I have a few tasty ones, but there's one in particular that I always come back to. It happened at the April 18, 1982 GD show at the Hartford Civic Center; Phil's Earthquake show. I can't quite pin down exactly when it happened, but it might've been during Althea.
I was tripping hard and focused in on Garcia. Lights were twirling, things were swirling, and as I tried to focus on Jerry's guitar, I saw that it was not a guitar at all, but a woman he was cradling in his arms, and as he lovingly stroked her body, she raised her voice and sang.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: GoneGoodbye RocknRye
on Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 01:14 pm
I was riding a motorcycle and
I was riding a motorcycle and everything moving was in time to the music. Me and the motorcycle melted and formed a puddle which started to rise eventually placing me underwater where every person dancing around me became long strands of seaweed, again all flowing and rippling to the music! Good Times! Scaryweather Post 1983 gooney birds!!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Ken D. Portland_ken
on Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 01:49 pm
Wasn't really a
Wasn't really a "hallucination" per se, but ate bunch of mushrooms in the Olympic National Park and had an out of body experience. Could see myself from above crawling around on the mossy forest floor. When I came down, I was totally lost in a remote part of the park. Luckily, was able to follow a creek bed down to the road.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 02:22 pm
Nice thread, Mike. Thank you.
Nice thread, Mike. Thank you. So much better than politics.
I like to call them visions, as that's what they truly are. This daily life is the most enduring hallucination there is, imho.
As of a few months ago, a headless astronaut ever so slowly descended from the heavens with its arm extended, reaching out to me. When i reached out and grabbed its hand, we each disappeared and merged into one energy. Instantly, i was in a black pit, but i could see the four corners of the pit. The entity said to me that this was the pit i created for myself long ago, and that it was time to leave and move into the light permanently. We slowly ascended. Looking up, i could see an iridescent metal grate covering the pit. We ascended to where we were halfway above the grate and halfway below. I could see 360 degrees at this point. The entity said that the grate was only an illusion that i had believed to be real for my entire life, and that it was time to leave and never return. As we started to further ascend, I was told to 'Look Down!', as I did, the Earth caved in on the pit and forever filled it, with the realization that return was impossible.
Ascension speed increased tremendously, as i watched the Earth and the solar system rapidly disappear, we attained the speed of light and flowed into the void, where nothing appears, yet nothing is missing. It was here that I was taken to be bathed in the tremendous white light and healing power of Universal Unconditional Love, and was told that this is where I and all of existence were born from, and this is Truth.
Thank You Endlessly for your Knowledge, Your Wisdom, and Your Love, Mother Ayahuasca
In Right Relations - Linda Stonestreet, Anita Sanchez, Brothers Koren, Shylah Ray Sunshine, Rachel Bagby
Awakening - Verdell Primeaux / Johnny Mike / Joe Jakob
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 02:22 pm
Nice thread, Mike. Thank you.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 02:26 pm
tell you what
tell you what
it wasn't a good one
but it was a long one
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: fishcane fishcane
on Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 03:06 pm
Hard to put it into words but
Hard to put it into words but suffice it to say that Anyone who thinks Ramble on Rose isn't a psychedelic masterpiece is dead wrong...
sax and violins also...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Thursday, October 3, 2024 – 04:06 pm
Bss, your post reminds me of
Bss, your post reminds me of the story of Robert Hunter's megadose trip that became the origin of Black Peter.
From Dennis McNally's A Long Strange Trip:
Good times were had by some that night...
...but that was not Robert Hunter's fate.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 09:23 am
How about a negative
How about a negative "hallucination" ?
In 1970 my dorm buddy and I decided to do an "heroic" dose. We had an "8-way" tab that was supposed to be 2000 mics.
We dropped and waited. The trip came on. As we got higher and higher, things began to drop away.
The room gradually dissolved. My buddy faded away. My body disappeared. Then my mind started to go. I had no panic.
Finally there was nothing but white light. No idea how long this lasted, since my mind was gone and time had stopped.
Time eventually started up again and the whole process reversed. Several hours had elapsed. Buddy had exactly the same experience.
I remember the whole thing very clearly 54 years later.
Except for the part where I wasn't here
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Briank Briank
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 10:10 am
I remember my first LSD trip
I remember my first LSD trip pretty vividly. At one point, whenever someone spoke I saw the words come out of their mouths in cartoon smoke.
