Hurricane Milton


Florida can't catch a break. At least those folks on the Gulf Coast haven't started replacing all that torn out drywall and other soaked building materials yet.



Shit. Good luck,Tim. 

Prayers indeed

Conspiracy theorists are going crazy with these hurricanes. We are apparently creating and steering them into areas where property needs to be seized for alternative interests 

>>>>Conspiracy theorists

A dear friend I consider normal and smart in the real world is a huge advocate for hurricane steering and chemtrails on facebook among other things

It wasn't until after Katrina that she started down that path.

MTG says dems control hurricanes.


Maybe they use those Jewish space lasers.

Milton just became at Cat 5.  

>>>>MTG says dems control hurricanes.


No one knows what controls her.


>>>Milton just became at Cat 5.  

That is not good -  up to today all the predictions were no stronger than a Cat 4. Really hoping that shear comes through as it turns north. They are still saying it will weaken to a Cat 3 by landfall, but that weakening if it happens means it will also become a much bigger hurricane. 

I will say it was interesting watching a series of planes leaving trails in one particular area while traveling yesterday. As it was a long ride you could see them progress into becoming actual clouds. Most of the planes changed direction and stopped emitting a trail for a while and then began again. 

People are acting like assholes in the stores and gas stations. Picked up lunch at Publix and a couple of old fucks were scrappin over toilet paper. Why has toilet paper become a disaster emergency supply item? If I was in such a dire jam to wipe my ass I can find about a 100 things to do the trick.

Dead show in Miami at the port o let in the early 80's, someone used a Budweiser can. 

175 mph winds, pressure down to 911 mb, and still strengthening.  Truly historic storm.

Will be down in Florida next week.  My folks are on the Atlantic side but their town is almost at sea level and really susceptible to flooding.  For example, Hurricane Nicole hit 150 miles south as a category 1 storm two years ago and parts of the town had some of the worst flooding in recent memory.  Anticipated storm surge will be higher this time as Milton crosses over into the Atlantic.   My sister and brother in law will stop by the parent's place to put sandbags around the little cottage out back (main house is up on supports a few extra feet).   My folks lose power easily so they are also making sure they have everything charged up with frozen bottles of water in the fridges.    

My partner's parents are over in Ft. Myers, but thankfully they are 20 miles inland and are on the airport's fortified power grid and didn't lose power at all during Ian.  By contrast, their friends have a $4 million house on the water on Sanibel Island which was gutted during Ian.  Neighbor's place was completely demolished.   We checked out the rebuilding process last time we were down there and apparently they paid for it all out of pocket because it was uninsured.  Imagine spending $1 million on repairs and just when they get it fixed up and put on the market, it happens again.

This is a really good forecast. He updates once a day and this was just updated.

I'm on my way up to NY to take care of my granddaughter and see Tedeschi/Trucks at the Cap. My flight is tomorrow morning at 10:30 from PBI. Hope this storm doesn't fuck up getting out and hope I have a home left when I return. More confident in the latter. 

180 mph winds and pressure down to 905 mb, making it one of the 10 strongest Atlantic basin hurricanes in recorded history.

<I will say it was interesting watching a series of planes leaving trails in one particular area while traveling yesterday. As it was a long ride you could see them progress into becoming actual clouds. Most of the planes changed direction and stopped emitting a trail for a while and then began again.>

what exactly is interesting here?  FFS  


Easy there trigger....It was interesting to see them turn into clouds over the course of several hours. Sorry I'm more easily amused than you.. Iim simple enough that I still enjoy clouds. You don't like it, move along and find something "headier"


"Under the right conditions contrails can persist for a prolonged period of time and sometimes evolve into a complete layer of cirrus."

Exactly! It's fascinating 

Cloud seeding  doesn't cause Hurricanes, Einstein 

Clearly..., if you follow the link there it states in the articles referenced "it was later shown that this hypothesis was incorrect. It was determined that most hurricanes do not contain enough supercooled water for cloud seeding to be effective."  So he's probably aware 

Or he's just a conspiracy quack, cause why else post that link? 

