and "In this house. . ." signs though.
Back in 2016 and 2020, Bernie signs were ubiquitous.
Way too many Trump or 1776/Don't Tread on Me/etc flags, like dozens. There are 3 houses , including mine, that have Pride flags... what i do find particularly ironic and only exacerbates my impression of the vast ignorance of my hillbilly neighbors are the MANY American flags that are not properly displayed...torn to shit, not lit at night , hanging in tatters and hitting the ground...fucking ignorant poseur 'patriots'
There's a locksmith in my small town who flies a Trump flag year-round. Also, one of my neighbors has a Republic of Jefferson flag draped on his front porch.
When I moved here in 2020, my neighbors had Trump and Don't Tread on Me flags everywhere. One old codger this year has a Trump flag flying. I like the flag flyers. Makes it much easier to know who to avoid.
i am in one of the most conservative counties in the state. i see a few flags for chump, basically zero for biden. lots of stickers....the new thing are these bastardized american flags with blue, black, or red stripes. love the cops types.
bought 2 olive trees yesterday. family is packing for georgia.....blah blah, tump, blah blah...uh, LATER! see yas!
I live in a blood red MAGA stronghold and they never took the 2020 ones down (even a 2016 one here and there if you look hard enough), just more, varied, occasionally newer signs pop up here and there. Can't drive in either direction on our country road without being overwhelmed by them. Let's go Brandon, last election ever, fuck your feelings, no more bullshit... such class. Then it's the cars and trucks with trump crap plastered all over the doors, hood, roof... life size car window pics of trump riding in the backseat, they're worse then the marine corps vets with all the stickers lol
personally I have never really cared for campaign signage like this in any capacity. People who make partisan politics an actual physical component of their identity or their property are generally to be avoided regardless of persuasion.
No narrative, my observations... I have no problem owning the emotions felt by both sides these days. You even see it here, sometimes even toward each other
Just overnight the first "Biden/Harris" and "Never Trump" signs went up on our block. I imagine we will be seeing more now that the Democrats have a new presumptive nominee.
I wish I saw signs in my university district community. It would show some semblance of engaging with critical thought. Instead, we just have excessive amounts of graffiti, which is usually just a desperate cry for attention from some wanker who can't control themselves from tagging their name/handle everywhere, and just looks like shit.
<<Instead, we just have excessive amounts of graffiti, which is usually just a desperate cry for attention from some wanker who can't control themselves from tagging their name/handle everywhere, and just looks like shit.>>
Fully agree with your Herbal. I completely hate Graffiti.
Do these taggers ever spray their OWN property or just mar and force their 'art' on the public using other people's property?
I have the opposite feeling for buskers as their art simply floats away into the air in temporary (hopefully harmonious) fashion.
I think it's ironic that ancient graffiti is revered and protected. Are today's graffiti artists the "Touch Heads" of cave paintings?
When a spray paint can disperses its contents I imagine this song going through the artist's mind:
What shall we say, shall we call it by a name
As well to count the angels dancing on a pin
Water bright as the sky from which it came
And the name is on the earth that takes it in
We will not speak but stand inside the rain
And listen to the thunder shout
I am, I am, I am, I am
The Sacramento to Oakland train could be rebranded as a graffiti tour. The thing I don't get about graffiti is how un original it is. I mean it's almost all a variation on a theme developed in the 70's.
There is good graffiti and then there's crap graffiti:
It would be good if cities set up graffiti review boards made up of professional art critics that decides what stays up and what gets painted over.
And murals are good way of controlling graffiti. It has been shown that buildings with murals are less likely to be subject to random tagging. I was just over in Glasgow and Belfast last month and they have huge murals scattered around town. Cool stuff:
Yo I don't hang out with those guys, man, I ain't got nothing to do with those dudes.
Wait a minute, I saw your female with 'em, too. What's up with her? I've been hearin' that she been givin' that stuff out to ALL them graffiti guys.
Yo, shut the fuck up, Chico, man!
I could paint three of those murals for some of that ass.
Jane Golden has been the driving force of Mural Arts Philadelphia since its inception, overseeing its growth from a small city agency into the nation’s largest public art program and a global model for transforming public space and community through art. Under Golden’s direction, Mural Arts has created over 4,000 works of public art through innovative collaborations with community-based organizations, city agencies, nonprofit organizations, schools, the private sector, and philanthropies.
Initially hired as a young artist by former Mayor Wilson Goode to address Philadelphia’s widespread graffiti issue through the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network in 1984, Golden worked with graffiti writers to channel their creative energy and talent toward mural collaborations, transforming neighborhoods where buildings and communities had long suffered from years of neglect. The process gave graffiti writers an opportunity to rethink their work and contributions to the city as artists. In 1997, the Anti-Graffiti Network was restructured by then Mayor Ed Rendell, who would eventually support the creation of the Mural Arts Program under Golden’s leadership. In 1998, Golden established the Philadelphia Mural Arts Advocates, a nonprofit organization to work in tandem with the City and raise funds to support the program.
