Well hell, if no one else is going to do it then I guess I have to.
IMO Pete Rose is in the top-ten of greatest baseball players of all time, an absolute icon. He's the perfect image of what a baseball player is, what a hitter is, what a winner is, what a competitor is. He's the most intense baseball player I ever saw play and one of the very best.
When he was playing I never liked him and as a direct competitor to the Giants I often hated him, but as a baseball fan I always loved him.
And fuck the gambling bullshit. Whatever happened there, after all these years he should have been reinstated and put into the Hall of Fame while he was living, because no one cares anymore about his gambling or his general stupidity, and no one deserves that honor more than Pete Rose.
No matter. Those who know, know.
On it goes.
Rest in hustle Pete Rose.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Philzone Refugee Herbal Dave
on Monday, September 30, 2024 – 11:36 pm
You nailed it Lance. Rose was possibly the biggest arch-villain to me as a kid, but you had to respect his ability and 100% effort.
The Big Red Machine back to back World Series champs were a dominant team that he was a big part of. Strange that his former teammate, Joe Morgan, may have been the most stridently against Rose getting in the HOF. Wonder what the beef between them was?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Monday, September 30, 2024 – 11:56 pm
I'd like to think the powers
I'd like to think the powers that be decided he learned his lesson and he will go into the Hall posthumously.
Rest in. Peace ,Pete. You were an ass but I forgave and liked your style, your assholyness.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 01:11 am
The man gave 100% every time
The man gave 100% every time he took the field. No more fierce competitor.
4256 is probably the #1 unbreakable record in modern era ball
Also the last ever of the MLB player-managers
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lord Kalvert Lloyd_Klondike
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 01:27 am
See him many times at the
See him many times at the Stick- always gave the Giants a hard time.
Farewell Charlie Hustle
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 05:48 am
Here's a good article from
Here's a good piece from USA Today.
Opinion: Pete Rose knew the Baseball Hall of Fame question would surface when he died
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 07:48 am
How is gambling any worse
How is gambling any worse than winning games / setting records on steroids?
I liked watching him when I was a kid. 4 channels to pick from.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Zzzzzz Zang
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 07:57 am
>>>The man gave 100% every
>>>The man gave 100% every time he took the field.
Nothing like watching him run out a little infield grounder and beat the throw over and over.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: aiq aiq
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 10:24 am
That photo of Rose mugging
That photo of Rose mugging Harrelson shows perfectly the bully he was. He outweighed Harrelson by 50 lbs. but still got the "charlie Hustle" bullshit.
He always picked smaller men to run over.
His life post baseball just reinforced his bad behavior accusations.
No hall.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: .44 Smokeless Terry Taquito
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 10:51 am
"Today, I learned that John Ashton, Kris Kristofferson, and Dikembe Mutombo died, and I was sad.
Then I learned that Pete Rose died, and to be honest, I'm still a little hungry. Should have had a bigger dinner."
There is nothing "great" about Pete Rose. As he selfishly chased Ty Cobb's record and accumulated the final 884 base hits to do it he was worth -1.2 WAR: a selfish drag upon on his own teams. Not to mention writing his own name in the lineup the last few seasons while gambling on the games with underworld gangsters. He also lived with a steroids dealer. But he "hustled" so he PLAYED THE GAME THE RIGHT WAY!!
Question, is having sex with multiple 14 & 15 year old girls when you're in your mid-30s, married, with kids, doing anything the right way?!
No. No it's not.
Kristofferson and Mutombo lived their lives in a manner worth celebrating. Pete Rose rolled around in trash his entire life.
Celebrate appropriately.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: krab groad1123
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 11:08 am
4256 is probably the #1
4256 is probably the #1 unbreakable record in modern era ball>>> Come up to the majors at 20, average 200 hits a year until you're 40, come back at 41 for 56 more. Looks safe.
**Glad that a real man like Mutombo was mentioned. Real men do things like this** From Wiki....
A well-known humanitarian, Mutombo started the Dikembe Mutombo Foundation to improve living conditions in his native Democratic Republic of Congo in 1997.
He paid for uniforms and expenses for the Zaire women's basketball team during the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta. Mutombo was a longtime supporter of Special Olympics and a member of the Special Olympics International Board of Directors, as well as a Global Ambassador.
Honoring his humanitarianism, Mutombo was invited to President George W. Bush's 2007 State of the Union Address, where the president said "We are proud to call this son of the Congo a citizen of the United States of America"
In 1997, the Mutombo Foundation began plans to open a $29 million, 300-bed hospital on the outskirts of his hometown, the Congolese capital of Kinshasa. He personally donated $3.5 million toward the hospital's construction. Mutombo donated another $15 million to the completion of the hospital for the ceremonial opening on September 2, 2006. By then it was named Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital, for his late mother.
His wife is named Rose
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 11:49 am
I was seven years old during
I was seven years old during the summer of 1968, and had just recently starting to get into baseball. My dad had gone to Notre Dame at the same time as Carl Yastremski, and so we were big Red Sox fans.