Well then he's not reading his link

> Cloud seeding  doesn't cause Hurricanes, Einstein

Of course, it doesn't. Under the right conditions, it just coaxes some water vapor to precipitate in a place it likely wouldn't have on its own, but that vapor has to be there in the first place.

As an aside, Kurt Vonnegut's older brother, Bernard, was one of two scientists working at the General Electric Research Laboratory in Schenectady who first developed cloud seeding.

It isn't anywhere near an exact science. Do it right and it dumps water in the Gulf. Mess up and it dumps twice as much water on Florida. The thing is we don't understand enough to know how to do it right. 

Of course when things go wrong no one wants to take responsibility and it probably didn't happen anyway.

Republicans also have a secret high tech controller to direct hurricanes...


Sending love to all our zoners in harm's way

Uber promo code "miltonrelief" if you need to evacuate.


I'm so sorry for you guys there going through this.

Sending all the best wishes possible from California.

Anyone heard from Earl or Betsy?

My nephew is going to school in Daytona Beach.  School's out through at least Friday, so he's driving up to Mississippi right now.  My cousin's daughter is in St. Pete.  She's going to ride it out.

Stay safe folks.

((((((((((((((((  Safe Passage to All  )))))))))))))))))))))

Milton the Monster

Yup - looks real bad.

Got a friend who lives 20 miles inland from Tampa. He hasn't had a big problem with the weather since he moved down there 8 years ago. His house is about 70 feet above sea level. Doesn't look like that's going to matter this time- gonna be bad.

He's evacuating - stuffed as many guitars in his van as possible. Hope his house survives.

Milton Meltdown. Buckle Up!!


Hatches are battened, good luck out there 

Hey, hey!

Similarly "battened down" as Joe, and riding it out.

'Bout to find out more of what life is throwin' out there starting tomorrow night.

Jaz- Betsy live in Orlando, which might wind up in the path, but would be slowed down some.

Back up to Cat 5 again after last night's eyewall replacement.  Bigger than it was before.



can you explain operation popeye 


let's go zoner




After explosive development, the Yucatan penisila helped sap the energy a bit, now it's headed back into open waters where it will strengthen again...    be prepared for an ass kicking!

In fake news, sounds like Democrats can control the weather...   which means republicans can't, so why should anyone vote for such an incompetent incapable party???  (LOL)

goes-16_2024282_2204_rgbstr_meso2 copy.jpg

was just giving brother jay 

chance to explain


after all, didn't he get one of allen's zoty's?


i digress 




Thanks for checking in ,Earl. Battened down tight vibes. Best wishes to Betsy.

Grifter's gonna grift. I'm guessing they're fundraising/profiteering off of this hoax they're peddling too 

We have the trifecta here, hard winds, heavy rain, and Thunder, nanananana, Thunder, nananananana, Thunder 

I think this is going to the panhandle again, 

Landfall is now forecast for Midnight in Sarasota as a Category 3.

Good luck.

Night time landfalls always unsettle me.  

Tornado outbreak ahead of the storm.  Many twisters are touching down around Lake Okeechobee.  Luckily, that area is sparsely populated, but another one just hit Ft. Myers and another through Matlacha.  Going to be a long next 24 hours.

"Spaghetti models" have the eye pointed at Sarasota right now. That puts it in the middle of Fabes and I- North gets the most wind, South gets the most water.

Sarasota is quite affluent, with gozillion dollar homes all over the Gulf and intracoastal (the whole coast for that matter) - total dollars in damage will be an all-timer, I believe.


Fun starts this evening, and I covet prayers from anyone so inclined. Almost guaranteed for huge power outages.

The tornado in Ft. Myers was close - maybe 3 miles away. 

i think this monster blows straight thru this hard right turn everyone is forecasting 

You are correct about a loooong 24 hours coming up around here.