In 1984, under the leadership of former Mayor Wilson Goode, the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network was established.
Mayor Goode appointed Tim Spencer as the Executive Director, and subsequently, artist Jane Golden was brought on board to engage Philadelphia's youth. Golden's innovative approach transformed graffiti writers' talents into positive community art initiatives. With its collaborative mural creation, the Mural Arts program has since become an influential mechanism for fostering dialogue, strengthening community bonds, empowering neighborhoods, and stimulating economic growth.
We are down in Florida for two weeks and staying at the little bodega on A1A behind my parents' place. Stopped by the St. Johns County Democrats HQ and picked up a sign to put out front of the bodega:
There is a lot of traffic along A1A there I was half expecting someone to snag it, but it's still there. Also thought my mom would make us take it down as soon as she saw it, but she was cool with it too. In fact, there are more Harris signs in my parents' neighborhoods than Trump ones (but did get stuck at a traffic light the other day right next to a gaggle of flag waiving trumpers on the corner with "honk for Trump" signs and plenty of idiots honking).
There are still no signs in my neighborhood other than one Trump flag hanging in the window inside the house, and the gaggle of Trump flag fliers who congregated every night on the corner of a busy intersection in 2020 are gone.
In Seattle the taggers put their tags up over the murals, on designated landmark buildings; wherever. There are Facebook/Reddit/X/Instagram accounts linked to the seattlelookslikeshit theme:
We basically are trying to recover from a three year period where our police department became severely understaffed and the city attorney wasn't prosecuting non-violent crime.
The graffiti issue is systemic at this point. It's hard to see much working to deter it other than harsh penalties. Maybe being held accountable for the cost of the restoration of their property damage and some jail time with graduating lengths of incarceration for each time arrested, would make some of them reconsider how they display their "art". Probably not though, as their seeming addiction to recognition (perhaps a sign of an inferiority complex?) hampers their self restraint.
I just want to clarify (artistically, stylisticly) that graffiti and tagging are two separate things. They're not interchangeable terms.
Unauthorized murals are graffiti. banksy is graffiti. you can disagree with the placement or quality of it, but to provoke thought is kind of what art is.
tagging is pissing on a fire hydrant. It's carving your name in a picnic table. An ode to self. It's claiming space, turf, or street cred. The "art" (yes, that's sarcasm) lies in the actual risk or prominence of the act.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 11:41 am
I am in a progressive
I am in a progressive neighborhood in a very liberal city and don't see many signs endorsing any candidates. Plenty of Black Lives Matter and "In this house. . ." signs though.
Back in 2016 and 2020, Bernie signs were ubiquitous.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 11:49 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MikePA 2Ripple3
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 11:54 am
Way too many Trump or 1776
Way too many Trump or 1776/Don't Tread on Me/etc flags, like dozens. There are 3 houses , including mine, that have Pride flags... what i do find particularly ironic and only exacerbates my impression of the vast ignorance of my hillbilly neighbors are the MANY American flags that are not properly displayed...torn to shit, not lit at night , hanging in tatters and hitting the ground...fucking ignorant poseur 'patriots'
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 12:12 pm
There's a locksmith in my
There's a locksmith in my small town who flies a Trump flag year-round. Also, one of my neighbors has a Republic of Jefferson flag draped on his front porch.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 02:09 pm
When I moved here in 2020, my
When I moved here in 2020, my neighbors had Trump and Don't Tread on Me flags everywhere. One old codger this year has a Trump flag flying. I like the flag flyers. Makes it much easier to know who to avoid.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Tim Wheres My Flashbacks
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 02:41 pm
I work 1.25 miles from my
I work 1.25 miles from my home and I pass at least 20 Trump flags a day.
I love thr FUCK BIDEN flag that flies into the sidewalk 100 yards from the elementary school.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: An organ grinder’s tune Turtle
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 02:41 pm
flag kooks are the worst.
flag kooks are the worst.
i am in one of the most conservative counties in the state. i see a few flags for chump, basically zero for biden. lots of stickers....the new thing are these bastardized american flags with blue, black, or red stripes. love the cops types.
