Bobby endorses Kamala

so the kids

they dance 

they shake their bones

good for Bobby

He pretty much endorsed her last night when he said something about a "a political thing" before busting out Man Smart, Women Smarter. 

it kinda feels like they stole the bernie SYF and just tweaked it a tiny bit for walz. actually, im pretty sure it is literally that. they gave the bernie stealie a haircut and named it tim walz. LMAO

nice Bobby!!!  big love for you 

Good on you Bobby, but powder blue is not your color bro!

"I've done my research"  

Um by breathing?  There is nothing to research....ugh.   This election is the craziest shit I've seen. 

Bob Weir is voting for Kamala? Stop the presses!

At least he lost most of his gut--now I need to do the same!

why she lost

She lost because half the people in this country are stupid fucking bullies, and 50% of them are meaner and dumber than that.

18-30 year old men (boys)

white, black and latino

dumb fuckin dudes with bigger ball than brains

they got what they wanted


You'd think the finsters would want a candidate who acts to protect and preserve the environment.

Latinas favored Trump by 10 percentage points.  The guy promising mass deportations of immigrants and gloating over dismantling Roe v. Wade.  

It's puzzling.

I'm getting a taller fence

like the one North Korea has

"I was afraid of a united Church;  it makes a mighty  power, the mightiest conceivable, and then when it by and by gets into selfish hands, as it is always bound to do, it means death to human liberty, and paralysis to human thought."

~ Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.

Build that wall BSS!


Didjas know that he sent in his own personal army to the Amish country to get them to vote for the first time ever against their own church to win PA because no chicks

Yeah, the fact that Puerto Rican men voted for him just shows that machismo beats democracy every time