Already gusting to 45 with a ton of rain... power outages have started in Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties (St. Pete and Tampa). 

Looking like the eye will make landfall south of Tampa Bay 



Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 2.07.20 PM copy.jpg keeping it in the offshore winds.


KTBW_0 copy.jpg

That will mean surge will be to the south right?

Correct Fishcane, Sarasota might be spared the worse of the storm surge too...  but Port Charlotte / Cape Coral, could get ugly!  



You are on your weather game, Noodler. Are you in Florida?

I'm grateful for every minute of power right now.

Fabes- holdin' up down south?

I'm in Oregon, but my first degree was in atmospheric sciences.


Milton makes landfall 

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 3.44.49 PM copy.jpg

We lost power 30 minutes ago 

some of the heaviest winds of the day are coming in now

Not much rain since this morning's first band

atmospheric sciences...

lost in the ozone again?


Good luck to all you Fla Zoners and family

The eye went directly over Sarasota, which had a 90mph gust...   points south will have to deal with the worst of the storm surge 

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 4.37.28 PM copy.jpg

THX Druba.

The roof of Tropicana Field just blew off.  Going to be a long long crazy crazy night.


That roof has robbed more home runs than I could ever count

like ~25 million in improvements

"In St. Petersburg, the impacts were historic.

More than 17 inches of rainfall fell at Albert Whitted Airport on Wednesday. Between 8 p.m. and 8:53 p.m., a whopping 5.09 inches of rain fell."

>>>>impacts were historic

Including a construction crane smacking into a downtown high rise.

Here's a question from a soft Californian from the suburbs. When a major storm like this hits, what happens to the alligators, snakes and other hideous creatures that live in & around Florida?

Do people end up with new pets?

Unimaginable stuff. Except the new pets, I can imagine them.

>and other hideous creatures that live in & around Florida?<

I think he's out campaigning.

Some palm branches broken in half, leaning trees, everything is good here. Waiting to hear from my daughter in Cape Coral. Will need to help get their boat back in the water and back to their house. They are on a Gulf Canal close to the main river so we took it out the other day because we were afraid it would rise too much and damage the boat lift. 

good morning for some bacon 

>>>>what happens to the alligators, snakes and other hideous creatures that live in & around Florida?

They do end up in people's houses sometimes after the storms.   My brother in law's sister lives on a lake outside of Deland and they have had problems with alligators and water moccasins getting in during floods.

My parents lost power last night and it still isn't back on, but otherwise made it through the storm ok.   We will see how long it takes to come back on.  Longest outage was after Michael and the power was out for a week.  Not surprisingly, downtown St. Augustine flooded again.  However, it didn't look as bad as Michael in 2016 or Nicole in 2022.  I imagine everything will be up and running by the time we get down there next week.  My mom says there are "lots of yard chores." 

When that tornado crossed the interstate along Alligator Alley, thought we might get a Gatornado.

>>>>what happens to the alligators, snakes and other hideous creatures that live in & around Florida?

This happens, but not just after storms. Just a Tuesday in FL

I'll be in St. Aug next week for the Revivalists.  Hoping everything up there is ok!  we got bad tornadoes here in Wellington  

Good to hear you folks did ok. 

Almost 18.5 inches in St. Pete, "once in 1,000 years."

That is, Until next year.....

Zoner updates (once a good Zoner, always a good Zoner)

Huck (Molly) and Mermaid (Beth) in Todd, NC, got electricity today - internet soon. Their house is up on a hill so it was okay and they've been able to get places via roads.

Betsy (I can't remember her PZ name, I think it had to do with music, she was in HepC Folder) is in Orlando, FL. She posted on Fb:

The winds were really whipping around 4:30 am. It looked like some trees may come down...but they stood their ground.
This morning I am grateful. The rain stayed out and the lights stayed on.

So those are two updates with good news.


>>>>>I'll be in St. Aug next week for the Revivalists.