bought 2 olive trees yesterday. family is packing for georgia.....blah blah, tump, blah blah...uh, LATER! see yas!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 03:00 pm
I live in a blood red MAGA
I live in a blood red MAGA stronghold and they never took the 2020 ones down (even a 2016 one here and there if you look hard enough), just more, varied, occasionally newer signs pop up here and there. Can't drive in either direction on our country road without being overwhelmed by them. Let's go Brandon, last election ever, fuck your feelings, no more bullshit... such class. Then it's the cars and trucks with trump crap plastered all over the doors, hood, roof... life size car window pics of trump riding in the backseat, they're worse then the marine corps vets with all the stickers lol
personally I have never really cared for campaign signage like this in any capacity. People who make partisan politics an actual physical component of their identity or their property are generally to be avoided regardless of persuasion.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: fishcane fishcane
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 03:06 pm
Hostility on both sides, who
Hostility on both sides, who wants to be a target of the extremist nut jobs that have nothing to lose. They even drive that way now a days
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: skyjunk fabes
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 03:31 pm
The new Trump run Republican
The new Trump run Republican Party is not going to spend money printing signs for congress persons, senators, or Trump himself
it will cut into profit margins
but I guarantee you, they will have their accounting firm deduct some imaginary cost off of their tax statement.
not many of either party signs, or Trump Caravans, Trump Boat Caravans in this part of Florida as in years past.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Strangha Slickrock
on Thursday, July 11, 2024 – 06:28 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Pearly SweetCakes jlp
on Monday, July 22, 2024 – 10:49 pm
Hostility on both sides,
Hostility on both sides,
^lol. still with that narrative?
they are all too prevalent here, with all the cusses, oversized vehicle flags, and etc hatred
and still, you can freak them out so easily in endless ways. 97% of them are abjectly miserable and scared, cloaked as anger
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: fishcane fishcane
on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 – 07:28 am
No narrative, my observations
No narrative, my observations... I have no problem owning the emotions felt by both sides these days. You even see it here, sometimes even toward each other
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 – 10:06 am
Just overnight the first
Just overnight the first "Biden/Harris" and "Never Trump" signs went up on our block. I imagine we will be seeing more now that the Democrats have a new presumptive nominee.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Philzone Refugee Herbal Dave
on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 – 10:39 am
I wish I saw signs in my
I wish I saw signs in my university district community. It would show some semblance of engaging with critical thought. Instead, we just have excessive amounts of graffiti, which is usually just a desperate cry for attention from some wanker who can't control themselves from tagging their name/handle everywhere, and just looks like shit.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Jay Sunshine jaysunshine
on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 – 01:51 pm
<<Instead, we just have
<<Instead, we just have excessive amounts of graffiti, which is usually just a desperate cry for attention from some wanker who can't control themselves from tagging their name/handle everywhere, and just looks like shit.>>
Fully agree with your Herbal. I completely hate Graffiti.
Do these taggers ever spray their OWN property or just mar and force their 'art' on the public using other people's property?
I have the opposite feeling for buskers as their art simply floats away into the air in temporary (hopefully harmonious) fashion.
LFG Kamala!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – 08:02 am
For some reason the only
For some reason the only place I don't mind graffiti is on train cars.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Sun so hot, clouds so low Trailhead
on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – 08:30 am
I think it's ironic that
I think it's ironic that ancient graffiti is revered and protected. Are today's graffiti artists the "Touch Heads" of cave paintings?
When a spray paint can disperses its contents I imagine this song going through the artist's mind:
What shall we say, shall we call it by a name
As well to count the angels dancing on a pin
Water bright as the sky from which it came
And the name is on the earth that takes it in
We will not speak but stand inside the rain
And listen to the thunder shout
I am, I am, I am, I am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – 11:26 am
The Sacramento to Oakland
The Sacramento to Oakland train could be rebranded as a graffiti tour. The thing I don't get about graffiti is how un original it is. I mean it's almost all a variation on a theme developed in the 70's.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: fishcane fishcane
on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – 11:49 am
Graffiti is like looking at
Graffiti is like looking at litter
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – 12:10 pm
There is good graffiti and
There is good graffiti and then there's crap graffiti:
It would be good if cities set up graffiti review boards made up of professional art critics that decides what stays up and what gets painted over.
And murals are good way of controlling graffiti. It has been shown that buildings with murals are less likely to be subject to random tagging. I was just over in Glasgow and Belfast last month and they have huge murals scattered around town. Cool stuff:
Yo I don't hang out with those guys, man, I ain't got nothing to do with those dudes.
Wait a minute, I saw your female with 'em, too. What's up with her? I've been hearin' that she been givin' that stuff out to ALL them graffiti guys.
Yo, shut the fuck up, Chico, man!
I could paint three of those murals for some of that ass.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: fishcane fishcane
on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – 12:24 pm
Yea I support the mural
Yea I support the mural movement
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: nebulous nelly Orange County Lumber Truck
on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – 01:13 pm
We believe that art ignites change.
