Why don't the good guys win?


I'm getting old.

This is not how I thought it would end, with the bad guys in control.

Maybe it's how it always was and the last 65 years were just a bubble of hope and abundance. Maybe I was lucky to have come into existence during that time and I should be grateful.

Still, it's very depressing.

it's god's plan, bro



Everybody Knows the war is over

Everybody knows the Good Guys lost

Leonard Cohen 1988

Because they show up to a gunfight with a wooden spoon.


but, it was a white male republican, good guy with a gun


Is it wrong to speculate on the manner in which Lindsey Graham will off himself when whatever kompromat Trump/Putin have on him comes out?

I'm thinking razor blade in a warm tub.

Too be clear -- I'm not talking about last night's shooting... just the way things are in general.  All those ideals we were taught in school in the 60s and 70s  (the freedom and justice for all sort of thing) -- even when innocent students were being gunned down by the National Guard and politicians were being assassinated -- there was hope a better world was possible. There was hope corporate greed wouldn't strangle the planet. There was hope democracy could exist. There was hope people could peacefully coexist. There was hope the rich wouldn't gleefully crush the little guy. There was hope mankind would harness knowledge and appreciate education and wisdom.

Now it seems like whenever the "good guys" have a chance, they are steamrollered and we are headed back towards the Middle Ages. 

(Meyer Industries and his $400 Dancing Bear loafers has even co-opted the Grateful Dead and eye-candy has usurped mind-expanding music. And no one blinks and eye.)

>>> but, it was a white male republican, good guy with a gun


A fact that's not getting it's due play by the left. But then they are just trying to be nice.


some in-depth analysis from maga:




>>>Why don't the good guys win?

Only rats who compete in the rat race can win.  The rest of us scratch our heads, and then get told we need to purchase Selsun Blue.

With any luck, someday,  it'll be the good gals who will win.


>>> but, it was a white male republican, good guy with a gun


By 5PM Eastern Time, he will have been labeled both "RINO"  and "Antifa" by some dipshits in suits. Or in Congress.  There may be some overlap.


On the positive side, Steve Bannon is an inmate.  Peter Navarro, too ('til Wednesday, anyway).  Cheers!


It's already being pointed out how many democrats are registered republicans to allow them to vote in primaries which is not a rare thing so it's gonna have to be more than his affiliated party registration to indicate his allegiance(aside of course from shooting at their geotus)


>> Peter Navarro, too ('til Wednesday, anyway). <<


just in time for his next play...

the milwaukee sweep  2.0

at the RNC



>>>>>Why don't the good guys win?


Part of the ethos of the "bad guys"  is that the (powerful, white, male) individual matters more than anyone else or everyone else - more than society as a whole.

Therefore, they usually/always/eventually cheat.

Therefore, they usually/always/eventually win.


Because when Michelle Obama said "When they go low, we go high," we wanted to believe her.

But the game has changed.