We will be at that show too.  Plus the Jimi Hendrix thing the next night.  Helps that my folks' place is a 20 minute walk to the venue door to door.

Glad the amphitheater didn't get messed up, especially after what happened to Tropicana Field. 

>>>>we got bad tornadoes here in Wellington  

The widespread tornado outbreak was probably the craziest thing about this storm.  Second most tornadoes every recorded in a single day in one state.

Ken -

We just got ourselves a place that's about a 10-15 bike ride from the Amp.  Saw Black Crowes last week - freakin awesome.  We'll now be spending a lot of time up there and very excited about it.  Heard we lost some roof shingles last night and already called a roofer.

yeah - the tornadoes are scary.  Shutters won't protect you and very little warning  


East coast Stuart in Martin county

28 tornados

were fucked

trees in house, roof is caved in in Ted's room

dozens of flattened houses and lots of missing roofs

i have a couple of pics and videos if someone wants to post

i I can send via text

Wednesday Oct 9th 4-5pm is when all this went down

so sorry Tim.  those freakin tornadoes!  hope things get easier for you and your family 

Shit Tim.  That's fucked up.  Crazy how you were nowhere near the cone and you still got smashed.  

Hoping you get things fixed right and the insurance company doesn't try to screw you.

Tumbledown shack in Martin County, tornadoed so hard that the roof caved in.

That sucks Tim. Did you evacuate?   Vibes to you and yours.


So sorry, Tim. I hope everyone is okay, but it still sucks. Sending love and hoping for ease in dealing with the details. heart

Damn Tim, sorry to hear this. Hope you and family are at least safe and well. I was lucky enough to be up in NY taking care of granddaughter and seeing Tedeschi/Trucks last night. As one zoner to the next, if there's anything I can do to help when I get back to Florida next week please let me know. 

All secure at this time, even a lil ac in the bedroom

power in about a week or so

there was no evacuation here, this is where people evacuated to

The eye was about 400 miles from here, Bing Bang Boom all in a hour


I blame the liberals.

All trees are cut and stacked

charlie the roofer over and materials ordered

Dennis the GC has everything secure and sealed will be back with full crew on Monday

power was restored this morning

everything will be back to norm by Nov 1st

No insurance needed, all on my generosity to psychedelic adventures (except the electric part)

Ken D -

I thought the Revivalists were phenomenal live.  How'd you like the show?  How's was the Hendrix tribute show?  


Anyone here from Earl?


hope he is well

Revivalists were really good.  Everything you want in a rock band.  We had the whole upper rows pretty much to ourselves, especially after the rain rolled in.  Did you see the UFO?  Really wild, but turned out to be a Falcon 9 Space X rocket from Cape Canaveral.

Hendrix thing was good.  Two and a half hours of psychedelic blues rock played well.  Kenny Wayne Shepherd is a monster.  Never seen him before.

Did you get attacked by mosquitoes to and from the show.  Lots of  standing water all over the area, especially in the woods and swamp around the venue.  Never seen the water in the swamp so high and the mosquitoes are some of the worst I have ever experienced in St. Augustine proper.

At Hulaween now.  So many downed trees at the venue and along I-10 driving over this morning.

I was under the big tent so didn't see the rocket but heard about it from some folks the following night while out and about.  We pre gamed in the car so didn't have a mosquito issue thank goodness.  went back to the Amp Saturday morning for the Farmer's Market.  Fortunately no mosquitoes.

I bet the Hendrix show was awesome.

enjoy the Bob Weir Incident.  Got myself tix for the Parker down in Ft. Lauderdale.  1100 seat venue - heck yes 



Look for my son big Ted

Ted's all set up in the bird sanctuary by the by the bay house

they have a big green Big Daddy Flannagan Flag

he has everything in case you forgot something. Hint hint

he will be stoked to meet you

Will be on the lookout. 

If you find him during meal time it would probably be to your advantage