Most vivid hallucinations were summer '88, at a party Phish was playing (Pete's Phabulous Phish Fest, or some such shit). I had been going pretty hard all summer, with 1,000-2,000 mics a day on Dead tour and 500-1,000 for "maintenance" while at home. We had an endless supply of Happy Homes/Love Your Mother and I was toast. I finally took a few days off from dosing, and resumed with a meager 2 hits for the party. We got there at dusk and I parked myself in front of the massive bonfire, talking, laughing, and tripping out on the embers. A few hours later I got up to piss and it was pitch black out, but I was washed in an array of colors that lasted for a few hours, like those cartoon scenes in the Grateful Dead Movie. I couldn't see people or anything, just colors. That's what you get for dosing and staring at embers for a few hours.
Most enduring: during the Terrapin at Hampton '87 someone cracked open a glow stick and I watched the stuff splatter everywhere. Every time I listen to that Terrapin I see those splatters in my eyes at exactly the point it was in the music. Trippy!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: joy blackrock
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 11:19 am
Waltzing with 100yr old oak
Waltzing with 100yr old oak trees in the morning dew
Angels Camp 99
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Bob Jamspace
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 12:24 pm
Easy one for me. 6/9/73 RFK.
Easy one for me. 6/9/73 RFK. During Eyes Of The World I saw the notes Jerry was playing rising up out of his guitar into the sky as if it was written sheet music.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: fishcane fishcane
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 12:36 pm
Been there...
Been there...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 12:48 pm
>>>Finally there was nothing
>>>Finally there was nothing but white light.
Did that at the Furthur shows at the Greek it would have been fine but then I had to go to the bathroom. Thankfully my wife guided me.
A more pleasant moment was at a Portland ME show in the early 80's. I brought binoculars for some reason and they adjusted to match the width of your eyes. I discovered I could bend them back and forth without holding them up to my face and the whole arena would bend back and forth. Hours of fun with that.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: aiq aiq
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 12:56 pm
I never had much beyond the
I never had much beyond the melty edges and prism effects. Even with Orange Sunshine.
Real world with modifications.
I have been told my logical Virgo brain is to blame.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: JP (J Bomb) Tatters
on Friday, October 4, 2024 – 01:55 pm
Just a few...
Just a few...
JFK '89 I saw Pigpen's face blossom throughout the Jan Sawka backdrop until it enveloped the entire stage. His colorful vibration then poured into the crowd, offering a blessing of light and love to all in attendance. I'm sure you saw that too.
Foxboro '87, thousands of maniacal hippies kept jumping out of the bushes on the side of the road during the entire ride home. They might still be following me to this day. I can't be sure.
Summer of 2016 at Jerry Joseph's Dixie Mattress festival in Tidewater Oregon, I was able to successfully realign the stars in the sky via a red laser pointer. I got concerned about agitating the delicate balance of the universe so had to stop, despite the fun it offered.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Pearly SweetCakes jlp
on Saturday, October 5, 2024 – 09:21 am
Mike you are my forever zoner
Mike you are my forever zoner crush
love the thread and stories, ya know, the scary ones not so much
GOTV 2012?2013? early, early am, 2 dudes on a park bench shared some DMT with me, my only time experiencing it. the depth, breadth, and vivid LIFE breathed into that sunrise was for all the ages
thanks to an old zoner pal also had my one and only salvia breakthru that he provided me on his 40th bday, post Phil, somewhere in nyc? the visions were stunning, terrifying, enlightening.
one of the wildest ones i was on this conveyor belt kinda thing and was being created, bottom up, by legos, and during the process i was unable to speak until my face was formed.
it also led me to the realization that we are all merely fractals
i so adore getting out of my head
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Sunday, October 6, 2024 – 12:26 am
I've never been a major
I've never been a major imbiber of psychedelics, and while overall I've very much enjoyed my experiences I'm not a fan of hallucinations. I only experienced that level twice, where every detail was blending, moving & swirling, one form turning into another, people's faces distorted and seeing the words coming out of their mouths. I did not enjoy either experience.
The first one was at a party the night before a Dead show in early '79 that turned out to be Keith & Donna's last show. For various reasons I took too much and before I knew it I was higher than I'd ever been and it was all too much for me. I'd been high before but had never experienced anything remotely like that. I felt like I was about to completely freak out so I snuck out of the party, somehow drove the four blocks of backstreets back to my house and crawled directly into bed.
For hours every single thing continued to be alive and I was barely hanging on, but I just kept repeating to myself that as long as I stayed in bed I was safe and eventually it would end.
The one good thing that came of that is at the time I was re-reading Catch-22, and every ten minutes or so I could read a page or two before the letters would begin swirling and dancing, and as the night went on I could read more & more each time. That really helped bring me back. I already loved that book, but that night I really discovered the uniquely brilliant rhythm/meter of the writing. That's a great fucking book.
