I am just learning about a natural sugar substitute called Allulose. Supposedly no effect on glycemic index and it doesn't even break down in the body. So, NONE of the adverse effects of sugar. No weight gain. Zero effect on diabetes. So I ordered some and checked it out. Also some mixed with monkfruit which has the same properties.
This stuff tastes like powdered sugar. Slightly less sweet than the real thing, but if it doesn't hurt you, it doesn't matter how much you use. And I can taste any amount of artificial sweetener in anything. Even erythritol and most brands of stevia.
What do you phine pholks know about this stuff? Am I being misled? If not, why doesn't everyone know about and use it instead of sugar? Why aren't there bakeries making donuts, cookies and cakes with it? Candy? A huge line of products for diabetics and those close? And all those with sugar addictions that want to lose weight(like myself)?
If it is on the up and up, then it is really incredible.
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Sugar, ah honey honey You are
Sugar, ah honey honey You are my candy girl And you got me wanting you
Honey, ah sugar sugar You are my candy girl And you've got me wanting you...
Oh sugar, pour a little sugar on it honey Pour a little sugar on it baby I'm gonna make your life so sweet, yeah yeah yeah
Pour a little sugar on it oh yeah Pour a little sugar on it honey Pour a little sugar on it baby I'm gonna make your life so sweet, yeah yeah yeah
Pour a little sugar on it honey Ah sugar, ah honey honey You are my candy girl And you've got me wanting you Oh honey, honey, sugar sugar (Honey, honey, sugar sugar) You are my candy girl
The song hit #1 and was the most popular song of 1969 in the United States.
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What is Allulose?
What is Allulose?
Allulose is a sugar found naturally in raisins, figs, maple syrup, molasses and wheat. Allulose is commercially produced by heating the sugar molecule fructose and changing its chemical form. The resulting sweetener is available granulated like sugar or in liquid form. You can find it online, but you won’t find it on most store shelves or in many low-calorie foods or beverages – at least not yet.
Is Allulose the Perfect Sweetener?
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Sometimes when strangers ask
Sometimes when strangers ask me what I do for a living, I say I was in a band that had some success in the 70's and live off the royalties.
If asked which band I say I was the bass player for Josie and the Pussycats.
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Grade A dark amber maple
I like Grade A dark amber maple syrup. In moderation. Nothing else.
Allulose isn't used everywhere bc HFCS is cheap shit, and most Americans don't look at labels and are fine with cheap shit bc that's what we can afford.
On our last day in Peru, we went to Pucallpa to a vegan restaurant. They only have fresh fruit from the markets that morning, and offered fresh mango, papaya, pineapple and watermelon smoothies. Pure fruit, no sweetners of any kind. They did have soda pop. I read the labels and all had cane sugar as the sweetner. Didn't see many obese folks in Pucallpa. Half liter of fresh papaya smoothie was less than $3. Poor people have better food choices there. Fresh fruit was very inexpensive and everywhere. No sweetners needed.
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Time for a simple sweet and
Time for a simple sweet and savory curry recipe:
Ingredients :
your favorite curry powder (don't be shy)
can of coconut milk
real maple syrup (to taste)
Enjoy with almost anything
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Veronica was hot...
Veronica was hot...
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Mark, will you be the Viva
Mark, will you be the Viva tester? I'm curious about how your GI system does with it, and the cost for sugar-like satisfaction.
These questions came after reading the article Alan linked.
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That I will be Judit. Gonna
That I will be Judit. Gonna make some oatmeal cookies from scratch and will report back.
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Monkfruit sweeteners and
FWIW, Monkfruit sweeteners and Stevia sweeteners often contain erythritol.
Erythritol is an alcohol sugar, which has similar benefits to the allulose you mentioned.
However, there is a bit of controversy around it's safety, doesn't take much digging to find the dirt.
Thing is, erythritol does not need to be listed as an ingredient in stevia or monkfruit sweeteners, it's often just hidden, but often occurs in high amounts.
