Trump Bibles


So you may have heard that Oklahoma is mandating Bibles in every school.  But apparently not just any Bible will do.   Just Trump Bibles meet all the state criteria:

Self-defense by any means necessary.


fortunately, not all who teach in Oklahoma are interested in being told what to teach...



Asked if the district was providing the Bible, Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Ten Commandments to every teacher in every classroom, 36 said no, and five said yes. 13 left their own answers, including:

“We are a one-to-one technology district, so students have digital access to these and other documents as needed.”

“The resources listed are available or will be available in every classroom.”

“Clarification has been asked for from OSDE if state textbook funds are an approved expenditure for the aforementioned documents. No response to date.”

“It depends on what is required for the accreditation visits.”

“These materials as listed are available by a click of the ‘search’ bar on the internet, which makes them available in any classroom.”

The majority of the responses from those not supplying physical copies of the Bible and other documents in the classroom said their decisions were made according to state law, which says districts have the exclusive right to determine instructional materials.

The second most popular response was that physical copies of these materials were not necessary, as their classrooms have access to online materials. Other responses included: lacking the funds to purchase Bibles; concern that spending funds on religious material may violate the law; questions of appropriateness for non-history classrooms; following advice from district legal counsel and concerns about violating the separation of church and state.

Age old trick in writing Request for Proposals. Create a list of requirements that only one vendor can fill, if they are doing it for Bibles folks should start looking at all the state contracts in OK. Republicans have become the party of proud grifters. 

Here is another example that may actually help the Dems. Republicans out sourced their entire get out the vote ground operation to PAC's run by Charlie Kirk's Turning Point and a PAC run by Elon. It looks like they are flailing at actually doing the work but who cares since they have that sweet money in their pockets.

The level of stupid is mindbending.


"We're sending Bibles to El Salvador!"

What did they do with the Gideons?

Murican Karnage


And of course they were printed in China. 

The level of stupid is mindbending. <<<<<


This !  ^^^

When he goes to hell, the residents will question which one is the Devil. 

not stupid so much as fully tricked into cult of personality

1930s germany and shit

The level of stupid is mindbending.

the base level of stupidity required to look at the world around you, and then read the bible and decide that its real is mindblowing to begin with. then youve got all the trump stuff ON TOP. wild. 

Is there a package deal if you buy the bible, watch, shoes, coins and trading cards ?

Trumps Church of Grift

Are the shitty steaks and vodka still for sale?

I think it's pronouced Trump's "BeeBlays" but I could be wrong....