(Side note, being young & dumb I imbibed again the next night at the show, this time half as much, and I had an incredible experience. Go figure)
The other "enduring" time was a couple of years later, in the balcony during the first set of a Dead show at the Oakland Auditorium. Same thing, everything all as one, sounds, sights, thoughts all blending and bending together and apart. I kept thinking I had been swallowed into the belly of a huge, roiling beast and again felt like I was just barely hanging on, using all my concentration and focus to keep from totally freaking out.
The only thing that kept me together was being sunk down into my seat in the dark and loud. Then late in the first set they played a song I was convinced would be the last song of the set, and the thought of the lights coming on and having to face my friends, other people and general reality absolutely panicked me.
It was a long song, maybe Music Never Stopped or Let it Grow and I kept praying desperately for it to keep going. I'll never forget the feeling of panicked helplessness I experienced when the song ended. As the crowd roared and I waited for the lights to come up I was certain that I was about to come apart............. when Jerry began playing the opening notes to Deal.
I've always liked that song and I've always loved Jerry, but I don't know if I've ever felt a bigger wave of relief and a love for that song and for Jerry Garcia than I felt in that moment. I literally cried with relief, and just like that I came back to myself and when the song was over and the lights came up I was fine & dandy; clear, coherent and absolutely full of joy.
After that I realized that I was a psychedelic lightweight, and while I have continued to periodically imbibe over the years, I have always been very careful to take it easy and keep it to the hyper sharp, hyper detailed, glowing but always very clear level that I love.
(Apologies for the downer stories, but the thread title did say most enduring hallucinations, not favorite or best)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Sunday, October 6, 2024 – 02:58 am
> the thread title did say
> the thread title did say most enduring hallucinations
Yes it did, and I'm guessing we've all had some harrowing psychedelic experiences. I know I have, and I'm just glad I hade a few enduring ones that weren't nightmarish. Like the time I was tripping hard and had to pee, so I went to the bathroom and somehow managed to get my business done, but then made the mistake of looking in the mirror and getting stuck in there for what felt like a million years while I tried to figure out which one was my body and which was the reflection.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: TommyGutt deadtothecore2
on Sunday, October 6, 2024 – 02:50 pm
a Girl with far away eyes..
a Girl with far away eyes...loved that one
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Sunday, October 6, 2024 – 10:31 pm
any recent hallucinations
any recent hallucinations that seem likely to endure? Lots of old memories. Anything fresh? Anyone else besides myself and Jill have some dmt stories?
I remember the first time i smoked dmt, about 2 years ago, it was absolutely intense. I was incapacitated for around 10 minutes. A kalidescopic, fractaled river was flowing continuously through my living room. Alive like a giant snake. i'll never forget that. It hit in seconds. Just upon exhale.
I have some recent beauties from Peru. Ceremony 3 is forever known as "Solamente poquito" and ceremony 6 is forever known as "Muy fuerte".
Ceremony 3's aya was pretty strong, and we were supposed to get poured relatively small cups. but my teacher had other thoughts on the matter. You're in the Peruvian jungle, you're gettin' dosed! (I love this guy). So down the hatch it went, big cup, thick and bitter, gag reflex in check, rinse the cup and wash it down with a bit of water, lights out, lie down and listen to the sounds of the jungle at night. It's around 9pm. Within a short time, maybe a half hour, it kicked in. I was taken down and around into dimension after dimension after dimension after......, colors and endless, endless spirals....at some point being told that i would have to endure 120 of these dimensions. After exiting the very extended, beautiful beyond description, timeless dimension tour, I was facing a ship wreck from centuries ago that lies on an unnamed sea floor somewhere never to be discovered that holds billions of dollars worth of gold, silver and gem laden, hand-made jewelry, swords, chalices and coins. I got to view all around the ship, inside and out before coming back into the maloca. Found out a bit later that just over 5 hours had passed.
In class the next afternoon with Gaspar, we were told that Ayahuasca has 120 secrets. I had not mentioned to anyone being told from the night before that i was going to endure 120 dimensions, so that's the first thing I blurted out when i had the chance. Mind blown.
Ceremony 6......Gaspar apologized the next day for the strength of the aya. He had some family matters to attend to while the aya mixture was on the fire being reduced.......and it got reduced to syrup. This was the strongest aya any of us have ever drank. Black syrup. This is the only time I didn't rinse the the cup after drinking to wash the rest down. Even Gaspar made an audible gagging sound. 9pm. Within 15 minutes, we were all vocal and laughing timidly a bit bc it was already hitting hard. A few minutes later, total silence. This hit like a hurricane, the visions were coming on by what seemed like the hundreds. At some point, after what seemed like much travel time, i stopped at a dimension where i was shown how each of the 7 colors of the visible light spectrum were individual universes, and how in combination, they gave birth to all matter in existence. I spent time basking in each universe, one after the other, and before coming back into the maloca, i was shown that each of the 7 universes make up the 7 chakras within each of us. Finally coming out of this, it was almost 3am. 6 hrs. Several of us sat at the picnic table outside in the moonlight and talked until the sunrise. Sleep wasn't happening.