I definitely eat some, but the cardiac concerns give me pause.
It's not easy to navigate the world of alternative "natural/healthy" sweeteners.
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I'm diabetic. I occasionally
I'm diabetic. I occasionally use a monkfruit sweetener with erythritol when I'm making barbecue sauce or marinades in which I want a little sweetness. The taste of erythritol is so off putting I use very little, just enough to allude to sweetness.
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Alan! Curses on you for
Alan! Curses on you for putting that song in my head. It's been days....
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^ Ha. That's a great song.
^ Ha. Dave -- That's a great song. Reminds me of an old girlfriend in the Bay area -- Candy. Maritime Hall days. She wasn't a stripper. Short for Candice. But I don't mention her name around my wife!
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Cam,(and Judit) I hate
Cam,(and Judit) I hate erythritol. I can taste it just like any other artificial sweetener. The products that I bought (The links I shared above) say no erythritol on the label.
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I tried it when it first
I tried it when it first appeared of the stores shelves a couple years back. Rolled with it for awhile, bought a second jug but I haven't touched it in some time now. I found I wanted to use more of it than I should to attain the desired sweetness.The gut balance warning is quite concerning as that can be serious. I don't recall that info when I first tried it. It seemed like best tasting alternative otherwise by far. I'm a type 2 diabetic unless I am at idea weight and exercise regularly. Been a while on those ::) I went back to agave and keep some organic raw coconut sugar around, neither of which I use very regularly.
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OK. So I baked some oatmeal
OK. So I baked some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies from scratch(first attempt). The sweetness was fine, but the consistency was off. Maybe I should not have added the unsweetened coconut flakes. I will try again soon.
And I made some strawberry jam(also first time). And it turned out great. Used arrow root powder and the Allulose.
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Stumbled on to this.. https:/
Stumbled on to this.. https://youtu.be/n3CU8bPr3iU
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Thanks Astro. That was
Thanks Astro. That was informative. Did not know that allulose was gut beneficial. Thought a few others were better than they are(according to him).
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I'd pay close attention to GI
I'd pay close attention to GI changes or responses.
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Safety Aspects of Acute D
Safety Aspects of Acute D-allulose and Erythritol
Erythritol is taboo. I know. Tastes like shit too.
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I like this guy. Might reach
I like this guy. Might reach to see if he has an update as this is 2 years old.
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Thanks. I am all in. Bought
Thanks. I am all in. Bought some more yesterday. Wish they were making sweets and other foods with it. Might be coming soon. Problem is, it is way more expensive than artificial sweeteners, and so we probably won't see many products with Allulose.
Side note. Did you know they are adding artificial sweeteners to regular drinks like pepsi? It is way cheaper than sugar or HFCS. Adding just a little bit can take the place of a lot of HFCS. This started 10 yrs ago or so, when I was still drinking that shit(and a lot of it). But even at such low quantities I could taste it. I told the clerk at a convenience store that they had their hoses crossed and diet was coming out of the reg dispenser. They checked and said all was right. So I did some research and quit drinking pepsi. I have been cursed to be hyper sensitive to that shit taste of artificial sweeteners. Even Erythritol and the other sugar alcohols that are supposed to taste good. One sip and into the trash.
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Did not know they were adding
Did not know they were adding artificials to regular Pepsi etc. Weird. I'm like you they all seem to have a funky unacceptable taste except Allulose. Wonder why it is more expensive? Suppose given how much more favorable it is they just figure they can charge more? Wonder how many people have tried Allulose or even know about it. I've felt like they had given me the sugar free stuff when they didn't and that explains why I can't believe people can even consume most of the foul fake sugars.
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I have seen allulose in some
I have seen allulose in some products. The only one I recall for sure was a bag of ricola cough drops from a couple years ago. bought them because allulose was the only sweetener in it, all the other cough drops had nasty sweeteners in their "sugar free" varieties.
Of course, I have tried to find them again, and all the sugar-free ricola now use sucralose.
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the only healthy sweetner is
the only healthy sweetener is love