Together, we create art that transforms places, individuals, communities, and institutions
Jane Golden has been the driving force of Mural Arts Philadelphia since its inception, overseeing its growth from a small city agency into the nation’s largest public art program and a global model for transforming public space and community through art. Under Golden’s direction, Mural Arts has created over 4,000 works of public art through innovative collaborations with community-based organizations, city agencies, nonprofit organizations, schools, the private sector, and philanthropies.
Initially hired as a young artist by former Mayor Wilson Goode to address Philadelphia’s widespread graffiti issue through the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network in 1984, Golden worked with graffiti writers to channel their creative energy and talent toward mural collaborations, transforming neighborhoods where buildings and communities had long suffered from years of neglect. The process gave graffiti writers an opportunity to rethink their work and contributions to the city as artists. In 1997, the Anti-Graffiti Network was restructured by then Mayor Ed Rendell, who would eventually support the creation of the Mural Arts Program under Golden’s leadership. In 1998, Golden established the Philadelphia Mural Arts Advocates, a nonprofit organization to work in tandem with the City and raise funds to support the program.
In 1984, under the leadership of former Mayor Wilson Goode, the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network was established.
Mayor Goode appointed Tim Spencer as the Executive Director, and subsequently, artist Jane Golden was brought on board to engage Philadelphia's youth. Golden's innovative approach transformed graffiti writers' talents into positive community art initiatives. With its collaborative mural creation, the Mural Arts program has since become an influential mechanism for fostering dialogue, strengthening community bonds, empowering neighborhoods, and stimulating economic growth.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Pearly SweetCakes jlp
on Friday, July 26, 2024 – 06:39 pm
one dude's graffiti is
one dude's graffiti is another dude's art
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Strangha Slickrock
on Friday, July 26, 2024 – 07:53 pm
"The words of the prophets
"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls, tenement halls" - Paul Simon, "Sounds of Silence"
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Sunday, July 28, 2024 – 03:10 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – 01:36 pm
Women puts airtags on her
Women puts airtags on her Harris sign and when it's stolen for the fouthr time she finds over 50 signs in the trunk of guys car.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – 02:18 pm
Here is what we have in our
Here is what we have in our yard in Portland:
We are down in Florida for two weeks and staying at the little bodega on A1A behind my parents' place. Stopped by the St. Johns County Democrats HQ and picked up a sign to put out front of the bodega:
There is a lot of traffic along A1A there I was half expecting someone to snag it, but it's still there. Also thought my mom would make us take it down as soon as she saw it, but she was cool with it too. In fact, there are more Harris signs in my parents' neighborhoods than Trump ones (but did get stuck at a traffic light the other day right next to a gaggle of flag waiving trumpers on the corner with "honk for Trump" signs and plenty of idiots honking).
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – 02:24 pm
There are still no signs in
There are still no signs in my neighborhood other than one Trump flag hanging in the window inside the house, and the gaggle of Trump flag fliers who congregated every night on the corner of a busy intersection in 2020 are gone.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Strangha Slickrock
on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – 02:49 pm
Searching? Found this at a
Searching? Found this at a local mall.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Pearly SweetCakes jlp
on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 – 01:09 am
EXCITED AT ALL THE HARRIS SIGNS THAT HAVE SPRUNG UP (oooops) lately. my excitement over rudy's indictment is still humming
still see more of the other people's signs
it is nice to see our folks in any case
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Philzone Refugee Herbal Dave
on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 – 01:03 pm
In Seattle the taggers put
In Seattle the taggers put their tags up over the murals, on designated landmark buildings; wherever. There are Facebook/Reddit/X/Instagram accounts linked to the seattlelookslikeshit theme:
We basically are trying to recover from a three year period where our police department became severely understaffed and the city attorney wasn't prosecuting non-violent crime.
The graffiti issue is systemic at this point. It's hard to see much working to deter it other than harsh penalties. Maybe being held accountable for the cost of the restoration of their property damage and some jail time with graduating lengths of incarceration for each time arrested, would make some of them reconsider how they display their "art". Probably not though, as their seeming addiction to recognition (perhaps a sign of an inferiority complex?) hampers their self restraint.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 – 01:37 pm
I just want to clarify
I just want to clarify (artistically, stylisticly) that graffiti and tagging are two separate things. They're not interchangeable terms.
Unauthorized murals are graffiti. banksy is graffiti. you can disagree with the placement or quality of it, but to provoke thought is kind of what art is.
tagging is pissing on a fire hydrant. It's carving your name in a picnic table. An ode to self. It's claiming space, turf, or street cred. The "art" (yes, that's sarcasm) lies in the actual risk or prominence of the act.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Friday, November 1, 2024 – 01:36 am
sometimes they're obvious....
sometimes they're obvious....
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Tim Wheres My Flashbacks
on Friday, November 1, 2024 – 08:33 am
My Car Magnet
My Car Magnet