This was the only ceremony in which there was so much vomiting from all but 4 of us, it was almost like a choir of vomiting. It actually sounded orchestrated at one point. And I mean puking , when you think you're done, you puke for your ancestors.....all of them. . On and on and on and..... Myself, my teacher, Gaspar and my neighbor were the only ones to not vomit the entire 12 ceremonies.
Truly some of the most enjoyable, loving, most healing, and most enduring visions and memories of my life. Hopefully, many more to come.
Terence McKenna .........True Hallucinations (1993) Terence and Dennis visit Mother Ayahuasca in the Amazon. Available from Amazon.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Monday, October 7, 2024 – 12:08 am
That DMT shit sure sounds
That DMT shit sure sounds like a hell of a thing.
I've heard some pretty amazing reports about that business. I believe it was Robert Hunter who had some serious words for his experiences with it.
And didn't Jerry's "ALL" experience involve DMT?
It sounds like ingesting that stuff is some serious exploration, either inner or outer, depending on your perspective.
Definitely out of my depth, but it's fascinating to hear about.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Monday, October 7, 2024 – 01:55 am
>>>That DMT shit sure sounds
>>>That DMT shit sure sounds like a hell of a thing.
lol....In short, it is, Lance. I'm glad it found me 2 years ago. An episode of Hamilton's Pharmacopia started it all.
The only thing I haven't done is inject dmt, which is what i believe Robert did. I don't like needles, so that's not an option for me.
I have not heard of Jerry's "ALL" experience. Thank you.
smoking and injecting are quick, intense rides. Without an maoi present in the bloodstream, dmt is quickly broken down.
The ayahuasca vine is the natural source of maoi's Harmine and Harmiline, so having hours to spend with the visions allows one to "journey". It's quite the revealing experience.
Unconditionally Loving and Healing in ways I have no capacity to fully understand. It has been a tremendous blessing in my life, and in the lives of many others.
But, set and setting are critical. Aya is not a concert experience thing, in any way, shape or form.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Monday, October 7, 2024 – 02:41 am
An interesting interview with
Here's an interesting interview with Jerry about drugs. Of course it's not the FINAL word on the subject, but one I think we can all appreciate.....
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, October 7, 2024 – 02:17 pm
DMT's role in the naming of
DMT's role in the naming of the GD. From McNally's Long Strange Trip:
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, October 7, 2024 – 02:22 pm
And then there's Owsley's
And then there's Owsley's idea that the use of psychedelics can affect inanimate objects. Namely, how people smoking DMT near sound equipment would lead to an increase in the PA's volume, with observable physical changes to the sound equipment.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: aiq aiq
on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 – 09:48 am
Owsley had some odd ideas.
Owsley had some odd ideas.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dj_easy_wind DJ Easy Wind
on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 – 10:01 am
Rest In Peace, Steve
Rest In Peace, Steve Silberman
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MikePA 2Ripple3
on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 – 12:43 pm
There are three that stick
There are three that stick with me :
once on Salvia i saw a ' brick wall ' of realities, all the same timeline with differences; i could pull a brick out of the wall like a long board and see the reality of that dimension/time....some were dystopian, steam punk, sepia....all similar but different - upon coming out of it i looked my buddy in the eye and declared him ' DECEIVER '
a few hours into a ten strip i was convinced i knew IT, was shown IT and experienced IT...seeing it all, knowing it all...it has never been more than a nebulous feeling post trip
lastly - Miami '89...the dude next to us puddled us at the top of the second set...needless to say i was tele-ported into the abyss, River Styx guided by Charon type of shit that was that Dark Star...if it wasnt for The Wheel and We Bid You Goodnight my psyche might still be in that seat in the middle of the bowl...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 – 12:53 pm
> Owsley had some odd ideas.
> Owsley had some odd ideas.
No doubt. Like manufacturing acid on a fairly large scale for one. What's truly weird is that he did something with his odd ideas.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MikePA 2Ripple3
on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 – 01:27 pm
Big Steve has told this story
Big Steve has told this story about the DMT too...having shit blow up when they smoked it during a show..
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: El Nino kxela
on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 – 04:13 pm
There is a thread on reddit
There is a thread on reddit right now about all the people dosing people without their consent that happened at shows in the 80's and 90's and it never happened to me or any of the people I knew. Was at the 88 Greek show where it was 110+ on Sunday in the bowl and everyone was spraying everyone and it didn't happen to me or anyone I knew. I didn't dose at every show so would have known. Maybe it happened and somehow I avoided it but I think if it happened in those years it was a very rare occurrence.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: donster Nod
on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 – 12:59 am
There is this scene in "When
There is this scene in "When Harry Met Sally" in a restaurant where Sally shows exactly how she faked every one of her orgasms when they were together.
