I came to absolutely love Phil's Donor Rap. For me it became an integral part of a Phil show, and it didn't matter that I'd heard it a hundred times, it was a special part of every show where Phil performed, and I was very disappointed the few times he didn't do it at the end of a show.
Such a special thing that we special few came to know.
Donate those organs folks. Otherwise they just go to waste.
Soon after I came to the Zone, Dave Maxwell(Skull Pipes) set me up with the folks at Donate Life, and asked Warren to let me table Mule's west coast shows. Warren got me into High Sierra and Mtn Jam. I tabled String Cheese, Ratdog, DSO, CSN&Y, others I am forgetting. Anyway, Phil never let us table his shows. He said Broken Chain had it covered. Which was OK. I got to really "enjoy" those shows.
I always thought how cosmically and perfectly fitting it is/ was for a band member of the Grateful Dead to have continued life thanks to the selfless act of a deceased stranger, and Phil, bless his heart, went on to show everyone what Grateful looked like.
Just beautiful
No more fitting way to honor Cody and Cody's family than that.
I remember some folks objecting on the old black screen when some clever Zoner referred to the donor rap as the Liver Left the Body Jam, but I thought it was funny as hell then, and still do now.
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Thank you, Cody!
Thank you, Cody!
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Can people with donated
Can people with donated organs also be organ donors?
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I came to absolutely love
I came to absolutely love Phil's Donor Rap. For me it became an integral part of a Phil show, and it didn't matter that I'd heard it a hundred times, it was a special part of every show where Phil performed, and I was very disappointed the few times he didn't do it at the end of a show.
Such a special thing that we special few came to know.
Donate those organs folks. Otherwise they just go to waste.
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Soon after I came to the Zone
Soon after I came to the Zone, Dave Maxwell(Skull Pipes) set me up with the folks at Donate Life, and asked Warren to let me table Mule's west coast shows. Warren got me into High Sierra and Mtn Jam. I tabled String Cheese, Ratdog, DSO, CSN&Y, others I am forgetting. Anyway, Phil never let us table his shows. He said Broken Chain had it covered. Which was OK. I got to really "enjoy" those shows.
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I was already signed up to be
I was already signed up to be an organ donor because of my Mother ages ago.
Phil's rap got me to become a regular blood donor, something I have been slacking on lately. Phil, this next pints for you!
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I always thought how
I always thought how cosmically and perfectly fitting it is/ was for a band member of the Grateful Dead to have continued life thanks to the selfless act of a deceased stranger, and Phil, bless his heart, went on to show everyone what Grateful looked like.
Just beautiful
No more fitting way to honor Cody and Cody's family than that.
Let there be songs
to fill the air
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I remember some folks
I remember some folks objecting on the old black screen when some clever Zoner referred to the donor rap as the Liver Left the Body Jam, but I thought it was funny as hell then, and still do now.
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I think that's just exactly
I think that's just exactly perfect, Mike. I don't remember seeing it.
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Great Thread JLP !Cody !
Great Thread JLP !
Cody !
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i used to interpret dance to
i used to interpret dance to the donor rap
turn to someone you love and who loves you, and tell them you wannabe
an organ donor
it's the simplest thing in the world
the is the second worst loss of my life
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I have it on my driver's
I have it on my driver's license but I may be beyond the sell-by.
Doc says my liver is fatty, my heart is blocky, and my eyes now have plastic in them.
I tried blood but itmakes me dizzy.
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Gordon Taylor posted a meme
Gordon Taylor posted a meme on fb. I couldn't grab the meme but this is the text.
(Somewhere in heaven)
“Hi Phil! So glad to finally meet you!”
“Cody?! CODY!!”
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loveit Mark
loveit Mark
there's so many pholks there with him
wherever that may be
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Can we get some more info on
Can we get some more info on Cody?