That summer, the gas station where my dad always filled up was giving away two baseball cards with every purchase. These weren't the regular Topps cards; they were something they had printed up for the promotion, but hey, I was seven and they were free.
All summer long, I remember hoping to get Red Sox cards, and especially a Yaz card, since the previous summer he had been named the AL MVP and won the American League Triple Crown with a batting average of .326, 44 home runs, and 121 RBIs, even though the Sox lost the World Series that year to the St. Louis Cardinals in seven games.
I never did get a Yaz card that summer, although I'm pretty sure I did get players like Reggie Smith, Ken Harrelson, Rico Petrocelli, and Jim Lonborg. But there was this one card that I kept getting over and over for an outfielder for the CIncinnati Reds. It was like every time I got new cards, his was one of them, and my friends all had numerous copies of the guy's card too, so you couldn't trade them or give them away.
The player on the card, of course, was Pete Rose, and even though Rose had won Rookie of the Year in 1963, it wasn't until the 1970s that he became more widely known as one of the cogs in Cincinnati's Big Red Machine.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: (~)};)StealYourFace WALSTIB
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 12:52 pm
I forgot
I forgot
Did Pete bet on the Harrelson-Rose fight?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 03:02 pm
The irony of MLB and Bally’s
The irony of MLB and Bally’s currently demolishing a casino at the busiest intersection in the city
the actual ground zero of the entire worldwide gaming industry;
to build a baseball stadium streetside on the Las Vegas strip.
but pete liked to gamble...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 04:22 pm
>>>having sex with multiple
>>>having sex with multiple 14 & 15 year old girls when you're in your mid-30s, married, with kids<<<
This isn't a Jerry Garcia thread.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: .44 Smokeless Terry Taquito
on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – 05:53 pm
Attempting to throw Jerry
Attempting to throw Jerry Garcia under the bus in service of defending the "great" Pete Rose is certainly a choice.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Bob Jamspace
on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 – 12:21 pm
Lance you missed the mark by
Lance you missed the mark by many by light years. Not even close to a top 10 all time player. And a fucking arrogant asshole creep to boot.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Bob Jamspace
on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 – 12:28 pm
How is gambling any worse
How is gambling any worse than winning games / setting records on steroids?
Performance enhancing drugs, which taint the record books, are nowhere in the same universe as gambling and giving the perception that games are fixed. End of story.
C'mon people you can do better. I B guess there's Rose colored kool aid too.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 – 07:14 pm
Bob, you need to separate the
Bob, you need to separate the human from the ballplayer. To say he wasn't top 10, you are the one that missed the mark.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: .44 Smokeless Terry Taquito
on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 – 08:37 pm
>> To say [Pete Rose] wasn't
>> To say [Pete Rose] wasn't top 10, you are the one that missed the mark.
This is outlandish. Pete Rose is assuredly not one of the 10 best players of all time. He hung around long enough to accumulate more hits than Ty Cobb and made more outs than anyone else in history to do so while absolutely adding nothing defensively for the last several seasons of his career.
By Jay Jaffe's JAWS (Hall of Fame rating system) there are FOUR left fielders who have a higher JAWS score and more WAR than Rose: Barry Bonds, Teddy Ballgame, Rickey Henderson, and Yaz.
There are SEVEN 1B who have Rose beat as well: Gehrig, Pujols, Foxx, Cap Anson, Roger Connor, Jeff Bagwell, and Dan Brouthers.
There are SEVEN CF who have Rose beat as well: Willie Mays, Ty Cobb, Tris Speaker, Mickey Mantle, Mike Trout, Griffey Jr., and DiMaggio
There are SEVEN RF who have Rose beat too: Babe Ruth, Henry Aaron, Stan Musial, Mel Ott, Frank Robinson, Clemente, and Kaline
I think I'll stop there. That's a list of 25 position players who have more WAR and a higher JAWS score than the "great" Pete Rose.
It is completely insane to assert Rose is a top-10 player of all time even dismissing his refusal to admit to gambling until it was far too late and other lacking "human qualities."
I get it - folks like a dirty jersey and the "hustle" personality. That's fine. 100% insane to try to pass that off as equating to "one of the 10-best of all time." The modern era of MLB is closing in on 125 years. To think Pete Rose is somehow one of the 10 best to step on the field, or even one of the 10 best position players, is - I'll say it again - completely outlandish.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: ImusDeadCo cornbread
on Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 12:36 am
>>>The man gave 100% every
>>>The man gave 100% every time he took the field.
110% if you include the vig.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 10:05 am
cornbread ftw.
cornbread ftw. lol
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Bob Jamspace
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 08:04 am
Spot on 44 Smokeless. Mark D
Spot on 44 Smokeless. Mark D you are obviously not a student of the game. Without even using the stats and ratings I could name 25 players off the top of my head who were easily better ballplayers and that's not even counting pitchers. Take off the blinders.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Bob Jamspace
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 08:04 am
Spot on 44 Smokeless. Mark D
Spot on 44 Smokeless. Mark D you are obviously not a student of the game. Without even using the stats and ratings I could name 25 players off the top of my head who were easily better ballplayers and that's not even counting pitchers. Take off the Rose colored glasses.