The woman at the next table tells the server: "I'll have what she's having"
I feel exactly like that reading this thread....
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Pearly SweetCakes jlp
on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 – 11:04 am
same, donster
same, donster
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Zzzzzz Zang
on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 – 11:15 am
First time - full on
First time - full on spiraling checkerboards and everything I pre-imagined it would be. Had been playing Sonic and then basically was in that world.
Best: In the desert after GD Phoenix. Orange Wizards skiing.
Worst: Phish 94 - 15 minutes that felt like 7 hours of hell (literally didn't know I was that far gone) - I was sure i was dead, and then..... everything was fine.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Def. High Surfdead
on Thursday, October 10, 2024 – 10:53 pm
>>>>> I was sure i was dead,
>>>>> I was sure i was dead, and then..... everything was fine.
Drive right through the ones in yer mind...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Localcountyline Localcountyline
on Friday, October 11, 2024 – 01:42 am
Letchworth State Park,
Letchworth State Park, outside of Geneseo, NY.
Also known as the Grand Canyon of the East.
Summer, 1986.
The visions I had of native Americans on the canyon walls that day were and are indescribable.
If I had gone in there with "preconceived notions" about what I might see or experience, that would be one thing.
But I didn't; what was "revealed" to me was literally nothing short of mind-blowing.
Talk about an eye-opener......
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Joe Buck is Back masonskids
on Saturday, October 12, 2024 – 10:41 pm
This brings backs things...
This brings backs things...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Joe Buck is Back masonskids
on Saturday, October 12, 2024 – 10:42 pm
This brings backs things...
This brings backs things...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Zzzzzz Zang
on Sunday, October 13, 2024 – 10:39 am
Not sure what I just watched
Not sure what I just watched
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Sunday, October 13, 2024 – 11:36 am
I was told last night in
I was told right away last night in ceremony that I was going to be shown the code that built the structure of DNA. It was alien and from a dimension I have no words for. The code was so intricate and richly complex in color, texture, and design, it was pure light energy, and it went on and on and on. Sat Indian style for 5hrs before finally coming out of the visions this morning. Won't be forgetting this one.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: frenchiethetickler astro
on Monday, October 14, 2024 – 12:19 am
Aprox 1974 I got bushwhacked
Aprox 1974 I got bushwhacked with belladona. It was easy to see how it is know as a "witchcraft drug". I was seeing body parts floating around in a gray back ground, weird symbols of which none made sense. I was paralyzed physically. Horror show buzz.
Early 70's drugstore bandits had all kinds of weird shit.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dr. Benway daylight
on Monday, October 14, 2024 – 08:18 am
i put some brugmansia(same
i put some brugmansia(same kind of plant as belladonna/datura) into a san pedro brew once. for a few weeks i had been ingesting tiny tiny amounts of leaves from the tree i had growing above my cacti, increasing the amount of leaf i was eating until i experienced a dreamy sedative state similar to taking a little to much benadryl, so that i could be sure i was not taking a fully deleriant or potentially deadl dose. then i took a slightly larger piece of leaf than that, put it into a full strength san pedro brew, and drank it.
i fell asleep waiting for it to come on and woke up the next morning a bit spacey. yaaaaaaaaaay for me.
that was back when i had a pretty filled out ethnobotanical garden, which ironically ended up getting neglected when i started growing cannabis professionally. i had some crazy stuff in there, tons of peyote and san pedro, brugmansia, a kratom tree, ayahuaca vine, psychotria virdis, salvia divinorium. and then thats not even getting into my vast, fear and loathing-esque drug/research chemical collection. my little box has everything from all the best 2cX compounds to MDPV to a gram of PCP. 70s drugstore folks aint got nuthin on mid 2000's terminally online drug nerds. only thing we were never really able to obtain was real methaqualone. for awhile there was methylmethaqualone going around, but most people did not find it to be significantly better than benzos and there is still a pretty signifcant desire among drug nerds in my age group to try real methaqualone.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dr. Benway daylight
on Monday, October 14, 2024 – 08:29 am
Worst: Phish 94 - 15 minutes
IME, all of my best trips have begun in hellish, or at least difficult territory. sometimes you just settle into things and then its ok, sometimes something happens that snaps you into a blissful headspace. once on mushrooms i kept passing out and having these fever dreams of me sprinting thru the jungle, then id wake up drenched in sweat and terrified. that went on for who knows how long, and then at one point i managed to crawl over to the window, open it, press my dick up against the screen, and i pissed out of the window. after i finished pissing, i experienced the most incredible blissful euphoria of my life, and the rest of the trip was more or less stereotypical hippie magical rainbow religious bliss.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Alan R StoneSculptor
on Monday, October 14, 2024 – 10:15 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Monday, October 14, 2024 – 10:41 am
> the structure of DNA
> the structure of DNA
I've often wondered if the universe might be atranged in a structure similar to DNA's intertwined helices.
Alan, that pic is like the meme version of my mirror trip.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Monday, October 14, 2024 – 11:33 pm
I'll try to keep this
>>>>I've often wondered if the universe might be atranged in a structure similar to DNA's intertwined helices.
I haven't seen that in my journeys yet, Mike. but if i do, I'll let you know. :) Spirals are definitely a theme though.
I'll try to keep this relatively short, but last night was my 30th ceremony this year with my teacher, and he broke out the cream of the crop, Black Ayahuasca vine brew,. When you watch aya documentaries and you see people drink a cup of tan colored liquid, that is aya that has not been condensed and is most likely the yellow vine. The black vine holds a high amount of maoi's, so the visions last substantially longer.
8 pm, Poured me the same big cup he poured for himself, about 50ml. Black and thick as syrup. It was so intensely bitter, the smell alone gives a gag reflex. I still don't understand how i can't puke, but sometime later during the journey after full ego dissolution and surrender, I was in the deepest dimensions I've ever been taken to, long Out of body, when an extremely spacey song came on. It was somewhere in the song i started to get lost and Mother Aya clearly said to me, You are frequency, attach yourself to the frequency of the music, let it guide you through these ancestral dimensions, and you will never get lost. I immediately did what she said, and on we went the rest of the night hunting for ancestral pain and cleaning up my lineage from thousands of years ago. I don't know if it was my previous knowledge of Hunter's If you get confused, just listen to the music play, or not, but i wonder if Hunter had a similar experience and that's where he got the lyrics, or if it was my previous knowledge of the lyrics. Either way, that line was / is great advice.
Datura, some Shamans still use it in their Ayahuasca brews, but those are the ones to avoid. Scopolamine mixed in with DMT and the maoi's from the aya vine can make a person easily persuaded to suggestion. In Peru, the Shipibo refer to White Datura as Toé, and it is one of the Master plants that can be part of a dieta, but it is not mixed with anything else during a dieta.
My Lagan Love - Dirk Freymuth
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Alan R StoneSculptor
on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 08:14 am
Joe - a lot of your (and
Joe - a lot of your (and other's) psychonaut journeys / cosmological spiritual experiences deal with / reveal things about the past (e.g., ancestral pain, DNA history, personal trauma, etc).
What have learned about the future?
And why aren't these entities interested in "saving humanity" rather than just educating you?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Alan R StoneSculptor
on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 09:50 am
^ should read "What have you
^ should read "What have you learned about the future?"
Much respect for the bravery to explore. Serious question:
But if you are going to spend your trip addressing ancestral pain, the fact is that you have hundreds of thousands of ancestors (simple math shows a potential billion ancestors in a thousand years based on 20 year generations, though that doesn't happen due to our common ancestors). And that's just the homo sapien ancestors. Who makes the distinction to stop there? Why do you think you "meet" the ancestors that you do and not others?
Also, even is time is not linear, why not spend your tripping time learning something about the (perceived) "future" so you can help your decedents avoid trauma? Rather than heal past traumas?
Finally, how do you address the issue that your knowledge is induced by chemical concoctions? In the history of the universe, do you think that this the only means in which biological beings on our planet (or others) can enlightened? Seems kinda primitive if space-time traveling shamans permeate the soul-er systems? Can't we be quantum-fluxed or something?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 04:12 pm
Hi Alan, I'll try to answer
Hi Alan, I'll try to answer your questions with focus. Firstly, I have a degree in both biology and chemistry, so I understand and very much appreciate the scientific method and all that it has done for humanity. I also believe, wholeheartedly, that we don't know nearly as much as what our 5 senses can detect. And as we both know, this materialistic, patriarchal, misogynistic, homophobic, evangelical, over aggressive society isn't exactly a launching ramp for spiritual exploration. A liquor store on every corner should tell you all you need to know about what our rulers would like you to do. Stay numb.
>>>What have learned about the future?
So far, I am not having visions about the future. I'm still young in my training with Aya. But what does she need to teach me about the future that I can't already see? Global warming, Worldwide pollution, worldwide war, corrupt governments who lie to all but the wealthy, a flood of drugs that addict and kill, rapid depletion of fresh water resources, and over dependence on fossil fuels thanks to politicians who are nothing more than public commodities to be bought and sold. Did i miss anything? The message is clear, our species tolerates slow forms of suicide. Mostly in exchange for money.
I have always had questions about, time, our genetic code that forms cells and tissues ON ITS OWN! How is that not a question on everyone's mind?! So i think that she is answering those questions for me, one ceremony at a time. There is tremendous detail that she goes into, and i couldn't be more appreciative for her generosity of detail.
This combination of plants is so much more than the sum of its parts.I take it that you've never experienced Ayahuasca, and this is difficult to explain the experience. Honestly, you can't compare it to any other substance. The semi-synthetics and the synthetics just arent in the same room as this ancient mixture. At all.
We all know how and when lsd, 2cb, mdma, etc. were developed. Who found Chacruna leaves and the Ayahuasca vine and placed them together? And when? How is that not magical in and of itself? I believe that the plant kingdom holds its own knowledge and wisdom. That kingdom gave birth to all aerobic animal life. Without that Kingdom, we don't exist. With that in mind, I believe there's much to learn from the plant Kingdom, but that's just my belief. I've also been drawn to plants my entire life, especially in my childhood when i was enduring tremendous trauma. I turned away from people and towards plants. It just felt natural ..........and safe.
And Aya was here somewhere around 400 million years ago vs. approx. just over 2.5 million years ago for the earliest Homo genus. Do you not have questions about this existence? For me, it's all the unanswered questions that constantly intrigue me and cause me to explore deeper and deeper. I have questions, Alan :)
>>>And why aren't these entities interested in "saving humanity" rather than just educating you?
The entities exist as energy in the portal that Aya opens up for us to enter. Yes, I and others can see "alien" forms often,, but there's far more contact with energies.
Aya is the specific mixture, along with the assistance of Major plants, that i have written about in the Cosmic folder, to open our subconscious, expose all of the memories of past traumas, one by one, make us face them and then release the emotional attachment to those traumas, and fill the empty spaces with pure Universal Unconditional Love. . <<<<<This is how it saves humans, and with that, it saved me from life long depression that i couldn't shake. This is why i believe in it so much and am training to eventually serve this medicine to bring healing to others.
It saves those who CHOOSE saving themselves. It's not the entities that are saving anyone. It is the inexplicable healing power of this liquid mixture and it's fellow plants that do the hard work. The entities are simply a part of the visions.
When we choose to drink aya, the blame-game is all over. It stops .....Completely!!! You will only be left to face yourself and your traumas. You will be forced to look at them over and over until you choose to let go of the hold that you have chosen to allow them to have on your mind. <<<<<Very Important explanation right there. When the healing is mostly over, she takes us to realms where we can learn about the origins of time, life, etc.
Again, this is NOT happy, fun time with some lsd, shrooms with your friends at a concert. I have sat in 30 ceremonies and there wasn't one where i didn't share space with rape victims, people who have been shot, stabbed, assaulted and survived, and many, many, including myself, victims of severe childhood abuse. Full grown adults sobbing, but by ceremony end, there is a look of relief and happiness that is REAL.
Aren't deadheads supposed to be intrepid travelers, or is that just a fun saying to spit out on occasion? I find more and more that as we age, we lose that gift of "wonder" and just settle into life long habits and stale beliefs, instead of looking deep.on occasion and breaking those chains we have chosen to wear with seemingly so much comfort, or far worse than that, with so much apathy.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: fishcane fishcane
on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 04:29 pm
This one... a late night
This one... a late night after some crazy four way staring at a picture of Pigpen blowing harp led to this...
hallucination permanence
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: dimethyllovebeam joe
on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 05:42 pm
>>>>f you are going to spend
^ That's beautiful!
>>>f you are going to spend your trip addressing ancestral pain, the fact is that you have hundreds of thousands of ancestors (simple math shows a potential billion ancestors in a thousand years based on 20 year generations, though that doesn't happen due to our common ancestors).
I don't choose to address anything. Not a single person in this medicine does, not even a Shipibo shaman. The first thing we learn in ceremony is to have NO expectations, allow full ego dissolution, and fully surrender to her force. She chooses to show us what we are ready to see, exactly when we are ready to see it. NO two experiences are ever the same. Ever. That's why even lsd becomes boring, bc it becomes predictable. Sunday was the only time i have spent the entire ceremony enduring the pain of cleaning up my own ancestral line. She knew i was ready for this. She made that much clear to me. It was up to me to bring relief and peace for my lineage. Not any one else's. It was a very difficult ceremony, and I was exhausted at the end of it. That black vine kicked my ass. 6 full hours.
>>> Who makes the distinction to stop there?
She does, I was the one responsible for cleaning up my lineage bc none of my ancestors had ever entered this portal. It was up to me to bring relief and peace for my lineage. Not any one else's. It was a very difficult ceremony, and I was exhausted at the end of it. That black vine kicked my ass. 6 full hours. Going back further, cyanobacteria, fire ants, and opossums don't need my help. I'm assuming.
>>>Why do you think you "meet" the ancestors that you do and not others?
I'm not sure Alan. I was just the conduit , the empty vessel, for her to use to do the work. Also., I recently turned 59 and, honestly, i think she knew my physical limits. I've never been mistaken for Superman, and she's aware of that, so maybe that's all that i could handle.
>>>>>>Also, even is time is not linear, why not spend your tripping time learning something about the (perceived) "future" so you can help your decedents avoid trauma? Rather than heal past traumas?
Time is linear on this plane so that our limiited perceptions can understand and observe it. Remember, we have chosen a system , the vibrations (frequency) of the Cesium-137 atom , due to it's inherent stability, to measure time. Who said that's the only form of time? Besides Rolex?
This isn't tripping, it's travel. It's entering a portal and learning to see peoples traumas as energy and to help them to release those traumatic energies once and for all. That is the role of the shaman. Psychic abilities. I'm not sure that I've ever heard of Ayahuasca mediicine being about this. This medicine is about healing past traumas so that a person can move forward in this life in a healthy manner. Future traumas can be avoided when negative, habitual behavior has been broken, though patterns of old are shattered so that new patterns can emerge. The medicine is all about healing the here and now, so that a future with a positive outlook has the possibility of existing. Please remember that most people who come to this medicine have little to no hope for just tomorrow. Most of us coming in are / were severely broken. Myself included.
Ancestral work isn't an ongoing thing, as far as i know,
>>>>>Finally, how do you address the issue that your knowledge is induced by chemical concoctions? In the history of the universe, do you think that this the only means in which biological beings on our planet (or others) can enlightened? Seems kinda primitive if space-time traveling shamans permeate the soul-er systems?
Chemical concoctions are what Alexander Shulgin was a master at. Ancient plant concoctions are from ......where? Which laboratory? What is the address? 400 million years ago? This plant concoction is the only way to enter this portal. It is medicine in the truest sense of the word. I would bet the house that more humans have died i the past trying plant concoctions to heal in some manner and were unintentionally poisoned by it. Please check out the Cosmic folder to see pics of how some people in this world still live. Much like their ancestors. I highly respect these people. They're trying to heal people with their knowledge of these ancient plant concoctions. And they are very successful at it. The people who come to this medicine are sick and fucking tired of western pill pushers who serve Big Pharma.
No I don't think in the history of the universe this is the only method of enlightenment. This is a method of healing wounded human minds and hearts, first and foremost. Enlightenment can come from many things. Paying attention and Reading are two forms that come to mind. People putting down their phones and looking around is another. Exercise, meditation, etc. Personally, i quit smoking weed last December to clean up for the ceremonies. After 44 years, I like being clear headed. My diet is all plant based, and i walk around 2.5 miles daily up and down hills.
I have sat with well over 200 people so far, I have heard each one of their stories, and I have many of their phone numbers, bc when you go through a group ceremony, you're bonded. People become "real" with this medicine, and we see one another completely raw. When your ego is gone, it's a beautiful thing. We also see people of different religions, atheists, agnostics, and people who could be considered masters at meditation. People from all walks of life come to this medicine, and almost everyone is in some deep need for a sense of spiritual / psychic / emotional relief.
And this medicine, in the proper set and setting, do just that, regardless of age, race, gender. I feel very blessed to be able to have found a Curandero who takes this very seriously and has dedicated his life to this.. It's a very loving, caring space they hold, and i feel very blessed to be a part of it.
>>>>>Can't we be quantum-fluxed or something?
I trust Gene Roddenberry. Transporter Room, USS Enterprise , Star Trek
Yes, Alan ;)
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 08:43 pm
Has Star Trek never had
Has Star Trek never had portable force fields? Don't recall anyone beaming into a small force field in outer space.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: jazfish Jazfish
on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 08:56 pm
Joe. You have found it.
Joe. You have found it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Philzone Refugee Herbal Dave
on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 – 09:01 pm
Seeing my brain represented
Seeing my brain represented as an egg in a frying pan.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Alan R StoneSculptor
on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 – 12:15 am
Thanks for the thoughtful
Thanks for the thoughtful reply Joe and I will reread in the morning. I just came from a Stevie Wonder concert and am stuck on the Earthly plane. I'm sure I'll have some more questions for you.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: billionyearoldcarbon thegunkman
on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 – 01:58 am
I highly recommend watching
I highly recommend watching the "Plants" documentary narrated by David Attenborough. Changed my perception of this world, really.